2015-03-26 17:24:57 +01:00

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* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained from Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
/* Make sure debug is defined when it should be */
#ifndef DEBUG
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#define DEBUG
/* The file include several useful macros for error checking, debugging and printing.
* - MALI_PRINTF(...) Do not use this function: Will be included in Release builds.
* - MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(nr, (X) ) Prints the second argument if nr<=MALI_DEBUG_LEVEL.
* - MALI_DEBUG_ERROR( (X) ) Prints an errortext, a source trace, and the given error message.
* - MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(exp,(X)) If the asserted expr is false, the program will exit.
* - MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(pointer) Triggers if the pointer is a zero pointer.
* - MALI_DEBUG_CODE( X ) The code inside the macro is only compiled in Debug builds.
* The (X) means that you must add an extra parenthesis around the argumentlist.
* The printf function: MALI_PRINTF(...) is routed to _mali_osk_debugmsg
* Suggested range for the DEBUG-LEVEL is [1:6] where
* [1:2] Is messages with highest priority, indicate possible errors.
* [3:4] Is messages with medium priority, output important variables.
* [5:6] Is messages with low priority, used during extensive debugging.
* Fundamental error macro. Reports an error code. This is abstracted to allow us to
* easily switch to a different error reporting method if we want, and also to allow
* us to search for error returns easily.
* Note no closing semicolon - this is supplied in typical usage:
#define MALI_ERROR(error_code) return (error_code)
* Basic error macro, to indicate success.
* Note no closing semicolon - this is supplied in typical usage:
* Basic error macro. This checks whether the given condition is true, and if not returns
* from this function with the supplied error code. This is a macro so that we can override it
* for stress testing.
* Note that this uses the do-while-0 wrapping to ensure that we don't get problems with dangling
* else clauses. Note also no closing semicolon - this is supplied in typical usage:
#define MALI_CHECK(condition, error_code) do { if(!(condition)) MALI_ERROR(error_code); } while(0)
* Error propagation macro. If the expression given is anything other than _MALI_OSK_NO_ERROR,
* then the value is returned from the enclosing function as an error code. This effectively
* acts as a guard clause, and propagates error values up the call stack. This uses a
* temporary value to ensure that the error expression is not evaluated twice.
* If the counter for forcing a failure has been set using _mali_force_error, this error will be
* returned without evaluating the expression in MALI_CHECK_NO_ERROR
#define MALI_CHECK_NO_ERROR(expression) \
do { _mali_osk_errcode_t _check_no_error_result=(expression); \
if(_check_no_error_result != _MALI_OSK_ERR_OK) \
MALI_ERROR(_check_no_error_result); \
} while(0)
* Pointer check macro. Checks non-null pointer.
#define MALI_CHECK_NON_NULL(pointer, error_code) MALI_CHECK( ((pointer)!=NULL), (error_code) )
* Error macro with goto. This checks whether the given condition is true, and if not jumps
* to the specified label using a goto. The label must therefore be local to the function in
* which this macro appears. This is most usually used to execute some clean-up code before
* exiting with a call to ERROR.
* Like the other macros, this is a macro to allow us to override the condition if we wish,
* e.g. to force an error during stress testing.
#define MALI_CHECK_GOTO(condition, label) do { if(!(condition)) goto label; } while(0)
* Explicitly ignore a parameter passed into a function, to suppress compiler warnings.
* Should only be used with parameter names.
#define MALI_IGNORE(x) x=x
#define MALI_PRINTF(args) _mali_osk_dbgmsg args;
#define MALI_PRINT_ERROR(args) do{ \
MALI_PRINTF(("Mali: ERR: %s\n" ,__FILE__)); \
MALI_PRINTF((" %s()%4d\n ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) ; \
MALI_PRINTF(args); \
MALI_PRINTF(("\n")); \
} while(0)
#define MALI_PRINT(args) do{ \
MALI_PRINTF(("Mali: ")); \
MALI_PRINTF(args); \
} while (0)
#ifdef DEBUG
extern int mali_debug_level;
#define MALI_DEBUG_CODE(code) code
#define MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(level, args) do { \
if((level) <= mali_debug_level)\
{MALI_PRINTF(("Mali<" #level ">: ")); MALI_PRINTF(args); } \
} while (0)
#define MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_IF(level,condition,args) \
if((condition)&&((level) <= mali_debug_level))\
{MALI_PRINTF(("Mali<" #level ">: ")); MALI_PRINTF(args); }
#define MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_ELSE(level, args)\
else if((level) <= mali_debug_level)\
{ MALI_PRINTF(("Mali<" #level ">: ")); MALI_PRINTF(args); }
* @note these variants of DEBUG ASSERTS will cause a debugger breakpoint
* to be entered (see _mali_osk_break() ). An alternative would be to call
* _mali_osk_abort(), on OSs that support it.
#define MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_ASSERT(condition, args) do {if( !(condition)) { MALI_PRINT_ERROR(args); _mali_osk_break(); } } while(0)
#define MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(pointer) do {if( (pointer)== NULL) {MALI_PRINT_ERROR(("NULL pointer " #pointer)); _mali_osk_break();} } while(0)
#define MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(condition) do {if( !(condition)) {MALI_PRINT_ERROR(("ASSERT failed: " #condition )); _mali_osk_break();} } while(0)
#else /* DEBUG */
#define MALI_DEBUG_CODE(code)
#define MALI_DEBUG_PRINT(string,args) do {} while(0)
#define MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR(args) do {} while(0)
#define MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_IF(level,condition,args) do {} while(0)
#define MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_ELSE(level,condition,args) do {} while(0)
#define MALI_DEBUG_PRINT_ASSERT(condition,args) do {} while(0)
#define MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(pointer) do {} while(0)
#define MALI_DEBUG_ASSERT(condition) do {} while(0)
#endif /* DEBUG */
* variables from user space cannot be dereferenced from kernel space; tagging them
* with __user allows the GCC compiler to generate a warning. Other compilers may
* not support this so we define it here as an empty macro if the compiler doesn't
* define it.
#ifndef __user
#define __user
#endif /* __MALI_KERNEL_COMMON_H__ */