#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Tiny SAT>IP client which activates multicast streaming. # # Create /etc/sysconfig/multicast file with syntax: # # <mport>:<satip-params> # # You can modify this file when the program is active and # reload the configuration using the SIGHUP signal. # # Example: # # # Channel 1 on multicast port 5554, using first tuner (fe=1) # 5554:fe=1&src=1&freq=12525&sr=27500&\ # msys=dvbs&mtype=qpsk&pol=v&fec=34&\ # pids=0,1,16,17,18,52,57,100,104,165,299,1029,3002,3003 # # The SAT>IP parameters should match the SAT>IP specification: # http://www.satip.info/resources # # Note: The multicast address must be specified through minisatip # option -r <ipv4_mcast> or --remote-rtp <ipv4_mcast>. By default, # this address is # import os import signal import functools import asyncio import syslog VERSION='0.1' SERVER='' CONFIG='/etc/sysconfig/multicast' SYSLOG=True if not os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/axe-settings'): SERVER='gssbox1:554' CONFIG='multicast' SYSLOG=False # # # def log(msg): if SYSLOG: syslog.syslog(msg) else: print('LOG:', msg) # # Basic RTSP Protocol class # class RTSP_Protocol: def __init__(self, client, params): self.mport = 0 try: self.client = client client.protocol = self self.mport, self.params = params.split(':')[:2] self.mport = int(self.mport) & ~1 self.params = self.params.strip().rstrip() self.action = 'SETUP' except: log('Invalid parameters: %s' % params) client.fatal() self.timeout = 30 self.session = '' self.streamID = 0 self.transport = None self.cseq = 0 def connection_made(self, transport): self.transport = transport peer = transport._sock.getpeername() if self.action == 'SETUP': s = 'rtsp://%s:%d/?%s' % (peer[0], peer[1], self.params) log('%d (open): %s' % (self.mport, s)) msg = 'SETUP ' + s + ' RTSP/1.0\r\n' msg += 'Transport: RTP/AVP;multicast;port=%d-%d\r\n' % (self.mport, self.mport + 1) msg += 'CSeq: 1\r\n\r\n' transport.write(msg.encode()) self.action = 'PLAY' def data_received(self, data): if not self.transport: return lines = data.decode("utf-8").splitlines() if lines[0] != 'RTSP/1.0 200 OK': return self.retry() try: cseq = 0 streamID = 0 session = '' timeout = 0 for line in lines[1:]: if line == '': break pos = line.find(':') if pos >= 0: header = line[:pos].lower() data = line[pos+1:].strip().lstrip() if header == 'cseq': cseq = int(data) elif header == 'com.ses.streamid': streamID = int(data) elif header == 'session': a = data.split(';') session = a[0] for b in a[1:]: if b.startswith('timeout='): timeout = int(b[8:]) if timeout: self.timeout = timeout if session: self.session = session if streamID: self.streamID = streamID except: self.retry() return peer = self.transport._sock.getpeername() if self.action == 'PLAY': log('%d (setup): Session %s, streamID %d' % (self.mport, self.session, self.streamID)) self.action = 'OPTIONS' msg = 'PLAY rtsp://%s:%d/stream=%d RTSP/1.0\r\n' % (peer[0], peer[1], self.streamID) msg += 'Session: %s\r\n' % self.session msg += 'CSeq: 2\r\n\r\n' self.transport.write(msg.encode()) self.client.loop.call_at(loop.time() + self.timeout/2, self.options) self.cseq = 2 elif self.action == 'OPTIONS' and self.cseq == 2: log('%d (play): OK' % self.mport) def options(self): if not self.transport: return peer = self.transport._sock.getpeername() if self.action == 'OPTIONS': self.cseq += 1 msg = 'OPTIONS rtsp://%s:%d/stream=%d RTSP/1.0\r\n' % (peer[0], peer[1], self.streamID) msg += 'Session: %s\r\n' % self.session msg += 'CSeq: %d\r\n\r\n' % self.cseq self.transport.write(msg.encode()) self.client.loop.call_at(loop.time() + self.timeout/2, self.options) def eof_received(self): self.connection_lost(None) def connection_lost(self, exc): if self.transport: log('%d (connection lost)' % self.mport) self.client.connection_lost() self.transport = None def retry(self): if self.transport: self.transport.close() def fatal(self): if self.transport: self.transport.close() self.client.protocol = None self.client.fatal() # # Basic RTSP Client class # class RTSP_Client: def __init__(self, clients, params): self.clients = clients self.loop = clients.loop self.protocol = None self.params = params self.dead = False self.deleteme = False log('New multicast client: %s' % (params)) self.create_connection() def create_connection(self): srv = SERVER.split(':') coro = self.loop.create_connection(lambda: RTSP_Protocol(self, self.params), srv[0], srv[1] and int(srv[1]) or 554) asyncio.async(coro, loop=self.loop) def connection_lost(self): self.protocol = None self.loop.call_at(loop.time() + 30, self.create_connection) def fatal(self): if self.dead: return log("Remove multicast client: %s" % self.params) self.dead = True if self.protocol: self.protocol.fatal() self.clients.remove_client(self) # # RTSP clients # class RTSP_Clients: def __init__(self, loop): self.loop = loop self.clients = [] self.parse_config_file() hupfcn = lambda: self.parse_config_file() loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGHUP, functools.partial(hupfcn)) def remove_client(self, client): if client in self.clients: self.clients.remove(client) client.fatal() def add_client(self, params): for c in self.clients: if c.params == params: c.deleteme = False return self.clients.append(RTSP_Client(self, params)) def parse_config_file(self): # mark clients for c in self.clients: c.deleteme = True # parse config lines = [] try: a = open(CONFIG) lines = a.readlines() a.close() except: pass prev = '' for l in lines: l = prev + l.strip().rstrip() prev = '' if not l or (l[0] in ['#', ';']): continue if l[-1] == '\\': prev = l[:-1].rstrip() else: self.add_client(l) # remove marked clients for c in self.clients: if c.deleteme: self.remove_client(c) # # configuration file # if SYSLOG: syslog.openlog('multicast-rtp', 0, syslog.LOG_LOCAL7) log('Version %s' % VERSION) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() clients = RTSP_Clients(loop) try: loop.run_forever() finally: loop.close() if SYSLOG: syslog.closelog()