#!/bin/bash # # RaspAP Debug log generator # Author: @billz # Author URI: https://github.com/billz/ # License: GNU General Public License v3.0 # License URI: https://github.com/raspap/raspap-webgui/blob/master/LICENSE # # Typically used in an ajax call from the RaspAP UI, this utility may also # be invoked directly to generate a detailed system debug log. # # Usage: debuglog.sh [options] # # OPTIONS: # -w, --write Writes the debug log to /tmp (useful if sourced directly) # -i, --install Overrides the default RaspAP install location (/var/www/html) # # NOTE # Detailed system information is gathered for debugging and/or troubleshooting # purposes only. Passwords or other sensitive data are NOT included. # # You are not obligated to bundle the LICENSE file with your RaspAP projects as long # as you leave these references intact in the header comments of your source files. # Exit on error set -o errexit # Exit on error inside functions set -o errtrace # Turn on traces, disabled by default # set -o xtrace # Set defaults readonly RASPAP_DIR="/etc/raspap" readonly DNSMASQ_D_DIR="/etc/dnsmasq.d" readonly RASPAP_DHCDPCD="/etc/dhcpcd.conf" readonly RASPAP_HOSTAPD="$RASPAP_DIR/hostapd.ini" readonly RASPAP_PROVIDER="$RASPAP_DIR/provider.ini" readonly RASPAP_LOGPATH="/tmp" readonly RASPAP_LOGFILE="$RASPAP_LOGPATH/raspap_debug.log" readonly RASPAP_DEBUG_VERSION="1.0" readonly PREAMBLE=" 888888ba .d888888 888888ba 88 8b d8 88 88 8b a88aaaa8P' .d8888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. 88aaaaa88a a88aaaa8P 88 8b. 88 88 Y8ooooo. 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88. .88 88 88. .88 88 88 88 dP dP 88888P8 88888P 88Y888P 88 88 dP 88 dP Debug Log Generator $RASPAP_DEBUG_VERSION This process collects debug and troubleshooting information about your RaspAP installation. It is intended to assist users with a self-diagnosis of their installations, as well as provide useful information as a starting point for others to assist with troubleshooting. Debug log information contains the RaspAP version, current state and configuration of AP related services, relevant installed package versions, Linux kernel version and local networking configuration details. If you wish to share your debug info, paste the output to one of the following: https://pastebin.com/ https://paste.ubuntu.com/ Please do NOT paste the log in its entirety to RaspAP's discussions, issues or other support channels. Use one of the above links instead. DISCLAIMER: This log DOES contain details about your system, including networking settings. However, NO passwords or other sensitive data are included in the debug output. ========================================================================================" function _main() { _parse_params "$@" _initialize _output_preamble _generate_log } function _parse_params() { # default option values install_dir="/var/www/html" writelog=0 while :; do case "${1-}" in -w|--write) writelog=1 ;; -i|--install) install_dir="$2" shift ;; -*|--*) echo "Unknown option: $1" _usage exit 1 ;; *) break ;; esac shift done } function _generate_log() { _log_write "Debug log generation started at $(date)" _system_info _packages_info _raspap_info _usb_info _wpa_info _dnsmasq_info _interface_info _routing_info _iw_dev_info _iw_reg_info _systemd_info _log_write "RaspAP debug log generation complete." exit 0 } # Fetches hardware, OS, uptime & used memory function _system_info() { local model=$(tr -d '\0' < /proc/device-tree/model) local system_uptime=$(uptime | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{if ($7=="min") m=$6; else {if ($7~/^day/){if ($9=="min") {d=$6;m=$8} else {d=$6;h=$8;m=$9}} else {h=$6;m=$7}}} {print d+0,"days,",h+0,"hours,",m+0,"minutes"}') local free_mem=$(free -m | awk 'NR==2{ total=$2 ; used=$3 } END { print used/total*100}') _log_separator "System Info" _log_write "Hardware: ${model}" _log_write "Detected OS: ${DESC} ${LONG_BIT}-bit" _log_write "Kernel: ${KERNEL}" _log_write "System Uptime: ${system_uptime}" _log_write "Memory Usage: ${free_mem}%" } # Fetch installed package versions function _packages_info() { local php_version="Not present" local dnsmasq_version="Not present" local dhcpcd_version="Not present" local lighttpd_version="Not present" local vnstat_version="Not present" if [ -x "$(command -v php)" ]; then php_version=$(php -v | grep -oP "PHP \K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*") fi if [ -x "$(command -v dnsmasq)" ]; then dnsmasq_version=$(dnsmasq -v | grep -oP "Dnsmasq version \K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") fi if [ -x "$(command -v dhcpcd)" ]; then dhcpcd_version=$(dhcpcd --version | grep -oP '\d+\.