#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import json import urllib.request parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="rspamd web interface statistic fetcher for InfluxDB usage") parser.add_argument("--url", action="store", help="URL to rspamd web interface installation") parser.add_argument("--password", action="store", help="Password for API authentication (same as for graphical login)") parser.add_argument("--config", action="store", help="Path to the configuration file for the application to use") args = parser.parse_args() # Perform some stupid basic validation on the arguments if (args.url is None and args.password is None) and args.config is None: parser.error("Please provide --url and --password arguments or the path to a configuration file using --config") if (args.url is None and args.password is not None) or (args.url is not None and args.password is None): parser.error("Please use --url with the --password argument and way round. You may provide the path to a " "configuration file by only using the --config argument.") if args.url is not None and args.password is not None and args.config is not None: parser.error("Please provide whether --url and --password arguments *or* --config argument.") if args.config is not None and (args.url is not None or args.password is not None): parser.error("Please provide whether --url and --password arguments *or* --config argument.") # Basic variable initialization url = None password = None # Read variables from file if necessary if args.config is not None: data = None try: fh = open(args.config, "r") data = json.load(fh) except IOError as e: parser.error("Could not read JSON config from file. Received IOError: " + str(e)) if data is not None and ("url" not in data or "password" not in data): parser.error("Could not read URL and password from JSON configuration. Please see documentation for correct " "configuration file formatting.") elif data is None: parser.error("Something went wrong during parsing of JSON configuration file. Please check your configuration!") else: url = data['url'] password = data['password'] else: # Read variable from args url = args.url password = args.password # Make sure we got the trailing slash at the URL if str.endswith(url, "/"): fetch_url = url + "stat?password=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(password) else: fetch_url = url + "/stat?password=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(password) try: resp = urllib.request.urlopen(fetch_url) except Exception: print("Could not send GET request to given URL. Check url parameter!") exit(1) # Authorization failed if resp.code == 403: print("Authorization with rspamd web interface failed. Check password parameter!") exit(1) elif resp.code == 404: print("HTTP server returned HTTP status code 404. Check url parameter!") exit(1) elif resp.code == 200: # Successful call json = json.loads(resp.read().decode('utf-8')) action_reject = str(json["actions"]["reject"]) + "i" action_soft_reject = str(json["actions"]["soft reject"]) + "i" action_rewrite = str(json["actions"]["rewrite subject"]) + "i" action_add_header = str(json["actions"]["add header"]) + "i" action_greylist = str(json["actions"]["greylist"]) + "i" action_no_action = str(json["actions"]["no action"]) + "i" # Build InfluxDB Line protocol compatible output print( "rspamd_actions reject={0},soft_reject={1},rewrite_subject={2},add_header={3},greylist={4},no_action={5}".format( action_reject, action_soft_reject, action_rewrite, action_add_header, action_greylist, action_no_action)) stat_scanned = str(json["scanned"]) + "i" stat_learned = str(json["learned"]) + "i" stat_spam_count = str(json["spam_count"]) + "i" stat_ham_count = str(json["ham_count"]) + "i" stat_connections = str(json["connections"]) + "i" stat_control_connections = str(json["control_connections"]) + "i" stat_pools_allocated = str(json["pools_allocated"]) + "i" stat_pools_freed = str(json["pools_freed"]) + "i" stat_bytes_allocated = str(json["bytes_allocated"]) + "i" stat_chunks_allocated = str(json["chunks_allocated"]) + "i" stat_chunks_freed = str(json["chunks_freed"]) + "i" stat_chunks_oversized = str(json["chunks_oversized"]) + "i" stat_fragmented = str(json["fragmented"]) + "i" stat_total_learns = str(json["total_learns"]) + "i" stat_fuzzy_rspamd = str(json["fuzzy_hashes"]["rspamd.com"]) + "i" print("rspamd_stats scanned={0},learned={1},spam_count={2},ham_count={3},connections={4},control_connections={5}," "pools_allocated={6},pools_freed={7},bytes_allocated={8},chunks_allocated={9},chunks_freed={10}," "chunks_oversized={11},fragmented={12},total_learns={13},fuzzy={14}".format(stat_scanned, stat_learned, stat_spam_count, stat_ham_count, stat_connections, stat_control_connections, stat_pools_allocated, stat_pools_freed, stat_bytes_allocated, stat_chunks_allocated, stat_chunks_freed, stat_chunks_oversized, stat_fragmented, stat_total_learns, stat_fuzzy_rspamd)) exit(0) else: print("Web request returned unhandled HTTP status code " + str(resp.code) + ". Please open an issue at GitHub " "with further details.") exit(1)