2021-07-03 23:03:14 +01:00

182 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File

require_once 'includes/status_messages.php';
require_once 'includes/config.php';
require_once 'includes/wifi_functions.php';
require_once 'app/lib/uploader.php';
* Manage OpenVPN configuration
function DisplayOpenVPNConfig()
$status = new StatusMessages();
if (isset($_POST['SaveOpenVPNSettings'])) {
if (isset($_POST['authUser'])) {
$authUser = strip_tags(trim($_POST['authUser']));
if (isset($_POST['authPassword'])) {
$authPassword = strip_tags(trim($_POST['authPassword']));
if (is_uploaded_file( $_FILES["customFile"]["tmp_name"])) {
$return = SaveOpenVPNConfig($status, $_FILES['customFile'], $authUser, $authPassword);
} elseif (isset($_POST['StartOpenVPN'])) {
$status->addMessage('Attempting to start OpenVPN', 'info');
exec('sudo /bin/systemctl start openvpn-client@client', $return);
exec('sudo /bin/systemctl enable openvpn-client@client', $return);
foreach ($return as $line) {
$status->addMessage($line, 'info');
} elseif (isset($_POST['StopOpenVPN'])) {
$status->addMessage('Attempting to stop OpenVPN', 'info');
exec('sudo /bin/systemctl stop openvpn-client@client', $return);
exec('sudo /bin/systemctl disable openvpn-client@client', $return);
foreach ($return as $line) {
$status->addMessage($line, 'info');
exec('pidof openvpn | wc -l', $openvpnstatus);
exec('wget https://ipinfo.io/ip -qO -', $return);
$serviceStatus = $openvpnstatus[0] == 0 ? "down" : "up";
$public_ip = $return[0];
// parse client auth credentials
if (!empty($auth)) {
$auth = array_filter($auth, 'filter_comments');
$authUser = current($auth);
$authPassword = next($auth);
$clients = preg_grep('/_client.(conf)$/', scandir(pathinfo(RASPI_OPENVPN_CLIENT_CONFIG, PATHINFO_DIRNAME)));
exec("readlink ".RASPI_OPENVPN_CLIENT_CONFIG." | xargs basename", $ret);
$conf_default = empty($ret) ? "none" : $ret[0];
$logEnable = 0;
if (!empty($_POST) && !isset($_POST['log-openvpn'])) {
$logOutput = "";
$f = @fopen("/tmp/openvpn.log", "r+");
if ($f !== false) {
ftruncate($f, 0);
} elseif (isset($_POST['log-openvpn']) || filesize('/tmp/openvpn.log') >0) {
$logEnable = 1;
exec("sudo /etc/raspap/openvpn/openvpnlog.sh", $logOutput);
$logOutput = file_get_contents('/tmp/openvpn.log');
echo renderTemplate(
"openvpn", compact(
/* File upload callback object
class validation {
public function check_name_length($object)
if (strlen($object->file['filename']) > 255) {
$object->set_error('File name is too long.');
* Validates uploaded .ovpn file, adds auth-user-pass and
* stores auth credentials in login.conf. Copies files from
* tmp to OpenVPN
* @param object $status
* @param object $file
* @param string $authUser
* @param string $authPassword
* @return object $status
function SaveOpenVPNConfig($status, $file, $authUser, $authPassword)
define('KB', 1024);
$tmp_destdir = '/tmp/';
$tmp_ovpnclient = $tmp_destdir .'ovpn/ovpnclient.ovpn';
$tmp_authdata = $tmp_destdir .'ovpn/authdata';
$auth_flag = 0;
try {
// If undefined or multiple files, treat as invalid
if (!isset($file['error']) || is_array($file['error'])) {
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid parameters');
$upload = Upload::factory('ovpn',$tmp_destdir);
$upload->set_allowed_mime_types(array('ovpn' => 'text/plain'));
$validation = new validation;
$upload->callbacks($validation, array('check_name_length'));
$results = $upload->upload();
if (!empty($results['errors'])) {
throw new RuntimeException($results['errors'][0]);
echo '<pre>' . var_export($results, true) . '</pre>';
// Good file upload, update auth credentials if present
if (!empty($authUser) && !empty($authPassword)) {
$auth_flag = 1;
$auth.= $authUser .PHP_EOL . $authPassword .PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents($tmp_authdata, $auth);
chmod($tmp_authdata, 0644);
$client_auth = RASPI_OPENVPN_CLIENT_PATH.pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME).'_login.conf';
system("sudo cp $tmp_authdata $client_auth", $return);
system("sudo rm ".RASPI_OPENVPN_CLIENT_LOGIN, $return);
system("sudo ln -s $client_auth ".RASPI_OPENVPN_CLIENT_LOGIN, $return);
if ($return !=0) {
$status->addMessage('Unable to save client auth credentials', 'danger');
// Set iptables rules and, optionally, auth-user-pass
exec("sudo /etc/raspap/openvpn/configauth.sh $tmp_ovpnclient $auth_flag " .$_SESSION['ap_interface'], $return);
foreach ($return as $line) {
$status->addMessage($line, 'info');
$client_ovpn = RASPI_OPENVPN_CLIENT_PATH.pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME).'_client.conf';
chmod($tmp_ovpnclient, 0644);
system("sudo cp $tmp_ovpnclient $client_ovpn", $return);
system("sudo rm ".RASPI_OPENVPN_CLIENT_CONFIG, $return);
system("sudo ln -s $client_ovpn ".RASPI_OPENVPN_CLIENT_CONFIG, $return);
if ($return ==0) {
$status->addMessage('OpenVPN client.conf uploaded successfully', 'info');
} else {
$status->addMessage('Unable to save OpenVPN client config', 'danger');
return $status;
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$status->addMessage($e->getMessage(), 'danger');
return $status;