# RaspMatic update addon # # Copyright (C) 2018 Jan Schneider # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # namespace eval rmupdate { variable support_file_url "https://github.com/j-a-n/raspberrymatic-addon-rmupdate/raw/master/support.json" variable raspi_fw_url "https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/raw/master" variable release_url "https://github.com/jens-maus/RaspberryMatic/releases" variable addon_dir "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate" variable rc_dir "/usr/local/etc/config/rc.d" variable addons_www_dir "/usr/local/etc/config/addons/www" variable img_dir "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/img" variable mnt_sys "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/mnt_sys" variable mnt_img "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/mnt_img" variable loop_dev "/dev/loop7" variable install_log "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/install.log" variable install_lock "/usr/local/addons/rmupdate/var/install.lock" variable log_file "/tmp/rmupdate-addon-log.txt" variable log_level 0 variable lock_start_port 12100 variable lock_socket variable lock_id_log_file 1 variable language "de" } proc json_string {str} { set replace_map { "\"" "\\\"" "\\" "\\\\" "\b" "\\b" "\f" "\\f" "\n" "\\n" "\r" "\\r" "\t" "\\t" } return "[string map $replace_map $str]" } proc array_to_json {a} { array set arr $a set json "\[" set keys [array names arr] set keys [lsort $keys] set cur_id "" foreach key $keys { regexp {^(.+)::([^:]+)$} $key match id opt if {$cur_id != $id} { if {$cur_id != ""} { set json [string range $json 0 end-1] append json "\}," } append json "\{" set cur_id $id } set val [json_string $arr($key)] append json "\"${opt}\":\"${val}\"," } if {$cur_id != ""} { set json [string range $json 0 end-1] append json "\}" } append json "\]" return $json } proc ::rmupdate::i18n {str} { variable language if {$language == "de"} { if {$str == "Checking size of filesystems."} { return "Überprüfe Größe der Dateisysteme." } if {$str == "Current filesystem of partition %d (%d bytes) not big enough (new usage: %d bytes)."} { return "Aktuelles Dateisystem der Partition %d (%d Bytes) nicht groß genug (neue Belegung: %d bytes)." } if {$str == "Updating filesystems."} { return "Aktualisiere Dateisysteme." } if {$str == "Updating system partition %s."} { return "Aktualisiere System-Partition %s." } if {$str == "Updating boot configuration."} { return "Aktualisiere Boot-Konfiguration." } if {$str == "Downloading firmware from %s."} { return "Lade Firmware von %s herunter." } if {$str == "Download completed."} { return "Download abgeschlossen." } if {$str == "Extracting firmware %s.\nThis process takes some minutes, please be patient..."} { return "Entpacke Firmware %s.\nBitte haben Sie ein wenig Geduld, dieser Vorgang benötigt einige Minuten..." } if {$str == "Failed to find download link for firmware %s."} { return "Download-Link für Firmware %s nicht gefunden." } if {$str == "Failed to extract firmware image from archive."} { return "Firmware-Image konnte nicht entpackt werden." } if {$str == "Another install process is running."} { return "Es läuft bereits ein andere Installationsvorgang." } if {$str == "System not upgradeable."} { return "Dieses System ist nicht aktualisierbar." } if {$str == "System will reboot now."} { return "Das System wird jetzt neu gestartet." } if {$str == "Latest firmware version: %s"} { return "Aktuellste Firmware-Version: %s" } if {$str == "Current firmware version: %s"} { return "Installierte Firmware-Version: %s" } if {$str == "Download url missing."} { return "Download-URL fehlt." } if {$str == "Addon %s successfully installed."} { return "Addon %s erfolgreich installiert." } if {$str == "Addon %s successfully uninstalled."} { return "Addon %s erfolgreich deinstalliert." } if {$str == "Using recovery system to update firmware."} { return "Verwende Recovery-System für Firmware-Update." } if {$str == "Recovery system will be started now, which will perform the firmware update.\nThis process takes some minutes, please be patient..."} { return "Das Recovery-System wird nun gestartet und das Firmware-Update durchgeführt.\nBitte haben Sie ein wenig Geduld, dieser Vorgang benötigt einige Minuten..." } } return $str } proc ::rmupdate::get_rpi_version {} { # Revison list from http://elinux.org/RPi_HardwareHistory set revision_map(0002) "rpi0" set revision_map(0003) "rpi0" set revision_map(0004) "rpi0" set revision_map(0005) "rpi0" set revision_map(0006) "rpi0" set revision_map(0007) "rpi0" set revision_map(0008) "rpi0" set revision_map(0009) "rpi0" set revision_map(000d) "rpi0" set revision_map(000e) "rpi0" set revision_map(000f) "rpi0" set revision_map(0010) "rpi0" set revision_map(0011) "rpi0" set revision_map(0012) "rpi0" set revision_map(0013) "rpi0" set revision_map(0014) "rpi0" set revision_map(0015) "rpi0" set revision_map(900021) "rpi0" set revision_map(900032) "rpi0" set revision_map(900092) "rpi0" set revision_map(900093) "rpi0" set revision_map(920093) "rpi0" set revision_map(9000c1) "rpi0" set revision_map(a01040) "rpi3" set revision_map(a01041) "rpi3" set revision_map(a21041) "rpi3" set revision_map(a22042) "rpi3" set revision_map(a02082) "rpi3" set revision_map(a020a0) "rpi3" set revision_map(a22082) "rpi3" set revision_map(a32082) "rpi3" set revision_map(1a01041) "rpi3" set revision_map(a020d3) "rpi3" set fd [open /proc/cpuinfo r] set data [read $fd] close $fd foreach d [split $data "\n"] { regexp {^Hardware\s*:\s*(\S+)} $d match hardware if { [info exists hardware] && $hardware == "Rockchip" } { return "tinkerboard" } regexp {^Revision\s*:\s*(\S+)\s*$} $d match revision if { [info exists revision] && [info exists revision_map($revision)] } { return $revision_map($revision) } } return "" } # return 1 if a>b, 0 if a=b, -1 if a 10} { write_log 1 "Failed to acquire lock ${lock_id} after 2500ms, ignoring lock" 0 break } after 25 } else { set lock_socket($lock_id) $sock break } } } proc ::rmupdate::release_lock {lock_id} { variable lock_socket if {[info exists lock_socket($lock_id)]} { if { [catch {close $lock_socket($lock_id)} errormsg] } { write_log 1 "Error '${errormsg}' on closing socket for lock '${lock_id}'" 0 } unset lock_socket($lock_id) } } proc ::rmupdate::version {} { variable addon_dir set fp [open "${addon_dir}/VERSION" r] set data [read $fp] close $fp return [string trim $data] } proc ::rmupdate::get_partitions {{device ""}} { array set partitions {} if {$device != ""} { set data [exec /sbin/fdisk -l $device] } else { set data [exec /sbin/fdisk -l] } set root_partuuid "" set fd [open "/proc/cmdline" r] set cmdline_data [read $fd] close $fd foreach d [split $cmdline_data "\n"] { if { [regexp {root=PARTUUID=(\S+)} $d match partuuid] } { set root_partuuid $partuuid break } } #set fd [open /etc/mtab r] #set mtab_data [read $fd] #close $fd set df_data [exec /bin/df -a -T] foreach d [split $data "\n"] { if {[regexp {Disk\s+(\S+):.