/* * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 QLogic Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 PathScale, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * This file contains all of the code that is specific to the InfiniPath * HT chip. */ #include <linux/vmalloc.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/htirq.h> #include <rdma/ib_verbs.h> #include "ipath_kernel.h" #include "ipath_registers.h" static void ipath_setup_ht_setextled(struct ipath_devdata *, u64, u64); /* * This lists the InfiniPath registers, in the actual chip layout. * This structure should never be directly accessed. * * The names are in InterCap form because they're taken straight from * the chip specification. Since they're only used in this file, they * don't pollute the rest of the source. */ struct _infinipath_do_not_use_kernel_regs { unsigned long long Revision; unsigned long long Control; unsigned long long PageAlign; unsigned long long PortCnt; unsigned long long DebugPortSelect; unsigned long long DebugPort; unsigned long long SendRegBase; unsigned long long UserRegBase; unsigned long long CounterRegBase; unsigned long long Scratch; unsigned long long ReservedMisc1; unsigned long long InterruptConfig; unsigned long long IntBlocked; unsigned long long IntMask; unsigned long long IntStatus; unsigned long long IntClear; unsigned long long ErrorMask; unsigned long long ErrorStatus; unsigned long long ErrorClear; unsigned long long HwErrMask; unsigned long long HwErrStatus; unsigned long long HwErrClear; unsigned long long HwDiagCtrl; unsigned long long MDIO; unsigned long long IBCStatus; unsigned long long IBCCtrl; unsigned long long ExtStatus; unsigned long long ExtCtrl; unsigned long long GPIOOut; unsigned long long GPIOMask; unsigned long long GPIOStatus; unsigned long long GPIOClear; unsigned long long RcvCtrl; unsigned long long RcvBTHQP; unsigned long long RcvHdrSize; unsigned long long RcvHdrCnt; unsigned long long RcvHdrEntSize; unsigned long long RcvTIDBase; unsigned long long RcvTIDCnt; unsigned long long RcvEgrBase; unsigned long long RcvEgrCnt; unsigned long long RcvBufBase; unsigned long long RcvBufSize; unsigned long long RxIntMemBase; unsigned long long RxIntMemSize; unsigned long long RcvPartitionKey; unsigned long long ReservedRcv[10]; unsigned long long SendCtrl; unsigned long long SendPIOBufBase; unsigned long long SendPIOSize; unsigned long long SendPIOBufCnt; unsigned long long SendPIOAvailAddr; unsigned long long TxIntMemBase; unsigned long long TxIntMemSize; unsigned long long ReservedSend[9]; unsigned long long SendBufferError; unsigned long long SendBufferErrorCONT1; unsigned long long SendBufferErrorCONT2; unsigned long long SendBufferErrorCONT3; unsigned long long ReservedSBE[4]; unsigned long long RcvHdrAddr0; unsigned long long RcvHdrAddr1; unsigned long long RcvHdrAddr2; unsigned long long RcvHdrAddr3; unsigned long long RcvHdrAddr4; unsigned long long RcvHdrAddr5; unsigned long long RcvHdrAddr6; unsigned long long RcvHdrAddr7; unsigned long long RcvHdrAddr8; unsigned long long ReservedRHA[7]; unsigned long long RcvHdrTailAddr0; unsigned long long RcvHdrTailAddr1; unsigned long long RcvHdrTailAddr2; unsigned long long RcvHdrTailAddr3; unsigned long long RcvHdrTailAddr4; unsigned long long RcvHdrTailAddr5; unsigned long long RcvHdrTailAddr6; unsigned long long RcvHdrTailAddr7; unsigned long long RcvHdrTailAddr8; unsigned long long ReservedRHTA[7]; unsigned long long Sync; /* Software only */ unsigned long long Dump; /* Software only */ unsigned long long SimVer; /* Software only */ unsigned long long ReservedSW[5]; unsigned long long SerdesConfig0; unsigned long long SerdesConfig1; unsigned long long SerdesStatus; unsigned long long XGXSConfig; unsigned long long ReservedSW2[4]; }; struct _infinipath_do_not_use_counters { __u64 LBIntCnt; __u64 LBFlowStallCnt; __u64 Reserved1; __u64 TxUnsupVLErrCnt; __u64 TxDataPktCnt; __u64 TxFlowPktCnt; __u64 TxDwordCnt; __u64 TxLenErrCnt; __u64 TxMaxMinLenErrCnt; __u64 TxUnderrunCnt; __u64 TxFlowStallCnt; __u64 TxDroppedPktCnt; __u64 RxDroppedPktCnt; __u64 RxDataPktCnt; __u64 RxFlowPktCnt; __u64 RxDwordCnt; __u64 RxLenErrCnt; __u64 RxMaxMinLenErrCnt; __u64 RxICRCErrCnt; __u64 RxVCRCErrCnt; __u64 RxFlowCtrlErrCnt; __u64 RxBadFormatCnt; __u64 RxLinkProblemCnt; __u64 RxEBPCnt; __u64 RxLPCRCErrCnt; __u64 RxBufOvflCnt; __u64 RxTIDFullErrCnt; __u64 RxTIDValidErrCnt; __u64 RxPKeyMismatchCnt; __u64 RxP0HdrEgrOvflCnt; __u64 RxP1HdrEgrOvflCnt; __u64 RxP2HdrEgrOvflCnt; __u64 RxP3HdrEgrOvflCnt; __u64 RxP4HdrEgrOvflCnt; __u64 RxP5HdrEgrOvflCnt; __u64 RxP6HdrEgrOvflCnt; __u64 RxP7HdrEgrOvflCnt; __u64 RxP8HdrEgrOvflCnt; __u64 Reserved6; __u64 Reserved7; __u64 IBStatusChangeCnt; __u64 IBLinkErrRecoveryCnt; __u64 IBLinkDownedCnt; __u64 IBSymbolErrCnt; }; #define IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(field) (offsetof( \ struct _infinipath_do_not_use_kernel_regs, field) / sizeof(u64)) #define IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(field) (offsetof( \ struct _infinipath_do_not_use_counters, field) / sizeof(u64)) static const struct ipath_kregs ipath_ht_kregs = { .kr_control = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(Control), .kr_counterregbase = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(CounterRegBase), .kr_debugport = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(DebugPort), .kr_debugportselect = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(DebugPortSelect), .kr_errorclear = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(ErrorClear), .kr_errormask = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(ErrorMask), .kr_errorstatus = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(ErrorStatus), .kr_extctrl = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(ExtCtrl), .kr_extstatus = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(ExtStatus), .kr_gpio_clear = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(GPIOClear), .kr_gpio_mask = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(GPIOMask), .kr_gpio_out = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(GPIOOut), .kr_gpio_status = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(GPIOStatus), .kr_hwdiagctrl = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(HwDiagCtrl), .kr_hwerrclear = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(HwErrClear), .kr_hwerrmask = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(HwErrMask), .kr_hwerrstatus = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(HwErrStatus), .kr_ibcctrl = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(IBCCtrl), .kr_ibcstatus = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(IBCStatus), .kr_intblocked = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(IntBlocked), .kr_intclear = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(IntClear), .kr_interruptconfig = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(InterruptConfig), .kr_intmask = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(IntMask), .kr_intstatus = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(IntStatus), .kr_mdio = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(MDIO), .kr_pagealign = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(PageAlign), .kr_partitionkey = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvPartitionKey), .kr_portcnt = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(PortCnt), .kr_rcvbthqp = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvBTHQP), .kr_rcvbufbase = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvBufBase), .kr_rcvbufsize = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvBufSize), .kr_rcvctrl = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvCtrl), .kr_rcvegrbase = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvEgrBase), .kr_rcvegrcnt = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvEgrCnt), .kr_rcvhdrcnt = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvHdrCnt), .kr_rcvhdrentsize = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvHdrEntSize), .kr_rcvhdrsize = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvHdrSize), .kr_rcvintmembase = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RxIntMemBase), .kr_rcvintmemsize = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RxIntMemSize), .kr_rcvtidbase = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvTIDBase), .kr_rcvtidcnt = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvTIDCnt), .kr_revision = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(Revision), .kr_scratch = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(Scratch), .kr_sendbuffererror = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SendBufferError), .kr_sendctrl = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SendCtrl), .kr_sendpioavailaddr = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SendPIOAvailAddr), .kr_sendpiobufbase = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SendPIOBufBase), .kr_sendpiobufcnt = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SendPIOBufCnt), .kr_sendpiosize = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SendPIOSize), .kr_sendregbase = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SendRegBase), .kr_txintmembase = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(TxIntMemBase), .kr_txintmemsize = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(TxIntMemSize), .kr_userregbase = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(UserRegBase), .kr_serdesconfig0 = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SerdesConfig0), .kr_serdesconfig1 = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SerdesConfig1), .kr_serdesstatus = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(SerdesStatus), .kr_xgxsconfig = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(XGXSConfig), /* * These should not be used directly via ipath_write_kreg64(), * use them with ipath_write_kreg64_port(), */ .kr_rcvhdraddr = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvHdrAddr0), .kr_rcvhdrtailaddr = IPATH_KREG_OFFSET(RcvHdrTailAddr0) }; static const struct ipath_cregs ipath_ht_cregs = { .cr_badformatcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxBadFormatCnt), .cr_erricrccnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxICRCErrCnt), .cr_errlinkcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxLinkProblemCnt), .cr_errlpcrccnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxLPCRCErrCnt), .cr_errpkey = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxPKeyMismatchCnt), .cr_errrcvflowctrlcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxFlowCtrlErrCnt), .cr_err_rlencnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxLenErrCnt), .cr_errslencnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxLenErrCnt), .cr_errtidfull = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxTIDFullErrCnt), .cr_errtidvalid = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxTIDValidErrCnt), .cr_errvcrccnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxVCRCErrCnt), .cr_ibstatuschange = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(IBStatusChangeCnt), /* calc from Reg_CounterRegBase + offset */ .cr_intcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(LBIntCnt), .cr_invalidrlencnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxMaxMinLenErrCnt), .cr_invalidslencnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxMaxMinLenErrCnt), .cr_lbflowstallcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(LBFlowStallCnt), .cr_pktrcvcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxDataPktCnt), .cr_pktrcvflowctrlcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxFlowPktCnt), .cr_pktsendcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxDataPktCnt), .cr_pktsendflowcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxFlowPktCnt), .cr_portovflcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP0HdrEgrOvflCnt), .cr_rcvebpcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxEBPCnt), .cr_rcvovflcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxBufOvflCnt), .cr_senddropped = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxDroppedPktCnt), .cr_sendstallcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxFlowStallCnt), .cr_sendunderruncnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxUnderrunCnt), .cr_wordrcvcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxDwordCnt), .cr_wordsendcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxDwordCnt), .cr_unsupvlcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxUnsupVLErrCnt), .cr_rxdroppktcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxDroppedPktCnt), .cr_iblinkerrrecovcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(IBLinkErrRecoveryCnt), .cr_iblinkdowncnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(IBLinkDownedCnt), .cr_ibsymbolerrcnt = IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(IBSymbolErrCnt) }; /* kr_intstatus, kr_intclear, kr_intmask bits */ #define INFINIPATH_I_RCVURG_MASK ((1U<<9)-1) #define INFINIPATH_I_RCVURG_SHIFT 0 #define INFINIPATH_I_RCVAVAIL_MASK ((1U<<9)-1) #define INFINIPATH_I_RCVAVAIL_SHIFT 12 /* kr_hwerrclear, kr_hwerrmask, kr_hwerrstatus, bits */ #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT 0 #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMEMPARITYERR_MASK 0x3FFFFFULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKABYTE0CRCERR 0x0000000000800000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKABYTE1CRCERR 0x0000000001000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKBBYTE0CRCERR 0x0000000002000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKBBYTE1CRCERR 0x0000000004000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMISCERR4 0x0000000008000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMISCERR5 0x0000000010000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMISCERR6 0x0000000020000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMISCERR7 0x0000000040000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCBUSTREQPARITYERR 0x0000000080000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCBUSTRESPPARITYERR 0x0000000100000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCBUSIREQPARITYERR 0x0000000200000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_COREPLL_FBSLIP 0x0080000000000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_COREPLL_RFSLIP 0x0100000000000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTBPLL_FBSLIP 0x0200000000000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTBPLL_RFSLIP 0x0400000000000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTAPLL_FBSLIP 0x0800000000000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_HTAPLL_RFSLIP 0x1000000000000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED 0x2000000000000000ULL #define IBA6110_IBCS_LINKTRAININGSTATE_MASK 0xf #define IBA6110_IBCS_LINKSTATE_SHIFT 4 /* kr_extstatus bits */ #define INFINIPATH_EXTS_FREQSEL 0x2 #define INFINIPATH_EXTS_SERDESSEL 0x4 #define INFINIPATH_EXTS_MEMBIST_ENDTEST 0x0000000000004000 #define INFINIPATH_EXTS_MEMBIST_CORRECT 0x0000000000008000 /* TID entries (memory), HT-only */ #define INFINIPATH_RT_ADDR_MASK 0xFFFFFFFFFFULL /* 40 bits valid */ #define INFINIPATH_RT_VALID 0x8000000000000000ULL #define INFINIPATH_RT_ADDR_SHIFT 0 #define INFINIPATH_RT_BUFSIZE_MASK 0x3FFFULL #define INFINIPATH_RT_BUFSIZE_SHIFT 48 #define INFINIPATH_R_INTRAVAIL_SHIFT 16 #define INFINIPATH_R_TAILUPD_SHIFT 31 /* kr_xgxsconfig bits */ #define INFINIPATH_XGXS_RESET 0x7ULL /* * masks and bits that are different in different chips, or present only * in one */ static const ipath_err_t infinipath_hwe_htcmemparityerr_mask = INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMEMPARITYERR_MASK; static const ipath_err_t infinipath_hwe_htcmemparityerr_shift = INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT; static const ipath_err_t infinipath_hwe_htclnkabyte0crcerr = INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKABYTE0CRCERR; static const ipath_err_t infinipath_hwe_htclnkabyte1crcerr = INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKABYTE1CRCERR; static const ipath_err_t infinipath_hwe_htclnkbbyte0crcerr = INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKBBYTE0CRCERR; static