addMessage('Language setting saved', 'success'); } } if (!RASPI_MONITOR_ENABLED) { if (isset($_POST['SaveServerSettings'])) { $good_input = true; // Validate server port if (isset($_POST['serverPort'])) { if (strlen($_POST['serverPort']) > 4 || !is_numeric($_POST['serverPort'])) { $status->addMessage('Invalid value for port number', 'danger'); $good_input = false; } else { $serverPort = escapeshellarg($_POST['serverPort']); } } // Validate server bind address $serverBind = escapeshellarg(''); if ($_POST['serverBind'] && $_POST['serverBind'] !== null ) { if (!filter_var($_POST['serverBind'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { $status->addMessage('Invalid value for bind address', 'danger'); $good_input = false; } else { $serverBind = escapeshellarg($_POST['serverBind']); } } // Validate log limit if (isset($_POST['logLimit'])) { if ( strlen($_POST['logLimit']) > 4 || !is_numeric($_POST['logLimit']) ) { $status->addMessage('Invalid value for log size limit', 'danger'); $good_input = false; } else { $_SESSION['log_limit'] = intval($_POST['logLimit']); $status->addMessage(sprintf(_('Changing log limit size to %s KB'), $_SESSION['log_limit']), 'info'); } } // Save settings if ($good_input) { exec("sudo /etc/raspap/lighttpd/ $serverPort $serverBind " .RASPI_LIGHTTPD_CONFIG. " ".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $return); foreach ($return as $line) { $status->addMessage($line, 'info'); } } } } if (isset($_POST['RestartLighttpd'])) { $status->addMessage('Restarting lighttpd in 3 seconds...', 'info'); exec('sudo /etc/raspap/lighttpd/ --restart'); } exec('cat '. RASPI_LIGHTTPD_CONFIG, $return); $conf = ParseConfig($return); $serverPort = $conf['server.port']; if (isset($conf['server.bind'])) { $serverBind = str_replace('"', '',$conf['server.bind']); } else { $serverBind = ''; } // define locales $arrLocales = getLocales(); // fetch system status variables $system = new \RaspAP\System\Sysinfo; $hostname = $system->hostname(); $uptime = $system->uptime(); $cores = $system->processorCount(); $os = $system->operatingSystem(); $kernel = $system->kernelVersion(); $systime = $system->systime(); $revision = $system->rpiRevision(); // memory use $memused = $system->usedMemory(); $memStatus = getMemStatus($memused); $memused_status = $memStatus['status']; $memused_led = $memStatus['led']; // cpu load $cpuload = $system->systemLoadPercentage(); $cpuload_status = getCPULoadStatus($cpuload); // cpu temp $cputemp = $system->systemTemperature(); $cpuStatus = getCPUTempStatus($cputemp); $cputemp_status = $cpuStatus['status']; $cputemp_led = $cpuStatus['led']; // theme options $themes = [ "default" => "RaspAP (default)", "hackernews" => "HackerNews", ]; $themeFiles = [ "default" => "custom.php", "hackernews" => "hackernews.css", ]; $selectedTheme = array_search($_COOKIE['theme'], $themeFiles); $extraFooterScripts[] = array('src'=>'dist/huebee/huebee.pkgd.min.js', 'defer'=>false); $extraFooterScripts[] = array('src'=>'app/js/huebee.js', 'defer'=>false); $logLimit = isset($_SESSION['log_limit']) ? $_SESSION['log_limit'] : RASPI_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT; $plugins = getUserPlugins(); $pluginsTable = getHTMLPluginsTable($plugins); echo renderTemplate("system", compact( "arrLocales", "status", "serverPort", "serverBind", "hostname", "uptime", "systime", "revision", "cores", "os", "kernel", "memused", "memused_status", "memused_led", "cpuload", "cpuload_status", "cputemp", "cputemp_status", "cputemp_led", "themes", "selectedTheme", "logLimit", "pluginsTable" )); } /** * Returns user plugin details from associated manifest.json files * * @return array $plugins */ function getUserPlugins() { $pluginInstaller = \RaspAP\Plugins\PluginInstaller::getInstance(); $installedPlugins = $pluginInstaller->getPlugins(); try { $submodules = getSubmodules(RASPI_PLUGINS_URL); $plugins = []; foreach ($submodules as $submodule) { $manifestUrl = $submodule['url'] .'