mirror of
synced 2023-10-10 13:37:40 +02:00
Refactor, implement logging, begin implementation of addon handling
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
namespace eval rmupdate {
variable release_url "https://github.com/jens-maus/RaspberryMatic/releases"
variable addon_dir "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate"
variable rc_dir "/usr/local/etc/config/rc.d"
variable addons_www_dir "/usr/local/etc/config/addons/www"
variable img_dir "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/img"
variable mnt_sys "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/mnt_sys"
variable mnt_img "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/mnt_img"
@ -26,8 +28,24 @@ namespace eval rmupdate {
variable loop_dev "/dev/loop7"
variable install_log "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/install.log"
variable install_lock "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/install.lock"
variable log_file ""
variable debug 0
variable log_file "/tmp/rmupdate-addon-log.txt"
variable log_level 0
variable lock_start_port 12100
variable lock_socket
variable lock_id_log_file 1
proc json_string {str} {
set replace_map {
"\"" "\\\""
"\\" "\\\\"
"\b" "\\b"
"\f" "\\f"
"\n" "\\n"
"\r" "\\r"
"\t" "\\t"
return "[string map $replace_map $str]"
proc ::rmupdate::get_rpi_version {} {
@ -79,16 +97,48 @@ proc ::rmupdate::compare_versions {a b} {
return [package vcompare $a $b]
proc ::rmupdate::write_log {str} {
# error=1, warning=2, info=3, debug=4
proc ::rmupdate::write_log {lvl str {lock 1}} {
variable log_level
variable log_file
puts stderr $str
if {$log_file != ""} {
variable lock_id_log_file
if {$lvl <= $log_level && $log_file != ""} {
if {$lock == 1} {
acquire_lock $lock_id_log_file
set fd [open $log_file "a"]
puts $fd $str
set date [clock seconds]
set date [clock format $date -format {%Y-%m-%d %T}]
set process_id [pid]
puts $fd "\[${lvl}\] \[${date}\] \[${process_id}\] ${str}"
close $fd
#puts "\[${lvl}\] \[${date}\] \[${process_id}\] ${str}"
if {$lock == 1} {
release_lock $lock_id_log_file
proc ::rmupdate::read_log {} {
variable log_file
if { ![file exist $log_file] } {
return ""
set fp [open $log_file r]
set data [read $fp]
close $fp
return $data
proc ::rmupdate::write_install_log {str} {
variable install_log
write_log 4 $str
puts stderr $str
set fd [open $install_log "a"]
puts $fd $str
close $fd
proc ::rmupdate::read_install_log {} {
variable install_log
if { ![file exist $install_log] } {
@ -100,6 +150,37 @@ proc ::rmupdate::read_install_log {} {
return $data
proc ::rmupdate::acquire_lock {lock_id} {
variable lock_socket
variable lock_start_port
set port [expr { $lock_start_port + $lock_id }]
set tn 0
# 'socket already in use' error will be our lock detection mechanism
while {1} {
set tn [expr {$tn + 1}]
if { [catch {socket -server dummy_accept $port} sock] } {
if {$tn > 10} {
write_log 1 "Failed to acquire lock ${lock_id} after 2500ms, ignoring lock" 0
after 25
} else {
set lock_socket($lock_id) $sock
proc ::rmupdate::release_lock {lock_id} {
variable lock_socket
if {[info exists lock_socket($lock_id)]} {
if { [catch {close $lock_socket($lock_id)} errormsg] } {
write_log 1 "Error '${errormsg}' on closing socket for lock '${lock_id}'" 0
unset lock_socket($lock_id)
proc ::rmupdate::version {} {
variable addon_dir
set fp [open "${addon_dir}/VERSION" r]
@ -210,10 +291,10 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_fstab {fstab {boot ""} {root ""} {user ""}} {
proc ::rmupdate::mount_image_partition {image partition mountpoint} {
variable loop_dev
write_log "Mounting parition ${partition} of image ${image}."
write_install_log "Mounting parition ${partition} of image ${image}."
set p [get_partion_start_and_size $image $partition]
#write_log "Partiton start=[lindex $p 0], size=[lindex $p 1]."
write_log 4 "Partiton start=[lindex $p 0], size=[lindex $p 1]."
file mkdir $mountpoint
catch {exec /bin/umount "${mountpoint}"}
@ -241,9 +322,9 @@ proc ::rmupdate::mount_system_partition {partition mountpoint} {
if {$remount} {
write_log "Remounting filesystem ${partition} (rw)."
write_install_log "Remounting filesystem ${partition} (rw)."
