/* * (c) 2010 STMicroelectronics Limited * * Author: Pawel Moll <pawel.moll@st.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/ata_platform.h> #include <linux/mtd/nand.h> #include <linux/mtd/partitions.h> #include <linux/stm/emi.h> #include <linux/stm/device.h> #include <linux/stm/sysconf.h> #include <linux/stm/stx7105.h> #include <linux/clk.h> #include <asm/irq-ilc.h> /* EMI resources ---------------------------------------------------------- */ static int __initdata stx7105_emi_bank_configured[EMI_BANKS]; static void stx7105_emi_power(struct stm_device_state *device_state, enum stm_device_power_state power) { int i; int value = (power == stm_device_power_on) ? 0 : 1; stm_device_sysconf_write(device_state, "EMI_PWR", value); for (i = 5; i; --i) { if (stm_device_sysconf_read(device_state, "EMI_ACK") == value) break; mdelay(10); } return; } static struct platform_device stx7105_emi = { .name = "emi", .id = -1, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0, 128 * 1024 * 1024), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe700000, 0x874), }, .dev.platform_data = &(struct stm_device_config){ .sysconfs_num = 2, .sysconfs = (struct stm_device_sysconf []){ STM_DEVICE_SYS_CFG(32, 1, 1, "EMI_PWR"), STM_DEVICE_SYS_STA(15, 1, 1, "EMI_ACK"), }, .power = stx7105_emi_power, } }; /* PATA resources --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* EMI A20 = CS1 (active low) * EMI A21 = CS0 (active low) * EMI A19 = DA2 * EMI A18 = DA1 * EMI A17 = DA0 */ static struct resource stx7105_pata_resources[] = { /* I/O base: CS1=N, CS0=A */ [0] = STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(1 << 20, 8 << 17), /* CTL base: CS1=A, CS0=N, DA2=A, DA1=A, DA0=N */ [1] = STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM((1 << 21) + (6 << 17), 4), /* IRQ */ [2] = STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(-1, -1), }; static struct platform_device stx7105_pata_device = { .name = "pata_platform", .id = -1, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(stx7105_pata_resources), .resource = stx7105_pata_resources, .dev.platform_data = &(struct pata_platform_info) { .ioport_shift = 17, }, }; void __init stx7105_configure_pata(struct stx7105_pata_config *config) { unsigned long bank_base; if (!config) { BUG(); return; } BUG_ON(config->emi_bank < 0 || config->emi_bank >= EMI_BANKS); BUG_ON(stx7105_emi_bank_configured[config->emi_bank]); stx7105_emi_bank_configured[config->emi_bank] = 1; bank_base = emi_bank_base(config->emi_bank); stx7105_pata_resources[0].start += bank_base; stx7105_pata_resources[0].end += bank_base; stx7105_pata_resources[1].start += bank_base; stx7105_pata_resources[1].end += bank_base; stx7105_pata_resources[2].start = config->irq; stx7105_pata_resources[2].end = config->irq; emi_config_pata(config->emi_bank, config->pc_mode); platform_device_register(&stx7105_pata_device); } /* SPI FSM setup ---------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct platform_device stx7106_spifsm_device = { .name = "stm-spi-fsm", .id = 0, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { { .start = 0xfe702000, .end = 0xfe7024ff, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, }, }; static struct stm_pad_config stx7106_spifsm_pad_config = { .gpios_num = 4, .gpios = (struct stm_pad_gpio []) { STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(15, 0, 1), /* SPIBoot CLK */ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(15, 1, 1), /* SPIBoot DOUT */ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(15, 2, 1), /* SPIBoot NOTCS */ STM_PAD_PIO_IN(15, 3, -1), /* SPIBoot DIN */ }, }; void __init stx7106_configure_spifsm(struct stm_plat_spifsm_data *data) { /* Not available on stx7105 */ if (cpu_data->type == CPU_STX7105) BUG(); /* Configure pads for SPIBoot FSM */ /* Note, output pads must be configured as ALT_OUT rather than ALT_BIDIR * (see bug GNBvd8843). As a result, FSM dual mode is not supported on * stx7106. */ if (stm_pad_claim(&stx7106_spifsm_pad_config, "SPIFSM") == NULL) printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to claim SPIFSM pads!