#!/bin/bash # connect/disconnect Huawei mobile data stick in Hilink mode (e.g. E3372h) # ======================================================================== # - send xml formatted string via HTTP API to stick # - Requires session and verification token, which is obtained by an API call # # options: -l "user":"password" - login data - DOES NOT WORK YET # -h - host ip address # -p 1234 - PIN of SIM card # -c 0/1 - connect - set datamode off/on # required software: curl, base64 # # TODO: implement login into API - currently the login has to be disabled! # # zbchristian 2020 # obtain session and verification token function _SessToken() { SesTok=`sudo curl -s http://$host/api/webserver/SesTokInfo -m 5 2> /dev/null` if [ -z "$SesTok" ]; then exit; fi token=`echo $SesTok | sed -r 's/.*(.*)<\/TokInfo>.*/\1/'` sesinfo=`echo $SesTok | sed -r 's/.*(.*)<\/SesInfo>.*/\1/'` } function _login() { # ----------------------- THIS DOES NOT WORK ------------------------------------------ # login to web api _SessToken if [[ ! -z $user ]] && [[ ! -z $pw ]]; then # password encoding # type 3 : base64(pw) encoded # type 4 : base64(sha256sum(user + base64(sha256sum(pw)) + token)) pwtype3=$(echo $pw | base64 --wrap=0) hashedpw=$(echo -n "$pw" | sha256sum -b | cut -d " " -f1 | base64 --wrap=0) pwtype4=$(echo -n "$user$hashedpw$token" | sha256sum -b | cut -d " " -f1 | base64 --wrap=0) apiurl="api/user/login" xmldata="$user$pwtype44" # xmldata="$user$pwtype33" xtraopts="--dump-header /tmp/hilink_login_hdr.txt" _sendRequest # get updated session cookie sesinfo=$(grep "SessionID=" /tmp/hilink_login_hdr.txt | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d ';' -f1) token=$(grep "__RequestVerificationTokenone" /tmp/hilink_login_hdr.txt | cut -d ':' -f2) echo "Login Cookie $sesinfo" echo "Login Token $token" fi # ------------------------------ DO NOT USE THE LOGIN CODE ---------------------------------- } function _switchMobileData() { # switch mobile data on/off if [[ $datamode -ge 0 ]]; then xmldata="$datamode" apiurl="api/dialup/mobile-dataswitch" _sendRequest fi } function _enableSIM() { #SimState: #255 - no SIM, #256 - error CPIN, #257 - ready, #258 - PIN disabled, #259 - check PIN, #260 - PIN required, #261 - PUK required status=`curl -s http://$host/api/pin/status -m 10` state=`echo $status | sed -rn 's/.*(.*)<\/simstate>.*/\1/pi'` if [[ $state -eq 257 ]]; then echo "Hilink: SIM ready"|systemd-cat; return; fi if [[ $state -eq 260 ]]; then echo "Hilink: Set PIN"|systemd-cat; _setPIN; fi } function _setPIN() { if [[ ! -z $pin ]]; then xmldata="0$pin" apiurl="api/pin/operate" _sendRequest fi } function _sendRequest() { result="" if [[ -z $xmldata ]]; then return; fi result=`curl -s http://$host/$apiurl -m 10 \ -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \ -H "Cookie: $sesinfo" \ -H "__RequestVerificationToken: $token" \ -d "$xmldata" $xtraopts 2> /dev/null` xtraopts="" } # handle options host="" pin="" user="" pw="" datamode=-1 connect=-1 while getopts ":c:h:l:m:p:" opt; do case $opt in h) if [[ $OPTARG =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then host="$OPTARG"; fi ;; p) if [[ $OPTARG =~ ^[0-9]{4,8} ]]; then pin="$OPTARG"; fi ;; l) if [[ $OPTARG =~ ^[0-9a-zA-Z]*:.*$ ]]; then user=$(echo "$OPTARG" | cut -d':' -f1); pw=$(echo "$OPTARG" | cut -d':' -f2); fi ;; c) if [[ $OPTARG == "1" ]]; then datamode=1; else datamode=0; fi ;; esac done echo "Hilink: switch device at $host to mode $datamode" | systemd-cat # check if device is reachable avail=`timeout 0.5 ping -c 1 $host | sed -rn 's/.*time=.*/1/p'` if [[ -z $avail ]]; then echo "Hilink: no link to host" | systemd-cat exit fi token="" Sesinfo="" xmldata="" xtraopts="" result="" _SessToken _enableSIM _switchMobileData # check and perform enable/disable mobile data connection