} else {
write_log "Mounting device ${partition} (rw)."
write_install_log "Mounting device ${partition} (rw)."
if {![file exists $mountpoint]} {
@ -286,7 +367,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::check_sizes {image} {
variable mnt_img
variable mnt_sys
write_log "Checking size of filesystems."
write_install_log "Checking size of filesystems."
file mkdir $mnt_img
file mkdir $mnt_sys
@ -300,7 +381,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::check_sizes {image} {
set su_cur [get_filesystem_size_and_usage $mnt_sys]
set cur_size [lindex $su_cur 0]
write_log "Current filesystem (${partition}) size: ${cur_size}, new filesystem used bytes: ${new_used}."
write_install_log "Current filesystem (${partition}) size: ${cur_size}, new filesystem used bytes: ${new_used}."
umount $mnt_img
umount $mnt_sys
@ -309,18 +390,18 @@ proc ::rmupdate::check_sizes {image} {
error "Current filesystem of partition $partition (${cur_size} bytes) not big enough (new usage: ${new_used} bytes)."
write_log "Sizes of filesystems checked successfully."
write_install_log "Sizes of filesystems checked successfully."
proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} {
variable log_level
variable mnt_img
variable mnt_sys
variable sys_dev
variable debug
set root_partition [get_current_root_partition]
write_log "Updating filesystems."
write_install_log "Updating filesystems."
file mkdir $mnt_img
file mkdir $mnt_sys
@ -334,49 +415,41 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} {
if {$sys_partition == 1} {
set mnt_s "/boot"
write_log "Updating system partition ${sys_partition}."
write_install_log "Updating system partition ${sys_partition}."
mount_image_partition $image $img_partition $mnt_img
mount_system_partition $sys_partition $mnt_s
if {$debug} {
write_log "ls -la ${mnt_img}"
write_log [exec ls -la ${mnt_img}]
write_log "ls -la ${mnt_s}"
write_log [exec ls -la ${mnt_s}]
if {$log_level >= 4} {
write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_img}"
write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_img}]
write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_s}"
write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_s}]
write_log "Rsyncing filesystem of partition ${sys_partition}."
write_install_log "Rsyncing filesystem of partition ${sys_partition}."
if [catch {
set out ""
if {$dryrun} {
if {$debug} {
write_log "rsync --dry-run --progress --archive --delete ${mnt_img}/ ${mnt_s}"
write_log 4 "rsync --dry-run --progress --archive --delete ${mnt_img}/ ${mnt_s}"
set out [exec rsync --dry-run --progress --archive --delete ${mnt_img} ${mnt_s}]
} else {
if {$debug} {
write_log "rsync --progress --archive --delete ${mnt_img}/ ${mnt_s}"
write_log 4 "rsync --progress --archive --delete ${mnt_img}/ ${mnt_s}"
set out [exec rsync --progress --archive --delete ${mnt_img}/ ${mnt_s}]
if {$debug} {
write_log $out
write_log 4 $out
} err] {
if {$debug} {
write_log $err
write_log 4 $err
write_log "Rsync finished."
if {$debug} {
write_log "ls -la ${mnt_img}"
write_log [exec ls -la ${mnt_img}]
write_log "ls -la ${mnt_s}"
write_log [exec ls -la ${mnt_s}]
write_install_log "Rsync finished."
if {$log_level >= 4} {
write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_img}"
write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_img}]
write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_s}"
write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_s}]
if {$img_partition == 1} {
write_log "Update cmdline."
write_install_log "Update cmdline."
if {!$dryrun} {
set new_root_partition 2
if {$root_partition == 2} {
@ -416,7 +489,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_available_firmware_downloads {} {
#write_log $href
#write_log 4 $href
if {[string first "https://" $href] == -1} {
set href "https://github.com${href}"
@ -438,6 +511,8 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_version {} {
proc ::rmupdate::download_firmware {version} {
variable img_dir
variable log_file
variable install_log
set image_file "${img_dir}/RaspberryMatic-${version}.img"
set download_url ""
foreach e [get_available_firmware_downloads] {
@ -450,19 +525,19 @@ proc ::rmupdate::download_firmware {version} {
if {$download_url == ""} {
error "Failed to get url for firmware ${version}"
write_log "Downloading firmware from ${download_url}."
