#!/bin/bash # Infosramtion about HUAWEI hilink (router) modem # ----------------------------------------------- # get info about the device and signal # parameter: $1 - see opts list below # $2 - host ip address for API calls (optional) # returns the value of the parameter, or "none" if not found or empty # # zbchristian 2020 opts=("device" "imei" "imsi" "telnumber" "ipaddress" "mode" "signal" "rssi" "rsrq" "rsrp" "sinr" "ecio" "operator") # xml tags to extract information from tags=("devicename" "imei" "imsi" "msisdn" "wanipaddress" "workmode" "rsrq" "rssi" "rsrq" "rsrp" "sinr" "ecio" "fullname") iurl=( 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2) # api urls urls=("api/device/information" "api/device/signal" "api/net/current-plmn") host="" if [ ! -z $2 ]; then host=$2; fi avail=`timeout 0.5 ping -c 1 $host | sed -rn 's/.*time=.*/1/p'` if [[ -z $avail ]]; then echo "none"; exit; fi idx=-1 opt=${opts[0]} if [ ! -z $1 ]; then opt=$1; fi for i in "${!opts[@]}"; do if [[ ${opts[$i]} == $opt ]]; then idx=$i; fi done if [[ $idx == -1 ]];then echo "none"; exit; fi par=${tags[$idx]} iu=${iurl[$idx]} url="http://$host/${urls[$iu]}" # echo "Found option $opt at index $idx - tag $par url $url " info="" if [ ! -z $url ]; then info=`curl -s $url`; fi result=`echo $info | sed -rn 's/.*<'"$par"'>(.*)<\/'"$par"'>.*/\1/pi'` if [ -z "$result" ]; then result="none"; fi echo $result