*\s(\d+)\s+bytes} $d match dev size]} { if {[regexp {/dev/ram} $dev]} { continue } set partitions(${dev}::0::partition) 0 set partitions(${dev}::0::disk_device) $dev set partitions(${dev}::0::model) "" set partitions(${dev}::0::size) $size set data2 "" catch {set data2 [exec /usr/sbin/parted $dev unit B print]} data2 foreach d2 [split $data2 "\n"] { if {[regexp {^Model:\s*(\S.*)\s*$} $d2 match model]} { set partitions(${dev}::0::model) $model } elseif {[regexp {^\s*(\d)\s+(\d+)B\s+(\d+)B\s+(\d+)B.*} $d2 match num start end size]} { set partitions(${dev}::${num}::partition) $num set partitions(${dev}::${num}::disk_device) $dev set part_dev [get_partition_device $dev $num] set partitions(${dev}::${num}::partition_device) $part_dev set partitions(${dev}::${num}::start) $start set partitions(${dev}::${num}::end) $end set partitions(${dev}::${num}::size) $size set partitions(${dev}::${num}::partition_uuid) "" set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_label) "" set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_uuid) "" set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_type) "" set partitions(${dev}::${num}::mountpoint) "" set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_size) -1 set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_used) -1 set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_avail) -1 set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_usage) -1 foreach f [glob /dev/disk/by-partuuid/*] { catch { if { [file tail [file readlink $f]] == [file tail $part_dev] } { set partitions(${dev}::${num}::partition_uuid) [file tail $f] break } } } set data3 [exec /sbin/blkid $part_dev] foreach d3 [split $data3 "\n"] { if {[regexp {LABEL="([^"]+)"} $d3 match lab]} { set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_label) $lab } if {[regexp {UUID="([^"]+)"} $d3 match uuid]} { set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_uuid) $uuid } if {[regexp {TYPE="([^"]+)"} $d3 match type]} { set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_type) $type } } #foreach d4 [split $mtab_data "\n"] { # if { [regexp {^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+} $d4 match md mp] } { # if {$md == $part_dev} { # set partitions(${dev}::${num}::mountpoint) $mp # break # } elseif {$mp == "/" && $partitions(${dev}::${num}::partition_uuid) == $root_partuuid} { # set partitions(${dev}::${num}::mountpoint) $mp # break # } # } #} # Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on # /dev/root ext4 991512 346288 577640 37% / foreach d4 [split $df_data "\n"] { if { [regexp {^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)%\s+(\S+)\s*$} $d4 match dd dt ds du da dp dm] } { if {$dd == $part_dev} { } elseif {$dm == "/" && $partitions(${dev}::${num}::partition_uuid) == $root_partuuid} { } else { continue } set partitions(${dev}::${num}::mountpoint) $dm set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_size) [format "%0.0f" [expr {$ds * 1024.0}]] set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_used) [format "%0.0f" [expr {$du * 1024.0}]] set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_avail) [format "%0.0f" [expr {$da * 1024.0}]] set partitions(${dev}::${num}::filesystem_usage) [expr {$dp / 100.0}] } } } } } } return [array get partitions] } proc ::rmupdate::get_disk_device {partition_device} { if { [regexp {^(\S+mmcblk\d)p\d$} $partition_device match disk_device] } { return $disk_device } if { [regexp {^(\S+)\d$} $partition_device match disk_device] } { return $disk_device } return $partition_device } proc ::rmupdate::get_partition_device {device partition} { if { [regexp {mmcblk} $device match] } { return "${device}p${partition}" } return "${device}${partition}" } proc ::rmupdate::get_partion_start_end_and_size {device partition} { if [catch { array set partitions [get_partitions $device] set res [list \ $partitions(${device}::${partition}::start) \ $partitions(${device}::${partition}::end) \ $partitions(${device}::${partition}::size) \ ] } err] { error "Failed to get partition start and size of device ${device}, partition ${partition}." } return $res } proc ::rmupdate::delete_partition_table {device} { exec /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=$device bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null catch { exec /usr/sbin/partprobe } } proc ::rmupdate::is_recoveryfs_available {} { if {[compare_versions [get_current_firmware_version] ""] > 0} { return 1 } return 0 } proc ::rmupdate::is_system_upgradeable {{target_version ""}} { set sys_dev [get_system_device] if { [is_recoveryfs_available] } { if { $target_version == "" } { return 1 } if {[compare_versions $target_version ""] > 0} { return 1 } } if { [get_filesystem_label $sys_dev 3] == "rootfs2" } { return 1 } return 0 } proc ::rmupdate::get_part_uuid {device {partition ""}} { if {$partition != ""} { set device [get_partition_device $device $partition] } foreach f [glob /dev/disk/by-partuuid/*] { set d "" catch { set d [file readlink $f] } if { [file tail $d] == [file tail $device] } { return [file tail $f] } } error "Failed to get partition uuid of device ${device}." } proc ::rmupdate::get_filesystem_label {device {partition ""}} { if {$partition != ""} { set device [get_partition_device $device $partition] } set data [exec /sbin/blkid $device] foreach d [split $data "\n"] { regexp {LABEL="([^"]+)"} $d match lab if { [info exists lab] } { return $lab } } error "Failed to get filesystem label of device ${device}." } proc ::rmupdate::update_cmdline {cmdline root} { set fd [open $cmdline r] set data [read $fd] close $fd regsub -all "root=\[a-zA-Z0-9\=/\-\]+ " $data "root=${root} " data set fd [open $cmdline w] puts -nonewline $fd $data close $fd } proc ::rmupdate::update_boot_scr {boot_scr rootfs userfs} { set boot_script "/tmp/boot.script" catch { exec /bin/dd if=$boot_scr of=$boot_script bs=72 skip=1 } set fd [open $boot_script r] set data [read $fd] close $fd regsub -all "setenv rootfs \[0-9\]" $data "setenv rootfs ${rootfs}" data regsub -all "setenv userfs \[0-9\]" $data "setenv userfs ${userfs}" data set fd [open $boot_script w] puts -nonewline $fd $data close $fd set mkimage "/tmp/mkimage" if {![file exists $mkimage]} { set mkimage "/usr/bin/mkimage" } exec $mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d $boot_script $boot_scr file delete $boot_script } proc ::rmupdate::get_system_device {} { set cmdline "/proc/cmdline" set fd [open $cmdline r] set data [read $fd] close $fd # Default set sys_dev "/dev/mmcblk0" foreach d [split $data "\n"] { if { [regexp {root=PARTUUID=(\S+)} $d match partuuid] } { catch { set x [file readlink "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/${partuuid}"] if { [regexp {(mmcblk.