/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2011 STMicroelectronics R&D Limited. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence. * * A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * @file mali_osk_mali.c * Implementation of the OS abstraction layer which is specific for the Mali kernel device driver */ #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/stm/platform.h> #include <linux/ioport.h> #include <linux/string.h> #include <asm/uaccess.h> #include "mali_kernel_common.h" /* MALI_xxx macros */ #include "mali_osk.h" /* kernel side OS functions */ #include "mali_uk_types.h" #include "mali_kernel_linux.h" /* exports initialize/terminate_kernel_device() */ extern struct platform_device *mali_platform_device; /* Help to convert platform device resources into mali resources */ struct mali_resource_properties { const char *name; _mali_osk_resource_type_t type; u32 has_irq; u32 mmu_id; }; struct mali_resource_properties mali_resource_table[] = { { "MALI400GP", MALI400GP, 1, 1 }, { "MALI400PP-0", MALI400PP, 1, 2 }, { "MALI400PP-1", MALI400PP, 1, 3 }, { "MALI400PP-2", MALI400PP, 1, 4 }, { "MALI400PP-3", MALI400PP, 1, 5 }, { "MMU-1", MMU, 1, 1 }, { "MMU-2", MMU, 1, 2 }, { "MMU-3", MMU, 1, 3 }, { "MMU-4", MMU, 1, 4 }, { "MMU-5", MMU, 1, 5 }, { "MALI400L2", MALI400L2, 0, 0 }, { "OS_MEMORY", OS_MEMORY, 0, 0 }, { "MEMORY", MEMORY, 0, 0 }, { "EXTERNAL_MEMORY_RANGE", MEM_VALIDATION, 0, 0 } }; /* is called from mali_kernel_constructor in common code */ _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_osk_init( void ) { if (0 != initialize_kernel_device()) MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); mali_osk_low_level_mem_init(); MALI_SUCCESS; } /* is called from mali_kernel_deconstructor in common code */ void _mali_osk_term( void ) { mali_osk_low_level_mem_term(); terminate_kernel_device(); } static struct mali_resource_properties *get_resource_properties(const char *name) { int i; for(i=0;i<ARRAY_SIZE(mali_resource_table);i++) { if(!strcmp(mali_resource_table[i].name,name)) return &mali_resource_table[i]; } MALI_PRINT(("Cannot find resource name %s\n", name)); return NULL; } static int mali_get_mem_resources(_mali_osk_resource_t *resources, struct stm_mali_resource *mem_resources, int num_resources, int *index) { int n = 0; while(n < num_resources) { struct mali_resource_properties *properties; struct stm_mali_resource *mem_resource; _mali_osk_resource_t *mali_resource = &resources[*index]; mem_resource = &mem_resources[n]; if(!(properties = get_resource_properties(mem_resource->name))) return _MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT; mali_resource->type = properties->type; mali_resource->base = mem_resource->start; mali_resource->size = mem_resource->end - mem_resource->start + 1; switch(properties->type) { case MEMORY: case OS_MEMORY: mali_resource->flags = _MALI_CPU_WRITEABLE | _MALI_CPU_READABLE | _MALI_PP_READABLE | _MALI_PP_WRITEABLE |_MALI_GP_READABLE | _MALI_GP_WRITEABLE; mali_resource->alloc_order = n; break; case MEM_VALIDATION: mali_resource->flags = _MALI_CPU_WRITEABLE | _MALI_CPU_READABLE | _MALI_PP_WRITEABLE | _MALI_PP_READABLE; break; default: MALI_PRINT(("Resource %s should not be passed as mem_resources\n",mem_resource->name)); return _MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT; } MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Constructed resources for %s\n",mem_resource->name)); mali_resource->description = mem_resource->name; (*index)++; n++; } return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK; } _mali_osk_errcode_t _mali_osk_resources_init( _mali_osk_resource_t **arch_config, u32 *num_resources ) { struct resource *platform_resource; _mali_osk_resource_t *resources; int n,resource_count; struct stm_mali_config *mali_config = (struct stm_mali_config *) mali_platform_device->dev.platform_data; resource_count = mali_platform_device->num_resources + mali_config->num_mem_resources + mali_config->num_ext_resources; resources = kzalloc((resource_count * sizeof(_mali_osk_resource_t)),GFP_KERNEL); if(!resources) MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_NOMEM); resource_count = 0; n = 0; while((platform_resource = platform_get_resource(mali_platform_device,IORESOURCE_MEM,n)) != NULL) { _mali_osk_resource_t *mali_resource = &resources[resource_count]; struct mali_resource_properties *properties; if(!(properties = get_resource_properties(platform_resource->name))) goto error; mali_resource->type = properties->type; mali_resource->base = platform_resource->start; mali_resource->size = 0; switch(properties->type) { case MEMORY: case OS_MEMORY: case MEM_VALIDATION: MALI_PRINT(("Mali Memory resource %s should be passed in platfrom priv data not IORESOURCE_MEM\n",platform_resource->name)); goto error; default: break; } mali_resource->mmu_id = properties->mmu_id; if(properties->has_irq) { int irq; MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("finding IRQ for %s\n",platform_resource->name)); if((irq = platform_get_irq_byname(mali_platform_device,platform_resource->name)) < 0) { MALI_PRINT(("Unable to find IRQ resource for %s\n",platform_resource->name)); goto error; } MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("found IRQ %d for %s\n",irq,platform_resource->name)); mali_resource->irq = irq; } MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Constructed resources for %s\n",platform_resource->name)); mali_resource->description = platform_resource->name; resource_count++; n++; } /* Memory resources */ /* Memory resources allocated by Linux kernel and Memory managed by * mali driver memory allocator */ if (mali_config->mem) mali_get_mem_resources(resources, mali_config->mem, mali_config->num_mem_resources, &resource_count); /* External memory regions for mali to directly render */ if (mali_config->ext_mem) mali_get_mem_resources(resources, mali_config->ext_mem, mali_config->num_ext_resources, &resource_count); *num_resources = resource_count; *arch_config = resources; return _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK; error: kfree(resources); *arch_config = NULL; MALI_ERROR(_MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT); } void _mali_osk_resources_term( _mali_osk_resource_t **arch_config, u32 num_resources ) { kfree(*arch_config); }