2015-03-26 17:24:57 +01:00

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* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "mali_kernel_common.h"
#include "mali_osk.h"
#include "mali_osk_list.h"
#include "mali_kernel_core.h"
#include "mali_kernel_pp.h"
#include "mali_kernel_subsystem.h"
#include "regs/mali_200_regs.h"
#include "mali_kernel_rendercore.h"
#include "mali_kernel_l2_cache.h"
* Size of the Mali L2 cache registers in bytes
* Mali L2 cache register numbers
* Used in the register read/write routines.
* See the hardware documentation for more information about each register
typedef enum mali_l2_cache_register {
/*unused = 0x0003 */
MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_COMMAND = 0x0004, /**< Misc cache commands, e.g. clear */
MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_MAX_READS = 0x0006, /**< Limit of outstanding read requests */
MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_ENABLE = 0x0007, /**< Enable misc cache features */
} mali_l2_cache_register;
* Mali L2 cache commands
* These are the commands that can be sent to the Mali L2 cache unit
typedef enum mali_l2_cache_command
MALI400_L2_CACHE_COMMAND_CLEAR_ALL = 0x01, /**< Clear the entire cache */
/* Read HW TRM carefully before adding/using other commands than the clear above */
} mali_l2_cache_command;
* Mali L2 cache commands
* These are the commands that can be sent to the Mali L2 cache unit
typedef enum mali_l2_cache_enable
MALI400_L2_CACHE_ENABLE_DEFAULT = 0x0, /**< Default state of enable register */
MALI400_L2_CACHE_ENABLE_ACCESS = 0x01, /**< Permit cacheable accesses */
MALI400_L2_CACHE_ENABLE_READ_ALLOCATE = 0x02, /**< Permit cache read allocate */
} mali_l2_cache_enable;
* Mali L2 cache status bits
typedef enum mali_l2_cache_status
MALI400_L2_CACHE_STATUS_COMMAND_BUSY = 0x01, /**< Command handler of L2 cache is busy */
MALI400_L2_CACHE_STATUS_DATA_BUSY = 0x02, /**< L2 cache is busy handling data requests */
} mali_l2_cache_status;
* Definition of the L2 cache core struct
* Used to track a L2 cache unit in the system.
* Contains information about the mapping of the registers
typedef struct mali_kernel_l2_cache_core
unsigned long base; /**< Physical address of the registers */
mali_io_address mapped_registers; /**< Virtual mapping of the registers */
u32 mapping_size; /**< Size of registers in bytes */
_mali_osk_list_t list; /**< Used to link multiple cache cores into a list */
_mali_osk_lock_t *lock; /**< Serialize all L2 cache commands */
} mali_kernel_l2_cache_core;
int mali_l2_max_reads = MALI400_L2_MAX_READS_DEFAULT;
* Mali L2 cache subsystem startup function
* Called by the driver core when the driver is loaded.
* @param id Identifier assigned by the core to the L2 cache subsystem
* @return 0 on success, negative on error
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_l2_cache_initialize(mali_kernel_subsystem_identifier id);
* Mali L2 cache subsystem shutdown function
* Called by the driver core when the driver is unloaded.
* Cleans up
* @param id Identifier assigned by the core to the L2 cache subsystem
static void mali_l2_cache_terminate(mali_kernel_subsystem_identifier id);
* L2 cache subsystem complete notification function.
* Called by the driver core when all drivers have loaded and all resources has been registered
* @param id Identifier assigned by the core to the L2 cache subsystem
* @return 0 on success, negative on error
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_l2_cache_load_complete(mali_kernel_subsystem_identifier id);
* Mali L2 cache subsystem's notification handler for a Mali L2 cache resource instances.
* Registered with the core during startup.
* Called by the core for each Mali L2 cache described in the active architecture's config.h file.
* @param resource The resource to handle (type MALI400L2)
* @return 0 if the Mali L2 cache was found and initialized, negative on error
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_l2_cache_core_create(_mali_osk_resource_t * resource);
* Write to a L2 cache register
* Writes the given value to the specified register
* @param unit The L2 cache to write to
* @param reg The register to write to
* @param val The value to write to the register
static void mali_l2_cache_register_write(mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * unit, mali_l2_cache_register reg, u32 val);
* Invalidate specified L2 cache
* @param cache The L2 cache to invalidate
* @return 0 if Mali L2 cache was successfully invalidated, otherwise error
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_kernel_l2_cache_invalidate_all_cache(mali_kernel_l2_cache_core *cache);
The fixed Mali L2 cache system's mali subsystem interface implementation.