const ipath_err_t infinipath_hwe_htclnkbbyte1crcerr = INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKBBYTE1CRCERR; #define _IPATH_GPIO_SDA_NUM 1 #define _IPATH_GPIO_SCL_NUM 0 #define IPATH_GPIO_SDA \ (1ULL << (_IPATH_GPIO_SDA_NUM+INFINIPATH_EXTC_GPIOOE_SHIFT)) #define IPATH_GPIO_SCL \ (1ULL << (_IPATH_GPIO_SCL_NUM+INFINIPATH_EXTC_GPIOOE_SHIFT)) /* keep the code below somewhat more readonable; not used elsewhere */ #define _IPATH_HTLINK0_CRCBITS (infinipath_hwe_htclnkabyte0crcerr | \ infinipath_hwe_htclnkabyte1crcerr) #define _IPATH_HTLINK1_CRCBITS (infinipath_hwe_htclnkbbyte0crcerr | \ infinipath_hwe_htclnkbbyte1crcerr) #define _IPATH_HTLANE0_CRCBITS (infinipath_hwe_htclnkabyte0crcerr | \ infinipath_hwe_htclnkbbyte0crcerr) #define _IPATH_HTLANE1_CRCBITS (infinipath_hwe_htclnkabyte1crcerr | \ infinipath_hwe_htclnkbbyte1crcerr) static void hwerr_crcbits(struct ipath_devdata *dd, ipath_err_t hwerrs, char *msg, size_t msgl) { char bitsmsg[64]; ipath_err_t crcbits = hwerrs & (_IPATH_HTLINK0_CRCBITS | _IPATH_HTLINK1_CRCBITS); /* don't check if 8bit HT */ if (dd->ipath_flags & IPATH_8BIT_IN_HT0) crcbits &= ~infinipath_hwe_htclnkabyte1crcerr; /* don't check if 8bit HT */ if (dd->ipath_flags & IPATH_8BIT_IN_HT1) crcbits &= ~infinipath_hwe_htclnkbbyte1crcerr; /* * we'll want to ignore link errors on link that is * not in use, if any. For now, complain about both */ if (crcbits) { u16 ctrl0, ctrl1; snprintf(bitsmsg, sizeof bitsmsg, "[HT%s lane %s CRC (%llx); powercycle to completely clear]", !(crcbits & _IPATH_HTLINK1_CRCBITS) ? "0 (A)" : (!(crcbits & _IPATH_HTLINK0_CRCBITS) ? "1 (B)" : "0+1 (A+B)"), !(crcbits & _IPATH_HTLANE1_CRCBITS) ? "0" : (!(crcbits & _IPATH_HTLANE0_CRCBITS) ? "1" : "0+1"), (unsigned long long) crcbits); strlcat(msg, bitsmsg, msgl); /* * print extra info for debugging. slave/primary * config word 4, 8 (link control 0, 1) */ if (pci_read_config_word(dd->pcidev, dd->ipath_ht_slave_off + 0x4, &ctrl0)) dev_info(&dd->pcidev->dev, "Couldn't read " "linkctrl0 of slave/primary " "config block\n"); else if (!(ctrl0 & 1 << 6)) /* not if EOC bit set */ ipath_dbg("HT linkctrl0 0x%x%s%s\n", ctrl0, ((ctrl0 >> 8) & 7) ? " CRC" : "", ((ctrl0 >> 4) & 1) ? "linkfail" : ""); if (pci_read_config_word(dd->pcidev, dd->ipath_ht_slave_off + 0x8, &ctrl1)) dev_info(&dd->pcidev->dev, "Couldn't read " "linkctrl1 of slave/primary " "config block\n"); else if (!(ctrl1 & 1 << 6)) /* not if EOC bit set */ ipath_dbg("HT linkctrl1 0x%x%s%s\n", ctrl1, ((ctrl1 >> 8) & 7) ? " CRC" : "", ((ctrl1 >> 4) & 1) ? "linkfail" : ""); /* disable until driver reloaded */ dd->ipath_hwerrmask &= ~crcbits; ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_hwerrmask, dd->ipath_hwerrmask); ipath_dbg("HT crc errs: %s\n", msg); } else ipath_dbg("ignoring HT crc errors 0x%llx, " "not in use\n", (unsigned long long) (hwerrs & (_IPATH_HTLINK0_CRCBITS | _IPATH_HTLINK1_CRCBITS))); } /* 6110 specific hardware errors... */ static const struct ipath_hwerror_msgs ipath_6110_hwerror_msgs[] = { INFINIPATH_HWE_MSG(HTCBUSIREQPARITYERR, "HTC Ireq Parity"), INFINIPATH_HWE_MSG(HTCBUSTREQPARITYERR, "HTC Treq Parity"), INFINIPATH_HWE_MSG(HTCBUSTRESPPARITYERR, "HTC Tresp Parity"), INFINIPATH_HWE_MSG(HTCMISCERR5, "HT core Misc5"), INFINIPATH_HWE_MSG(HTCMISCERR6, "HT core Misc6"), INFINIPATH_HWE_MSG(HTCMISCERR7, "HT core Misc7"), INFINIPATH_HWE_MSG(RXDSYNCMEMPARITYERR, "Rx Dsync"), INFINIPATH_HWE_MSG(SERDESPLLFAILED, "SerDes PLL"), }; #define TXE_PIO_PARITY ((INFINIPATH_HWE_TXEMEMPARITYERR_PIOBUF | \ INFINIPATH_HWE_TXEMEMPARITYERR_PIOPBC) \ << INFINIPATH_HWE_TXEMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT) #define RXE_EAGER_PARITY (INFINIPATH_HWE_RXEMEMPARITYERR_EAGERTID \ << INFINIPATH_HWE_RXEMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT) static void ipath_ht_txe_recover(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { ++ipath_stats.sps_txeparity; dev_info(&dd->pcidev->dev, "Recovering from TXE PIO parity error\n"); } /** * ipath_ht_handle_hwerrors - display hardware errors. * @dd: the infinipath device * @msg: the output buffer * @msgl: the size of the output buffer * * Use same msg buffer as regular errors to avoid excessive stack * use. Most hardware errors are catastrophic, but for right now, * we'll print them and continue. We reuse the same message buffer as * ipath_handle_errors() to avoid excessive stack usage. */ static void ipath_ht_handle_hwerrors(struct ipath_devdata *dd, char *msg, size_t msgl) { ipath_err_t hwerrs; u32 bits, ctrl; int isfatal = 0; char bitsmsg[64]; int log_idx; hwerrs = ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_hwerrstatus); if (!hwerrs) { ipath_cdbg(VERBOSE, "Called but no hardware errors set\n"); /* * better than printing cofusing messages * This seems to be related to clearing the crc error, or * the pll error during init. */ goto bail; } else if (hwerrs == -1LL) { ipath_dev_err(dd, "Read of hardware error status failed " "(all bits set); ignoring\n"); goto bail; } ipath_stats.sps_hwerrs++; /* Always clear the error status register, except MEMBISTFAIL, * regardless of whether we continue or stop using the chip. * We want that set so we know it failed, even across driver reload. * We'll still ignore it in the hwerrmask. We do this partly for * diagnostics, but also for support */ ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_hwerrclear, hwerrs&~INFINIPATH_HWE_MEMBISTFAILED); hwerrs &= dd->ipath_hwerrmask; /* We log some errors to EEPROM, check if we have any of those. */ for (log_idx = 0; log_idx < IPATH_EEP_LOG_CNT; ++log_idx) if (hwerrs & dd->ipath_eep_st_masks[log_idx].hwerrs_to_log) ipath_inc_eeprom_err(dd, log_idx, 1); /* * make sure we get this much out, unless told to be quiet, * it's a parity error we may recover from, * or it's occurred within the last 5 seconds */ if ((hwerrs & ~(dd->ipath_lasthwerror | TXE_PIO_PARITY | RXE_EAGER_PARITY)) || (ipath_debug & __IPATH_VERBDBG)) dev_info(&dd->pcidev->dev, "Hardware error: hwerr=0x%llx " "(cleared)\n", (unsigned long long) hwerrs); dd->ipath_lasthwerror |= hwerrs; if (hwerrs & ~dd->ipath_hwe_bitsextant) ipath_dev_err(dd, "hwerror interrupt with unknown errors " "%llx set\n", (unsigned long long) (hwerrs & ~dd->ipath_hwe_bitsextant)); ctrl = ipath_read_kreg32(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_control); if ((ctrl & INFINIPATH_C_FREEZEMODE) && !ipath_diag_inuse) { /* * parity errors in send memory are recoverable, * just cancel the send (if indicated in * sendbuffererror), * count the occurrence, unfreeze (if no other handled * hardware error bits are set), and continue. They can * occur if a processor speculative read is done to the PIO * buffer while we are sending a packet, for example. */ if (hwerrs & TXE_PIO_PARITY) { ipath_ht_txe_recover(dd); hwerrs &= ~TXE_PIO_PARITY; } if (!hwerrs) { ipath_dbg("Clearing freezemode on ignored or " "recovered hardware error\n"); ipath_clear_freeze(dd); } } *msg = '\0'; /* * may someday want to decode into which bits are which * functional area for parity errors, etc. */ if (hwerrs & (infinipath_hwe_htcmemparityerr_mask << INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT)) { bits = (u32) ((hwerrs >> INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT) & INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMEMPARITYERR_MASK); snprintf(bitsmsg, sizeof bitsmsg, "[HTC Parity Errs %x] ", bits); strlcat(msg, bitsmsg, msgl); } ipath_format_hwerrors(hwerrs, ipath_6110_hwerror_msgs, sizeof(ipath_6110_hwerror_msgs) / sizeof(ipath_6110_hwerror_msgs[0]), msg, msgl); if (hwerrs & (_IPATH_HTLINK0_CRCBITS | _IPATH_HTLINK1_CRCBITS)) hwerr_crcbits(dd, hwerrs, msg, msgl); if (hwerrs & INFINIPATH_HWE_MEMBISTFAILED) { strlcat(msg, "[Memory BIST test failed, InfiniPath hardware unusable]", msgl); /* ignore from now on, so disable until driver reloaded */ dd->ipath_hwerrmask &= ~INFINIPATH_HWE_MEMBISTFAILED; ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_hwerrmask, dd->ipath_hwerrmask); } #define _IPATH_PLL_FAIL (INFINIPATH_HWE_COREPLL_FBSLIP | \ INFINIPATH_HWE_COREPLL_RFSLIP | \ INFINIPATH_HWE_HTBPLL_FBSLIP | \ INFINIPATH_HWE_HTBPLL_RFSLIP | \ INFINIPATH_HWE_HTAPLL_FBSLIP | \ INFINIPATH_HWE_HTAPLL_RFSLIP) if (hwerrs & _IPATH_PLL_FAIL) { snprintf(bitsmsg, sizeof bitsmsg, "[PLL failed (%llx), InfiniPath hardware unusable]", (unsigned long long) (hwerrs & _IPATH_PLL_FAIL)); strlcat(msg, bitsmsg, msgl); /* ignore from now on, so disable until driver reloaded */ dd->ipath_hwerrmask &= ~(hwerrs & _IPATH_PLL_FAIL); ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_hwerrmask, dd->ipath_hwerrmask); } if (hwerrs & INFINIPATH_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED) { /* * If it occurs, it is left masked since the eternal * interface is unused */ dd->ipath_hwerrmask &= ~INFINIPATH_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED; ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_hwerrmask, dd->ipath_hwerrmask); } if (hwerrs) { /* * if any set that we aren't ignoring; only * make the complaint once, in case it's stuck * or recurring, and we get here multiple * times. * force link down, so switch knows, and * LEDs are turned off */ if (dd->ipath_flags & IPATH_INITTED) { ipath_set_linkstate(dd, IPATH_IB_LINKDOWN); ipath_setup_ht_setextled(dd, INFINIPATH_IBCS_L_STATE_DOWN, INFINIPATH_IBCS_LT_STATE_DISABLED); ipath_dev_err(dd, "Fatal Hardware Error (freeze " "mode), no longer usable, SN %.16s\n", dd->ipath_serial); isfatal = 1; } *dd->ipath_statusp &= ~IPATH_STATUS_IB_READY; /* mark as having had error */ *dd->ipath_statusp |= IPATH_STATUS_HWERROR; /* * mark as not usable, at a minimum until driver * is reloaded, probably until reboot, since no * other reset is possible. */ dd->ipath_flags &= ~IPATH_INITTED; } else *msg = 0; /* recovered from all of them */ if (*msg) ipath_dev_err(dd, "%s hardware error\n", msg); if (isfatal && !ipath_diag_inuse && dd->ipath_freezemsg) /* * for status file; if no trailing brace is copied, * we'll know it was truncated. */ snprintf(dd->ipath_freezemsg, dd->ipath_freezelen, "{%s}", msg); bail:; } /** * ipath_ht_boardname - fill in the board name * @dd: the infinipath device * @name: the output buffer * @namelen: the size of the output buffer * * fill in the board name, based on the board revision register */ static int ipath_ht_boardname(struct ipath_devdata *dd, char *name, size_t namelen) { char *n = NULL; u8 boardrev = dd->ipath_boardrev; int ret = 0; switch (boardrev) { case 5: /* * original production board; two production levels, with * different serial number ranges. See ipath_ht_early_init() for * case where we enable IPATH_GPIO_INTR for later serial # range. * Original 112* serial number is no longer supported. */ n = "InfiniPath_QHT7040"; break; case 7: /* small form factor production board */ n = "InfiniPath_QHT7140"; break; default: /* don't know, just print the number */ ipath_dev_err(dd, "Don't yet know about board " "with ID %u\n", boardrev); snprintf(name, namelen, "Unknown_InfiniPath_QHT7xxx_%u", boardrev); break; } if (n) snprintf(name, namelen, "%s", n); if (ret) { ipath_dev_err(dd, "Unsupported InfiniPath board %s!\n", name); goto bail; } if (dd->ipath_majrev != 3 || (dd->ipath_minrev < 2 || dd->ipath_minrev > 4)) { /* * This version of the driver only supports Rev 3.2 - 3.4 */ ipath_dev_err(dd, "Unsupported InfiniPath hardware revision %u.%u!\n", dd->ipath_majrev, dd->ipath_minrev); ret = 1; goto bail; } /* * pkt/word counters are 32 bit, and therefore wrap fast enough * that we snapshot them from a timer, and maintain 64 bit shadow * copies */ dd->ipath_flags |= IPATH_32BITCOUNTERS; dd->ipath_flags |= IPATH_GPIO_INTR; if (dd->ipath_lbus_speed != 800) ipath_dev_err(dd, "Incorrectly configured for HT @ %uMHz\n", dd->ipath_lbus_speed); /* * set here, not in ipath_init_*_funcs because we have to do * it after we can read chip registers. */ dd->ipath_ureg_align = ipath_read_kreg32(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_pagealign); bail: return ret; } static void ipath_check_htlink(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { u8 linkerr, link_off, i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { link_off = dd->ipath_ht_slave_off + i * 4 + 0xd; if (pci_read_config_byte(dd->pcidev, link_off, &linkerr)) dev_info(&dd->pcidev->dev, "Couldn't read " "linkerror%d of HT slave/primary block\n", i); else if (linkerr & 0xf0) { ipath_cdbg(VERBOSE, "HT linkerr%d bits 0x%x set, " "clearing\n", linkerr >> 4, i); /* * writing the linkerr bits that are set should * clear them */ if (pci_write_config_byte(dd->pcidev, link_off, linkerr)) ipath_dbg("Failed write to clear HT " "linkerror%d\n", i); if (pci_read_config_byte(dd->pcidev, link_off, &linkerr)) dev_info(&dd->pcidev->dev, "Couldn't reread linkerror%d of " "HT slave/primary block\n", i); else if (linkerr & 0xf0) dev_info(&dd->pcidev->dev, "HT linkerror%d bits 0x%x " "couldn't be cleared\n", i, linkerr >> 4); } } } static int ipath_setup_ht_reset(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { ipath_dbg("No reset possible for this InfiniPath hardware\n"); return 0; } #define HT_INTR_DISC_CONFIG 0x80 /* HT interrupt and discovery cap */ #define HT_INTR_REG_INDEX 2 /* intconfig requires indirect accesses */ /* * Bits 13-15 of command==0 is slave/primary block. Clear any HT CRC * errors. We only bother to do this at load time, because it's OK if * it happened before we were loaded (first time after boot/reset), * but any time after that, it's fatal anyway. Also need to not check * for upper byte errors if we are in 8 bit mode, so figure out * our width. For now, at least, also complain if it's 8 bit. */ static void slave_or_pri_blk(struct ipath_devdata *dd, struct pci_dev *pdev, int pos, u8 cap_type) { u8 linkwidth = 0, linkerr, link_a_b_off, link_off; u16 linkctrl = 0; int i; dd->ipath_ht_slave_off = pos; /* command word, master_host bit */ /* master host || slave */ if ((cap_type >> 2) & 1) link_a_b_off = 4; else link_a_b_off = 0; ipath_cdbg(VERBOSE, "HT%u (Link %c) connected to processor\n", link_a_b_off ? 1 : 0, link_a_b_off ? 'B' : 'A'); link_a_b_off += pos; /* * check both link control registers; clear both HT CRC sets if * necessary. */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { link_off = pos + i * 4 + 0x4; if (pci_read_config_word(pdev, link_off, &linkctrl)) ipath_dev_err(dd, "Couldn't read HT link control%d " "register\n", i); else if (linkctrl & (0xf << 8)) { ipath_cdbg(VERBOSE, "Clear linkctrl%d CRC Error " "bits %x\n", i, linkctrl & (0xf << 8)); /* * now write them back to clear the error. */ pci_write_config_word(pdev, link_off, linkctrl & (0xf << 8)); } } /* * As with HT CRC bits, same for protocol errors that might occur * during boot. */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { link_off = pos + i * 4 + 0xd; if (pci_read_config_byte(pdev, link_off, &linkerr)) dev_info(&pdev->dev, "Couldn't read linkerror%d " "of HT slave/primary block\n", i); else if (linkerr & 0xf0) { ipath_cdbg(VERBOSE, "HT linkerr%d bits 0x%x set, " "clearing\n", linkerr >> 4, i); /* * writing the linkerr bits that are set will clear * them */ if (pci_write_config_byte (pdev, link_off, linkerr)) ipath_dbg("Failed write to clear HT " "linkerror%d\n", i); if (pci_read_config_byte(pdev, link_off, &linkerr)) dev_info(&pdev->dev, "Couldn't reread " "linkerror%d of HT slave/primary " "block\n", i); else if (linkerr & 0xf0) dev_info(&pdev->dev, "HT linkerror%d bits " "0x%x couldn't be cleared\n", i, linkerr >> 4); } } /* * this is just for our link to the host, not devices connected * through tunnel. */ if (pci_read_config_byte(pdev, link_a_b_off + 7, &linkwidth)) ipath_dev_err(dd, "Couldn't read HT link width " "config register\n"); else { u32 width; switch (linkwidth & 7) { case 5: width = 4; break; case 4: width = 2; break; case 3: width = 32; break; case 1: width = 16; break; case 0: default: /* if wrong, assume 8 bit */ width = 8; break; } dd->ipath_lbus_width = width; if (linkwidth != 0x11) { ipath_dev_err(dd, "Not configured for 16 bit HT " "(%x)\n", linkwidth); if (!