mirror of
synced 2023-10-10 11:37:40 +00:00
Check if firmware image is compressed
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_rpi_version {} {
set revision_map(a32082) "rpi3"
set revision_map(1a01041) "rpi3"
set revision_map(a020d3) "rpi3"
set fp [open /proc/cpuinfo r]
set data [read $fp]
foreach d [split $data "\n"] {
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_partitions {{device ""}} {
} else {
set data [exec /sbin/fdisk -l]
set root_partuuid ""
set fd [open "/proc/cmdline" r]
set cmdline_data [read $fd]
@ -266,20 +266,20 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_partitions {{device ""}} {
#set fd [open /etc/mtab r]
#set mtab_data [read $fd]
#close $fd
set df_data [exec /bin/df -a -T]
foreach d [split $data "\n"] {
if {[regexp {Disk\s+(\S+):.*\s(\d+)\s+bytes} $d match dev size]} {
set partitions(${dev}::0::partition) 0
set partitions(${dev}::0::disk_device) $dev
set partitions(${dev}::0::model) ""
set partitions(${dev}::0::size) $size
set data2 ""
catch {set data2 [exec /usr/sbin/parted $dev unit B print]} data2
foreach d2 [split $data2 "\n"] {
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_partitions {{device ""}} {
set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_used) -1
set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_avail) -1
set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_usage) -1
foreach f [glob /dev/disk/by-partuuid/*] {
catch {
if { [file tail [file readlink $f]] == [file tail $part_dev] } {
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_partitions {{device ""}} {
set data3 [exec /sbin/blkid $part_dev]
foreach d3 [split $data3 "\n"] {
if {[regexp {LABEL="([^"]+)"} $d3 match lab]} {
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_partitions {{device ""}} {
set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_type) $type
#foreach d4 [split $mtab_data "\n"] {
# if { [regexp {^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+} $d4 match md mp] } {
# if {$md == $part_dev} {
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_partitions {{device ""}} {
# }
# }
# Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
# /dev/root ext4 991512 346288 577640 37% /
foreach d4 [split $df_data "\n"] {
@ -436,27 +436,33 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_cmdline {cmdline root} {
set fd [open $cmdline r]
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
regsub -all "root=\[a-zA-Z0-9\=/\-\]+ " $data "root=${root} " data
set fd [open $cmdline w]
puts $fd $data
close $fd
proc ::rmupdate::update_boot_scr {boot_scr root} {
set fd [open $boot_scr r]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set boot_script "/tmp/boot.script"
catch { exec /bin/dd if=$boot_scr of=$boot_script bs=72 skip=1 }
set fd [open $boot_script r]
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
regsub -all "setenv rootfs \[0-9\]" $data "setenv rootfs ${root}" data
regsub -all "setenv userfs \[0-9\]" $data "setenv userfs 4" data
set fd [open $boot_scr w]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set fd [open $boot_script w]
puts $fd $data
close $fd
exec /usr/bin/mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d $boot_script $boot_scr
file delete $boot_script
proc ::rmupdate::get_system_device {} {
@ -466,13 +472,15 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_system_device {} {
close $fd
foreach d [split $data "\n"] {
if { [regexp {root=PARTUUID=(\S+)} $d match partuuid] } {
set x [file readlink "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/${partuuid}"]
if { [regexp {(mmcblk.*)p\d} [file tail $x] match device] } {
set sys_dev "/dev/${device}"
return $sys_dev
} elseif { [regexp {(.*)\d} [file tail $x] match device] } {
set sys_dev "/dev/${device}"
return $sys_dev
catch {
set x [file readlink "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/${partuuid}"]
if { [regexp {(mmcblk.*)p\d} [file tail $x] match device] } {
set sys_dev "/dev/${device}"
return $sys_dev
} elseif { [regexp {(.*)\d} [file tail $x] match device] } {
set sys_dev "/dev/${device}"
return $sys_dev
@ -528,7 +536,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_fstab {fstab {boot ""} {root ""} {user ""}} {
append ndata "${d}\n"
close $fd
set fd [open $fstab w]
puts $fd $ndata
close $fd
@ -536,12 +544,12 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_fstab {fstab {boot ""} {root ""} {user ""}} {
proc ::rmupdate::mount_image_partition {image partition mountpoint} {
variable loop_dev
write_log 3 "Mounting parition ${partition} of image ${image}."
