mirror of https://github.com/j-a-n/raspberrymatic-addon-rmupdate.git synced 2023-10-10 11:37:40 +00:00

Enable firmware update with userfs on usb storage

This commit is contained in:
Jan Schneider 2018-05-31 13:28:31 +02:00
parent cc6de1c523
commit f6c527b9a5
2 changed files with 147 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -3,14 +3,8 @@
echo "Deleting update_script.<br />" 1>&2
mount -o remount,rw /userfs
rm -f "$0"
mount -o remount,ro /userfs
echo "Checking for rootfs2 on $DISK.<br />" 1>&2
function start_sshd() {
echo "Starting ssh daemon.<br />" 1>&2
@ -20,68 +14,86 @@ function start_sshd() {
/etc/init.d/S50sshd start
if blkid ${DISK}p3 | grep 'LABEL="rootfs2"' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Rootfs2 found.<br />" 1>&2
function repartition() {
echo "Checking for rootfs2 on $DISK.<br />" 1>&2
cp /bootfs/VERSION /tmp/bootfs.VERSION
umount /bootfs
umount /rootfs
echo "Current partition table:<br />" 1>&2
parted $DISK unit B print | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s#\n#<br />#g' 1>&2
boot_start=$(parted $DISK unit B print | grep '^ 1' | sed -n 's/ [1-4] *\([0-9]*\)B *\([0-9]*\)B.*/\1/p')
user_start=$(parted $DISK unit B print | grep '^ 4' | sed -n 's/ [1-4] *\([0-9]*\)B *\([0-9]*\)B.*/\1/p')
user_end=$(parted $DISK unit B print | grep '^ 4' | sed -n 's/ [1-4] *\([0-9]*\)B *\([0-9]*\)B.*/\2/p')
echo "Calculated new partition layout:<br />" 1>&2
echo " bootfs: $boot_start ($boot_start_s) - $boot_end - $boot_size_s<br />" 1>&2
echo " rootfs: $root_start ($root_start_s) - $root_end - $root_size_s<br />" 1>&2
echo " userfs: $user_start ($user_start_s) - $user_end - $user_size_s<br />" 1>&2
echo "Writing new partition table to disk.<br />" 1>&2
# parted will refuse to write partition table because partitions are mounted
#parted --script $DISK \
# mklabel msdos \
# mkpart primary fat32 ${boot_start}B ${boot_end}B \
# set 1 boot on \
# mkpart primary ext4 ${root_start}B ${root_end}B \
# mkpart primary ext4 ${user_start}B ${user_end}B
echo "$boot_start_s,$boot_size_s,0x0C,*"
echo "$root_start_s,$root_size_s,0x83"
echo "$user_start_s,$user_size_s,0x83"
} | sfdisk --no-reread --force --wipe=always --label=dos $DISK 2>&1 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s#\n#<br />#g' 1>&2
# Use dd to write label id
printf "\xde\xed\xbe\xef" | dd of=$DISK bs=1 count=4 seek=440
#echo "New partition table:<br />" 1>&2
#parted $DISK unit B print | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s#\n#<br />#g' 1>&2
# RaspberryMatic will check for label rootfs and VERSION file
mkfs.ext4 -L rootfs ${DISK}p2
mount ${DISK}p2 /rootfs
cp /tmp/bootfs.VERSION /rootfs/VERSION
umount /rootfs
if blkid ${DISK}p3 | grep 'LABEL="rootfs2"' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Rootfs2 found.<br />" 1>&2
cp /bootfs/VERSION /tmp/bootfs.VERSION
umount /bootfs
umount /rootfs
echo "Current partition table:<br />" 1>&2
parted $DISK unit B print | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s#\n#<br />#g' 1>&2
boot_start=$(parted $DISK unit B print | grep '^ 1' | sed -n 's/ [1-4] *\([0-9]*\)B *\([0-9]*\)B.*/\1/p')
user_start=$(parted $DISK unit B print | grep '^ 4' | sed -n 's/ [1-4] *\([0-9]*\)B *\([0-9]*\)B.*/\1/p')
user_end=$(parted $DISK unit B print | grep '^ 4' | sed -n 's/ [1-4] *\([0-9]*\)B *\([0-9]*\)B.*/\2/p')
echo "Calculated new partition layout:<br />" 1>&2
echo " bootfs: $boot_start ($boot_start_s) - $boot_end - $boot_size_s<br />" 1>&2
echo " rootfs: $root_start ($root_start_s) - $root_end - $root_size_s<br />" 1>&2
echo " userfs: $user_start ($user_start_s) - $user_end - $user_size_s<br />" 1>&2
