raspap_dir="/etc/raspap" raspap_user="www-data" version=`sed 's/\..*//' /etc/debian_version` # Determine version and set default home location for lighttpd if [ $version -ge 8 ]; then version_msg="Raspian version 8.0 or later" webroot_dir="/var/www/html" else version_msg="Raspian version earlier than 8.0" webroot_dir="/var/www" fi # Outputs a RaspAP Install log line function install_log() { echo -e "\033[1;32mRaspAP Install: $*\033[m" } # Outputs a RaspAP Install Error log line and exits with status code 1 function install_error() { echo -e "\033[1;37;41mRaspAP Install Error: $*\033[m" exit 1 } # Outputs a welcome message function display_welcome() { raspberry='\033[0;35m' green='\033[1;32m' echo -e "${raspberry}\n" echo -e " 888888ba .d888888 888888ba" echo -e " 88 8b d8 88 88 8b" echo -e "a88aaaa8P' .d8888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. 88aaaaa88a a88aaaa8P" echo -e " 88 8b. 88 88 Y8ooooo. 88 88 88 88 88" echo -e " 88 88 88. .88 88 88. .88 88 88 88" echo -e " dP dP 88888P8 88888P 88Y888P 88 88 dP" echo -e " 88" echo -e " dP" echo -e "${green}" echo -e "The Quick Installer will guide you through a few easy steps\n\n" } ### NOTE: all the below functions are overloadable for system-specific installs ### NOTE: some of the below functions MUST be overloaded due to system-specific installs function config_installation() { install_log "Configure installation" echo "Detected ${version_msg}" echo "Install directory: ${raspap_dir}" echo "Lighttpd directory: ${webroot_dir}" echo -n "Complete installation with these values? [y/N]: " read answer if [[ $answer != "y" ]]; then echo "Installation aborted." exit 0 fi } # Runs a system software update to make sure we're using all fresh packages function update_system_packages() { # OVERLOAD THIS install_error "No function definition for update_system_packages" } # Installs additional dependencies using system package manager function install_dependencies() { # OVERLOAD THIS install_error "No function definition for install_dependencies" } # Enables PHP for lighttpd and restarts service for settings to take effect function enable_php_lighttpd() { install_log "Enabling PHP for lighttpd" sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php ERR=$? if [ $ERR -eq 2 ] then echo ' [already enabled]' elif [ $ERR -ne 0 ] then install_error "Cannot enable fastcgi-php for lighttpd" fi sudo /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart || install_error "Unable to restart lighttpd" } # Verifies existence and permissions of RaspAP directory function create_raspap_directories() { install_log "Creating RaspAP directories" if [ -d "$raspap_dir" ]; then sudo mv $raspap_dir "$raspap_dir.`date +%F-%R`" || install_error "Unable to move old '$raspap_dir' out of the way" fi sudo mkdir -p "$raspap_dir" || install_error "Unable to create directory '$raspap_dir'" # Create a directory for existing file backups. sudo mkdir -p "$raspap_dir/backups" sudo chown -R $raspap_user:$raspap_user "$raspap_dir" || install_error "Unable to change file ownership for '$raspap_dir'" } # Generate logging enable/disable files for hostapd function create_logging_scripts() { sudo mkdir /etc/raspap/hostapd sudo mv /var/www/html/installers/*log.sh /etc/rasp/hostapd } # Fetches latest files from github to webroot function download_latest_files() { if [ -d "$webroot_dir" ]; then sudo mv $webroot_dir "$webroot_dir.`date +%F-%R`" || install_error "Unable to remove old webroot directory" fi install_log "Cloning latest files from github" git clone https://github.com/billz/raspap-webgui /tmp/raspap-webgui || install_error "Unable to download files from github" sudo mv /tmp/raspap-webgui $webroot_dir || install_error "Unable to move raspap-webgui to web root" } # Sets files ownership in web root directory function change_file_ownership() { if [ ! -d "$webroot_dir" ]; then install_error "Web root directory doesn't exist" fi install_log "Changing file ownership in web root directory" sudo chown -R $raspap_user:$raspap_user "$webroot_dir" || install_error "Unable to change file ownership for '$webroot_dir'" } # Check for existing /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf files function check_for_old_configs() { if [ -f /etc/network/interfaces ]; then sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces "$raspap_dir/backups/interfaces.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/interfaces.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/interfaces" fi if [ -f /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf ]; then sudo cp /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf "$raspap_dir/backups/hostapd.conf.