write_install_log "Downloading firmware from ${download_url}."
regexp {/([^/]+)$} $download_url match archive_file
set archive_file "${img_dir}/${archive_file}"
file mkdir $img_dir
if {$log_file != ""} {
exec /usr/bin/wget "${download_url}" --show-progress --progress=dot:giga --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=$archive_file 2>>${log_file}
write_log ""
exec /usr/bin/wget "${download_url}" --show-progress --progress=dot:giga --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=$archive_file 2>>${install_log}
write_install_log ""
} else {
exec /usr/bin/wget "${download_url}" --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=$archive_file
write_log "Download completed."
write_install_log "Download completed."
write_log "Extracting firmware ${archive_file}."
write_install_log "Extracting firmware ${archive_file}."
set data [exec /usr/bin/unzip -ql "${archive_file}" 2>/dev/null]
set img_file ""
foreach d [split $data "\n"] {
@ -540,44 +615,13 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_firmware_info {} {
return $json
proc ::rmupdate::install_process_running {} {
proc ::rmupdate::set_running_installation {installation_info} {
variable install_lock
if {! [file exists $install_lock]} {
return 0
set fp [open $install_lock "r"]
set lpid [string trim [read $fp]]
close $fp
if {[file exists "/proc/${lpid}"]} {
return 1
file delete $install_lock
return 0
proc ::rmupdate::delete_firmware_image {version} {
variable img_dir
eval {file delete [glob "${img_dir}/*${version}*.img"]}
catch { eval {file delete [glob "${img_dir}/*${version}*.zip"]} }
proc ::rmupdate::install_firmware_version {version {reboot 1} {dryrun 0}} {
if {[install_process_running]} {
error "Another install process is running."
if {! [is_system_upgradeable]} {
error "System not upgradeable."
variable install_lock
variable log_file
variable install_log
foreach var {install_lock log_file install_log} {
write_log 4 "Set running installation: ${installation_info}"
foreach var {install_log install_lock} {
set var [set $var]
if {$var != ""} {
set basedir [file dirname $var]
@ -587,12 +631,61 @@ proc ::rmupdate::install_firmware_version {version {reboot 1} {dryrun 0}} {
set fd [open $install_lock "w"]
puts $fd [pid]
close $fd
if {$installation_info != ""} {
set fd [open $install_lock "w"]
puts $fd [pid]
puts $fd $installation_info
close $fd
if {[file exists $install_log]} {
write_log 4 "Deleting: ${install_log}"
file delete $install_log
} elseif {[file exists $install_lock]} {
file delete $install_lock
proc ::rmupdate::get_running_installation {} {
variable install_lock
if {! [file exists $install_lock]} {
return ""
set fp [open $install_lock "r"]
set data [read $fp]
close $fp
set tmp [split $data "\n"]
set lpid [string trim [lindex $tmp 0]]
set installation_info [string trim [lindex $tmp 1]]
if {[file exists "/proc/${lpid}"]} {
return $installation_info
write_log 4 "Deleting: ${install_lock}"
file delete $install_lock
return ""
proc ::rmupdate::delete_firmware_image {version} {
variable img_dir
eval {file delete [glob "${img_dir}/*${version}*.img"]}
catch { eval {file delete [glob "${img_dir}/*${version}*.zip"]} }
proc ::rmupdate::install_firmware_version {version {reboot 1} {dryrun 0}} {
if {[get_running_installation] != ""} {
error "Another install process is running."
if {! [is_system_upgradeable]} {
error "System not upgradeable."
set_running_installation "Firmware ${version}"
file delete $install_log
set log_file $install_log
set firmware_image ""
foreach e [get_available_firmware_images] {
@ -609,14 +702,12 @@ proc ::rmupdate::install_firmware_version {version {reboot 1} {dryrun 0}} {
check_sizes $firmware_image
update_filesystems $firmware_image $dryrun
file delete $install_lock
set_running_installation ""
if {$reboot && !$dryrun} {
write_log "Rebooting system."
write_install_log "Rebooting system."
