/* * arch/sh/boards/st/common/mb520.c * * Copyright (C) 2007 STMicroelectronics Limited * Author: Pawel Moll <pawel.moll@st.com> * * May be copied or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public * License. See linux/COPYING for more information. * * STMicroelectronics STB peripherals board support. */ #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/bug.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/leds.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/i2c/pcf857x.h> #include <linux/spi/spi_gpio.h> #include <linux/spi/flash.h> #include <linux/mtd/mtd.h> #include <linux/mtd/partitions.h> #include <linux/stm/stx7200.h> #include <asm/processor.h> #include <sound/stm.h> /* I2C PIO extender (IC23) */ #define EXTENDER_BASE 200 static struct i2c_board_info mb520_pio_extender = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("pcf857x", 0x27), .type = "pcf8575", .platform_data = &(struct pcf857x_platform_data) { .gpio_base = EXTENDER_BASE, }, }; #define EXTENDER_GPIO(port, pin) (EXTENDER_BASE + (port * 8) + (pin)) /* Heartbeat led (LD12-T) */ static struct platform_device mb520_hb_led = { .name = "leds-gpio", .id = -1, .dev.platform_data = &(struct gpio_led_platform_data) { .num_leds = 1, .leds = (struct gpio_led[]) { { .name = "HB", .default_trigger = "heartbeat", .gpio = stm_gpio(4, 7), .active_low = 1, }, }, }, }; #ifdef CONFIG_SND /* Audio peripherals * * The recommended audio setup of MB520 is as follows: * 1. Remove R93 (located near SW4 and IC18) * 2. Set SW3[1..4] to [OFF, OFF, ON, ON] * 3. Set SW5[1..4] to [OFF, ON, ON, OFF] * 4. Update EPLD version to revision 7 * * With such settings PCM Player #0 stereo output is available on * "INT DACS AUD-0" connectors, PCM Player #1 (first two channels) * on "INT DACS AUD-1", and first two channels of PCM Player #3 * on "EXT DAC". PCM Reader is getting data from "SPDIF PCM IN" * connector. */ /* AK4388 DAC (IC18) */ static struct platform_device mb520_conv_external_dac = { .name = "snd_conv_gpio", .id = 0, .dev.platform_data = &(struct snd_stm_conv_gpio_info) { .group = "External DAC", .source_bus_id = "snd_pcm_player.3", .channel_from = 0, .channel_to = 1, .format = SND_STM_FORMAT__I2S | SND_STM_FORMAT__SUBFRAME_32_BITS, .oversampling = 256, .enable_supported = 1, .enable_gpio = EXTENDER_GPIO(0, 7), .enable_value = 1, .mute_supported = 1, .mute_gpio = EXTENDER_GPIO(1, 7), .mute_value = 1, }, }; /* CS8416 SPDIF to I2S converter (IC14) */ static struct platform_device mb520_conv_spdif_to_i2s = { .name = "snd_conv_gpio", .id = 1, .dev.platform_data = &(struct snd_stm_conv_gpio_info) { .group = "SPDIF Input", .source_bus_id = "snd_pcm_reader.0", .channel_from = 0, .channel_to = 1, .format = SND_STM_FORMAT__I2S | SND_STM_FORMAT__SUBFRAME_32_BITS, .enable_supported = 1, .enable_gpio = EXTENDER_GPIO(1, 6), .enable_value = 1, .mute_supported = 0, }, }; #endif /* GPIO SPI bus for Serial Flash device */ static struct platform_device mb520_serial_flash_bus = { .name = "spi_gpio", .id = 5, .num_resources = 0, .dev = { .platform_data = &(struct spi_gpio_platform_data) { .sck = stm_gpio(5, 0), .mosi = stm_gpio(5, 1), .miso = stm_gpio(6, 1), .num_chipselect = 1, }, }, }; /* Serial Flash */ static struct spi_board_info mb520_serial_flash = { .bus_num = 5, .controller_data = (void *)stm_gpio(5, 2), .modalias = "m25p80", .max_speed_hz = 1000000, .mode = SPI_MODE_3, .platform_data = &(struct flash_platform_data) { .name = "m25p80", .type = "m25p32", .nr_parts = 2, .parts = (struct mtd_partition []) { { .name = "Serial Flash 1", .size = 0x00080000, .offset = 0, }, { .name = "Serial Flash 2", .size = MTDPART_SIZ_FULL, .offset = MTDPART_OFS_NXTBLK, }, }, }, }; static struct platform_device *mb520_devices[] __initdata = { &mb520_hb_led, #ifdef CONFIG_SND &mb520_conv_external_dac, &mb520_conv_spdif_to_i2s, #endif &mb520_serial_flash_bus, }; static int __init mb520_devices_init(void) { int result; int periph_i2c_busnum; /* This file is (so far) valid only for 7200 processor board! */ BUG_ON(cpu_data->type != CPU_STX7200); /* PWM0 output on TP114 */ stx7200_configure_pwm(&(struct stx7200_pwm_config) { .out0_enabled = 1, .out1_enabled = 0, }); /* Audio outputs - first two channels of the PCM Player #3 * are available as EXT DAC analog output */ stx7200_configure_audio(&(struct stx7200_audio_config) { .pcm_player_3_routing = stx7200_pcm_player_3_aiddig0_auddig1, }); /* SSC configuration */ stx7200_configure_ssc_i2c(1); /* NIM0 */ stx7200_configure_ssc_i2c(2); /* NIM1 */ /* Peripherals - PIO extender and audio (inc. VoIP) devices */ periph_i2c_busnum = stx7200_configure_ssc_i2c(4); /* I2C PIO extender connected do SSC4 */ result = i2c_register_board_info(periph_i2c_busnum, &mb520_pio_extender, 1); /* Serial Flash device */ spi_register_board_info(&mb520_serial_flash, 1); /* IR receiver/transmitter */ stx7200_configure_lirc(&(struct stx7200_lirc_config) { .rx_mode = stx7200_lirc_rx_mode_ir, .tx_enabled = 1, .tx_od_enabled = 1, }); /* And now platform devices... */ result |= platform_add_devices(mb520_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(mb520_devices)); return result; } arch_initcall(mb520_devices_init);