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/hostapd.conf.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/hostapd.conf" fi if [ -f /etc/dnsmasq.conf ]; then sudo cp /etc/dnsmasq.conf "$raspap_dir/backups/dnsmasq.conf.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/dnsmasq.conf.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/dnsmasq.conf" fi if [ -f /etc/dhcpcd.conf ]; then sudo cp /etc/dhcpcd.conf "$raspap_dir/backups/dhcpcd.conf.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/dhcpcd.conf.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/dhcpcd.conf" fi if [ -f /etc/rc.local ]; then sudo cp /etc/rc.local "$raspap_dir/backups/rc.local.`date +%F-%R`" sudo ln -sf "$raspap_dir/backups/rc.local.`date +%F-%R`" "$raspap_dir/backups/rc.local" fi } # Move configuration file to the correct location function move_config_file() { if [ ! -d "$raspap_dir" ]; then install_error "'$raspap_dir' directory doesn't exist" fi install_log "Moving configuration file to '$raspap_dir'" sudo mv "$webroot_dir"/raspap.php "$raspap_dir" || install_error "Unable to move files to '$raspap_dir'" sudo chown -R $raspap_user:$raspap_user "$raspap_dir" || install_error "Unable to change file ownership for '$raspap_dir'" } # Set up default configuration function default_configuration() { install_log "Setting up hostapd" if [ -f /etc/default/hostapd ]; then sudo mv /etc/default/hostapd /tmp/default_hostapd.old || install_error "Unable to remove old /etc/default/hostapd file" fi sudo mv $webroot_dir/config/default_hostapd /etc/default/hostapd || install_error "Unable to move hostapd defaults file" sudo mv $webroot_dir/config/hostapd.conf /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf || install_error "Unable to move hostapd configuration file" sudo mv $webroot_dir/config/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf || install_error "Unable to move dnsmasq configuration file" sudo mv $webroot_dir/config/dhcpcd.conf /etc/dhcpcd.conf || install_error "Unable to move dhcpcd configuration file" # Generate required lines for Rasp AP to place into rc.local file. # #RASPAP is for removal script lines=( 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward #RASPAP' 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE #RASPAP' ) for line in "${lines[@]}"; do if grep "$line" /etc/rc.local > /dev/null; then echo "$line: Line already added" else sed -i "s/exit 0/$line\nexit0/" /etc/rc.local echo "Adding line $line" fi done } # Add a single entry to the sudoers file function sudo_add() { sudo bash -c "echo \"www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:$1\" | (EDITOR=\"tee -a\" visudo)" \ || install_error "Unable to patch /etc/sudoers" } # Adds www-data user to the sudoers file with restrictions on what the user can execute function patch_system_files() { # Set commands array cmds=( '/sbin/ifdown wlan0' '/sbin/ifup wlan0' '/bin/cat /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf' '/bin/cp /tmp/wifidata /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf' '/sbin/wpa_cli scan_results' '/sbin/wpa_cli scan' '/sbin/wpa_cli reconfigure' '/bin/cp /tmp/hostapddata /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf' '/etc/init.d/hostapd start' '/etc/init.d/hostapd stop' '/etc/init.d/dnsmasq start' '/etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop' '/bin/cp /tmp/dhcpddata /etc/dnsmasq.conf' '/sbin/shutdown -h now' '/sbin/reboot' '/sbin/ip link set wlan0 down' '/sbin/ip link set wlan0 up' '/sbin/ip -s a f label wlan0' ) # Check if sudoers needs patchin if [ $(sudo grep -c www-data /etc/sudoers) -ne 15 ]; then # Sudoers file has incorrect number of commands. Wiping them out. install_log "Cleaning sudoers file" sudo sed -i '/www-data/d' /etc/sudoers install_log "Patching system sudoers file" # patch /etc/sudoers file for cmd in "${cmds[@]}"; do sudo_add $cmd done else install_log "Sudoers file already patched" fi } function install_complete() { install_log "Installation completed!" echo -n "The system needs to be rebooted as a final step. Reboot now? [y/N]: " read answer if [[ $answer != "y" ]]; then echo "Installation aborted." exit 0 fi sudo shutdown -r now || install_error "Unable to execute shutdown" } function install_raspap() { display_welcome config_installation update_system_packages install_dependencies enable_php_lighttpd create_raspap_directories check_for_old_configs download_latest_files change_file_ownership move_config_file default_configuration patch_system_files install_complete }