\n"); stx7106_spifsm_device.dev.platform_data = data; platform_device_register(&stx7106_spifsm_device); } /* NAND Resources --------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct platform_device stx7105_nand_emi_device = { .name = "stm-nand-emi", .dev.platform_data = &(struct stm_plat_nand_emi_data) { }, }; static struct platform_device stx7105_nand_flex_device = { .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM_NAMED("flex_mem", 0xFE701000, 0x1000), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0x14a0), -1), }, .dev.platform_data = &(struct stm_plat_nand_flex_data) { }, }; void __init stx7105_configure_nand(struct stm_nand_config *config) { struct stm_plat_nand_flex_data *flex_data; struct stm_plat_nand_emi_data *emi_data; switch (config->driver) { case stm_nand_emi: /* Configure device for stm-nand-emi driver */ emi_data = stx7105_nand_emi_device.dev.platform_data; emi_data->nr_banks = config->nr_banks; emi_data->banks = config->banks; emi_data->emi_rbn_gpio = config->rbn.emi_gpio; platform_device_register(&stx7105_nand_emi_device); break; case stm_nand_flex: case stm_nand_afm: /* Configure device for stm-nand-flex/afm driver */ flex_data = stx7105_nand_flex_device.dev.platform_data; flex_data->nr_banks = config->nr_banks; flex_data->banks = config->banks; flex_data->flex_rbn_connected = config->rbn.flex_connected; stx7105_nand_flex_device.name = (config->driver == stm_nand_flex) ? "stm-nand-flex" : "stm-nand-afm"; platform_device_register(&stx7105_nand_flex_device); break; } } /* FDMA resources --------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct stm_plat_fdma_fw_regs stm_fdma_firmware_7105 = { .rev_id = 0x8000 + (0x000 << 2), /* 0x8000 */ .cmd_statn = 0x8000 + (0x450 << 2), /* 0x9140 */ .req_ctln = 0x8000 + (0x460 << 2), /* 0x9180 */ .ptrn = 0x8000 + (0x560 << 2), /* 0x9580 */ .cntn = 0x8000 + (0x562 << 2), /* 0x9588 */ .saddrn = 0x8000 + (0x563 << 2), /* 0x958c */ .daddrn = 0x8000 + (0x564 << 2), /* 0x9590 */ }; static struct stm_plat_fdma_hw stx7105_fdma_hw = { .slim_regs = { .id = 0x0000 + (0x000 << 2), /* 0x0000 */ .ver = 0x0000 + (0x001 << 2), /* 0x0004 */ .en = 0x0000 + (0x002 << 2), /* 0x0008 */ .clk_gate = 0x0000 + (0x003 << 2), /* 0x000c */ }, .dmem = { .offset = 0x8000, .size = 0x800 << 2, /* 2048 * 4 = 8192 */ }, .periph_regs = { .sync_reg = 0x8000 + (0xfe2 << 2), /* 0xbf88 */ .cmd_sta = 0x8000 + (0xff0 << 2), /* 0xbfc0 */ .cmd_set = 0x8000 + (0xff1 << 2), /* 0xbfc4 */ .cmd_clr = 0x8000 + (0xff2 << 2), /* 0xbfc8 */ .cmd_mask = 0x8000 + (0xff3 << 2), /* 0xbfcc */ .int_sta = 0x8000 + (0xff4 << 2), /* 0xbfd0 */ .int_set = 0x8000 + (0xff5 << 2), /* 0xbfd4 */ .int_clr = 0x8000 + (0xff6 << 2), /* 0xbfd8 */ .int_mask = 0x8000 + (0xff7 << 2), /* 0xbfdc */ }, .imem = { .offset = 0xc000, .size = 0x1000 << 2, /* 4096 * 4 = 16384 */ }, }; static struct stm_plat_fdma_data stx7105_fdma_platform_data = { .hw = &stx7105_fdma_hw, .fw = &stm_fdma_firmware_7105, }; static struct platform_device stx7105_fdma_devices[] = { { .name = "stm-fdma", .id = 0, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe220000, 0x10000), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0x1380), -1), }, .dev.platform_data = &stx7105_fdma_platform_data, }, { .name = "stm-fdma", .id = 1, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[2]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe410000, 0x10000), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0x13a0), -1), }, .dev.platform_data = &stx7105_fdma_platform_data, } }; static struct platform_device stx7105_fdma_xbar_device = { .name = "stm-fdma-xbar", .id = -1, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe420000, 0x1000), }, }; /* Hardware