/dev/null"); } } foreach ($rawdevs as $i => $dev) { $cl["device"][$i]["name"]=$dev; if (preg_match("/^(\w+)[0-9]$/",$dev,$nam) === 1) $nam=$nam[1]; else $nam="none"; if (($n = array_search($nam,$_SESSION["net-device-name-prefix"])) === false) $n = count($_SESSION["net-device-types"])-1; $ty = $_SESSION["net-device-types"][$n]; $cl["device"][$i]["type"]=$ty; unset($udevinfo); exec("udevadm info /sys/class/net/$dev 2> /dev/null",$udevinfo); if ( $nam == "ppp" && isset($devtty)) exec("udevadm info --name='$devtty' 2> /dev/null", $udevinfo); if(!empty($udevinfo) && is_array($udevinfo)) { $model = preg_only_match("/ID_MODEL_ENC=(.*)$/",$udevinfo); if(empty($model) || preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{4}$/",$model) === 1) { $model = preg_only_match("/ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=(.*)$/",$udevinfo); } $vendor = preg_only_match("/ID_VENDOR_ENC=(.*)$/",$udevinfo); if(empty($vendor) || preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{4}$/",$vendor) === 1) { $vendor = preg_only_match("/ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=(.*)$/",$udevinfo); } $driver = preg_only_match("/ID_NET_DRIVER=(.*)$/",$udevinfo); $vendorid = preg_only_match("/ID_VENDOR_ID=(.*)$/",$udevinfo); $productid = preg_only_match("/ID_MODEL_ID=(.*)$/",$udevinfo); } $cl["device"][$i]["model"] = preg_replace("/\\\\x20/"," ",$model); $cl["device"][$i]["vendor"] = preg_replace("/\\\\x20/"," ",$vendor); $cl["device"][$i]["vid"] = $vendorid; $cl["device"][$i]["pid"] = $productid; unset($mac); exec("cat /sys/class/net/$dev/address 2> /dev/null",$mac); $cl["device"][$i]["mac"] = empty($mac) ? "":$mac[0]; unset($ip); exec("ifconfig $dev 2> /dev/null",$ip); $cl["device"][$i]["ipaddress"] = preg_only_match("/.*inet ([0-9\.]+) .*/",$ip); switch($ty) { case "eth": unset($res); exec("ip link show $dev 2> /dev/null | grep -oP ' UP '",$res); if(empty($res) && empty($ipadd)) $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "n"; else $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "y"; break; case "wlan": unset($retiw); exec("iwconfig $dev 2> /dev/null | sed -rn 's/.*(mode:master).*/1/ip'",$retiw); $cl["device"][$i]["isAP"] = !empty($retiw); unset($retiw); exec("iw dev $dev link 2> /dev/null",$retiw); if(!$simple && !empty($ssid=preg_only_match("/.*SSID: ([\w ]*).*/",$retiw)) ) { $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "y"; $cl["device"][$i]["ssid"] = $ssid; $cl["device"][$i]["ap-mac"] = preg_only_match("/^Connected to ([0-9a-f\:]*).*$/",$retiw); $sig = preg_only_match("/.*signal: (.*)$/",$retiw); $val = preg_only_match("/^([0-9\.-]*).*$/",$sig); if (!is_numeric($val)) $val = -100; if( $val >= -50 ) $qual=100; else if( $val < -100) $qual=0; else $qual=round($val*2+200); $cl["device"][$i]["signal"] = "$sig (".$qual."%)"; $cl["device"][$i]["bitrate"] = preg_only_match("/.*bitrate: ([0-9\.]* \w*\/s).*$/",$retiw); $cl["device"][$i]["freq"] = preg_only_match("/.*freq: (.*)$/",$retiw); $cl["device"][$i]["ap-mac"] = preg_only_match("/^Connected to ([0-9a-f\:]*).*$/",$retiw); } else $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "n"; break; case "ppp": unset($res); exec("ip link show $dev 2> /dev/null | grep -oP '( UP | UNKNOWN)'",$res); if($simple) { if(empty($res)) { $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "n"; $cl["device"][$i]["signal"] = "-100 dB (0%)"; } else { $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "y"; $cl["device"][$i]["signal"] = "-0 dB (0%)"; } break; } if(empty($res) && empty($ipadd)) $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "n"; else $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "y"; unset($res); exec("$path/info_huawei.sh mode modem",$res); $cl["device"][$i]["mode"] = $res[0]; unset($res); exec("$path/info_huawei.sh device modem",$res); if( $res[0] != "none" ) $cl["device"][$i]["model"] = $res[0]; unset($res); exec("$path/info_huawei.sh signal modem",$res); $cl["device"][$i]["signal"] = $res[0]; unset($res); exec("$path/info_huawei.sh operator modem",$res); $cl["device"][$i]["operator"] = $res[0]; break; case "hilink": unset($res); // exec("ip link show $dev 2> /dev/null | grep -oP ' UP '",$res); exec("ifconfig -a | grep -i $dev -A 1 | grep -oP '(?