\d+\.\d+') fi if [ -x "$(command -v dhcpcd)" ]; then lighttpd_version=$(lighttpd -v | grep -oP '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') fi if [ -x "$(command -v dhcpcd)" ]; then vnstat_version=$(vnstat -v | grep -oP "vnStat \K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+") fi _log_separator "Installed Packages" _log_write "PHP Version: ${php_version}" _log_write "Dnsmasq Version: ${dnsmasq_version}" _log_write "dhcpcd Version: ${dhcpcd_version}" _log_write "lighttpd Version: ${lighttpd_version}" _log_write "vnStat Version: ${vnstat_version}" } # Outputs installed RaspAP version & settings function _raspap_info() { local version="Not present" local hostapd_ini="Not present" local provider_ini="Not present" if [ -f ${install_dir}/includes/defaults.php ]; then version=$(grep "RASPI_VERSION" $install_dir/includes/defaults.php | awk -F"'" '{print $4}') fi if [ -f ${RASPAP_HOSTAPD} ]; then hostapd_ini=$(cat ${RASPAP_HOSTAPD}) fi if [ -f ${RASPAP_PROVIDER} ]; then provider_ini=$(cat ${RASPAP_PROVIDER}) fi _log_separator "RaspAP Install" _log_write "RaspAP Version: ${version}" _log_write "RaspAP Installation Directory: ${install_dir}" _log_write "RaspAP hostapd.ini contents:\n${hostapd_ini}" _log_write "RaspAP provider.ini: ${provider_ini}" } function _usb_info() { local stdout=$(lsusb) _log_separator "USB Devices" _log_write "${stdout}" } function _wpa_info() { local stdout=$(wpa_cli status) _log_separator "WPA Supplicant" _log_write "${stdout}" } # Iterates the contents of RaspAP's 090_*.conf files in dnsmasq.d function _dnsmasq_info() { local stdout=$(ls -h ${DNSMASQ_D_DIR}/090_*.conf) local contents _log_separator "Dnsmasq Contents" _log_write "${stdout}" IFS= # set IFS to empty if [ -d "${DNSMASQ_D_DIR}" ]; then for file in "${DNSMASQ_D_DIR}"/090_*.conf; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then contents+="\n$file contents:\n" contents+="$(cat $file)" contents="${contents}$\n" fi done _log_write $contents else _log_write "Not found: ${DNSMASQ_D_DIR}" fi } function _interface_info() { local stdout=$(ip a) _log_separator "Interfaces" _log_write "${stdout}" } function _iw_reg_info() { local stdout=$(iw reg get) _log_separator "IW Regulatory Info" _log_write "${stdout}" } function _iw_dev_info() { local stdout=$(iw dev) _log_separator "IW Device Info" _log_write "${stdout}" } function _routing_info() { local stdout=$(ip route) _log_separator "Routing Table" _log_write "${stdout}" } # Status of systemd services function _systemd_info() { local SYSTEMD_SERVICES=( "hostapd" "dnsmasq" "dhcpcd" "systemd-networkd" "wg-quick@wg0" "openvpn-client@client" "lighttpd") _log_separator "Systemd Services" for i in "${!SYSTEMD_SERVICES[@]}"; do _log_write "${SYSTEMD_SERVICES[$i]} status:" stdout=$(systemctl status "${SYSTEMD_SERVICES[$i]}" || echo "") _log_write "${stdout}\n" done } function _output_preamble() { _log_write "${PREAMBLE}\n" } # Fetches host Linux distribution details function _get_linux_distro() { if type lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # linuxbase.org OS=$(lsb_release -si) RELEASE=$(lsb_release -sr) CODENAME=$(lsb_release -sc) DESC=$(lsb_release -sd) LONG_BIT=$(getconf LONG_BIT) elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # freedesktop.org . /etc/os-release OS=$ID RELEASE=$VERSION_ID CODENAME=$VERSION_CODENAME DESC=$PRETTY_NAME else OS="Unsupported Linux distribution" fi KERNEL=$(uname -a) } function _initialize() { if [ -e "${RASPAP_LOGFILE}" ] && [ "${writelog}" = 1 ]; then rm "${RASPAP_LOGFILE}" fi _get_linux_distro } function _log_separator(){ local separator="" local msg="$1" local length=${#msg} _log_write "\n$1" for ((i=1; i<=length; i++)); do separator+="=" done _log_write $separator } function _log_write() { if [ "${writelog}" = 1 ]; then echo -e "${@}" | tee -a $RASPAP_LOGFILE else echo -e "${@}" fi } _main "$@"