set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $image $partition]
write_log 4 "Partiton start=[lindex $p 0], size=[lindex $p 2]."
file mkdir $mountpoint
catch {exec /bin/umount "${mountpoint}"}
catch {exec /sbin/losetup -d $loop_dev}
@ -553,7 +561,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::mount_system_partition {partition mountpoint} {
set sys_dev [get_system_device]
set remount 1
set root_partition_number [get_current_root_partition_number]
if {$partition == 1} {
set partition "/boot"
} elseif {$partition == 2 || $partition == 3} {
@ -566,17 +574,17 @@ proc ::rmupdate::mount_system_partition {partition mountpoint} {
} elseif {$partition == 4} {
set partition "/usr/local"
if {$remount} {
write_log 3 "Remounting filesystem ${partition} (rw)."
} else {
write_log 3 "Mounting device ${partition} (rw)."
if {![file exists $mountpoint]} {
file mkdir $mountpoint
if {$remount} {
if {$partition != $mountpoint} {
exec /bin/mount -o bind $partition "${mountpoint}"
@ -612,26 +620,26 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_filesystem_size_and_usage {device_or_mountpoint} {
proc ::rmupdate::check_sizes {image} {
variable mnt_img
variable mnt_sys
write_install_log "Checking size of filesystems."
file mkdir $mnt_img
file mkdir $mnt_sys
foreach partition [list 1 2] {
mount_image_partition $image $partition $mnt_img
mount_system_partition $partition $mnt_sys
set su_new [get_filesystem_size_and_usage $mnt_img]
set new_used [lindex $su_new 1]
set su_cur [get_filesystem_size_and_usage $mnt_sys]
set cur_size [lindex $su_cur 0]
write_log 4 "Current filesystem (${partition}) size: ${cur_size}, new filesystem used bytes: ${new_used}."
umount $mnt_img
umount $mnt_sys
if { [expr {$new_used*1.05}] > $cur_size && [expr {$new_used+50*1024*1024}] >= $cur_size } {
#error "Current filesystem of partition $partition (${cur_size} bytes) not big enough (new usage: ${new_used} bytes)."
error [format [i18n "Current filesystem of partition %d (%d bytes) not big enough (new usage: %d bytes)."] $partition $cur_size $new_used]
@ -644,15 +652,15 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} {
variable log_level
variable mnt_img
variable mnt_sys
set sys_dev [get_system_device]
set root_partition_number [get_current_root_partition_number]
write_install_log "Updating filesystems."
file mkdir $mnt_img
file mkdir $mnt_sys
foreach img_partition [list 2 1] {
set sys_partition $img_partition
set mnt_s $mnt_sys
@ -663,10 +671,10 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} {
set mnt_s "/boot"
write_install_log "Updating system partition %s." $sys_partition
mount_image_partition $image $img_partition $mnt_img
mount_system_partition $sys_partition $mnt_s
if {$log_level >= 4} {
write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_img}"
write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_img}]
@ -694,7 +702,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} {
write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_s}"
write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_s}]
if {$img_partition == 1} {
write_install_log "Updating boot configuration."
if {!$dryrun} {
@ -712,7 +720,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} {
umount $mnt_img
umount $mnt_s
@ -720,14 +728,14 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} {
proc ::rmupdate::move_userfs_to_device {target_device {sync_data 0} {repartition 0}} {
variable mnt_sys
set current [get_current_firmware_version]
set versions [list $current ""]
set versions [lsort -decreasing -command compare_versions $versions]
if {[lindex $versions 0] != $current} {
# Old firmware needs udev patch
exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw /
set fd [open "/lib/udev/rules.d/usbmount.rules" "w"]
puts $fd {ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="bootfs|rootfs|rootfs1|rootfs2|userfs", GOTO="END"}
puts $fd {KERNEL=="sd*", DRIVERS=="sbp2", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/usr/share/usbmount/usbmount add"}
@ -737,31 +745,31 @@ proc ::rmupdate::move_userfs_to_device {target_device {sync_data 0} {repartition
puts $fd {KERNEL=="ub*", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/usr/share/usbmount/usbmount remove"}
puts $fd {LABEL="END"}
close $fd
exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro /
if {![file exists $target_device]} {
error [i18n "Target device does not exist."]
set target_partition_device ""
if {[get_disk_device $target_device] != $target_device} {
set target_partition_device $target_device
set target_device [get_disk_device $target_partition_device]
set repartition 0
set source_partition_device [get_mounted_device "/usr/local"]
set source_device [get_disk_device $source_partition_device]
if {$source_partition_device == "" || $source_device == ""} {
error [i18n "Failed to find source device for /usr/local."]
