<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <dt-example table-type="html-wide" table-class="display nowrap" order="5"> <css lib="datatables responsive" /> <js lib="jquery datatables responsive"> <![CDATA[ $.extend( $.fn.dataTable.defaults, { responsive: true } ); $(document).ready(function() { $('#example').DataTable(); } ); ]]> </js> <title lib="Responsive">Default initialisation</title> <info><![CDATA[ It can often be useful to be able to set a default value for DataTables' initialisation options, providing a common starting point for initialisation when working with multiple tables over many pages or even just on a single page. DataTables provides that ability through the `$.fn.dataTable.defaults` object which can have any of the [initialisation options](//datatables.net/reference/option) set. Extending that ability, Responsive can also be set to initialise by default, as shown in this example thorugh the `$.fn.dataTable.defaults.responsive` property. Extending that, [all of the Responsive options](//datatables.net/extensions/responsive/reference/option/) can also be set using this configuration option (i.e. use `responsive` as an object). ]]></info> </dt-example>