echo "Writing new partition table to disk.<br />" 1>&2
# parted will refuse to write partition table because partitions are mounted
#parted --script $DISK \
# mklabel msdos \
# mkpart primary fat32 ${boot_start}B ${boot_end}B \
# set 1 boot on \
# mkpart primary ext4 ${root_start}B ${root_end}B \
# mkpart primary ext4 ${user_start}B ${user_end}B
echo "$boot_start_s,$boot_size_s,0x0C,*"
echo "$root_start_s,$root_size_s,0x83"
echo "$user_start_s,$user_size_s,0x83"
} | sfdisk --no-reread --force --wipe=always --label=dos $DISK 2>&1 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s#\n#<br />#g' 1>&2
# Use dd to write label id
printf "\xef\xbe\xed\xde" | dd of=$DISK bs=1 count=4 seek=440
#echo "New partition table:<br />" 1>&2
#parted $DISK unit B print | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s#\n#<br />#g' 1>&2
# RaspberryMatic will check for label rootfs and VERSION file
mkfs.ext4 -L rootfs ${DISK}p2
mount ${DISK}p2 /rootfs
cp /tmp/bootfs.VERSION /rootfs/VERSION
umount /rootfs
function relabel() {
user=$(readlink -f /dev/disk/by-label/userfs)
user0=$(readlink -f /dev/disk/by-label/0userfs)
tune2fs -L 0userfs $user
tune2fs -L userfs $user0
echo "Deleting update_script.<br />" 1>&2
mount -o remount,rw /userfs
rm -f "$0"
mount -o remount,ro /userfs
[ "$RELABEL" = "1" ] && relabel
[ "$REPARTITION" = "1" ] && repartition
echo "Running fwinstall.sh (again).<br />" 1>&2
rm -f /tmp/.runningFirmwareUpdate

View File

@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_cmdline {cmdline root} {
close $fd
proc ::rmupdate::update_boot_scr {boot_scr root} {
proc ::rmupdate::update_boot_scr {boot_scr rootfs userfs} {
set boot_script "/tmp/boot.script"
catch { exec /bin/dd if=$boot_scr of=$boot_script bs=72 skip=1 }
@ -478,8 +478,8 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_boot_scr {boot_scr root} {
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
regsub -all "setenv rootfs \[0-9\]" $data "setenv rootfs ${root}" data
regsub -all "setenv userfs \[0-9\]" $data "setenv userfs 4" data
regsub -all "setenv rootfs \[0-9\]" $data "setenv rootfs ${rootfs}" data
regsub -all "setenv userfs \[0-9\]" $data "setenv userfs ${userfs}" data
set fd [open $boot_script w]
puts -nonewline $fd $data
@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} {
set part_uuid [get_part_uuid $sys_dev $new_root_partition_number]
if {[file exists "${mnt_s}/boot.scr"]} {
update_boot_scr "${mnt_s}/boot.scr" $new_root_partition_number
update_boot_scr "${mnt_s}/boot.scr" $new_root_partition_number 4
} elseif {[file exists "${mnt_s}/extlinux/extlinux.conf"]} {
update_cmdline "${mnt_s}/extlinux/extlinux.conf" "PARTUUID=${part_uuid}"
} elseif {[file exists "${mnt_s}/cmdline.txt"]} {
@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::move_userfs_to_device {target_device {sync_data 0} {repartition
set target_partition_device [get_partition_device $target_device $partition_number]
if {$sync_data == 1} {
catch { exec /bin/umount $target_partition_device }
set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F -L userfs $target_partition_device } output]
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ proc ::rmupdate::move_userfs_to_device {target_device {sync_data 0} {repartition
error $output
catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L 0userfs $source_partition_device }
catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L userfs $target_partition_device }
@ -1301,27 +1301,78 @@ proc ::rmupdate::install_firmware {{download_url ""} {version ""} {lang ""} {reb
if {$use_recovery} {
# Use recovery system firmware update feature
write_install_log "Using recovery system to update firmware."