if {$source_device == $target_device} {
error [i18n "Source and target are the same device."]
if {$target_partition_device == ""} {
array set partitions [get_partitions $target_device]
set keys [array names partitions]
@ -797,7 +805,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::move_userfs_to_device {target_device {sync_data 0} {repartition
set target_partition_device [get_partition_device $target_device $partition_number]
if {$sync_data == 1} {
catch { exec /bin/umount $target_partition_device }
set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F -L userfs $target_partition_device } output]
@ -807,7 +815,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::move_userfs_to_device {target_device {sync_data 0} {repartition
# Write ReGaHSS state to disk
load tclrega.so
rega system.Save()
file mkdir $mnt_sys
exec /bin/mount $target_partition_device $mnt_sys
#set shell_script "cd /usr/local; tar -c . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)"
@ -818,42 +826,42 @@ proc ::rmupdate::move_userfs_to_device {target_device {sync_data 0} {repartition
error $output
catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L 0userfs $source_partition_device }
catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L userfs $target_partition_device }
proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device {activate_clone 0}} {
variable mnt_sys
if {![file exists $target_device]} {
error [i18n "Target device does not exist."]
set source_device [get_system_device]
if { $source_device == $target_device} {
error [i18n "Source and target are the same device."]
exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw /
exec /bin/sed -i s/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/ /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf
exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro /
file mkdir $mnt_sys
catch { exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 2] }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 3] }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 4] }
set data [exec /bin/mount]
foreach d [split $data "\n"] {
if {[regexp {$target_device} $d match]} {
error [i18n "Target is mounted."]
set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 1]
set start1 [lindex $p 0]
set end1 [lindex $p 1]
@ -865,7 +873,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device {activate_clone 0}} {
set end3 [lindex $p 1]
set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 4]
set start4 [lindex $p 0]
set exitcode [catch {
exec /usr/sbin/parted --script ${target_device} \
mklabel msdos \
@ -878,7 +886,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device {activate_clone 0}} {
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.vfat -F32 -n bootfs [get_partition_device $target_device 1] } output]
if { $exitcode != 0} {
error $output
@ -895,15 +903,15 @@ proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device {activate_clone 0}} {
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
set source_uuid [get_part_uuid $source_device 2]
set target_uuid [get_part_uuid $target_device 2]
#catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] }
#catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 2] }
#catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 3] }
#catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 4] }
exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] $mnt_sys
set shell_script "cd /boot; tar -c . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)"
set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output]
@ -915,7 +923,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device {activate_clone 0}} {
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
for {set p 2} {$p <= 3} {incr p} {
exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device $p] $mnt_sys
set shell_script "cd /; tar -c --exclude=boot/* --exclude=usr/local/* --exclude=tmp/* --exclude=proc/* --exclude=sys/* --exclude=run/* . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)"
@ -926,11 +934,11 @@ proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device {activate_clone 0}} {
error "$output $exitcode"
# Write ReGaHSS state to disk
load tclrega.so
rega system.Save()
exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 4] $mnt_sys
set shell_script "cd /usr/local; tar -c . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)"
set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output]
@ -938,18 +946,18 @@ proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device {activate_clone 0}} {
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
if {$activate_clone == 1} {
# Relabel ext4 filesystems
catch { exec tune2fs -L 0rootfs1 [get_partition_device $source_device 2] }
catch { exec tune2fs -L 0rootfs2 [get_partition_device $source_device 3] }
catch { exec tune2fs -L 0userfs [get_partition_device $source_device 4] }
# Recreate old boot fs with new label (util to relabel fat32 missing)
exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $source_device 1]
exec /sbin/mkfs.vfat -n 0bootfs [get_partition_device $source_device 1]
exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $source_device 1] /boot
exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] $mnt_sys
set shell_script "cd $mnt_sys; tar -c . | (cd /boot; tar -xv)"
set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output]
@ -957,11 +965,11 @@ proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device {activate_clone 0}} {
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
# Update boot config for cloned system
update_cmdline "/boot/cmdline.txt" "PARTUUID=${source_uuid}"
exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw /
exec /bin/sed -i s/ENABLED=0/ENABLED=1/ /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf
exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro /
@ -1017,7 +1025,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_version {} {
proc ::rmupdate::download_firmware {{download_url ""} {version ""}} {
variable img_dir
variable install_log
if {$version == ""} {
set image_file "${img_dir}/RaspberryMatic-${version}.img"
} else {
@ -1045,24 +1053,28 @@ proc ::rmupdate::download_firmware {{download_url ""} {version ""}} {
} else {
exec /usr/bin/wget "${download_url}" --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=$archive_file
write_install_log ""
write_install_log "Download completed."