*)p\d} [file tail $x] match device] } { set sys_dev "/dev/${device}" break } elseif { [regexp {(.*)\d} [file tail $x] match device] } { set sys_dev "/dev/${device}" break } } } } return $sys_dev } proc ::rmupdate::get_mounted_device {mountpoint} { set fd [open /etc/mtab r] set data [read $fd] close $fd foreach d [split $data "\n"] { if { [regexp {^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+} $d match device mp] } { if {$mp == $mountpoint} { return $device } } } return "" } proc ::rmupdate::get_current_root_partition_number {} { set cmdline "/proc/cmdline" set fd [open $cmdline r] set data [read $fd] close $fd foreach d [split $data "\n"] { regexp {root=PARTUUID=[a-f0-9]+-([0-9]+)} $d match partition if { [info exists partition] } { return [expr {0 + $partition}] } } return 2 } proc ::rmupdate::update_fstab {fstab {boot ""} {root ""} {user ""}} { set ndata "" set fd [open $fstab r] set data [read $fd] foreach d [split $data "\n"] { set filesystem "" regexp {^([^#]\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+).*} $d match filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass if { [info exists filesystem] } { if {$filesystem != ""} { if {$mountpoint == "/" && $root != ""} { regsub -all $filesystem $d $root d } elseif {$mountpoint == "/boot" && $boot != ""} { regsub -all $filesystem $d $boot d } elseif {$mountpoint == "/usr/local" && $user != ""} { regsub -all $filesystem $d $user d } } } append ndata "${d}\n" } close $fd set fd [open $fstab w] puts -nonewline $fd $ndata close $fd } proc ::rmupdate::mount_image_partition {image partition mountpoint} { variable loop_dev write_log 3 "Mounting parition ${partition} of image ${image}." set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $image $partition] write_log 4 "Partiton start=[lindex $p 0], size=[lindex $p 2]." file mkdir $mountpoint catch {exec /bin/umount "${mountpoint}"} catch {exec /sbin/losetup -d $loop_dev} exec /sbin/losetup -o [lindex $p 0] $loop_dev "${image}" exec /bin/mount $loop_dev -o ro "${mountpoint}" } proc ::rmupdate::mount_system_partition {partition mountpoint} { set sys_dev [get_system_device] set remount 1 set root_partition_number [get_current_root_partition_number] if {$partition == 1} { set partition "/boot" } elseif {$partition == 2 || $partition == 3} { if {$partition == $root_partition_number} { set partition "/" } else { set partition [get_partition_device $sys_dev $partition] set remount 0 } } elseif {$partition == 4} { set partition "/usr/local" } if {$remount} { write_log 3 "Remounting filesystem ${partition} (rw)." } else { write_log 3 "Mounting device ${partition} (rw)." } if {![file exists $mountpoint]} { file mkdir $mountpoint } if {$remount} { if {$partition != $mountpoint} { exec /bin/mount -o bind $partition "${mountpoint}" } exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw "${mountpoint}" } else { catch {exec /bin/umount "${mountpoint}"} exec /bin/mount -o rw $partition "${mountpoint}" } } proc ::rmupdate::umount {device_or_mountpoint} { if {$device_or_mountpoint == "/boot"} { exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro "${device_or_mountpoint}" } else { exec /bin/umount "${device_or_mountpoint}" } } proc ::rmupdate::get_filesystem_size_and_usage {device_or_mountpoint} { set data [exec /bin/df] foreach d [split $data "\n"] { regexp {^(\S+)\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\d+%\s(\S+)\s*$} $d match device used available mountpoint if { [info exists device] } { if {$device == $device_or_mountpoint || $mountpoint == $device_or_mountpoint} { return [list [expr {$used*1024+$available*1024}] [expr {$used*1024}]] } } } return [list -1 -1] } proc ::rmupdate::check_sizes {image} { variable mnt_img variable mnt_sys write_install_log "Checking size of filesystems." file mkdir $mnt_img file mkdir $mnt_sys foreach partition [list 1 2] { mount_image_partition $image $partition $mnt_img mount_system_partition $partition $mnt_sys set su_new [get_filesystem_size_and_usage $mnt_img] set new_used [lindex $su_new 1] set su_cur [get_filesystem_size_and_usage $mnt_sys] set cur_size [lindex $su_cur 0] write_log 4 "Current filesystem (${partition}) size: ${cur_size}, new filesystem used bytes: ${new_used}." umount $mnt_img umount $mnt_sys if { [expr {$new_used*1.05}] > $cur_size && [expr {$new_used+50*1024*1024}] >= $cur_size } { #error "Current filesystem of partition $partition (${cur_size} bytes) not big enough (new usage: ${new_used} bytes)." error [format [i18n "Current filesystem of partition %d (%d bytes) not big enough (new usage: %d bytes)."] $partition $cur_size $new_used] } } write_log 3 "Sizes of filesystems checked successfully." } proc ::rmupdate::update_filesystems {image {dryrun 0}} { variable log_level variable mnt_img variable mnt_sys set sys_dev [get_system_device] set root_partition_number [get_current_root_partition_number] write_install_log "Updating filesystems." file mkdir $mnt_img file mkdir $mnt_sys foreach img_partition [list 2 1] { set sys_partition $img_partition set mnt_s $mnt_sys if {$img_partition == 2 && $root_partition_number == 2} { set sys_partition 3 } if {$sys_partition == 1} { set mnt_s "/boot" } write_install_log "Updating system partition %s." $sys_partition mount_image_partition $image $img_partition $mnt_img mount_system_partition $sys_partition $mnt_s if {$log_level >= 4} { write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_img}" write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_img}] write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_s}" write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_s}] } write_log 3 "Rsyncing filesystem of partition ${sys_partition}." if [catch { set out "" if {$dryrun} { write_log 4 "rsync --dry-run --progress --archive --one-file-system --delete ${mnt_img}/ ${mnt_s}" set out [exec rsync --dry-run --progress --archive --one-file-system --delete ${mnt_img} ${mnt_s}] } else { write_log 4 "rsync --progress --archive --one-file-system --delete ${mnt_img}/ ${mnt_s}" set out [exec rsync --progress --archive --one-file-system --delete ${mnt_img}/ ${mnt_s}] } write_log 4 $out } err] { write_log 4 $err } write_log 3 "Rsync finished." if {$log_level >= 4} { write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_img}" write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_img}] write_log 4 "ls -la ${mnt_s}" write_log 4 [exec ls -la ${mnt_s}] } if {$img_partition == 2} { if {![file exists "/usr/bin/mkimage"] && [file exists "${mnt_s}/usr/bin/mkimage"]} { file copy -force ${mnt_s}/usr/bin/mkimage /tmp/mkimage } } if {$img_partition == 1} { write_install_log "Updating boot configuration." if {!