<=inet )([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}'",$apiadd); $apiadd = !empty($apiadd) ? $apiadd[0]."1" : ""; unset($res); exec("$path/info_huawei.sh mode hilink $apiadd",$res); $cl["device"][$i]["mode"] = $res[0]; unset($res); exec("$path/info_huawei.sh device hilink $apiadd",$res); if( $res[0] != "none" ) $cl["device"][$i]["model"] = $res[0]; unset($res); exec("$path/info_huawei.sh signal hilink $apiadd",$res); $cl["device"][$i]["signal"] = $res[0]; unset($ipadd); exec("$path/info_huawei.sh ipaddress hilink $apiadd",$ipadd); if(!empty($ipadd) && $ipadd[0] !== "none" ) { $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "y"; $cl["device"][$i]["wan_ip"] = $ipadd[0]; } else { $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "n"; $cl["device"][$i]["wan_ip"] = "-"; } unset($res); exec("$path/info_huawei.sh operator hilink $apiadd",$res); $cl["device"][$i]["operator"] = $res[0]; break; case "phone": case "usb": $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] = "y"; break; default: } if (!isset($cl["device"][$i]["signal"])){ $cl["device"][$i]["signal"]= $cl["device"][$i]["connected"] == "n" ? "-100 dB (0%)": "0 dB (100%)";; } if (!isset($cl["device"][$i]["isAP"])) $cl["device"][$i]["isAP"]=false; } } return $cl; } function load_client_config() { // load network device config file for UDEV rules into $_SESSION if(true) { // if(!isset($_SESSION["udevrules"])) { $_SESSION["net-device-types"]=array(); $_SESSION["net-device-name-prefix"]=array(); try { $udevrules = file_get_contents(RASPI_CLIENT_CONFIG_PATH); $_SESSION["udevrules"] = json_decode($udevrules, true); // get device types foreach ($_SESSION["udevrules"]["network_devices"] as $dev) { $_SESSION["net-device-name-prefix"][]=$dev["name_prefix"]; $_SESSION["net-device-types"][]=$dev["type"]; $_SESSION["net-device-types-info"][]=$dev["type_info"]; } } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION["udevrules"]= NULL; } $_SESSION["net-device-types"][]="none"; $_SESSION["net-device-types-info"][]="unknown"; $_SESSION["net-device-name-prefix"][]="none"; } } function findCurrentClientIndex($clients) { $devid = -1; if(!empty($clients)) { $ncl=$clients["clients"]; if($ncl > 0) { $ty=-1; foreach($clients["device"] as $i => $dev) { if(($id=array_search($dev["type"],$_SESSION["net-device-types"])) > $ty && !$dev["isAP"]) { $ty=$id; $devid=$i; } } } } return $devid; } function waitClientConnected($dev, $timeout=10) { do { exec('ifconfig -a | grep -i '.$dev.' -A 1 | grep -oP "(?<=inet )([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}"',$res); $connected= !empty($res); if(!$connected) sleep(1); } while(!$connected && --$timeout > 0); return $connected; } function setClientState($state) { $clients=getClients(); if ( ($idx = findCurrentClientIndex($clients)) >= 0) { $dev = $clients["device"][$idx]; exec('ifconfig -a | grep -i '.$dev["name"].' -A 1 | grep -oP "(?<=inet )([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}"',$res); if ( !empty($res)) $connected=$res[0]; switch($dev["type"]) { case "wlan": if($state =="up") exec('sudo ip link set '.$dev["name"].' up'); if(!empty($connected) && $state =="down") exec('sudo ip link set '.$dev["name"].' down'); break; case "hilink": preg_match("/^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}/",$connected,$ipadd); $ipadd = $ipadd[0].'1'; // ip address of the Hilink api $mode = ($state == "up") ? 1 : 0; $pin=""; if (file_exists(($f = RASPI_CONFIG."/networking/mobiledata.ini"))) { $dat = parse_ini_file($f); $pin = (isset($dat["pin"]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/",$dat["pin"])) ? $dat["pin"] : ""; } exec('sudo '.RASPI_CLIENT_SCRIPT_PATH.'/onoff_huawei_hilink.sh -c '.$mode.' -h '.$ipadd.' -p '.$pin); break; case "ppp": if($state == "up") exec('sudo ifup '.$dev["name"]); if(!empty($connected) && $state == "down") exec('sudo ifdown '.$dev["name"]); break; default: break; } if($state=="up") waitClientConnected($dev["name"],15); } }