write_install_log "Extracting firmware %s.\nThis process takes some minutes, please be patient..." [file tail $archive_file]
set data [exec /usr/bin/unzip -ql "${archive_file}" 2>/dev/null]
set img_file ""
foreach d [split $data "\n"] {
regexp {\s+(\S+\.img)\s*$} $d match img_file
if { $img_file != "" } {
if {[regexp {.*\.zip$} $archive_file match]} {
write_install_log "Extracting firmware %s.\nThis process takes some minutes, please be patient..." [file tail $archive_file]
set data [exec /usr/bin/unzip -ql "${archive_file}" 2>/dev/null]
set img_file ""
foreach d [split $data "\n"] {
regexp {\s+(\S+\.img)\s*$} $d match img_file
if { $img_file != "" } {
if { $img_file == "" } {
error [i18n "Failed to extract firmware image from archive."]
exec /usr/bin/unzip "${archive_file}" "${img_file}" -o -d "${img_dir}" 2>/dev/null
set img_file "${img_dir}/${img_file}"
} else {
set img_file $archive_file
if { $img_file == "" } {
error [i18n "Failed to extract firmware image from archive."]
exec /usr/bin/unzip "${archive_file}" "${img_file}" -o -d "${img_dir}" 2>/dev/null
set img_file "${img_dir}/${img_file}"
#puts "${img_file} ${image_file}"
if {$version == ""} {
set image_file $img_file
@ -1091,13 +1103,13 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_version_from_filename {filename} {
proc ::rmupdate::get_firmware_info {} {
variable release_url
variable support_file_url
set data [exec /usr/bin/wget "${support_file_url}" --no-check-certificate -q -O-]
if { ! [regexp {\"latest_supported_version\"\s*:\s*\"([^\"]+)\"} $data match latest_supported_version] } {
write_log 1 "Failed to get latest supported version from ${support_file_url}"
return "\[\]"
set current [get_current_firmware_version]
set versions [list $current]
foreach e [get_available_firmware_downloads] {
@ -1115,7 +1127,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_firmware_info {} {
set versions [lsort -decreasing -command compare_versions $versions]
set json "\["
set latest "true"
foreach v $versions {
@ -1145,9 +1157,9 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_firmware_info {} {
proc ::rmupdate::set_running_installation {installation_info} {
variable install_lock
variable install_log
write_log 4 "Set running installation: ${installation_info}"
foreach var {install_log install_lock} {
set var [set $var]
if {$var != ""} {
@ -1157,13 +1169,13 @@ proc ::rmupdate::set_running_installation {installation_info} {
if {$installation_info != ""} {
set fd [open $install_lock "w"]
puts $fd [pid]
puts $fd $installation_info
close $fd
if {[file exists $install_log]} {
write_log 4 "Deleting: ${install_log}"
file delete $install_log
@ -1175,23 +1187,23 @@ proc ::rmupdate::set_running_installation {installation_info} {
proc ::rmupdate::get_running_installation {} {
variable install_lock
if {! [file exists $install_lock]} {
return ""
set fp [open $install_lock "r"]
set data [read $fp]
close $fp
set tmp [split $data "\n"]
set lpid [string trim [lindex $tmp 0]]
set installation_info [string trim [lindex $tmp 1]]
if {[file exists "/proc/${lpid}"]} {
return $installation_info
write_log 4 "Deleting: ${install_lock}"
file delete $install_lock
return ""
@ -1214,7 +1226,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::install_firmware {{download_url ""} {version ""} {lang ""} {reb
if {! [is_system_upgradeable]} {
error [i18n "System not upgradeable."]