$dryrun} { set new_root_partition_number 2 if {$root_partition_number == 2} { set new_root_partition_number 3 } set part_uuid [get_part_uuid $sys_dev $new_root_partition_number] if {[file exists "${mnt_s}/boot.scr"]} { update_boot_scr "${mnt_s}/boot.scr" $new_root_partition_number 4 } elseif {[file exists "${mnt_s}/extlinux/extlinux.conf"]} { update_cmdline "${mnt_s}/extlinux/extlinux.conf" "PARTUUID=${part_uuid}" } elseif {[file exists "${mnt_s}/cmdline.txt"]} { update_cmdline "${mnt_s}/cmdline.txt" "PARTUUID=${part_uuid}" } } } umount $mnt_img umount $mnt_s } } proc ::rmupdate::move_userfs_to_device {target_device {sync_data 0} {repartition 0}} { variable mnt_sys set current [get_current_firmware_version] set versions [list $current ""] set versions [lsort -decreasing -command compare_versions $versions] if {[lindex $versions 0] != $current} { # Old firmware needs udev patch exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw / set fd [open "/lib/udev/rules.d/usbmount.rules" "w"] puts $fd {ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="bootfs|rootfs|rootfs1|rootfs2|userfs", GOTO="END"} puts $fd {KERNEL=="sd*", DRIVERS=="sbp2", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/usr/share/usbmount/usbmount add"} puts $fd {KERNEL=="sd*", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/usr/share/usbmount/usbmount add"} puts $fd {KERNEL=="ub*", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/usr/share/usbmount/usbmount add"} puts $fd {KERNEL=="sd*", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/usr/share/usbmount/usbmount remove"} puts $fd {KERNEL=="ub*", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/usr/share/usbmount/usbmount remove"} puts $fd {LABEL="END"} close $fd exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro / } if {![file exists $target_device]} { error [i18n "Target device does not exist."] } set target_partition_device "" if {[get_disk_device $target_device] != $target_device} { set target_partition_device $target_device set target_device [get_disk_device $target_partition_device] set repartition 0 } set source_partition_device [get_mounted_device "/usr/local"] set source_device [get_disk_device $source_partition_device] if {$source_partition_device == "" || $source_device == ""} { error [i18n "Failed to find source device for /usr/local."] } if {$source_device == $target_device} { error [i18n "Source and target are the same device."] } if {$target_partition_device == ""} { array set partitions [get_partitions $target_device] set keys [array names partitions] set partition_number 0 if {$repartition == 1} { foreach key $keys { regexp {^(.+)::([^:]+)$} $key match id opt if {$opt == "partition_device"} { catch { exec /bin/umount $partitions($key) } } } set exitcode [catch { exec /usr/sbin/parted --script ${target_device} \ mklabel msdos \ mkpart primary ext4 0% 100% } output] if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } set partition_number 1 } else { foreach key $keys { regexp {^(.+)::([^:]+)$} $key match id opt if {$opt == "filesystem_label"} { if {[regexp "^.*userfs$" $partitions($key) match]} { set partition_number $partitions(${id}::partition) } } } if {$partition_number == 0} { error [format [i18n "Failed to find userfs partition on %s, and repartition is not desired."] $target_device] } } set target_partition_device [get_partition_device $target_device $partition_number] } if {$sync_data == 1} { catch { exec /bin/umount $target_partition_device } set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F -L userfs $target_partition_device } output] if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } # Write ReGaHSS state to disk load tclrega.so rega system.Save() file mkdir $mnt_sys exec /bin/mount $target_partition_device $mnt_sys #set shell_script "cd /usr/local; tar -c . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)" #set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output] set out [exec rsync --progress --archive --one-file-system --delete /usr/local/ ${mnt_sys}] exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } } catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L 0userfs $source_partition_device } catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L userfs $target_partition_device } } proc ::rmupdate::clone_system {target_device {activate_clone 0}} { variable mnt_sys if {![file exists $target_device]} { error [i18n "Target device does not exist."] } set source_device [get_system_device] if { $source_device == $target_device} { error [i18n "Source and target are the same device."] } exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw / exec /bin/sed -i s/ENABLED=1/ENABLED=0/ /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro / file mkdir $mnt_sys catch { exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys } catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] } catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 2] } catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 3] } catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 4] } set data [exec /bin/mount] foreach d [split $data "\n"] { if {[regexp {$target_device} $d match]} { error [i18n "Target is mounted."] } } set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 1] set start1 [lindex $p 0] set end1 [lindex $p 1] set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 2] set start2 [lindex $p 0] set end2 [lindex $p 1] set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 3] set start3 [lindex $p 0] set end3 [lindex $p 1] set p [get_partion_start_end_and_size $source_device 4] set start4 [lindex $p 0] set exitcode [catch { exec /usr/sbin/parted --script ${target_device} \ mklabel msdos \ mkpart primary fat32 ${start1}B ${end1}B \ set 1 boot on \ mkpart primary ext4 ${start2}B ${end2}B \ mkpart primary ext4 ${start3}B ${end3}B \ mkpart primary ext4 ${start4}B 100% } output] if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.vfat -F32 -n bootfs [get_partition_device $target_device 1] } output] if { $exitcode != 0} { error $output } set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F -L rootfs [get_partition_device $target_device 2] } output] if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F -L rootfs2 [get_partition_device $target_device 3] } output] if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } set exitcode [catch { exec /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F -L userfs [get_partition_device $target_device 4] } output] if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } set source_uuid [get_part_uuid $source_device 2] set target_uuid [get_part_uuid $target_device 2] #catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] } #catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 2] } #catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 3] } #catch { exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $target_device 4] } exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] $mnt_sys set shell_script "cd /boot; tar -c . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)" set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output] if { $exitcode == 0 || $exitcode == 1 } { # Update boot config for cloned system update_cmdline "${mnt_sys}/cmdline.txt" "PARTUUID=${target_uuid}" } exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } for {set p 2} {$p <= 3} {incr p} { exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device $p] $mnt_sys set shell_script "cd /; tar -c --exclude=boot/* --exclude=usr/local/* --exclude=tmp/* --exclude=proc/* --exclude=sys/* --exclude=run/* . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)" set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output] exec /bin/sed -i s/ENABLED=0/ENABLED=1/ ${mnt_sys}/etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error "$output $exitcode" } } # Write ReGaHSS state to disk load tclrega.so rega system.Save() exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 4] $mnt_sys set shell_script "cd /usr/local; tar -c . | (cd $mnt_sys; tar -xv)" set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output] exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } if {$activate_clone == 1} { # Relabel ext4 filesystems catch { exec tune2fs -L 0rootfs [get_partition_device $source_device 2] } catch { exec tune2fs -L 0rootfs2 [get_partition_device $source_device 3] } catch { exec tune2fs -L 0userfs [get_partition_device $source_device 4] } # Recreate old boot fs with new label (util to relabel fat32 missing) exec /bin/umount [get_partition_device $source_device 1] exec /sbin/mkfs.vfat -n 0bootfs [get_partition_device $source_device 1] exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $source_device 1] /boot exec /bin/mount [get_partition_device $target_device 1] $mnt_sys set shell_script "cd $mnt_sys; tar -c . | (cd /boot; tar -xv)" set exitcode [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $shell_script } output] exec /bin/umount $mnt_sys if { $exitcode != 0 && $exitcode != 1 } { error $output } # Update boot config for cloned system update_cmdline "/boot/cmdline.txt" "PARTUUID=${source_uuid}" } exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw / exec /bin/sed -i s/ENABLED=0/ENABLED=1/ /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro / } proc ::rmupdate::get_current_firmware_version {} { if {[file exists "/VERSION"]} { set fp [open "/VERSION" r] } else { set fp [open "/boot/VERSION" r] } set data [read $fp] close $fp regexp {\s*VERSION\s*=\s*([\d\.]+)\s*} $data match current_version return $current_version } proc ::rmupdate::get_available_firmware_downloads {} { variable release_url set download_urls [list] set rpi_version [get_rpi_version] set data [exec /usr/bin/wget "${release_url}" --no-check-certificate -q -O-] foreach d [split $data ">"] { set href "" regexp {<\s*a\s+href\s*=\s*"([^"]+/releases/download/[^"]+)\.zip"} $d match href if { [info exists href] && $href != ""} { set fn [lindex [split $href "/"] end] set tmp [split $fn "-"] if { [llength $tmp] == 3 } { if { $rpi_version != [lindex $tmp 2] } { continue } } #write_log 4 $href if {[string first "https://" $href] == -1} { set href "https://github.com${href}" } if {[lsearch -exact $download_urls "${href}.zip"] == -1} { lappend download_urls "${href}.zip" } } } return $download_urls } proc ::rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_version {} { set versions [list] foreach e [get_available_firmware_downloads] { lappend versions [get_version_from_filename $e] } set versions [lsort -decreasing -command compare_versions $versions] return [lindex $versions 0] } proc ::rmupdate::download_firmware {{download_url ""} {version ""}} { variable img_dir variable install_log if {$version == ""} { set image_file "${img_dir}/RaspberryMatic-unknown.img" } else { set image_file "${img_dir}/RaspberryMatic-${version}.img" } if {$download_url == ""} { foreach e [get_available_firmware_downloads] { set v [get_version_from_filename $e] if {$v == $version} { set download_url $e break } } } if {$download_url == ""} { error [format [i18n "Failed to find download link for firmware %s."] $version] } write_install_log "Downloading firmware from %s." $download_url regexp {/([^/]+)$} $download_url match archive_file set archive_file "${img_dir}/${archive_file}" if {![file exists $img_dir]} { file mkdir $img_dir } if {![file exists "${img_dir}/.nobackup"]} { # Create marker file to exclude directory from RaspberryMatic backup set fd [open "${img_dir}/.nobackup" "w"] close $fd } if {$install_log != ""} { exec /usr/bin/wget "${download_url}" --show-progress --progress=dot:giga --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=$archive_file 2>>${install_log} write_install_log "" } else { exec /usr/bin/wget "${download_url}" --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=$archive_file } write_install_log "" write_install_log "Download completed." if {[regexp {.*\.zip$} $archive_file match]} { write_install_log "Extracting firmware %s.\nThis process takes some minutes, please be patient..." [file tail $archive_file] set data [exec /usr/bin/unzip -ql "${archive_file}" 2>/dev/null] set img_file "" foreach d [split $data "\n"] { regexp {\s+(\S+\.img)\s*$} $d match img_file if { $img_file != "" } { break } } if { $img_file == "" } { error [i18n "Failed to extract firmware image from archive."] } exec /usr/bin/unzip "${archive_file}" "${img_file}" -o -d "${img_dir}" 2>/dev/null set img_file "${img_dir}/${img_file}" file delete $archive_file } else { set img_file $archive_file } #puts "${img_file} ${image_file}" if {$version == ""} { set image_file $img_file } if {$img_file != $image_file} { file rename $img_file $image_file } return $image_file } proc ::rmupdate::get_available_firmware_images {} { variable img_dir file mkdir $img_dir return [glob -nocomplain "${img_dir}/*.img"] } proc ::rmupdate::get_version_from_filename {filename} { set fn [file rootname [file tail $filename]] set tmp [split $fn "-"] return [lindex $tmp 1] #regexp {\-([\d\.]+)\.[^\.]+-*.