{ "info": "UDEV rules for different client types. $...$ expressions will be replaces automatically ($MAC$, $IDVENDOR$, $IDPRODUCT$, $DEVNAME$)", "udev_rules_file": "/etc/udev/rules.d/80-raspap-net-devices.rules", "script_path": "/usr/local/sbin", "network_devices": [ { "type": "eth", "type_info": "ethernet port", "clientid": 0, "comment": "standard ethernet port", "name_prefix": "eth", "udev_rule": "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", ATTR{address}==\"$MAC$\", NAME=\"$DEVNAME$\", ENV{raspapType}=\"eth\" " }, { "type": "usb", "type_info": "usb network interface", "clientid": 1, "comment": "network interface - e.g. USB tethering of an Android phone ", "name_prefix": "usb", "udev_rule": "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEMS==\"usb\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"$IDVENDOR$\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"$IDPRODUCT$\", NAME=\"$DEVNAME$\", ENV{raspapType}=\"eth\" " }, { "type": "wlan", "type_info": "wireless adapter", "clientid": 2, "comment": "standard wireless interface", "name_prefix": "wlan", "udev_rule": "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", ATTR{address}==\"$MAC$\", NAME=\"$DEVNAME$\", ENV{raspapType}=\"wlan\" " }, { "type": "ppp", "type_info": "mobile data modem", "clientid": 3, "name_prefix": "ppp", "comment": "recognized mobile data modems are automatically named as ppp0-9. Renaming is not possible. Dialin service relies on the name", "udev_rule": "SUBSYSTEM==\"tty\", KERNEL==\"ttyUSB0\", TAG+=\"systemd\", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}=\"start start_ppp0_device.service\" " }, { "type": "hilink", "type_info": "Huawei Hilink", "clientid": 4, "comment": "Huawei mobile data device in router mode. Control via HTTP", "name_prefix": "hilink", "default_ip": "", "udev_rule": "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEMS==\"usb\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"$IDVENDOR$\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"$IDPRODUCT$\", NAME=\"$DEVNAME$\", ENV{raspapType}=\"hilink\", TAG+=\"systemd\", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}=\"start start_huawei_hilink.service\" " }, { "type": "phone", "type_info": "USB tethered phone", "clientid": 5, "comment": "ethernet access provided by tethering from phone via USB", "name_prefix": "phone", "udev_rule": "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEMS==\"usb\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"$IDVENDOR$\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"$IDPRODUCT$\", NAME=\"$DEVNAME$\", ENV{raspapType}=\"phone\" " }, { "type": "tun", "type_info": "tunnel device", "clientid": -1, "comment": "tunneling device used by OpenVPN", "name_prefix": "tun" } ] }