Implement session and login handling

This commit is contained in:
Jan Schneider 2018-07-28 02:05:05 +02:00
parent 34d35761ca
commit ee2956f7b4
1 changed files with 90 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -21,15 +21,99 @@
#set env(TCLLIBPATH) [list /www /usr/local/addons/rmupdate/lib]
#source once.tcl
#source session.tcl
source /usr/local/addons/rmupdate/lib/rmupdate.tcl
package require http
proc get_http_header {request header_name} {
upvar $request req
set header_name [string toupper $header_name]
array set meta $req(meta)
foreach header [array names meta] {
if {$header_name == [string toupper $header] } then {
return $meta($header)
return ""
proc get_session {sid} {
if {[regexp {@([0-9a-zA-Z]{10})@} $sid match sidnr]} {
return [lindex [rega_script "Write(system.GetSessionVarStr('$sidnr'));"] 1]
return ""
proc check_session {sid} {
if {[get_session $sid] != ""} {
# renew session
set url "$sid"
::http::cleanup [::http::geturl $url]
return 1
return 0
proc new_session {} {
set request [::http::geturl ""]
set location [get_http_header $request "location"]
::http::cleanup $request
if {![regexp {sid=@([0-9a-zA-Z]{10})@} $location match sid]} {
error "Too many sessions" "Service Unavailable" 503
return $sid
proc login {username password} {
set sid [new_session]
set request [::http::geturl "$sid@" -query [::http::formatQuery tbUsername $username tbPassword $password]]
set code [::http::code $request]
set location [get_http_header $request "location"]
::http::cleanup $request
if {[string first "500" $code] != -1} {
rega_script "system.ClearSessionID(\"$sid\");"
error "Invalid session" "Internal server error" 500
if {[string first "error" $location] != -1} {
rega_script "system.ClearSessionID(\"$sid\");"
error "Invalid username oder password" "Unauthorized" 401
return $sid
proc process {} {
global env
if { [info exists env(QUERY_STRING)] } {
set query $env(QUERY_STRING)
set path [split $query {/}]
set sid ""
set pairs [split $query "&"]
foreach pair $pairs {
if {[regexp "^(\[^=\]+)=(.*)$" $pair match varname value]} {
if {$varname == "sid"} {
set sid $value
} elseif {$varname == "path"} {
set path [split $value "/"]
set plen [expr [llength $path] - 1]
if {[lindex $path 1] == "login"} {
set data [read stdin $env(CONTENT_LENGTH)]
regexp {\"username\"\s*:\s*\"([^\"]*)\"} $data match username
regexp {\"password\"\s*:\s*\"([^\"]*)\"} $data match password
set sid [login $username $password]
return "\"${sid}\""
if {![check_session $sid]} {
error "Invalid session" "Unauthorized" 401
if {[lindex $path 1] == "install_addon_archive"} {
set archive_file "/tmp/uploaded_addon.tar.gz"
catch {fconfigure stdin -translation binary}
@ -48,7 +132,9 @@ proc process {} {
set data [read stdin $env(CONTENT_LENGTH)]
if {[lindex $path 1] == "version"} {
if {[lindex $path 1] == "get_session"} {
return "\"[get_session $sid]\""
} elseif {[lindex $path 1] == "version"} {
return "\"[rmupdate::version]\""
} elseif {[lindex $path 1] == "get_firmware_info"} {
return [rmupdate::get_firmware_info]
@ -151,14 +237,14 @@ proc process {} {
return [rmupdate::wlan_disconnect]
error "invalid request" "Not found" 404
error "Path not found" "Not found" 404
variable content_type "application/json"
if [catch {process} result] {
set status 500
if { [info exists $errorCode] } {
if { $errorCode != "NONE" } {
set status $errorCode
puts "Content-Type: ${content_type}"