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synced 2023-10-10 11:37:40 +00:00
Support other system devices than mmcblk0
This commit is contained in:
@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ proc ::rmupdate::get_partition_device {device partition} {
return "${device}${partition}"
proc ::rmupdate::get_partion_start_and_size {device partition} {
proc ::rmupdate::get_partion_start_end_and_size {device partition} {
set data [exec /usr/sbin/parted $device unit B print]
foreach d [split $data "\n"] {
regexp {^\s*(\d)\s+(\d+)B\s+(\d+)B\s+(\d+)B.*} $d match num start end size
if { [info exists num] && $num == $partition } {
return [list $start $size]
return [list $start $end $size]
error "Failed to get partition start and size of device ${device}, partition ${partition}."
@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ proc ::rmupdate::mount_image_partition {image partition mountpoint} {
write_log 3 "Mounting parition ${partition} of image ${image}."
set p [get_partion_start_and_size $image $partition]
write_log 4 "Partiton start=[lindex $p 0], size=[lindex $p 1]."
set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $image $partition]
write_log 4 "Partiton start=[lindex $p 0], size=[lindex $p 2]."
file mkdir $mountpoint
catch {exec /bin/umount "${mountpoint}"}
@ -564,6 +564,124 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} {
proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device} {
variable mnt_sys
set source_device [get_system_device]
if { $source_device == $target_device} {
error [i18n "Source and target are the same device."]
catch { exec /usr/bin/killall udevd}
catch { exec /sbin/udevd -d}
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 2] }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 3] }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 4] }
set data [exec /bin/mount]
foreach d [split $data "\n"] {
if {[regexp {$target_device} $d match]} {
error [i18n "Target is mounted."]
set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 1]
set start1 [lindex $p 0]
set end1 [lindex $p 1]
set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 2]
set start2 [lindex $p 0]
set end2 [lindex $p 1]
set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 3]
set start3 [lindex $p 0]
set end3 [lindex $p 1]
set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 4]
set start4 [lindex $p 0]
set exitcode [catch {
exec /usr/sbin/parted --script ${target_device} \
mklabel msdos \
mkpart primary fat32 ${start1}B ${end1}B \
set 1 boot on \
mkpart primary ext4 ${start2}B ${end2}B \
mkpart primary ext4 ${start3}B ${end3}B \
mkpart primary ext4 ${start4}B 100%
} output]
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.vfat -F32 -n bootfs [get_partition_device $target_device 1] } output]
if { $exitcode != 0} {
error $output
set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F -L rootfs1 [get_partition_device $target_device 2] } output]
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F -L rootfs2 [get_partition_device $target_device 3] } output]
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F -L userfs [get_partition_device $target_device 4] } output]
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
set source_uuid [get_part_uuid $source_device 2]
set target_uuid [get_part_uuid $target_device 2]
catch { exec /usr/bin/killall udevd}
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 2] }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 3] }
catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 4] }
file mkdir $mnt_sys
exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] $mnt_sys
set shell_script "cd /boot; tar -c . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)"
set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output]
if { $exitcode == 0} {
update_cmdline "${mnt_sys}/cmdline.txt" "PARTUUID=${target_uuid}"
exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 2] $mnt_sys
set shell_script "cd /; tar -c --exclude=boot/* --exclude=usr/local/* --exclude=tmp/* --exclude=proc/* --exclude=sys/* --exclude=run/* . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)"
set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output]
exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error "$output $exitcode"
exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 3] $mnt_sys
set shell_script "cd /; tar -c --exclude=boot/* --exclude=usr/local/* --exclude=tmp/* --exclude=proc/* --exclude=sys/* --exclude=run/* . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)"
set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output]
exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error "$output $exitcode"
# Write ReGaHSS state to disk
load tclrega.so
rega system.Save()
exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 4] $mnt_sys
set shell_script "cd /usr/local; tar -c . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)"
set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output]
exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys
if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } {
error $output
exec /sbin/udevd -d
proc ::rmupdate::get_current_firmware_version {} {
set fp [open "/boot/VERSION" r]
set data [read $fp]
@ -1152,7 +1270,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::wlan_disconnect {} {
#puts [rmupdate::is_firmware_up_to_date]
#puts [rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_download_url]
#rmupdate::check_sizes "/usr/local/addons/raspmatic-update/tmp/RaspberryMatic-"
#set res [rmupdate::get_partion_start_and_size "/dev/mmcblk0" 1]
#set res [rmupdate::get_partion_start_end_and_size "/dev/mmcblk0" 1]
#rmupdate::mount_image_partition "/usr/local/addons/raspmatic-update/tmp/RaspberryMatic-" 1 $rmupdate::mnt_img
#rmupdate::umount $rmupdate::mnt_img
#rmupdate::mount_system_partition "/boot" $rmupdate::mnt_sys
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