set firmware_image ""
if {$version == ""} {
set_running_installation "Firmware unknown"
@ -1228,29 +1240,29 @@ proc ::rmupdate::install_firmware {{download_url ""} {version ""} {lang ""} {reb
if {$firmware_image == ""} {
set firmware_image [download_firmware $download_url $version]
check_sizes $firmware_image
update_filesystems $firmware_image $dryrun
if {$version == ""} {
file delete $firmware_image
} elseif {!$keep_download && !$dryrun} {
file delete $firmware_image
set_running_installation ""
if {$reboot && !$dryrun} {
write_install_log "System will reboot now."
after 5000
if {$reboot && !$dryrun} {
exec /sbin/reboot
@ -1265,10 +1277,10 @@ proc ::rmupdate::install_latest_version {{reboot 1} {dryrun 0}} {
proc ::rmupdate::is_firmware_up_to_date {} {
set latest_version [get_latest_firmware_version]
write_install_log "Latest firmware version: %s" $latest_version
set current_version [get_current_firmware_version]
write_install_log "Installed firmware version: ${current_version}"
if {[compare_versions $current_version $latest_version] >= 0} {
return 1
@ -1401,7 +1413,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_addon_info {{fetch_available_version 0} {fetch_download_url
if {$as_json == 1} {
return [array_to_json [array get addons]]
} else {
@ -1411,48 +1423,48 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_addon_info {{fetch_available_version 0} {fetch_download_url
proc ::rmupdate::uninstall_addon {addon_id} {
variable rc_dir
if {[get_running_installation] != ""} {
error [i18n "Another install process is running."]
set_running_installation "Addon ${addon_id}"
write_log 3 "Uninstalling addon"
if { [catch {
exec "${rc_dir}/${addon_id}" uninstall
} errormsg] } {
write_log 2 "${rc_dir}/${addon_id} uninstall failed: ${errormsg}"
write_log 3 "Addon ${addon_id} successfully uninstalled"
set_running_installation ""
return [format [i18n "Addon %s successfully uninstalled."] $addon_id]
proc ::rmupdate::install_addon {{addon_id ""} {download_url ""}} {
variable rc_dir
if {[get_running_installation] != ""} {
error [i18n "Another install process is running."]
if {$addon_id != ""} {
array set addon [get_addon_info 1 1 0 $addon_id]
set download_url $addon(${addon_id}::download_url)
if {$download_url == ""} {
error [i18n "Download url missing."]
if {$addon_id == ""} {
set addon_id "unknown"
set_running_installation "Addon ${addon_id}"
set archive_file ""
regexp {^file://(.*)$} $download_url match archive_file
if { [info exists archive_file] && $archive_file != "" } {
@ -1465,17 +1477,17 @@ proc ::rmupdate::install_addon {{addon_id ""} {download_url ""}} {
exec /usr/bin/wget "${download_url}" --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=$archive_file
write_log 3 "Extracting archive ${archive_file}."
set tmp_dir "/tmp/rmupdate_addon_install_${addon_id}"
if {[file exists $tmp_dir]} {
file delete -force $tmp_dir
file mkdir $tmp_dir
cd $tmp_dir
exec /bin/tar xzvf "${archive_file}"
write_log 3 "Running update_script"
file attributes update_script -permissions 0755
if { [catch {
@ -1483,23 +1495,23 @@ proc ::rmupdate::install_addon {{addon_id ""} {download_url ""}} {
} errormsg] } {
write_log 2 "Addon update_script failed: ${errormsg}"
cd /tmp
file delete -force $tmp_dir
file delete $archive_file
write_log 3 "Restarting addon"
if { [catch {
exec "${rc_dir}/${addon_id}" restart
} errormsg] } {
write_log 2 "Addon restart failed: ${errormsg}"
write_log 3 "Addon ${addon_id} successfully installed"
set_running_installation ""
return [format [i18n "Addon %s successfully installed."] $addon_id]
@ -1535,7 +1547,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::wlan_scan {{as_json 0} {device "wlan0"}} {
set ssids(${cur_ssid}::ssid) $cur_ssid
set ssids(${cur_ssid}::signal) $cur_signal
if {$as_json == 1} {
return [array_to_json [array get ssids]]
} else {
@ -1570,7 +1582,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::wlan_connect {ssid {password ""}} {
puts $fd "\}"
close $fd
catch { exec /sbin/ifdown wlan0 }
catch { exec /sbin/ifup wlan0 }
@ -1580,7 +1592,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::wlan_disconnect {} {
puts $fd "ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant"
puts $fd "ap_scan=1"
close $fd
catch { exec /sbin/ifdown wlan0 }
catch { exec /sbin/ifup wlan0 }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user