*$} $filename match version #return $version } proc ::rmupdate::get_firmware_info {} { variable release_url variable support_file_url set data [exec /usr/bin/wget "${support_file_url}" --no-check-certificate -q -O-] if { ! [regexp {\"latest_supported_version\"\s*:\s*\"([^\"]+)\"} $data match latest_supported_version] } { write_log 1 "Failed to get latest supported version from ${support_file_url}" return "\[\]" } set current [get_current_firmware_version] set versions [list $current] foreach e [get_available_firmware_downloads] { set version [get_version_from_filename $e] set downloads($version) $e if {[lsearch $versions $version] == -1} { if {$version != "unknown"} { lappend versions $version } } } foreach e [get_available_firmware_images] { set version [get_version_from_filename $e] if {$version != "unknown"} { set images($version) $e if {[lsearch $versions $version] == -1} { lappend versions $version } } } set versions [lsort -decreasing -command compare_versions $versions] set json "\[" set latest "true" foreach v $versions { set installed "false" if {$v == $current} { set installed "true" } set supported "false" if {[compare_versions $v ""] > 0} { set supported "true" } elseif {[compare_versions $latest_supported_version $v] >= 0} { set supported "true" } set image "" catch { set image $images($v) } set url "" catch { set url $downloads($v) } set info_url "${release_url}/tag/${v}" append json "\{\"version\":\"${v}\",\"installed\":${installed},\"latest\":${latest},\"supported\":${supported},\"url\":\"${url}\",\"info_url\":\"${info_url}\",\"image\":\"${image}\"\}," set latest "false" } if {[llength versions] > 0} { set json [string range $json 0 end-1] } append json "\]" return $json } proc ::rmupdate::set_running_installation {installation_info} { variable install_lock variable install_log write_log 4 "Set running installation: ${installation_info}" foreach var {install_log install_lock} { set var [set $var] if {$var != ""} { set basedir [file dirname $var] if {![file exists $basedir]} { file mkdir $basedir } } } if {$installation_info != ""} { set fd [open $install_lock "w"] puts $fd [pid] puts $fd $installation_info close $fd if {[file exists $install_log]} { write_log 4 "Deleting: ${install_log}" file delete $install_log } } elseif {[file exists $install_lock]} { file delete $install_lock } } proc ::rmupdate::get_running_installation {} { variable install_lock if {! [file exists $install_lock]} { return "" } set fp [open $install_lock "r"] set data [read $fp] close $fp set tmp [split $data "\n"] set lpid [string trim [lindex $tmp 0]] set installation_info [string trim [lindex $tmp 1]] if {[file exists "/proc/${lpid}"]} { return $installation_info } write_log 4 "Deleting: ${install_lock}" file delete $install_lock return "" } proc ::rmupdate::delete_firmware_image {version} { variable img_dir eval {file delete [glob "${img_dir}/*${version}*.img"]} catch { eval {file delete [glob "${img_dir}/*${version}*.zip"]} } } proc ::rmupdate::install_firmware {{download_url ""} {version ""} {lang ""} {reboot 1} {keep_download 0} {dryrun 0}} { variable language variable addon_dir if {[regexp {^([a-z]][a-z])} $lang match l]} { set language [string tolower $l] } if {[get_running_installation] != ""} { error [i18n "Another install process is running."] } if {! [is_system_upgradeable $version]} { error [i18n "System not upgradeable."] } set firmware_image "" if {$version == ""} { set_running_installation "Firmware unknown" } else { set_running_installation "Firmware ${version}" foreach e [get_available_firmware_images] { set v [get_version_from_filename $e] if {$v == $version} { set firmware_image $e break } } } if {$firmware_image == ""} { set firmware_image [download_firmware $download_url $version] } set sys_dev [get_system_device] set use_recovery [is_recoveryfs_available] if {$use_recovery && $version != ""} { if {[compare_versions $version ""] <= 0} { set use_recovery 0 } } if {$use_recovery} { # Use recovery system firmware update feature write_install_log "Using recovery system to update firmware." set usr_local "/usr/local" # Test if userfs is on the same device as bootfs set boot_dev "" set user_dev "" set user_part "" set user0_part "" set use_user0 0 foreach d [split [exec /sbin/blkid] "\n"] { if {[regexp {^(/dev.*)(\d):.*LABEL="([^"]+)"} $d match dev pnum lab]} { if {$lab == "bootfs"} { set boot_dev $dev } elseif {$lab == "userfs"} { set user_dev $dev set user_part "${dev}${pnum}" } elseif {$lab == "0userfs"} { set user0_part "${dev}${pnum}" } } } if {!$dryrun} { if {$boot_dev != "" && $user_dev != "" && $boot_dev != $user_dev} { if {$user0_part == ""} { error "userfs0 not found" } set usr_local "/tmp/mnt_user0" set use_user0 1 if {[file exists $usr_local]} { catch {exec /bin/umount "${usr_local}"} } else { file mkdir $usr_local } catch {exec /bin/mount $user0_part "${usr_local}"} } set tmp_dir "${usr_local}/tmp" catch { file mkdir $tmp_dir } catch { file delete "${tmp_dir}/new_firmware.img" } catch { file delete "${usr_local}/.firmwareUpdate" } if {$version == "" || $keep_download == 0} { file rename -force $firmware_image "${tmp_dir}/new_firmware.img" } else { file copy -force $firmware_image "${tmp_dir}/new_firmware.img" } catch { exec ln -sf "/usr/local/tmp" "${usr_local}/.firmwareUpdate" } set fd [open "${usr_local}/.recoveryMode" "w"] close $fd file copy -force "${addon_dir}/firmware_update_script" "${tmp_dir}/update_script" file attributes "${tmp_dir}/update_script" -permissions 0755 if { [get_filesystem_label $sys_dev 3] == "rootfs2" } { exec /bin/sed -i s/REPARTITION=0/REPARTITION=1/ "${tmp_dir}/update_script" # Ensure correct partition number for userfs exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw "/boot" update_boot_scr "/boot/boot.scr" 2 4 exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro "/boot" } #exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw "/boot" #set fd [open "/boot/recoveryfs-sshpwd" "w"] #puts -nonewline $fd "rmupdate" #close $fd #exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro "/boot" if {$use_user0} { exec /bin/sed -i s/RELABEL=0/RELABEL=1/ "${tmp_dir}/update_script" exec /bin/umount "${usr_local}" file delete $usr_local catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L 0userfs $user_part } catch { exec /sbin/tune2fs -L userfs $user0_part } } set reboot 1 } } else { check_sizes $firmware_image update_filesystems $firmware_image $dryrun if {$version == ""} { file delete $firmware_image } elseif {!$keep_download && !$dryrun} { file delete $firmware_image } } set_running_installation "" if {$reboot && !$dryrun} { if {$use_recovery} { write_install_log "Recovery system will be started now, which will perform the firmware update.\nThis process takes some minutes, please be patient..." } else { write_install_log "System will reboot now." } } after 5000 if {$reboot && !