# Write success marker for web interface
after 5000
if {$reboot && !$dryrun} {
@ -631,10 +722,10 @@ proc ::rmupdate::install_latest_version {{reboot 1} {dryrun 0}} {
proc ::rmupdate::is_firmware_up_to_date {} {
set latest_version [get_latest_firmware_version]
write_log "Latest firmware version: ${latest_version}"
write_install_log "Latest firmware version: ${latest_version}"
set current_version [get_current_firmware_version]
write_log "Current firmware version: ${current_version}"
write_install_log "Current firmware version: ${current_version}"
if {[compare_versions $current_version $latest_version] >= 0} {
return 1
@ -642,6 +733,188 @@ proc ::rmupdate::is_firmware_up_to_date {} {
return 0
proc ::rmupdate::get_addon_info {{fetch_available_versions 0} {fetch_download_url 0} {as_json 0}} {
variable rc_dir
variable addons_www_dir
array set addons {}
foreach f [glob ${rc_dir}/*] {
catch {
set data [exec $f info]
set id [file tail $f]
set addons(${id}::id) $id
set addons(${id}::name) ""
set addons(${id}::version) ""
set addons(${id}::update) ""
set addons(${id}::config_url) ""
set addons(${id}::operations) ""
set addons(${id}::download_url) ""
foreach line [split $data "\n"] {
regexp {^(\S+)\s*:\s*(\S.*)\s*$} $line match key value
if { [info exists key] } {
set keyl [string tolower $key]
if {$keyl == "name" || $keyl == "version" || $keyl == "update" || $keyl == "config-url" || $keyl == "operations"} {
if {$keyl == "config-url"} {
set keyl "config_url"
set addons(${id}::${keyl}) $value
if {$keyl == "update" && $fetch_available_versions == 1} {
catch {
set cgi "${addons_www_dir}/[string range $value 8 end]"
set available_version [exec tclsh "$cgi"]
set addons(${id}::available_version) $available_version
unset key
if {$fetch_download_url == 1} {
write_log 3 "Fetching download urls"
foreach key [array names addons] {
set tmp [split $key "::"]
set addon_id [lindex $tmp 0]
set opt [lindex $tmp 2]
if {$opt == "update" && $addons($key) != ""} {
set available_version $addons(${addon_id}::available_version)
set url "http://localhost/$addons($key)?cmd=download&version=${available_version}"
catch {
write_log 4 "Get: ${url}"
set data [exec /usr/bin/wget "${url}" --quiet --output-document=-]
write_log 4 "Response: ${data}"
regexp {url=([^\s\"\']+)} $data match download_url
if { [info exists download_url] } {
write_log 4 "Extracted url from response: ${download_url}"
set data2 ""
catch {
set data2 [exec /usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --spider "${download_url}"]
} data2
if {$data2 != ""} {
regexp {Length:.*\[([^\]]+)\]} $data2 match content_type
if { [info exists content_type] } {
write_log 4 "Content type of ${download_url} is ${content_type}"
if {$content_type == "application/octet-stream"} {
write_log 3 "Download url for addon ${addon_id}: ${download_url}"
set addons(${addon_id}::download_url) $download_url
} else {
# Not a direct download link
set data3 [exec /usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=- "${download_url}"]
set best_prio 0
set best_href ""
regsub -all {\.} $available_version "\\." regex_version
set regex_version "\[^\\d\]\[\\.\\-\\_v\]${regex_version}\[\\.\\-\\_\]\[^\\d\]"
foreach d [split $data3 ">"] {
set href ""
regexp {<\s*a\s+href\s*=\s*"([^"]+\.tar.gz)"} $d match href
if { [info exists href] && $href != ""} {
set prio 0
if {$best_prio == 0} {
# First link on page
set prio [expr {$prio + 1}]
regexp $regex_version $href m v
if { [info exists m] } {
# version match
set prio [expr {$prio + 3}]
unset m
if {[string first "download" $href] > -1} {
set prio [expr {$prio + 2}]
if {[string first "ccurm" $href] > -1} {
set prio [expr {$prio + 2}]
if {$prio > $best_prio} {
set best_prio $prio
set best_href $href
write_log 4 "Href found: ${href} (prio=${prio})"
if {$best_href != ""} {
set tmp2 [split $download_url "/"]
if {[string first "http://" $best_href] == 0} {
# absolute link
} elseif {[string first "https://" $best_href] == 0} {
# absolute link
} elseif {[string first "/" $best_href] == 0} {
set best_href "[lindex $tmp2 0]//[lindex $tmp2 2]${best_href}"
} else {
set best_href "${download_url}/${best_href}"
write_log 3 "Download url for addon ${addon_id}: ${best_href}"
set addons(${addon_id}::download_url) $best_href
#if {$as_json == 1} {
