false, 'configured' => true, 'connected' => false); } elseif ($network !== null) { if (preg_match('/^\s*}\s*$/', $line)) { $networks[$ssid] = $network; $network = null; $ssid = null; } elseif ($lineArr = preg_split('/\s*=\s*/', trim($line))) { switch (strtolower($lineArr[0])) { case 'ssid': $ssid = trim($lineArr[1], '"'); break; case 'psk': if (array_key_exists('passphrase', $network)) { break; } case '#psk': $network['protocol'] = 'WPA'; case 'wep_key0': // Untested $network['passphrase'] = trim($lineArr[1], '"'); break; case 'key_mgmt': if (! array_key_exists('passphrase', $network) && $lineArr[1] === 'NONE') { $network['protocol'] = 'Open'; } break; case 'priority': $network['priority'] = trim($lineArr[1], '"'); break; } } } } } function nearbyWifiStations(&$networks, $cached = true) { $cacheTime = filemtime(RASPI_WPA_SUPPLICANT_CONFIG); $cacheKey = "nearby_wifi_stations_$cacheTime"; if ($cached == false) { deleteCache($cacheKey); } $scan_results = cache( $cacheKey, function () { exec('sudo wpa_cli -i ' . RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE . ' scan'); sleep(3); exec('sudo wpa_cli -i ' . RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE . ' scan_results', $stdout); array_shift($stdout); return implode("\n", $stdout); } ); // get the name of the AP - should be excluded von the nearby networks exec('cat '.RASPI_HOSTAPD_CONFIG.' | sed -rn "s/ssid=(.*)\s*$/\1/p" ',$ap_ssid); $ap_ssid = $ap_ssid[0]; foreach (explode("\n", $scan_results) as $network) { $arrNetwork = preg_split("/[\t]+/", $network); // split result into array if (!array_key_exists(4, $arrNetwork) || trim($arrNetwork[4]) == $ap_ssid) continue; $ssid = trim($arrNetwork[4]); // filter SSID string - anything invisable in 7bit ASCII or quotes -> ignore network if( preg_match('[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff\'\`\´\"]',$ssid)) continue; // If network is saved if (array_key_exists($ssid, $networks)) { $networks[$ssid]['visible'] = true; $networks[$ssid]['channel'] = ConvertToChannel($arrNetwork[1]); // TODO What if the security has changed? } else { $networks[$ssid] = array( 'configured' => false, 'protocol' => ConvertToSecurity($arrNetwork[3]), 'channel' => ConvertToChannel($arrNetwork[1]), 'passphrase' => '', 'visible' => true, 'connected' => false ); } // Save RSSI, if the current value is larger than the already stored if (array_key_exists(4, $arrNetwork) && array_key_exists($arrNetwork[4],$networks)) { if(! array_key_exists('RSSI',$networks[$arrNetwork[4]]) || $networks[$ssid]['RSSI'] < $arrNetwork[2]) $networks[$ssid]['RSSI'] = $arrNetwork[2]; } } } function connectedWifiStations(&$networks) { exec('iwconfig ' . RASPI_WIFI_CLIENT_INTERFACE, $iwconfig_return); foreach ($iwconfig_return as $line) { if (preg_match('/ESSID:\"([^"]+)\"/i', $line, $iwconfig_ssid)) { $networks[$iwconfig_ssid[1]]['connected'] = true; } } } function sortNetworksByRSSI(&$networks) { $valRSSI = array(); foreach ($networks as $SSID => $net) { if (!array_key_exists('RSSI',$net)) $net['RSSI'] = -1000; $valRSSI[$SSID] = $net['RSSI']; } $nets = $networks; arsort($valRSSI); $networks = array(); foreach ($valRSSI as $SSID => $RSSI) { $networks[$SSID] = $nets[$SSID]; $networks[$SSID]['RSSI'] = $RSSI; } }