$dryrun} { exec /sbin/reboot } } proc ::rmupdate::install_latest_version {{reboot 1} {dryrun 0}} { variable language set latest_version [get_latest_firmware_version] return install_firmware "" $latest_version $language $reboot $dryrun } proc ::rmupdate::is_firmware_up_to_date {} { set latest_version [get_latest_firmware_version] write_install_log "Latest firmware version: %s" $latest_version set current_version [get_current_firmware_version] write_install_log "Installed firmware version: ${current_version}" if {[compare_versions $current_version $latest_version] >= 0} { return 1 } return 0 } proc ::rmupdate::get_addon_info {{fetch_available_version 0} {fetch_download_url 0} {as_json 0} {addon_id ""}} { variable rc_dir variable addons_www_dir array set addons {} foreach f [glob ${rc_dir}/*] { catch { set data [exec $f info] set id [file tail $f] if {$addon_id != "" && $addon_id != $id} { continue } set addons(${id}::id) $id set addons(${id}::name) "" set addons(${id}::version) "" set addons(${id}::available_version) "" set addons(${id}::update) "" set addons(${id}::config_url) "" set addons(${id}::operations) "" set addons(${id}::download_url) "" set addons(${id}::cgi) "" set addons(${id}::cgi_interpreter) "" foreach line [split $data "\n"] { regexp {^(\S+)\s*:\s*(\S.*)\s*$} $line match key value if { [info exists key] } { set keyl [string tolower $key] if {$keyl == "name" || $keyl == "version" || $keyl == "update" || $keyl == "config-url" || $keyl == "operations"} { if {$keyl == "config-url"} { set keyl "config_url" } set addons(${id}::${keyl}) $value if {$keyl == "update" && $fetch_available_version == 1} { catch { set cgi "${addons_www_dir}/[string range $value 8 end]" set cfd [open $cgi r] set cgi_data [read $cfd] close $cfd set firstline [lindex [split $cgi_data "\n"] 0] regexp {^#!(.*)$} $firstline match cgi_interpreter set cgi_interpreter [string map {"/usr/bin/env " ""} $cgi_interpreter] set addons(${id}::cgi) $cgi set addons(${id}::cgi_interpreter) $cgi_interpreter set ::env(QUERY_STRING) "" write_log 4 "exec cgi: ${cgi}" if { [catch { set tmp [string map {"\r" ""} [exec $cgi_interpreter "$cgi"]] } errormsg] } { write_log 2 "Error executing cgi ${cgi}: ${errormsg}" } set available_version [lindex [split $tmp "\n\n"] end] write_log 4 "available_version of ${id}: ${available_version}" #set available_version [exec /usr/bin/wget "http://localhost${value}" --quiet --output-document=-] set addons(${id}::available_version) $available_version } } } unset key } } } } if {$fetch_download_url == 1} { write_log 3 "Fetching download urls" foreach key [array names addons] { set tmp [split $key "::"] set addon_id [lindex $tmp 0] set opt [lindex $tmp 2] #if {$addon_id != "redmatic"} { # continue #} if {$opt == "update" && $addons($key) != "" && $addons(${addon_id}::available_version) != ""} { set available_version $addons(${addon_id}::available_version) #set url "http://localhost/$addons($key)?cmd=download&version=${available_version}" catch { #write_log 4 "Get: ${url}" #set data [exec /usr/bin/wget "${url}" --quiet --output-document=-] set cgi $addons(${addon_id}::cgi) set cgi_interpreter $addons(${addon_id}::cgi_interpreter) set ::env(QUERY_STRING) "cmd=download&version=${available_version}" set data [exec $cgi_interpreter "$cgi"] write_log 4 "Response: ${data}" regexp {url=([^\s\"\']+)} $data match download_url if { [info exists download_url] } { if {$addon_id == "cuxdaemon" && [compare_versions $addons(cuxdaemon::version) "2.0"] < 0} { # URL has changed with version 2.0.0 set download_url "https://homematic-forum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=15298#p121165" } write_log 4 "Extracted url from response: ${download_url}" set data2 "" catch { set data2 [exec /usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --spider "${download_url}"] } data2 if {$data2 != ""} { regexp {Length:.*\[([^\]]+)\]} $data2 match content_type if { [info exists content_type] } { write_log 4 "Content type of ${download_url} is ${content_type}" if {$content_type == "application/octet-stream"} { write_log 3 "Download url for addon ${addon_id}: ${download_url}" set addons(${addon_id}::download_url) $download_url } else { # Not a direct download link set data3 [exec /usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=- "${download_url}"] write_log 4 $data3 if {[regexp {meta.*http-equiv.*refresh.*url=(.*)['"][\s/>]} $data3 match href]} { set download_url $href set data3 [exec /usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=- "${href}"] } set best_prio 0 set best_href "" regsub -all {\.} $available_version "\\." regex_version set regex_version "\[^\\d\]\[\\.\\-\\_v\]${regex_version}\[\\.\\-\\_\]\[^\\d\]" regsub -all {\n+} $data3 "" oneline regsub -all {]*\shref\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"[^>]*>(.*)]+\.tar.gz)\s*} $text match fn]} { set filename $fn } if {$filename != ""} { set prio 0 if {$best_prio == 0} { # First link on page set prio [expr {$prio + 1}] } regexp $regex_version $filename m v if { [info exists m] } { # version match set prio [expr {$prio + 3}] unset m } if {[string first "download" $filename] > -1} { set prio [expr {$prio + 2}] } if {[string first "ccurm" $filename] > -1} { set prio [expr {$prio + 2}] } if {[string first "ccu3" $filename] > -1} { set prio [expr {$prio + 2}] } if {$prio > $best_prio} { set best_prio $prio set best_href $href } write_log 4 "Link found: filename=\"${filename}\" href=\"${href}\" prio=\"${prio}\"" } } } if {$best_href != ""} { regsub {\?.*} $download_url "" noquery regsub {/[^/]+$} $noquery "" base_url set tmp2 [split $download_url "/"] if {[string first "http://" $best_href] == 0} { # absolute link } elseif {[string first "https://" $best_href] == 0} { # absolute link } elseif {[string first "/" $best_href] == 0} { set best_href "[lindex $tmp2 0]//[lindex $tmp2 2]${best_href}" } else { regsub {^./} $best_href "" best_href set best_href "${base_url}/${best_href}" } write_log 3 "Download url for addon ${addon_id}: ${best_href}" set addons(${addon_id}::download_url) $best_href } } } } } } } } } if {$as_json == 1} { return [array_to_json [array get addons]] } else { return [array get addons] } } proc ::rmupdate::uninstall_addon {addon_id} { variable rc_dir if {[get_running_installation] != ""} { error [i18n "Another install process is running."] } set_running_installation "Addon ${addon_id}" write_log 3 "Uninstalling addon" if { [catch { exec "${rc_dir}/${addon_id}" uninstall } errormsg] } { write_log 2 "${rc_dir}/${addon_id} uninstall failed: ${errormsg}" } write_log 3 "Addon ${addon_id} successfully uninstalled" set_running_installation "" return [format [i18n "Addon %s successfully uninstalled."] $addon_id] } proc ::rmupdate::install_addon {{addon_id ""} {download_url ""}} { variable rc_dir if {[get_running_installation] != ""} { error [i18n "Another install process is running."] } if {$addon_id != ""} { array set addon [get_addon_info 1 1 0 $addon_id] set download_url $addon(${addon_id}::download_url) } if {$download_url == ""} { error [i18n "Download url missing."] } if {$addon_id == ""} { set addon_id "unknown" } set_running_installation "Addon ${addon_id}" set archive_file "" regexp {^file://(.