# set json "\{"
# set keys [array names addons]
# set keys [lsort $keys]
# set cur_addon_id ""
# foreach key $keys {
# set tmp [split $key "::"]
# set addon_id [lindex $tmp 0]
# set opt [lindex $tmp 2]
# if {$cur_addon_id != $addon_id} {
# if {$cur_addon_id != ""} {
# set json [string range $json 0 end-1]
# append json "\},"
# }
# append json "\"${addon_id}\":\{"
# set cur_addon_id $addon_id
# }
# set val [json_string $addons($key)]
# append json "\"${opt}\":\"${val}\","
# }
# if {$cur_addon_id != ""} {
# set json [string range $json 0 end-1]
# append json "\}"
# }
# append json "\}"
# return $json
if {$as_json == 1} {
set json "\["
set keys [array names addons]
set keys [lsort $keys]
set cur_addon_id ""
foreach key $keys {
set tmp [split $key "::"]
set addon_id [lindex $tmp 0]
set opt [lindex $tmp 2]
if {$cur_addon_id != $addon_id} {
if {$cur_addon_id != ""} {
set json [string range $json 0 end-1]
append json "\},"
append json "\{"
set cur_addon_id $addon_id
set val [json_string $addons($key)]
append json "\"${opt}\":\"${val}\","
if {$cur_addon_id != ""} {
set json [string range $json 0 end-1]
append json "\}"
append json "\]"
return $json
} else {
return [array get addons]
#puts [rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_version]
#puts [rmupdate::get_firmware_info]
#puts [rmupdate::get_available_firmware_images]
@ -657,3 +930,5 @@ proc ::rmupdate::is_firmware_up_to_date {} {
#rmupdate::umount $rmupdate::mnt_sys
#puts [rmupdate::get_rpi_version]
#puts [rmupdate::get_part_uuid "/dev/mmcblk0p3"]
#puts [rmupdate::get_addon_info 1 1]
@ -22,33 +22,57 @@ source /usr/local/addons/rmupdate/lib/rmupdate.tcl
proc usage {} {
global argv0
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "usage: ${argv0} <command>"
puts stderr "usage: ${argv0} <module> <command>"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "possible commands:"
puts stderr " show_current : show current firmware version"
puts stderr " show_latest : show latest available firmware version"
puts stderr " install_latest : install latest available firmware version"
puts stderr " install <version> : install firmware VERSION"
puts stderr " firmware show_current : show current firmware version"
puts stderr " firmware show_latest : show latest available firmware version"
puts stderr " firmware install_latest : install latest available firmware version"
puts stderr " firmware install <version> : install firmware VERSION"
puts stderr " addons list : list installed addons and versions"
proc main {} {
global argc
global argv
set cmd [string tolower [lindex $argv 0]]
set mod [string tolower [lindex $argv 0]]
set cmd [string tolower [lindex $argv 1]]
if {$cmd == "show_current"} {
puts [rmupdate::get_current_firmware_version]
} elseif {$cmd == "show_latest"} {
puts [rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_version]
} elseif {$cmd == "install_latest"} {
rmupdate::install_firmware_version [rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_version]
} elseif {$cmd == "install"} {
if {$argc < 2} {
if {$mod == "firmware"} {
if {$cmd == "show_current"} {
puts [rmupdate::get_current_firmware_version]
} elseif {$cmd == "show_latest"} {
puts [rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_version]
} elseif {$cmd == "install_latest"} {
rmupdate::install_firmware_version [rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_version]
} elseif {$cmd == "install"} {
if {$argc < 2} {
exit 1
rmupdate::install_firmware_version [lindex $argv 1]
} else {
exit 1
} elseif {$mod == "addons"} {
if {$cmd == "list"} {
array set addons [rmupdate::get_addon_info]
set keys [array names addons]
set keys [lsort $keys]
foreach key $keys {
set tmp [split $key "::"]
set addon_id [lindex $tmp 0]
set opt [lindex $tmp 2]
if {$opt == "version"} {
puts "${addon_id}: $addons($key)"
} else {
exit 1
rmupdate::install_firmware_version [lindex $argv 1]
} else {
exit 1
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<title>RaspberryMatic Update Addon</title>
var message_timer_id = null;
var installation_running = "";
var running_installation = "";
var current_firmware = '?';
var latest_firmware = '?';
@ -83,27 +83,39 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
function installation_finished() {
if (installation_running) {
var version = installation_running;
$('[data-install-version="' + version + '"]').removeClass('loading');
installation_running = "";
msg = 'Firmware ' + version + ' successfully installed.'