We currently handle module and session life-time management.
struct mali_kernel_subsystem mali_subsystem_l2_cache =
mali_l2_cache_initialize, /**< startup */
mali_l2_cache_terminate, /**< shutdown */
mali_l2_cache_load_complete, /**< load_complete */
NULL, /**< system_info_fill */
NULL, /**< session_begin */
NULL, /**< session_end */
NULL, /**< broadcast_notification */
NULL, /**< dump_state */
static _MALI_OSK_LIST_HEAD(caches_head);
/* called during module init */
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_l2_cache_initialize(mali_kernel_subsystem_identifier id)
_mali_osk_errcode_t err;
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ( "Mali L2 cache system initializing\n"));
/* This will register the function for adding Mali L2 cache cores to the subsystem */
err = _mali_kernel_core_register_resource_handler(MALI400L2, mali_l2_cache_core_create);
/* called if/when our module is unloaded */
static void mali_l2_cache_terminate(mali_kernel_subsystem_identifier id)
mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * cache, *temp_cache;
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ( "Mali L2 cache system terminating\n"));
/* loop over all L2 cache units and shut them down */
_MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY( cache, temp_cache, &caches_head, mali_kernel_l2_cache_core, list )
/* reset to defaults */
mali_l2_cache_register_write(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_MAX_READS, (u32)MALI400_L2_MAX_READS_DEFAULT);
mali_l2_cache_register_write(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_ENABLE, (u32)MALI400_L2_CACHE_ENABLE_DEFAULT);
/* remove from the list of cacges on the system */
_mali_osk_list_del( &cache->list );
/* release resources */
_mali_osk_mem_unmapioregion( cache->base, cache->mapping_size, cache->mapped_registers );
_mali_osk_mem_unreqregion( cache->base, cache->mapping_size );
_mali_osk_lock_term( cache->lock );
_mali_osk_free( cache );
/* Unregister the L2 cache with the PMM */
malipmm_core_unregister( MALI_PMM_CORE_L2 );
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_l2_cache_core_create(_mali_osk_resource_t * resource)
_mali_osk_errcode_t err = _MALI_OSK_ERR_FAULT ;
mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * cache = NULL;
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ( "Creating Mali L2 cache: %s\n", resource->description));
/* Register the L2 cache with the PMM */
err = malipmm_core_register( MALI_PMM_CORE_L2 );
if( _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK != err )
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ( "Failed to register L2 cache unit with PMM"));
return err;
err = _mali_osk_mem_reqregion( resource->base, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTERS_SIZE, resource->description);
MALI_CHECK_GOTO( _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK == err, err_cleanup_requestmem_failed);
/* Reset error that might be passed out */
cache = _mali_osk_malloc(sizeof(mali_kernel_l2_cache_core));
MALI_CHECK_GOTO( NULL != cache, err_cleanup);
MALI_CHECK_GOTO( NULL != cache->lock, err_cleanup);
/* basic setup */
cache->base = resource->base;
cache->mapping_size = MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTERS_SIZE;
/* map the registers */
cache->mapped_registers = _mali_osk_mem_mapioregion( cache->base, cache->mapping_size, resource->description );
MALI_CHECK_GOTO( NULL != cache->mapped_registers, err_cleanup);
/* Invalidate cache (just to keep it in a known state at startup) */
err = mali_kernel_l2_cache_invalidate_all_cache(cache);
MALI_CHECK_GOTO( _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK == err, err_cleanup);
/* add to our list of L2 caches */
_mali_osk_list_add( &cache->list, &caches_head );
/* This cleanup used when resources have been requested successfully */
if ( NULL != cache )
if (NULL != cache->mapped_registers)
_mali_osk_mem_unmapioregion( cache->base, cache->mapping_size, cache->mapped_registers);
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ( "Failed to map Mali L2 cache registers at 0x%08lX\n", cache->base));
if( NULL != cache->lock )
_mali_osk_lock_term( cache->lock );
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ( "Failed to allocate a lock for handling a L2 cache unit"));
_mali_osk_free( cache );
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ( "Failed to allocate memory for handling a L2 cache unit"));
/* A call is to request region, so this must always be reversed */
_mali_osk_mem_unreqregion( resource->base, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTERS_SIZE);
malipmm_core_unregister( MALI_PMM_CORE_L2 );
return err;
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Failed to request Mali L2 cache '%s' register address space at (0x%08X - 0x%08X)\n",
resource->description, resource->base, resource->base + MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTERS_SIZE - 1) );
malipmm_core_unregister( MALI_PMM_CORE_L2 );
return err;
static void mali_l2_cache_register_write(mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * unit, mali_l2_cache_register reg, u32 val)
_mali_osk_mem_iowrite32(unit->mapped_registers, (u32)reg * sizeof(u32), val);
static u32 mali_l2_cache_register_read(mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * unit, mali_l2_cache_register reg)
return _mali_osk_mem_ioread32(unit->mapped_registers, (u32)reg * sizeof(u32));
void mali_kernel_l2_cache_do_enable(void)
mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * cache, *temp_cache;
/* loop over all L2 cache units and enable them*/
_MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY( cache, temp_cache, &caches_head, mali_kernel_l2_cache_core, list)
mali_l2_cache_register_write(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_ENABLE, (u32)MALI400_L2_CACHE_ENABLE_ACCESS | (u32)MALI400_L2_CACHE_ENABLE_READ_ALLOCATE);
mali_l2_cache_register_write(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_MAX_READS, (u32)mali_l2_max_reads);
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_l2_cache_load_complete(mali_kernel_subsystem_identifier id)
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ( "Mali L2 cache system load complete\n"));
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_kernel_l2_cache_send_command(mali_kernel_l2_cache_core *cache, u32 reg, u32 val)
int i = 0;
const int loop_count = 100000;
* Grab lock in order to send commands to the L2 cache in a serialized fashion.
