#!/bin/bash # When wireless client AP mode is enabled, this script handles starting up network services in a specific order and timing to avoid race conditions. # Todo: update /etc/rc.local script with /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/hostapdstart.sh to enable at system startup # Make sure services are not running echo "Stopping network services..." systemctl stop hostapd.service systemctl stop dnsmasq.service systemctl stop dhcpcd.service # Check that no uap0 interface exists echo "Removing uap0 interface..." iw dev uap0 del # Add uap0 interface echo "Adding uap0 interface..." iw dev wlan0 interface add uap0 type __ap # Modify iptables (todo: persist to /etc/rc.local as with default rules) echo "IPV4 forwarding: setting..." sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 echo "Editing IP tables..." iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE # Enable uap0 interface ifconfig uap0 up # Start hostapd, mitigating race condition echo "Starting hostapd service..." systemctl start hostapd.service sleep 5 # Start dhcpcd echo "Starting dhcpcd service..." systemctl start dhcpcd.service sleep 5 echo "Starting dnsmasq service..." systemctl start dnsmasq.service echo "hostapdstart DONE"