function set_running_installation(installation_info) {
var firmware_regex = /firmware\s+(.*)/i;
if (running_installation && (!installation_info)) {
// Running installation finished
var match = firmware_regex.exec(running_installation);
if (match != null) {
var version = match[1];
$('[data-install-firmware-version="' + version + '"]').removeClass('loading');
msg = running_installation + ' successfully installed.'
display_message('success', msg, 6000000);
running_installation = installation_info;
if (running_installation) {
var match = firmware_regex.exec(running_installation);
if (match != null) {
var version = match[1];
$('[data-install-firmware-version="' + version + '"]').addClass('loading');
function update_install_log() {
rest("GET", "/get_running_installation", null, function(installation_info) {
rest("GET", "/read_install_log", null, function(data) {
var regex_success = /INSTALL_FIRMWARE_SUCCESS\n/g;
if (regex_success.test(data)) {
data = data.replace(regex_success, "");
$('#log-content').html(data.replace(/\n/g, '<br />'));
if (installation_running) {
if (running_installation) {
setTimeout(update_install_log, 1000);
@ -121,32 +133,27 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
function install_firmware(version) {
if (installation_running) {
return false;
installation_running = version;
$('[data-install-version="' + installation_running + '"]').addClass('loading');
var reboot = $('#reboot-after-install').is(':checked');
var dryrun = $('#dryrun').is(':checked');
display_message('info', 'Installing firmware ' + version + '.', 6000000);
rest("POST", "/start_install_firmware", JSON.stringify({"version":version, "reboot":reboot, "dryrun":dryrun}),
function(data) {
// We are not expecting a response
console.log("Firmware installation finished.")
function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
console.error("Firmware installation error.")
$('[data-install-version="' + installation_running + '"]').removeClass('loading');
if (installation_running) {
default_error_callback(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError);
installation_running = "";
if (!running_installation) {
var reboot = $('#reboot-after-install').is(':checked');
var dryrun = $('#dryrun').is(':checked');
display_message('info', 'Installing firmware ' + version + '.', 6000000);
rest("POST", "/start_install_firmware", JSON.stringify({"version":version, "reboot":reboot, "dryrun":dryrun}),
function(data) {
// We are not expecting a response
function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
console.error("Firmware installation error.")
$('[data-install-firmware-version="' + running_installation + '"]').removeClass('loading');
if (running_installation) {
default_error_callback(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError);
setTimeout(update_install_log, 1000);
@ -166,13 +173,13 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (fw.latest) color = 'green';
if (fw.installed) color = 'gray';
var disabled = (fw.image || fw.url ? '' : 'disabled');
var binstall = $('<div class="ui '+ color +' basic '+ disabled +' button">').attr('data-install-version', fw.version).append($('<i class="sign in icon">'), 'install');
var binstall = $('<div class="ui '+ color +' basic '+ disabled +' button">').attr('data-install-firmware-version', fw.version).append($('<i class="sign in icon">'), 'install');
binstall.click(function() {
var bcls = '';
if (!fw.image) bcls = 'disabled';
if (fw.version == installation_running) bcls = 'loading';
if (fw.version == running_installation) bcls = 'loading';
var bdelete = $('<div class="ui orange basic '+ bcls +' button">').attr('data-delete-version', fw.version).append($('<i class="delete icon">'), 'delete download');
bdelete.click(function() {
@ -204,6 +211,10 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
$('<div class="ui green basic button" style="margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:20px;">').click(install_latest_firmware).append($('<i class="sign in icon">'), 'Install latest firmware')
rest("GET", "/get_running_installation", null, function(installation_info) {
@ -216,6 +227,58 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
function get_addon_info() {