*)$} $download_url match archive_file if { [info exists archive_file] && $archive_file != "" } { write_log 3 "Installing addon from local file ${archive_file}." } else { write_log 3 "Downloading addon from ${download_url}." set archive_file "/tmp/${addon_id}.tar.gz" if {[file exists $archive_file]} { file delete $archive_file } exec /usr/bin/wget "${download_url}" --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=$archive_file } write_log 3 "Extracting archive ${archive_file}." set tmp_dir "/tmp/rmupdate_addon_install_${addon_id}" if {[file exists $tmp_dir]} { file delete -force $tmp_dir } file mkdir $tmp_dir cd $tmp_dir exec /bin/tar --no-same-owner -xzvf "${archive_file}" write_log 3 "Running update_script" file attributes update_script -permissions 0755 if { [catch { exec ./update_script HM-RASPBERRYMATIC } errormsg] } { write_log 2 "Addon update_script failed: ${errormsg}" } cd /tmp file delete -force $tmp_dir file delete $archive_file write_log 3 "Restarting addon" if { [catch { exec "${rc_dir}/${addon_id}" restart } errormsg] } { write_log 2 "Addon restart failed: ${errormsg}" } write_log 3 "Addon ${addon_id} successfully installed" set_running_installation "" return [format [i18n "Addon %s successfully installed."] $addon_id] } proc ::rmupdate::wlan_get_blocked {{device "wlan0"}} { set data [exec /usr/sbin/rfkill] foreach d [split $data "\n"] { if { [regexp {^\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$} $d match id type num soft hard] } { if {"${type}${num}" == $device} { if {$soft == "blocked"} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } } } } proc ::rmupdate::wlan_set_blocked {block {device "wlan0"}} { set data [exec /usr/sbin/rfkill] foreach d [split $data "\n"] { if { [regexp {^\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$} $d match id type num soft hard] } { if {"${type}${num}" == $device} { if {$soft == "blocked" && $block == 0} { write_log 4 "Unblock ${device} (${id})" catch { exec /usr/sbin/rfkill unblock $id } } elseif {$soft == "unblocked" && $block == 1} { write_log 4 "Block ${device} (${id})" catch { exec /usr/sbin/rfkill block $id } } } } } } proc ::rmupdate::wlan_scan {{as_json 0} {device "wlan0"}} { array set ssids {} set blocked [wlan_get_blocked $device] if {$blocked == 1} { wlan_set_blocked 0 $device } catch { exec /sbin/ip link set $device up } set data [exec /usr/sbin/iw $device scan] if {$blocked == 1} { wlan_set_blocked 1 $device } set cur_ssid "" set cur_signal "" set cur_connected 0 foreach d [split $data "\n"] { if { [regexp {^\s*SSID:\s*(\S.*)\s*$} $d match ssid] } { set cur_ssid $ssid } if { [regexp {^\s*signal:\s*(\S.*)\s*$} $d match signal] } { set cur_signal $signal } if { [regexp {^BSS\s([a-fA-F0-9\:]+)} $d match bss] } { if {$cur_ssid != "" && $cur_signal != ""} { set ssids(${cur_ssid}::ssid) $cur_ssid set ssids(${cur_ssid}::signal) $cur_signal set ssids(${cur_ssid}::connected) $cur_connected set cur_ssid "" set cur_signal "" set cur_connected 0 } if { [regexp {associated} $d match] } { set cur_connected 1 } } } if {$cur_ssid != "" && $cur_signal != ""} { set ssids(${cur_ssid}::ssid) $cur_ssid set ssids(${cur_ssid}::signal) $cur_signal } if {$as_json == 1} { return [array_to_json [array get ssids]] } else { return [array get ssids] } } proc ::rmupdate::wlan_connect {ssid {password ""}} { wlan_set_blocked 0 set psk "" if {$password != ""} { set data [exec /usr/sbin/wpa_passphrase $ssid $password] foreach d [split $data "\n"] { if { [regexp {^\s*psk\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$} $d match p] } { set psk $p } } } set fd [open /etc/config/wpa_supplicant.conf "w"] puts $fd "ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant" puts $fd "ap_scan=1" puts $fd "network=\{" puts $fd " ssid=\"${ssid}\"" puts $fd " scan_ssid=1" if {$psk == ""} { puts $fd " key_mgmt=NONE" } else { puts $fd " proto=WPA RSN" puts $fd " key_mgmt=WPA-PSK" puts $fd " pairwise=CCMP TKIP" puts $fd " group=CCMP TKIP" puts $fd " psk=${psk}" } puts $fd "\}" close $fd catch { exec /sbin/ifdown wlan0 } catch { exec /sbin/ifup wlan0 } } proc ::rmupdate::wlan_disconnect {} { set fd [open /etc/config/wpa_supplicant.conf "w"] puts $fd "ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant" puts $fd "ap_scan=1" close $fd catch { exec /sbin/ifdown wlan0 } catch { exec /sbin/ifup wlan0 } } proc ::rmupdate::set_camera_active {active} { variable raspi_fw_url catch { exec /bin/mount -o remount,rw "/boot" } set fd [open /boot/config.txt r] set data [read $fd] close $fd regsub -all "\[^\n\]*start_x\s*=\[^\n\]*\n" $data "" data if {$active == 1} { foreach fn [list /boot/start_x.elf /boot/fixup_x.dat] { if {![file exists $fn]} { exec wget --quiet "${raspi_fw_url}${fn}" -O "${fn}" } } regsub -line "gpu_mem\s*=.*$" $data "gpu_mem=128" data set data "${data}start_x=1\n" } else { regsub -line "gpu_mem\s*=.*$" $data "gpu_mem=32" data } set fd [open /boot/config.txt w] puts -nonewline $fd $data close $fd catch { exec /bin/mount -o remount,ro "/boot" } } #puts [rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_version] #puts [rmupdate::get_firmware_info] #puts [rmupdate::get_available_firmware_images] #puts [rmupdate::get_available_firmware_downloads] #rmupdate::download_latest_firmware #puts [rmupdate::is_firmware_up_to_date] #puts [rmupdate::get_latest_firmware_download_url] #rmupdate::check_sizes "/usr/local/addons/raspmatic-update/tmp/RaspberryMatic-" #puts [rmupdate::get_partion_start_end_and_size "/dev/mmcblk0" 1] #rmupdate::mount_image_partition "/usr/local/addons/raspmatic-update/tmp/RaspberryMatic-" 1 $rmupdate::mnt_img #rmupdate::umount $rmupdate::mnt_img #rmupdate::mount_system_partition "/boot" $rmupdate::mnt_sys #rmupdate::umount $rmupdate::mnt_sys #puts [rmupdate::get_rpi_version] #puts [rmupdate::get_part_uuid "/dev/mmcblk0p3"] #puts [rmupdate::get_part_uuid "/dev/mmcblk0" 3] #puts [rmupdate::get_addon_info 1 1] #puts [rmupdate::wlan_scan 1] #rmupdate::wlan_connect xxx yyyyy #puts [rmupdate::get_system_device] #puts $rmupdate::sys_dev #rmupdate::clone_system /dev/sda 1 #puts [rmupdate::get_disk_device /dev/mmcblk0p3] #puts [rmupdate::get_partitions] #puts [array_to_json [rmupdate::get_partitions]] #rmupdate::move_userfs_to_device /dev/sda1 1 0 #puts [rmupdate::get_mounted_device "/usr/local"] #rmupdate::get_addon_info 1 1 0 "cuxdaemon" #puts [rmupdate::get_system_device] #rmupdate::set_camera_active 1 #rmupdate::wlan_block 0