RNG resources ------------------------------------------------- */ static struct platform_device stx7105_rng_hwrandom_device = { .name = "stm-hwrandom", .id = -1, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe250000, 0x1000), } }; static struct platform_device stx7105_rng_devrandom_device = { .name = "stm-rng", .id = -1, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe250000, 0x1000), } }; /* Internal temperature sensor resources ---------------------------------- */ static void stx7105_temp_power(struct stm_device_state *device_state, enum stm_device_power_state power) { int value = (power == stm_device_power_on) ? 1 : 0; stm_device_sysconf_write(device_state, "TEMP_PWR", value); } static struct platform_device stx7105_temp_device = { .name = "stm-temp", .id = -1, .dev.platform_data = &(struct plat_stm_temp_data) { .dcorrect = { SYS_CFG, 41, 5, 9 }, .overflow = { SYS_STA, 12, 8, 8 }, .data = { SYS_STA, 12, 10, 16 }, .device_config = &(struct stm_device_config) { .sysconfs_num = 1, .power = stx7105_temp_power, .sysconfs = (struct stm_device_sysconf []){ STM_DEVICE_SYS_CFG(41, 4, 4, "TEMP_PWR"), }, } }, }; /* PIO ports resources ---------------------------------------------------- */ static struct platform_device stx7105_pio_devices[] = { /* COMMS PIO blocks */ [0] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 0, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfd020000, 0x100), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0xc00), -1), }, }, [1] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 1, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfd021000, 0x100), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0xc80), -1), }, }, [2] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 2, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfd022000, 0x100), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0xd00), -1), }, }, [3] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 3, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfd023000, 0x100), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0x1060), -1), }, }, [4] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 4, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfd024000, 0x100), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0x1040), -1), }, }, [5] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 5, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfd025000, 0x100), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0x1020), -1), }, }, [6] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 6, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfd026000, 0x100), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0x1000), -1), }, }, /* Standalone PIO blocks */ /* All the following block use the same interrupt, which is * defined as a separate platform device below */ [7] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 7, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe010000, 0x100), }, }, [8] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 8, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe011000, 0x100), }, }, [9] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 9, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe012000, 0x100), }, }, [10] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 10, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe013000, 0x100), }, }, [11] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 11, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe014000, 0x100), }, }, [12] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 12, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe015000, 0x100), }, }, [13] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 13, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe016000, 0x100), }, }, [14] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 14, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe017000, 0x100), }, }, [15] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 15, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe018000, 0x100), }, }, [16] = { .name = "stm-gpio", .id = 16, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe019000, 0x100), }, }, }; static struct platform_device stx7105_pio_irqmux_device = { .name = "stm-gpio-irqmux", .id = -1, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe01f080, 0x4), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ(evt2irq(0xb40), -1), }, .dev.platform_data = &(struct stm_plat_pio_irqmux_data) { .port_first = 7, .ports_num = 10, } }; static int stx7105_pio_config(unsigned gpio, enum stm_pad_gpio_direction direction, int function, void *priv) { static struct { u8 sys_cfg_num; u8 max; struct sysconf_field *sc; } functions[] = { [0] = { 19, 5, }, [1] = { 20, 4, }, [2] = { 21, 4, }, [3] = { 25, 4, }, [4] = { 34, 4, }, [5] = { 35, 4, }, [6] = { 36, 4, }, [7] = { 37, 4, }, [8] = { 46, 3, }, [9] = { 47, 4, }, [10] = { 39, 2, }, [11] = { 53, 4, }, [12] = { 48, 5, }, [13] = { 49, 5, }, [14] = { 0, 1, }, [15] = { 50, 4, }, [16] = { 54, 2, }, }; int port = stm_gpio_port(gpio); int pin = stm_gpio_pin(gpio); BUG_ON(port > ARRAY_SIZE(functions)); if (function == 0) { switch (direction) { case stm_pad_gpio_direction_in: stm_gpio_direction(gpio, STM_GPIO_DIRECTION_IN); break; case stm_pad_gpio_direction_out: stm_gpio_direction(gpio, STM_GPIO_DIRECTION_OUT); break; case stm_pad_gpio_direction_bidir: stm_gpio_direction(gpio, STM_GPIO_DIRECTION_BIDIR); break; default: BUG(); break; } } else if (direction == stm_pad_gpio_direction_in) { BUG_ON(function != -1); stm_gpio_direction(gpio, STM_GPIO_DIRECTION_IN); } else { int sys_cfg_num = functions[port].sys_cfg_num; int function_max = functions[port].max; if (port == 14 && function == 2) function = 1; BUG_ON(function < 1); BUG_ON(function > function_max); switch (direction) { case stm_pad_gpio_direction_out: stm_gpio_direction(gpio, STM_GPIO_DIRECTION_ALT_OUT); break; case stm_pad_gpio_direction_bidir: stm_gpio_direction(gpio, STM_GPIO_DIRECTION_ALT_BIDIR); break; default: BUG(); break; } if (sys_cfg_num) { struct sysconf_field *sc = functions[port].sc; unsigned long val; if (!sc) { sc = sysconf_claim(SYS_CFG, sys_cfg_num, 0, 31, "PIO Config"); BUG_ON(!sc); functions[port].sc = sc; } function--; val = sysconf_read(sc); if (function_max > 1) { val &= ~(1 << pin); val |= (function & 1) << pin; } if (function_max > 2) { val &= ~(1 << (pin + 8)); val |= (function & (1 << 1)) << (pin + 8 - 1); } if (function_max > 4) { val &= ~(1 << (pin + 16)); val |= (function & (1 << 2)) << (pin + 16 - 2); } sysconf_write(sc, val); } } return 0; } /* MMC/SD resources ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* * MMC is supposed to be configured as ALT_OUT, not ALT_BIDIR. * GNBvd78840 MMC/SPI interface is working not ok when PIO is set in BD */ static struct stm_pad_config stx7105_mmc_pad_config = { .gpios_num = 14, .gpios = (struct stm_pad_gpio []) { STM_PAD_PIO_IN(11, 2, -1), /* Card Detect */ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT_NAMED(11, 3, 1, "MMCCLK"),/* MMC clock */ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(11, 4, 1), /* MMC command */ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(11, 5, 1), /* MMC Data[0]*/ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(11, 6, 1), /* MMC Data[1]*/ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(11, 7, 1), /* MMC Data[2]*/ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(16, 0, 1), /* MMC Data[3]*/ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(16, 1, 1), /* MMC Data[4]*/ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(16, 2, 1), /* MMC Data[5]*/ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(16, 3, 1), /* MMC Data[6]*/ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(16, 4, 1), /* MMC