rest("GET", "/get_addon_info", null, function(data) {
$('#addon_info tbody').empty();
data.forEach(function(addon) {
//if (fw.latest) latest_firmware = fw.version;
//if (fw.installed) current_firmware = fw.version;
//var color = 'yellow';
//if (fw.latest) color = 'green';
//if (fw.installed) color = 'gray';
//var disabled = (fw.image || fw.url ? '' : 'disabled');
//var binstall = $('<div class="ui '+ color +' basic '+ disabled +' button">').attr('data-install-firmware-version', fw.version).append($('<i class="sign in icon">'), 'install');
//binstall.click(function() {
// install_firmware(this.getAttribute('data-install-firmware-version'));
//var bcls = '';
//if (!fw.image) bcls = 'disabled';
//if (fw.version == running_installation) bcls = 'loading';
//var bdelete = $('<div class="ui orange basic '+ bcls +' button">').attr('data-delete-version', fw.version).append($('<i class="delete icon">'), 'delete download');
//bdelete.click(function() {
// delete_firmware_image(this.getAttribute('data-delete-version'));
//var available = (fw.url ? 'checked=""' : '')
//var downloaded = (fw.image ? 'checked=""' : '')
//var cls = '';
//if (fw.installed) cls = ' class="warning"';
//if (fw.latest) cls = ' class="positive"';
var cls = ' class="positive"';
$("#addon_info tbody").append($('<tr' + cls + '>').append(
$('<td>').append($('<label>' + addon.name + '</label>')),
$('<td>').append($('<label>' + addon.version + '</label>')),
$('<td>').append($('<label>' + addon.available_version + '</label>')),
$('<td>').append($('<label>' + addon.download_url + '</label>'))
//var color = "#d01919";
//if (current_firmware == latest_firmware) {
// color = "#21BA45";
// $('<div class="sub header">').html('Current installed version: <span style="color:'+ color +'">' + current_firmware + '</span>'),
// $('<div class="sub header">').html('Latest available version: ' + latest_firmware)
//if (current_firmware != latest_firmware) {
// $("#firmware-summary").append(
// $('<div class="ui green basic button" style="margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:20px;">').click(install_latest_firmware).append($('<i class="sign in icon">'), 'Install latest firmware')
// );
$(document).ready(function() {
rest("GET", "/version", null, function(version) {
document.title = document.title + " " + version;
@ -229,17 +292,19 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<div style="padding-top: 5vw" class="ui container">
<div style="padding-top: 5vw; padding-bottom: 5vw" class="ui container">
<h1 class="ui header">RaspberryMatic Update</h1>
<div id="message" class="ui message hidden">
<h2 class="ui dividing header">System info</h2>
<div class="content" id="system-info">
<h2 class="ui dividing header">Firmwares</h2>
<div class="content" id="firmware-summary">
@ -255,6 +320,23 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<h2 class="ui dividing header">Addons</h2>
<table id="addon_info" class="ui celled stackable table">
<th class="center aligned">Available</th>
<th class="center aligned">Action</th>
<div class="ui checkbox">
<input id="dryrun" type="checkbox">
<label>Perform a trial run with no changes made</label>
@ -19,19 +19,6 @@
source /usr/local/addons/rmupdate/lib/rmupdate.tcl
proc json_string {str} {
set replace_map {
"\"" "\\\""
"\\" "\\\\"
"\b" "\\b"
"\f" "\\f"
"\n" "\\n"
"\r" "\\r"
"\t" "\\t"
return "[string map $replace_map $str]"
proc process {} {
global env
if { [info exists env(QUERY_STRING)] } {
@ -50,6 +37,8 @@ proc process {} {
} elseif {[lindex $path 1] == "get_system_info"} {
set root_partition [rmupdate::get_current_root_partition]
return "\{\"root_partition\":${root_partition}\}"
} elseif {[lindex $path 1] == "get_addon_info"} {
return [rmupdate::get_addon_info 1 1 1]
} elseif {[lindex $path 1] == "start_install_firmware"} {
regexp {\"version\"\s*:\s*\"([\d\.]+)\"} $data match version
regexp {\"reboot\"\s*:\s*(true|false)} $data match reboot
@ -88,6 +77,8 @@ proc process {} {
} else {
return "false"
} elseif {[lindex $path 1] == "get_running_installation"} {
return "\"[rmupdate::get_running_installation]\""
} elseif {[lindex $path 1] == "read_install_log"} {
variable content_type "text/html"
return [rmupdate::read_install_log]
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