/blob/master/manifest.json?raw=true'; $manifest = getPluginManifest($manifestUrl); if ($manifest) { $namespace = $manifest['namespace'] ?? ''; $installed = false; foreach ($installedPlugins as $plugin) { if (str_contains($plugin, $namespace)) { $installed = true; break; } } $plugins[] = [ 'version' => $manifest['version'] ?? 'unknown', 'name' => $manifest['name'] ?? 'unknown', 'description' => $manifest['description'] ?? 'No description provided', 'plugin_uri' => $manifest['plugin_uri'] ?? $submodule['url'], 'namespace' => $namespace, 'fa-icon' => $manifest['icon'] ?? 'fas fa-plug', 'installed' => $installed ]; } } return $plugins; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "An error occured: " .$e->getMessage(); } } /** * Returns git submodules for the specified repository * * @param string $repoURL * @return array $submodules */ function getSubmodules(string $repoUrl): array { $gitmodulesUrl = $repoUrl . '/refs/heads/master/.gitmodules'; $gitmodulesContent = file_get_contents($gitmodulesUrl); if ($gitmodulesContent === false) { throw new Exception('Unable to fetch .gitmodules file from the repository'); } $submodules = []; $lines = explode("\n", $gitmodulesContent); $currentSubmodule = []; foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (strpos($line, '[submodule "') === 0) { if (!empty($currentSubmodule)) { $submodules[] = $currentSubmodule; } $currentSubmodule = []; } elseif (strpos($line, 'path = ') === 0) { $currentSubmodule['path'] = substr($line, strlen('path = ')); } elseif (strpos($line, 'url = ') === 0) { $currentSubmodule['url'] = substr($line, strlen('url = ')); } } if (!empty($currentSubmodule)) { $submodules[] = $currentSubmodule; } return $submodules; } /** * Decodes a plugin's associated manifest JSON. * Returns an array of key-value pairs * * @param string $url * @return array $json */ function getPluginManifest(string $url): ?array { $options = [ 'http' => [ 'method' => 'GET', 'follow_location' => 1, ], ]; $context = stream_context_create($options); $content = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); if ($content === false) { return null; } $json = json_decode($content, true); if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { return null; } return $json; } /** * Returns a list of available plugins formatted as an HTML table * * @param array $plugins * @return string $html */ function getHTMLPluginsTable(array $plugins): string { $html = ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $installed = $plugin['installed']; if ($installed === true ) { $status = 'Installed'; } else { $status = ''; } $name = '' . htmlspecialchars($plugin['name']). ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; } $html .= '
' .$name. '' .htmlspecialchars($plugin['version']). '' .htmlspecialchars($plugin['description']). '' .$status. '
'; return $html; } function getMemStatus($memused): array { $memused_status = "primary"; $memused_led = ""; if ($memused > 90) { $memused_status = "danger"; $memused_led = "service-status-down"; } elseif ($memused > 75) { $memused_status = "warning"; $memused_led = "service-status-warn"; } elseif ($memused > 0) { $memused_status = "success"; $memused_led = "service-status-up"; } return [ 'status' => $memused_status, 'led' => $memused_led ]; } function getCPULoadStatus($cpuload): string { if ($cpuload > 90) { $status = "danger"; } elseif ($cpuload > 75) { $status = "warning"; } elseif ($cpuload >= 0) { $status = "success"; } return $status; } function getCPUTempStatus($cputemp): array { if ($cputemp > 70) { $cputemp_status = "danger"; $cputemp_led = "service-status-down"; } elseif ($cputemp > 50) { $cputemp_status = "warning"; $cputemp_led = "service-status-warn"; } else { $cputemp_status = "success"; $cputemp_led = "service-status-up"; } return [ 'status' => $cputemp_status, 'led' => $cputemp_led ]; }