Data[7]*/ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(16, 5, 1), /* MMC LED On */ STM_PAD_PIO_OUT(16, 6, 1), /* MMC Power On */ STM_PAD_PIO_IN(16, 7, -1), /* MMC Write Protection */ }, }; static int mmc_pad_resources(struct sdhci_host *sdhci) { if (!devm_stm_pad_claim(sdhci->mmc->parent, &stx7105_mmc_pad_config, dev_name(sdhci->mmc->parent))) return -ENODEV; return 0; } static struct sdhci_pltfm_data stx7105_mmc_platform_data = { .init = mmc_pad_resources, .quirks = SDHCI_QUIRK_NO_ENDATTR_IN_NOPDESC, }; static struct platform_device stx7105_mmc_device = { .name = "sdhci", .id = 0, .num_resources = 2, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfd100000, 0x400), STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_IRQ_NAMED("mmcirq", ILC_EXT_IRQ(41), -1), }, .dev = { .platform_data = &stx7105_mmc_platform_data, } }; void __init stx7105_configure_mmc(void) { struct sysconf_field *sc; /* MMC clock comes from the ClockGen_B bank1, channel 2; * this clock has been set to 52MHz. * For supporting SD High-Speed Mode we need to set it * to 50MHz. */ struct clk *clk = clk_get(NULL, "CLKB_FS1_CH2"); clk_set_rate(clk, 50000000); /* Out Enable coms from the MMC */ sc = sysconf_claim(SYS_CFG, 17, 0, 0, "mmc"); sysconf_write(sc, 1); platform_device_register(&stx7105_mmc_device); } /* sysconf resources ------------------------------------------------------ */ static struct platform_device stx7105_sysconf_device = { .name = "stm-sysconf", .id = -1, .num_resources = 1, .resource = (struct resource[]) { STM_PLAT_RESOURCE_MEM(0xfe001000, 0x1e0), }, .dev.platform_data = &(struct stm_plat_sysconf_data) { .groups_num = 3, .groups = (struct stm_plat_sysconf_group []) { PLAT_SYSCONF_GROUP(SYS_DEV, 0x000), PLAT_SYSCONF_GROUP(SYS_STA, 0x008), PLAT_SYSCONF_GROUP(SYS_CFG, 0x100), }, }, }; /* Early initialisation-----------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialise devices which are required early in the boot process. */ void __init stx7105_early_device_init(void) { struct sysconf_field *sc; unsigned long devid; unsigned long chip_revision; /* Initialise PIO and sysconf drivers */ sysconf_early_init(&stx7105_sysconf_device, 1); stm_gpio_early_init(stx7105_pio_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(stx7105_pio_devices), ILC_FIRST_IRQ + ILC_NR_IRQS); stm_pad_init(ARRAY_SIZE(stx7105_pio_devices) * STM_GPIO_PINS_PER_PORT, -1, 0, stx7105_pio_config); sc = sysconf_claim(SYS_DEV, 0, 0, 31, "devid"); devid = sysconf_read(sc); chip_revision = (devid >> 28) + 1; /* Because 7106c2 was never manufactured, 7106c3 is identified * as revision "2", and so on... */ if (cpu_data->type == CPU_STX7106 && chip_revision > 1) chip_revision++; boot_cpu_data.cut_major = chip_revision; printk(KERN_INFO "STx710%d version %ld.x\n", cpu_data->type == CPU_STX7105 ? 5 : 6, chip_revision); /* We haven't configured the LPC, so the sleep instruction may * do bad things. Thus we disable it here. */ disable_hlt(); } /* Pre-arch initialisation ------------------------------------------------ */ static int __init stx7105_postcore_setup(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(stx7105_pio_devices); i++) platform_device_register(&stx7105_pio_devices[i]); platform_device_register(&stx7105_pio_irqmux_device); return platform_device_register(&stx7105_emi); } postcore_initcall(stx7105_postcore_setup); /* Late initialisation ---------------------------------------------------- */ static struct platform_device *stx7105_devices[] __initdata = { &stx7105_fdma_devices[0], &stx7105_fdma_devices[1], &stx7105_fdma_xbar_device, &stx7105_sysconf_device, &stx7105_rng_hwrandom_device, &stx7105_rng_devrandom_device, &stx7105_temp_device, }; static int __init stx7105_devices_setup(void) { return platform_add_devices(stx7105_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(stx7105_devices)); } device_initcall(stx7105_devices_setup);