### Before submitting an issue Please read this first https://github.com/billz/raspap-webgui/wiki/Reporting-issues. ### Subject of the issue Describe your issue here. ### Your environment * Raspberry Pi hardware (examples: Pi 3 Model B, Pi Zero W) * Raspbian version (examples: Buster Lite, Buster Desktop) * Followed the project prerequisites? (Y/N) * Checked the project FAQ? (Y/N) * RaspAP Quick Install or Manual setup? * Using default configuration? (Y/N) * Simultaneous AP and managed mode? (Y/N) * Onboard wireless chipset or external adapter? * Other software or services running with RaspAP? ### Steps to reproduce Tell us how to reproduce this issue. Provide as much detailed information as possible. ### Expected behavior Tell us what should happen. ### Actual behavior Tell us what you observed instead.