* The L2 cache will ignore commands if it is busy.
_mali_osk_lock_wait(cache->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW);
/* First, wait for L2 cache command handler to go idle */
for (i = 0; i < loop_count; i++)
if (!(_mali_osk_mem_ioread32(cache->mapped_registers , (u32)MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_STATUS * sizeof(u32)) & (u32)MALI400_L2_CACHE_STATUS_COMMAND_BUSY))
if (i == loop_count)
_mali_osk_lock_signal(cache->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW);
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ( "Mali L2 cache: aborting wait for command interface to go idle\n"));
/* then issue the command */
mali_l2_cache_register_write(cache, reg, val);
_mali_osk_lock_signal(cache->lock, _MALI_OSK_LOCKMODE_RW);
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_kernel_l2_cache_invalidate_all_cache(mali_kernel_l2_cache_core *cache)
return mali_kernel_l2_cache_send_command(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_COMMAND, MALI400_L2_CACHE_COMMAND_CLEAR_ALL);
_mali_osk_errcode_t mali_kernel_l2_cache_invalidate_all(void)
mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * cache, *temp_cache;
/* loop over all L2 cache units and invalidate them */
_MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY( cache, temp_cache, &caches_head, mali_kernel_l2_cache_core, list)
MALI_CHECK_NO_ERROR( mali_kernel_l2_cache_invalidate_all_cache(cache) );
static _mali_osk_errcode_t mali_kernel_l2_cache_invalidate_page_cache(mali_kernel_l2_cache_core *cache, u32 page)
return mali_kernel_l2_cache_send_command(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_CLEAR_PAGE, page);
_mali_osk_errcode_t mali_kernel_l2_cache_invalidate_page(u32 page)
mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * cache, *temp_cache;
/* loop over all L2 cache units and invalidate them */
_MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY( cache, temp_cache, &caches_head, mali_kernel_l2_cache_core, list)
MALI_CHECK_NO_ERROR( mali_kernel_l2_cache_invalidate_page_cache(cache, page) );
void mali_kernel_l2_cache_set_perf_counters(u32 src0, u32 src1, int force_reset)
mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * cache, *temp_cache;
int reset0 = force_reset;
int reset1 = force_reset;
int changed0 = 0;
int changed1 = 0;
/* loop over all L2 cache units and activate the counters on them */
_MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(cache, temp_cache, &caches_head, mali_kernel_l2_cache_core, list)
u32 cur_src0 = mali_l2_cache_register_read(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_SRC0);
u32 cur_src1 = mali_l2_cache_register_read(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_SRC1);
if (src0 != cur_src0)
mali_l2_cache_register_write(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_SRC0, src0);
MALI_DEBUG_CODE(changed0 = 1;)
reset0 = 1;
if (src1 != cur_src1)
mali_l2_cache_register_write(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_SRC1, src1);
MALI_DEBUG_CODE(changed1 = 1;)
reset1 = 1;
if (reset0)
mali_l2_cache_register_write(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_VAL0, 0);
if (reset1)
mali_l2_cache_register_write(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_VAL1, 0);
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5, ("L2 cache counters set: SRC0=%u, CHANGED0=%d, RESET0=%d, SRC1=%u, CHANGED1=%d, RESET1=%d\n",
src0, changed0, reset0,
src1, changed1, reset1));
void mali_kernel_l2_cache_get_perf_counters(u32 *src0, u32 *val0, u32 *src1, u32 *val1)
mali_kernel_l2_cache_core * cache, *temp_cache;
int first_time = 1;
*src0 = 0;
*src1 = 0;
*val0 = 0;
*val1 = 0;
/* loop over all L2 cache units and read the counters */
_MALI_OSK_LIST_FOREACHENTRY(cache, temp_cache, &caches_head, mali_kernel_l2_cache_core, list)
u32 cur_src0 = mali_l2_cache_register_read(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_SRC0);
u32 cur_src1 = mali_l2_cache_register_read(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_SRC1);
u32 cur_val0 = mali_l2_cache_register_read(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_VAL0);
u32 cur_val1 = mali_l2_cache_register_read(cache, MALI400_L2_CACHE_REGISTER_PERFCNT_VAL1);
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(5, ("L2 cache counters get: SRC0=%u, VAL0=%u, SRC1=%u, VAL1=%u\n", cur_src0, cur_val0, cur_src1, cur_val1));
if (first_time)
*src0 = cur_src0;
*src1 = cur_src1;
first_time = 0;
if (*src0 == cur_src0 && *src1 == cur_src1)
*val0 += cur_val0;
*val1 += cur_val1;
MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Warning: Mali L2 caches has different performance counters set, not retrieving data\n"));