(linkwidth & 0xf)) { ipath_dbg("Will ignore HT lane1 errors\n"); dd->ipath_flags |= IPATH_8BIT_IN_HT0; } } } /* * this is just for our link to the host, not devices connected * through tunnel. */ if (pci_read_config_byte(pdev, link_a_b_off + 0xd, &linkwidth)) ipath_dev_err(dd, "Couldn't read HT link frequency " "config register\n"); else { u32 speed; switch (linkwidth & 0xf) { case 6: speed = 1000; break; case 5: speed = 800; break; case 4: speed = 600; break; case 3: speed = 500; break; case 2: speed = 400; break; case 1: speed = 300; break; default: /* * assume reserved and vendor-specific are 200... */ case 0: speed = 200; break; } dd->ipath_lbus_speed = speed; } snprintf(dd->ipath_lbus_info, sizeof(dd->ipath_lbus_info), "HyperTransport,%uMHz,x%u\n", dd->ipath_lbus_speed, dd->ipath_lbus_width); } static int ipath_ht_intconfig(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { int ret; if (dd->ipath_intconfig) { ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_interruptconfig, dd->ipath_intconfig); /* interrupt address */ ret = 0; } else { ipath_dev_err(dd, "No interrupts enabled, couldn't setup " "interrupt address\n"); ret = -EINVAL; } return ret; } static void ipath_ht_irq_update(struct pci_dev *dev, int irq, struct ht_irq_msg *msg) { struct ipath_devdata *dd = pci_get_drvdata(dev); u64 prev_intconfig = dd->ipath_intconfig; dd->ipath_intconfig = msg->address_lo; dd->ipath_intconfig |= ((u64) msg->address_hi) << 32; /* * If the previous value of dd->ipath_intconfig is zero, we're * getting configured for the first time, and must not program the * intconfig register here (it will be programmed later, when the * hardware is ready). Otherwise, we should. */ if (prev_intconfig) ipath_ht_intconfig(dd); } /** * ipath_setup_ht_config - setup the interruptconfig register * @dd: the infinipath device * @pdev: the PCI device * * setup the interruptconfig register from the HT config info. * Also clear CRC errors in HT linkcontrol, if necessary. * This is done only for the real hardware. It is done before * chip address space is initted, so can't touch infinipath registers */ static int ipath_setup_ht_config(struct ipath_devdata *dd, struct pci_dev *pdev) { int pos, ret; ret = __ht_create_irq(pdev, 0, ipath_ht_irq_update); if (ret < 0) { ipath_dev_err(dd, "Couldn't create interrupt handler: " "err %d\n", ret); goto bail; } dd->ipath_irq = ret; ret = 0; /* * Handle clearing CRC errors in linkctrl register if necessary. We * do this early, before we ever enable errors or hardware errors, * mostly to avoid causing the chip to enter freeze mode. */ pos = pci_find_capability(pdev, PCI_CAP_ID_HT); if (!pos) { ipath_dev_err(dd, "Couldn't find HyperTransport " "capability; no interrupts\n"); ret = -ENODEV; goto bail; } do { u8 cap_type; /* * The HT capability type byte is 3 bytes after the * capability byte. */ if (pci_read_config_byte(pdev, pos + 3, &cap_type)) { dev_info(&pdev->dev, "Couldn't read config " "command @ %d\n", pos); continue; } if (!(cap_type & 0xE0)) slave_or_pri_blk(dd, pdev, pos, cap_type); } while ((pos = pci_find_next_capability(pdev, pos, PCI_CAP_ID_HT))); dd->ipath_flags |= IPATH_SWAP_PIOBUFS; bail: return ret; } /** * ipath_setup_ht_cleanup - clean up any per-chip chip-specific stuff * @dd: the infinipath device * * Called during driver unload. * This is currently a nop for the HT chip, not for all chips */ static void ipath_setup_ht_cleanup(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { } /** * ipath_setup_ht_setextled - set the state of the two external LEDs * @dd: the infinipath device * @lst: the L state * @ltst: the LT state * * Set the state of the two external LEDs, to indicate physical and * logical state of IB link. For this chip (at least with recommended * board pinouts), LED1 is Green (physical state), and LED2 is Yellow * (logical state) * * Note: We try to match the Mellanox HCA LED behavior as best * we can. Green indicates physical link state is OK (something is * plugged in, and we can train). * Amber indicates the link is logically up (ACTIVE). * Mellanox further blinks the amber LED to indicate data packet * activity, but we have no hardware support for that, so it would * require waking up every 10-20 msecs and checking the counters * on the chip, and then turning the LED off if appropriate. That's * visible overhead, so not something we will do. * */ static void ipath_setup_ht_setextled(struct ipath_devdata *dd, u64 lst, u64 ltst) { u64 extctl; unsigned long flags = 0; /* the diags use the LED to indicate diag info, so we leave * the external LED alone when the diags are running */ if (ipath_diag_inuse) return; /* Allow override of LED display for, e.g. Locating system in rack */ if (dd->ipath_led_override) { ltst = (dd->ipath_led_override & IPATH_LED_PHYS) ? INFINIPATH_IBCS_LT_STATE_LINKUP : INFINIPATH_IBCS_LT_STATE_DISABLED; lst = (dd->ipath_led_override & IPATH_LED_LOG) ? INFINIPATH_IBCS_L_STATE_ACTIVE : INFINIPATH_IBCS_L_STATE_DOWN; } spin_lock_irqsave(&dd->ipath_gpio_lock, flags); /* * start by setting both LED control bits to off, then turn * on the appropriate bit(s). */ if (dd->ipath_boardrev == 8) { /* LS/X-1 uses different pins */ /* * major difference is that INFINIPATH_EXTC_LEDGBLERR_OFF * is inverted, because it is normally used to indicate * a hardware fault at reset, if there were errors */ extctl = (dd->ipath_extctrl & ~INFINIPATH_EXTC_LEDGBLOK_ON) | INFINIPATH_EXTC_LEDGBLERR_OFF; if (ltst == INFINIPATH_IBCS_LT_STATE_LINKUP) extctl &= ~INFINIPATH_EXTC_LEDGBLERR_OFF; if (lst == INFINIPATH_IBCS_L_STATE_ACTIVE) extctl |= INFINIPATH_EXTC_LEDGBLOK_ON; } else { extctl = dd->ipath_extctrl & ~(INFINIPATH_EXTC_LED1PRIPORT_ON | INFINIPATH_EXTC_LED2PRIPORT_ON); if (ltst == INFINIPATH_IBCS_LT_STATE_LINKUP) extctl |= INFINIPATH_EXTC_LED1PRIPORT_ON; if (lst == INFINIPATH_IBCS_L_STATE_ACTIVE) extctl |= INFINIPATH_EXTC_LED2PRIPORT_ON; } dd->ipath_extctrl = extctl; ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_extctrl, extctl); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dd->ipath_gpio_lock, flags); } static void ipath_init_ht_variables(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { /* * setup the register offsets, since they are different for each * chip */ dd->ipath_kregs = &ipath_ht_kregs; dd->ipath_cregs = &ipath_ht_cregs; dd->ipath_gpio_sda_num = _IPATH_GPIO_SDA_NUM; dd->ipath_gpio_scl_num = _IPATH_GPIO_SCL_NUM; dd->ipath_gpio_sda = IPATH_GPIO_SDA; dd->ipath_gpio_scl = IPATH_GPIO_SCL; /* * Fill in data for field-values that change in newer chips. * We dynamically specify only the mask for LINKTRAININGSTATE * and only the shift for LINKSTATE, as they are the only ones * that change. Also precalculate the 3 link states of interest * and the combined mask. */ dd->ibcs_ls_shift = IBA6110_IBCS_LINKSTATE_SHIFT; dd->ibcs_lts_mask = IBA6110_IBCS_LINKTRAININGSTATE_MASK; dd->ibcs_mask = (INFINIPATH_IBCS_LINKSTATE_MASK << dd->ibcs_ls_shift) | dd->ibcs_lts_mask; dd->ib_init = (INFINIPATH_IBCS_LT_STATE_LINKUP << INFINIPATH_IBCS_LINKTRAININGSTATE_SHIFT) | (INFINIPATH_IBCS_L_STATE_INIT << dd->ibcs_ls_shift); dd->ib_arm = (INFINIPATH_IBCS_LT_STATE_LINKUP << INFINIPATH_IBCS_LINKTRAININGSTATE_SHIFT) | (INFINIPATH_IBCS_L_STATE_ARM << dd->ibcs_ls_shift); dd->ib_active = (INFINIPATH_IBCS_LT_STATE_LINKUP << INFINIPATH_IBCS_LINKTRAININGSTATE_SHIFT) | (INFINIPATH_IBCS_L_STATE_ACTIVE << dd->ibcs_ls_shift); /* * Fill in data for ibcc field-values that change in newer chips. * We dynamically specify only the mask for LINKINITCMD * and only the shift for LINKCMD and MAXPKTLEN, as they are * the only ones that change. */ dd->ibcc_lic_mask = INFINIPATH_IBCC_LINKINITCMD_MASK; dd->ibcc_lc_shift = INFINIPATH_IBCC_LINKCMD_SHIFT; dd->ibcc_mpl_shift = INFINIPATH_IBCC_MAXPKTLEN_SHIFT; /* Fill in shifts for RcvCtrl. */ dd->ipath_r_portenable_shift = INFINIPATH_R_PORTENABLE_SHIFT; dd->ipath_r_intravail_shift = INFINIPATH_R_INTRAVAIL_SHIFT; dd->ipath_r_tailupd_shift = INFINIPATH_R_TAILUPD_SHIFT; dd->ipath_r_portcfg_shift = 0; /* Not on IBA6110 */ dd->ipath_i_bitsextant = (INFINIPATH_I_RCVURG_MASK << INFINIPATH_I_RCVURG_SHIFT) | (INFINIPATH_I_RCVAVAIL_MASK << INFINIPATH_I_RCVAVAIL_SHIFT) | INFINIPATH_I_ERROR | INFINIPATH_I_SPIOSENT | INFINIPATH_I_SPIOBUFAVAIL | INFINIPATH_I_GPIO; dd->ipath_e_bitsextant = INFINIPATH_E_RFORMATERR | INFINIPATH_E_RVCRC | INFINIPATH_E_RICRC | INFINIPATH_E_RMINPKTLEN | INFINIPATH_E_RMAXPKTLEN | INFINIPATH_E_RLONGPKTLEN | INFINIPATH_E_RSHORTPKTLEN | INFINIPATH_E_RUNEXPCHAR | INFINIPATH_E_RUNSUPVL | INFINIPATH_E_REBP | INFINIPATH_E_RIBFLOW | INFINIPATH_E_RBADVERSION | INFINIPATH_E_RRCVEGRFULL | INFINIPATH_E_RRCVHDRFULL | INFINIPATH_E_RBADTID | INFINIPATH_E_RHDRLEN | INFINIPATH_E_RHDR | INFINIPATH_E_RIBLOSTLINK | INFINIPATH_E_SMINPKTLEN | INFINIPATH_E_SMAXPKTLEN | INFINIPATH_E_SUNDERRUN | INFINIPATH_E_SPKTLEN | INFINIPATH_E_SDROPPEDSMPPKT | INFINIPATH_E_SDROPPEDDATAPKT | INFINIPATH_E_SPIOARMLAUNCH | INFINIPATH_E_SUNEXPERRPKTNUM | INFINIPATH_E_SUNSUPVL | INFINIPATH_E_IBSTATUSCHANGED | INFINIPATH_E_INVALIDADDR | INFINIPATH_E_RESET | INFINIPATH_E_HARDWARE; dd->ipath_hwe_bitsextant = (INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMEMPARITYERR_MASK << INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT) | (INFINIPATH_HWE_TXEMEMPARITYERR_MASK << INFINIPATH_HWE_TXEMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT) | (INFINIPATH_HWE_RXEMEMPARITYERR_MASK << INFINIPATH_HWE_RXEMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT) | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKABYTE0CRCERR | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKABYTE1CRCERR | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKBBYTE0CRCERR | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCLNKBBYTE1CRCERR | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMISCERR4 | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMISCERR5 | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMISCERR6 | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMISCERR7 | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCBUSTREQPARITYERR | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCBUSTRESPPARITYERR | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCBUSIREQPARITYERR | INFINIPATH_HWE_RXDSYNCMEMPARITYERR | INFINIPATH_HWE_MEMBISTFAILED | INFINIPATH_HWE_COREPLL_FBSLIP | INFINIPATH_HWE_COREPLL_RFSLIP | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTBPLL_FBSLIP | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTBPLL_RFSLIP | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTAPLL_FBSLIP | INFINIPATH_HWE_HTAPLL_RFSLIP | INFINIPATH_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED | INFINIPATH_HWE_IBCBUSTOSPCPARITYERR | INFINIPATH_HWE_IBCBUSFRSPCPARITYERR; dd->ipath_i_rcvavail_mask = INFINIPATH_I_RCVAVAIL_MASK; dd->ipath_i_rcvurg_mask = INFINIPATH_I_RCVURG_MASK; dd->ipath_i_rcvavail_shift = INFINIPATH_I_RCVAVAIL_SHIFT; dd->ipath_i_rcvurg_shift = INFINIPATH_I_RCVURG_SHIFT; /* * EEPROM error log 0 is TXE Parity errors. 1 is RXE Parity. * 2 is Some Misc, 3 is reserved for future. */ dd->ipath_eep_st_masks[0].hwerrs_to_log = INFINIPATH_HWE_TXEMEMPARITYERR_MASK << INFINIPATH_HWE_TXEMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT; dd->ipath_eep_st_masks[1].hwerrs_to_log = INFINIPATH_HWE_RXEMEMPARITYERR_MASK << INFINIPATH_HWE_RXEMEMPARITYERR_SHIFT; dd->ipath_eep_st_masks[2].errs_to_log = INFINIPATH_E_RESET; dd->delay_mult = 2; /* SDR, 4X, can't change */ dd->ipath_link_width_supported = IB_WIDTH_1X | IB_WIDTH_4X; dd->ipath_link_speed_supported = IPATH_IB_SDR; dd->ipath_link_width_enabled = IB_WIDTH_4X; dd->ipath_link_speed_enabled = dd->ipath_link_speed_supported; /* these can't change for this chip, so set once */ dd->ipath_link_width_active = dd->ipath_link_width_enabled; dd->ipath_link_speed_active = dd->ipath_link_speed_enabled; } /** * ipath_ht_init_hwerrors - enable hardware errors * @dd: the infinipath device * * now that we have finished initializing everything that might reasonably * cause a hardware error, and cleared those errors bits as they occur, * we can enable hardware errors in the mask (potentially enabling * freeze mode), and enable hardware errors as errors (along with * everything else) in errormask */ static void ipath_ht_init_hwerrors(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { ipath_err_t val; u64 extsval; extsval = ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_extstatus); if (!(extsval & INFINIPATH_EXTS_MEMBIST_ENDTEST)) ipath_dev_err(dd, "MemBIST did not complete!\n"); if (extsval & INFINIPATH_EXTS_MEMBIST_CORRECT) ipath_dbg("MemBIST corrected\n"); ipath_check_htlink(dd); /* barring bugs, all hwerrors become interrupts, which can */ val = -1LL; /* don't look at crc lane1 if 8 bit */ if (dd->ipath_flags & IPATH_8BIT_IN_HT0) val &= ~infinipath_hwe_htclnkabyte1crcerr; /* don't look at crc lane1 if 8 bit */ if (dd->ipath_flags & IPATH_8BIT_IN_HT1) val &= ~infinipath_hwe_htclnkbbyte1crcerr; /* * disable RXDSYNCMEMPARITY because external serdes is unused, * and therefore the logic will never be used or initialized, * and uninitialized state will normally result in this error * being asserted. Similarly for the external serdess pll * lock signal. */ val &= ~(INFINIPATH_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED | INFINIPATH_HWE_RXDSYNCMEMPARITYERR); /* * Disable MISCERR4 because of an inversion in the HT core * logic checking for errors that cause this bit to be set. * The errata can also cause the protocol error bit to be set * in the HT config space linkerror register(s). */ val &= ~INFINIPATH_HWE_HTCMISCERR4; /* * PLL ignored because unused MDIO interface has a logic problem */ if (dd->ipath_boardrev == 4 || dd->ipath_boardrev == 9) val &= ~INFINIPATH_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED; dd->ipath_hwerrmask = val; } /** * ipath_ht_bringup_serdes - bring up the serdes * @dd: the infinipath device */ static int ipath_ht_bringup_serdes(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { u64 val, config1; int ret = 0, change = 0; ipath_dbg("Trying to bringup serdes\n"); if (ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_hwerrstatus) & INFINIPATH_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED) { ipath_dbg("At start, serdes PLL failed bit set in " "hwerrstatus, clearing and continuing\n"); ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_hwerrclear, INFINIPATH_HWE_SERDESPLLFAILED); } val = ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesconfig0); config1 = ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesconfig1); ipath_cdbg(VERBOSE, "Initial serdes status is config0=%llx " "config1=%llx, sstatus=%llx xgxs %llx\n", (unsigned long long) val, (unsigned long long) config1, (unsigned long long) ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesstatus), (unsigned long long) ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_xgxsconfig)); /* force reset on */ val |= INFINIPATH_SERDC0_RESET_PLL /* | INFINIPATH_SERDC0_RESET_MASK */ ; ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesconfig0, val); udelay(15); /* need pll reset set at least for a bit */ if (val & INFINIPATH_SERDC0_RESET_PLL) { u64 val2 = val &= ~INFINIPATH_SERDC0_RESET_PLL; /* set lane resets, and tx idle, during pll reset */ val2 |= INFINIPATH_SERDC0_RESET_MASK | INFINIPATH_SERDC0_TXIDLE; ipath_cdbg(VERBOSE, "Clearing serdes PLL reset (writing " "%llx)\n", (unsigned long long) val2); ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesconfig0, val2); /* * be sure chip saw it */ val = ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_scratch); /* * need pll reset clear at least 11 usec before lane * resets cleared; give it a few more */ udelay(15); val = val2; /* for check below */ } if (val & (INFINIPATH_SERDC0_RESET_PLL | INFINIPATH_SERDC0_RESET_MASK | INFINIPATH_SERDC0_TXIDLE)) { val &= ~(INFINIPATH_SERDC0_RESET_PLL | INFINIPATH_SERDC0_RESET_MASK | INFINIPATH_SERDC0_TXIDLE); /* clear them */ ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesconfig0, val); } val = ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_xgxsconfig); if (val & INFINIPATH_XGXS_RESET) { /* normally true after boot */ val &= ~INFINIPATH_XGXS_RESET; change = 1; } if (((val >> INFINIPATH_XGXS_RX_POL_SHIFT) & INFINIPATH_XGXS_RX_POL_MASK) != dd->ipath_rx_pol_inv ) { /* need to compensate for Tx inversion in partner */ val &= ~(INFINIPATH_XGXS_RX_POL_MASK << INFINIPATH_XGXS_RX_POL_SHIFT); val |= dd->ipath_rx_pol_inv << INFINIPATH_XGXS_RX_POL_SHIFT; change = 1; } if (change) ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_xgxsconfig, val); val = ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesconfig0); /* clear current and de-emphasis bits */ config1 &= ~0x0ffffffff00ULL; /* set current to 20ma */ config1 |= 0x00000000000ULL; /* set de-emphasis to -5.68dB */ config1 |= 0x0cccc000000ULL; ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesconfig1, config1); ipath_cdbg(VERBOSE, "After setup: serdes status is config0=%llx " "config1=%llx, sstatus=%llx xgxs %llx\n", (unsigned long long) val, (unsigned long long) config1, (unsigned long long) ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesstatus), (unsigned long long) ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_xgxsconfig)); return ret; /* for now, say we always succeeded */ } /** * ipath_ht_quiet_serdes - set serdes to txidle * @dd: the infinipath device * driver is being unloaded */ static void ipath_ht_quiet_serdes(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { u64 val = ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesconfig0); val |= INFINIPATH_SERDC0_TXIDLE; ipath_dbg("Setting TxIdleEn on serdes (config0 = %llx)\n", (unsigned long long) val); ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_serdesconfig0, val); } /** * ipath_pe_put_tid - write a TID in chip * @dd: the infinipath device * @tidptr: pointer to the expected TID (in chip) to udpate * @tidtype: RCVHQ_RCV_TYPE_EAGER (1) for eager, RCVHQ_RCV_TYPE_EXPECTED (0) for expected * @pa: physical address of in memory buffer; ipath_tidinvalid if freeing * * This exists as a separate routine to allow for special locking etc. * It's used for both the full cleanup on exit, as well as the normal * setup and teardown. */ static void ipath_ht_put_tid(struct ipath_devdata *dd, u64 __iomem *tidptr, u32 type, unsigned long pa) { if (!dd->ipath_kregbase) return; if (pa != dd->ipath_tidinvalid) { if (unlikely((pa & ~INFINIPATH_RT_ADDR_MASK))) { dev_info(&dd->pcidev->dev, "physaddr %lx has more than " "40 bits, using only 40!!!\n", pa); pa &= INFINIPATH_RT_ADDR_MASK; } if (type == RCVHQ_RCV_TYPE_EAGER) pa |= dd->ipath_tidtemplate; else { /* in words (fixed, full page). */ u64 lenvalid = PAGE_SIZE >> 2; lenvalid <<= INFINIPATH_RT_BUFSIZE_SHIFT; pa |= lenvalid | INFINIPATH_RT_VALID; } } writeq(pa, tidptr); } /** * ipath_ht_clear_tid - clear all TID entries for a port, expected and eager * @dd: the infinipath device * @port: the port * * Used from ipath_close(), and at chip initialization. */ static void ipath_ht_clear_tids(struct ipath_devdata *dd, unsigned port) { u64 __iomem *tidbase; int i; if (!dd->ipath_kregbase) return; ipath_cdbg(VERBOSE, "Invalidate TIDs for port %u\n", port); /* * need to invalidate all of the expected TID entries for this * port, so we don't have valid entries that might somehow get * used (early in next use of this port, or through some bug) */ tidbase = (u64 __iomem *) ((char __iomem *)(dd->ipath_kregbase) + dd->ipath_rcvtidbase + port * dd->ipath_rcvtidcnt * sizeof(*tidbase)); for (i = 0; i < dd->ipath_rcvtidcnt; i++) ipath_ht_put_tid(dd, &tidbase[i], RCVHQ_RCV_TYPE_EXPECTED, dd->ipath_tidinvalid); tidbase = (u64 __iomem *) ((char __iomem *)(dd->ipath_kregbase) + dd->ipath_rcvegrbase + port * dd->ipath_rcvegrcnt * sizeof(*tidbase)); for (i = 0; i < dd->ipath_rcvegrcnt; i++) ipath_ht_put_tid(dd, &tidbase[i], RCVHQ_RCV_TYPE_EAGER, dd->ipath_tidinvalid); } /** * ipath_ht_tidtemplate - setup constants for TID updates * @dd: the infinipath device * * We setup stuff that we use a lot, to avoid calculating each time */ static void ipath_ht_tidtemplate(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { dd->ipath_tidtemplate = dd->ipath_ibmaxlen >> 2; dd->ipath_tidtemplate <<= INFINIPATH_RT_BUFSIZE_SHIFT; dd->ipath_tidtemplate |= INFINIPATH_RT_VALID; /* * work around chip errata bug 7358, by marking invalid tids * as having max length */ dd->ipath_tidinvalid = (-1LL & INFINIPATH_RT_BUFSIZE_MASK) << INFINIPATH_RT_BUFSIZE_SHIFT; } static int ipath_ht_early_init(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { u32 __iomem *piobuf; u32 pioincr, val32; int i; /* * one cache line; long IB headers will spill over into received * buffer */ dd->ipath_rcvhdrentsize = 16; dd->ipath_rcvhdrsize = IPATH_DFLT_RCVHDRSIZE; /* * For HT, we allocate a somewhat overly large eager buffer, * such that we can guarantee that we can receive the largest * packet that we can send out. To truly support a 4KB MTU, * we need to bump this to a large value. To date, other than * testing, we have never encountered an HCA that can really * send 4KB MTU packets, so we do not handle that (we'll get * errors interrupts if we ever see one). */ dd->ipath_rcvegrbufsize = dd->ipath_piosize2k; /* * the min() check here is currently a nop, but it may not * always be, depending on just how we do ipath_rcvegrbufsize */ dd->ipath_ibmaxlen = min(dd->ipath_piosize2k, dd->ipath_rcvegrbufsize); dd->ipath_init_ibmaxlen = dd->ipath_ibmaxlen; ipath_ht_tidtemplate(dd); /* * zero all the TID entries at startup. We do this for sanity, * in case of a previous driver crash of some kind, and also * because the chip powers up with these memories in an unknown * state. Use portcnt, not cfgports, since this is for the * full chip, not for current (possibly different) configuration * value. * Chip Errata bug 6447 */ for (val32 = 0; val32 < dd->ipath_portcnt; val32++) ipath_ht_clear_tids(dd, val32); /* * write the pbc of each buffer, to be sure it's initialized, then * cancel all the buffers, and also abort any packets that might * have been in flight for some reason (the latter is for driver * unload/reload, but isn't a bad idea at first init). PIO send * isn't enabled at this point, so there is no danger of sending * these out on the wire. * Chip Errata bug 6610 */ piobuf = (u32 __iomem *) (((char __iomem *)(dd->ipath_kregbase)) + dd->ipath_piobufbase); pioincr = dd->ipath_palign / sizeof(*piobuf); for (i = 0; i < dd->ipath_piobcnt2k; i++) { /* * reasonable word count, just to init pbc */ writel(16, piobuf); piobuf += pioincr; } ipath_get_eeprom_info(dd); if (dd->ipath_boardrev == 5) { /* * Later production QHT7040 has same changes as QHT7140, so * can use GPIO interrupts. They have serial #'s starting * with 128, rather than 112. */ if (dd->ipath_serial[0] == '1' && dd->ipath_serial[1] == '2' && dd->ipath_serial[2] == '8') dd->ipath_flags |= IPATH_GPIO_INTR; else { ipath_dev_err(dd, "Unsupported InfiniPath board " "(serial number %.16s)!\n", dd->ipath_serial); return 1; } } if (dd->ipath_minrev >= 4) { /* Rev4+ reports extra errors via internal GPIO pins */ dd->ipath_flags |= IPATH_GPIO_ERRINTRS; dd->ipath_gpio_mask |= IPATH_GPIO_ERRINTR_MASK; ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_gpio_mask, dd->ipath_gpio_mask); } return 0; } /** * ipath_init_ht_get_base_info - set chip-specific flags for user code * @dd: the infinipath device * @kbase: ipath_base_info pointer * * We set the PCIE flag because the lower bandwidth on PCIe vs * HyperTransport can affect some user packet algorithms. */ static int ipath_ht_get_base_info(struct ipath_portdata *pd, void *kbase) { struct ipath_base_info *kinfo = kbase; kinfo->spi_runtime_flags |= IPATH_RUNTIME_HT | IPATH_RUNTIME_PIO_REGSWAPPED; if (pd->port_dd->ipath_minrev < 4) kinfo->spi_runtime_flags |= IPATH_RUNTIME_RCVHDR_COPY; return 0; } static void ipath_ht_free_irq(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { free_irq(dd->ipath_irq, dd); ht_destroy_irq(dd->ipath_irq); dd->ipath_irq = 0; dd->ipath_intconfig = 0; } static struct ipath_message_header * ipath_ht_get_msgheader(struct ipath_devdata *dd, __le32 *rhf_addr) { return (struct ipath_message_header *) &rhf_addr[sizeof(u64) / sizeof(u32)]; } static void ipath_ht_config_ports(struct ipath_devdata *dd, ushort cfgports) { dd->ipath_portcnt = ipath_read_kreg32(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_portcnt); dd->ipath_p0_rcvegrcnt = ipath_read_kreg32(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_rcvegrcnt); } static void ipath_ht_read_counters(struct ipath_devdata *dd, struct infinipath_counters *cntrs) { cntrs->LBIntCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(LBIntCnt)); cntrs->LBFlowStallCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(LBFlowStallCnt)); cntrs->TxSDmaDescCnt = 0; cntrs->TxUnsupVLErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxUnsupVLErrCnt)); cntrs->TxDataPktCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxDataPktCnt)); cntrs->TxFlowPktCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxFlowPktCnt)); cntrs->TxDwordCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxDwordCnt)); cntrs->TxLenErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxLenErrCnt)); cntrs->TxMaxMinLenErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxMaxMinLenErrCnt)); cntrs->TxUnderrunCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxUnderrunCnt)); cntrs->TxFlowStallCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxFlowStallCnt)); cntrs->TxDroppedPktCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(TxDroppedPktCnt)); cntrs->RxDroppedPktCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxDroppedPktCnt)); cntrs->RxDataPktCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxDataPktCnt)); cntrs->RxFlowPktCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxFlowPktCnt)); cntrs->RxDwordCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxDwordCnt)); cntrs->RxLenErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxLenErrCnt)); cntrs->RxMaxMinLenErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxMaxMinLenErrCnt)); cntrs->RxICRCErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxICRCErrCnt)); cntrs->RxVCRCErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxVCRCErrCnt)); cntrs->RxFlowCtrlErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxFlowCtrlErrCnt)); cntrs->RxBadFormatCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxBadFormatCnt)); cntrs->RxLinkProblemCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxLinkProblemCnt)); cntrs->RxEBPCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxEBPCnt)); cntrs->RxLPCRCErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxLPCRCErrCnt)); cntrs->RxBufOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxBufOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxTIDFullErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxTIDFullErrCnt)); cntrs->RxTIDValidErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxTIDValidErrCnt)); cntrs->RxPKeyMismatchCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxPKeyMismatchCnt)); cntrs->RxP0HdrEgrOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP0HdrEgrOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxP1HdrEgrOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP1HdrEgrOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxP2HdrEgrOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP2HdrEgrOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxP3HdrEgrOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP3HdrEgrOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxP4HdrEgrOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP4HdrEgrOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxP5HdrEgrOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP5HdrEgrOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxP6HdrEgrOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP6HdrEgrOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxP7HdrEgrOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP7HdrEgrOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxP8HdrEgrOvflCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(RxP8HdrEgrOvflCnt)); cntrs->RxP9HdrEgrOvflCnt = 0; cntrs->RxP10HdrEgrOvflCnt = 0; cntrs->RxP11HdrEgrOvflCnt = 0; cntrs->RxP12HdrEgrOvflCnt = 0; cntrs->RxP13HdrEgrOvflCnt = 0; cntrs->RxP14HdrEgrOvflCnt = 0; cntrs->RxP15HdrEgrOvflCnt = 0; cntrs->RxP16HdrEgrOvflCnt = 0; cntrs->IBStatusChangeCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(IBStatusChangeCnt)); cntrs->IBLinkErrRecoveryCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(IBLinkErrRecoveryCnt)); cntrs->IBLinkDownedCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(IBLinkDownedCnt)); cntrs->IBSymbolErrCnt = ipath_snap_cntr(dd, IPATH_CREG_OFFSET(IBSymbolErrCnt)); cntrs->RxVL15DroppedPktCnt = 0; cntrs->RxOtherLocalPhyErrCnt = 0; cntrs->PcieRetryBufDiagQwordCnt = 0; cntrs->ExcessBufferOvflCnt = dd->ipath_overrun_thresh_errs; cntrs->LocalLinkIntegrityErrCnt = (dd->ipath_flags & IPATH_GPIO_ERRINTRS) ? dd->ipath_lli_errs : dd->ipath_lli_errors; cntrs->RxVlErrCnt = 0; cntrs->RxDlidFltrCnt = 0; } /* no interrupt fallback for these chips */ static int ipath_ht_nointr_fallback(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { return 0; } /* * reset the XGXS (between serdes and IBC). Slightly less intrusive * than resetting the IBC or external link state, and useful in some * cases to cause some retraining. To do this right, we reset IBC * as well. */ static void ipath_ht_xgxs_reset(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { u64 val, prev_val; prev_val = ipath_read_kreg64(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_xgxsconfig); val = prev_val | INFINIPATH_XGXS_RESET; prev_val &= ~INFINIPATH_XGXS_RESET; /* be sure */ ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_control, dd->ipath_control & ~INFINIPATH_C_LINKENABLE); ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_xgxsconfig, val); ipath_read_kreg32(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_scratch); ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_xgxsconfig, prev_val); ipath_write_kreg(dd, dd->ipath_kregs->kr_control, dd->ipath_control); } static int ipath_ht_get_ib_cfg(struct ipath_devdata *dd, int which) { int ret; switch (which) { case IPATH_IB_CFG_LWID: ret = dd->ipath_link_width_active; break; case IPATH_IB_CFG_SPD: ret = dd->ipath_link_speed_active; break; case IPATH_IB_CFG_LWID_ENB: ret = dd->ipath_link_width_enabled; break; case IPATH_IB_CFG_SPD_ENB: ret = dd->ipath_link_speed_enabled; break; default: ret = -ENOTSUPP; break; } return ret; } /* we assume range checking is already done, if needed */ static int ipath_ht_set_ib_cfg(struct ipath_devdata *dd, int which, u32 val) { int ret = 0; if (which == IPATH_IB_CFG_LWID_ENB) dd->ipath_link_width_enabled = val; else if (which == IPATH_IB_CFG_SPD_ENB) dd->ipath_link_speed_enabled = val; else ret = -ENOTSUPP; return ret; } static void ipath_ht_config_jint(struct ipath_devdata *dd, u16 a, u16 b) { } static int ipath_ht_ib_updown(struct ipath_devdata *dd, int ibup, u64 ibcs) { ipath_setup_ht_setextled(dd, ipath_ib_linkstate(dd, ibcs), ipath_ib_linktrstate(dd, ibcs)); return 0; } /** * ipath_init_iba6110_funcs - set up the chip-specific function pointers * @dd: the infinipath device * * This is global, and is called directly at init to set up the * chip-specific function pointers for later use. */ void ipath_init_iba6110_funcs(struct ipath_devdata *dd) { dd->ipath_f_intrsetup = ipath_ht_intconfig; dd->ipath_f_bus = ipath_setup_ht_config; dd->ipath_f_reset = ipath_setup_ht_reset; dd->ipath_f_get_boardname = ipath_ht_boardname; dd->ipath_f_init_hwerrors = ipath_ht_init_hwerrors; dd->ipath_f_early_init = ipath_ht_early_init; dd->ipath_f_handle_hwerrors = ipath_ht_handle_hwerrors; dd->ipath_f_quiet_serdes = ipath_ht_quiet_serdes; dd->ipath_f_bringup_serdes = ipath_ht_bringup_serdes; dd->ipath_f_clear_tids = ipath_ht_clear_tids; dd->ipath_f_put_tid = ipath_ht_put_tid; dd->ipath_f_cleanup = ipath_setup_ht_cleanup; dd->ipath_f_setextled = ipath_setup_ht_setextled; dd->ipath_f_get_base_info = ipath_ht_get_base_info; dd->ipath_f_free_irq = ipath_ht_free_irq; dd->ipath_f_tidtemplate = ipath_ht_tidtemplate; dd->ipath_f_intr_fallback = ipath_ht_nointr_fallback; dd->ipath_f_get_msgheader = ipath_ht_get_msgheader; dd->ipath_f_config_ports = ipath_ht_config_ports; dd->ipath_f_read_counters = ipath_ht_read_counters; dd->ipath_f_xgxs_reset = ipath_ht_xgxs_reset; dd->ipath_f_get_ib_cfg = ipath_ht_get_ib_cfg; dd->ipath_f_set_ib_cfg = ipath_ht_set_ib_cfg; dd->ipath_f_config_jint = ipath_ht_config_jint; dd->ipath_f_ib_updown = ipath_ht_ib_updown; /* * initialize chip-specific variables */ ipath_init_ht_variables(dd); }