set tmp_dir "/usr/local/tmp"
catch { file mkdir $tmp_dir }
catch { file delete "${tmp_dir}/new_firmware.img" }
catch { file delete /usr/local/.firmwareUpdate }
set usr_local "/usr/local"
# Test if userfs is on the same device as bootfs
set boot_dev ""
set user_dev ""
set user_part ""
set user0_part ""
set use_user0 0
foreach d [split [exec /sbin/blkid] "\n"] {
if {[regexp {^(/dev.*)(\d):.*LABEL="([^"]+)"} $d match dev pnum lab]} {
if {$lab == "bootfs"} {
set boot_dev $dev
} elseif {$lab == "userfs"} {
set user_dev $dev
set user_part "${dev}${pnum}"
} elseif {$lab == "0userfs"} {
set user0_part "${dev}${pnum}"
if {!$dryrun} {
if {$boot_dev != "" && $user_dev != "" && $boot_dev != $user_dev} {
if {$user0_part == ""} {
error "userfs0 not found"
set usr_local "/tmp/mnt_user0"
set use_user0 1
if {[file exists $usr_local]} {
catch {exec /bin/umount "${usr_local}"}
} else {
file mkdir $usr_local
catch {exec /bin/mount $user0_part "${usr_local}"}
set tmp_dir "${usr_local}/tmp"
catch { file mkdir $tmp_dir }
catch { file delete "${tmp_dir}/new_firmware.img" }
catch { file delete "${usr_local}/.firmwareUpdate" }
if {$version == "" || $keep_download == 0} {
file rename -force $firmware_image "${tmp_dir}/new_firmware.img"
} else {
file copy -force $firmware_image "${tmp_dir}/new_firmware.img"
catch { exec ln -sf $tmp_dir /usr/local/.firmwareUpdate }
set fd [open "/usr/local/.recoveryMode" "w"]
catch { exec ln -sf "/usr/local/tmp" "${usr_local}/.firmwareUpdate" }
set fd [open "${usr_local}/.recoveryMode" "w"]
close $fd
file copy -force "${addon_dir}/firmware_update_script" "${tmp_dir}/update_script"
file attributes "${tmp_dir}/update_script" -permissions 0755
if { [get_filesystem_label $sys_dev 3] == "rootfs2" } {
file copy -force "${addon_dir}/update_script_repartition" "${tmp_dir}/update_script"
file attributes "${tmp_dir}/update_script" -permissions 0755
exec /bin/sed -i s/REPARTITION=0/REPARTITION=1/ "${tmp_dir}/update_script"
# Ensure correct partition number for userfs
exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw "/boot"
update_boot_scr "/boot/boot.scr" 2
update_boot_scr "/boot/boot.scr" 2 4
exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro "/boot"
#exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw "/boot"
#set fd [open "/boot/recoveryfs-sshpwd" "w"]
#puts -nonewline $fd "rmupdate"
#close $fd
#exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro "/boot"
if {$use_user0} {
exec /bin/sed -i s/RELABEL=0/RELABEL=1/ "${tmp_dir}/update_script"
exec /bin/umount "${usr_local}"
file delete $usr_local
catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L 0userfs $user_part }
catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L userfs $user0_part }
set reboot 1
} else {