mirror of https://github.com/rofafor/vdr-plugin-femon.git synced 2023-10-10 11:36:53 +00:00

Added "AC-3 Stream Information" display mode (Thanks to Lothar Englisch).

This commit is contained in:
Rolf Ahrenberg 2004-06-11 04:20:00 +03:00
parent 848a2ba78d
commit a6039cdd66
13 changed files with 987 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ VDR Plugin 'femon' Revision History
- Backported changes and fixes from version 0.1.2.
2004-06-11: Version 0.0.6
- Backported the "AC3 Stream Information" feature from version 0.1.3.
2004-05-18: Version 0.1.0
@ -73,3 +77,7 @@ VDR Plugin 'femon' Revision History
- Fixed the channel switch bug (reported by Stefan Lucke).
- Nid/Tid/Rid are now included in translations.
- Added video format and aspect ratio symbols into status window.
2004-06-11: Version 0.1.3
- Added "AC-3 Stream Information" display mode (Thanks to Lothar Englisch).

View File

@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ See the file COPYING for license information.
Ph.D. in Astro Physics and preferably a six-pack waiting in a fridge.
Never trust a Klingon. "Qu'vaD lI' De'vam". Beam me up, Scotty!
You're number six! I'm number two. YARRR!
@ -30,7 +28,41 @@ bitrate calculation algorithm originates from the 'dvbstream' application by
Dave Chapman and the stream information routines from the 'libdvb' library by
Metzler Brothers.
Shortcomings / Todo list / Important Notes:
|## Channel Name ############################# DD 16:9 PAL ##|
|[=====Signal Strength in % =============|=================]|
|[=====Signal-to-Noise Ratio in % ========|=================]|
| STR: #0000 (0%) BER: #00000000 Video: 0 Mbit/s |
| SNR: #0000 (0%) UNC: #00000000 Audio: 0 kbit/s |
STR - Signal strength
SNR - Signal-to-noise ratio
BER - Bit error rate
UNC - Uncorrected blocks
Video - Calculated video bitrate in Mbit/s
Audio - Calculated audio / AC-3 bitrate in kbit/s (only first PID)
LOCK - Everything's working...
SIGNAL - Found something above the noise level
CARRIER - Found a DVB signal
VITERBI - FEC (forward error correction) is stable
SYNC - Found sync bytes
cd /put/your/path/here/VDR/PLUGINS/src
tar -xzf /put/your/path/here/vdr-femon-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
ln -s femon-X.Y.Z femon
cd /put/your/path/here/VDR
make plugins
./vdr -Pfemon
- The plugin supports only those DVB cards with _one_ frontend (do any cards
with multiple frontends even exist?), because I haven't yet figured howto do

View File

@ -85,9 +85,10 @@ bool cPluginFemon::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value)
dispmodes[0] = tr("basic");
dispmodes[1] = tr("transponder");
dispmodes[2] = tr("stream");
dispmodes[modeBasic] = tr("basic");
dispmodes[modeTransponder] = tr("transponder");
dispmodes[modeStream] = tr("stream");
dispmodes[modeAC3] = tr("AC-3");

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
#include <vdr/plugin.h>
static const char *VERSION = "0.1.2";
static const char *VERSION = "0.1.3";
static const char *DESCRIPTION = "DVB Signal Information Monitor (OSD)";
static const char *MAINMENUENTRY = "Signal Information";

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ enum dispModes {

View File

@ -940,25 +940,6 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"Ú³æ", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"kHz", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "MPEG Layer", // English
"MPEG Layer", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"MPEG-kerros", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Nid", // English
"Nid", // Deutsch
"Nid", // Slovenski
@ -1016,5 +997,556 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"Rid", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"Rid", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "dB", // English
"dB", // Deutsch
"dB", // Slovenski
"dB", // Italiano
"dB", // Nederlands
"dB", // Português
"dB", // Français
"dB", // Norsk
"dB", // suomi
"dB", // Polski
"dB", // Español
"dB", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"dB", // Svenska
"dB", // Romaneste
"dB", // Magyar
"dB", // Català
"dB", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"dB", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "not indicated", // English
"", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"ei ilmaistu", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "AC-3", // English
"AC-3", // Deutsch
"AC-3", // Slovenski
"AC-3", // Italiano
"AC-3", // Nederlands
"AC-3", // Português
"AC-3", // Français
"AC-3", // Norsk
"AC-3", // suomi
"AC-3", // Polski
"AC-3", // Español
"AC-3", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"AC-3", // Svenska
"AC-3", // Romaneste
"AC-3", // Magyar
"AC-3", // Català
"AC-3", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"AC-3", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "AC-3 Stream", // English
"AC-3 Stream", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"AC-3 ääniraita", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Frame Size", // English
"Frame Größe", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Kehyksen koko", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Bit Stream Mode", // English
"Bitstream Modus", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Lähetteen tyyppi", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Audio Coding Mode", // English
"Audio Coding Modus", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Äänikoodaus", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Center Mix Level", // English
"Center Mix Pegel", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Keskikanavan taso", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Surround Mix Level", // English
"Surround Mix Pegel", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Tehostekanavien taso", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Dolby Surround Mode", // English
"Dolby Surround Modus", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Dolby Surround -moodi", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Low Frequency Effects", // English
"Tieftöner Effekte", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"LFE-kanava", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Dialogue Normalization", // English
"Dialog Normalisierung", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Dialogin normalisointi", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Complete Main (CM)", // English
"Complete Main (CM)", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Pääasiallinen (CM)", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Music and Effects (ME)", // English
"Musik und Effekte (ME)", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Musiikki ja tehosteet (ME)", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Visually Impaired (VI)", // English
"Sehbehindert (VI)", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Näkörajoitteinen (VI)", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Hearing Impaired (HI)", // English
"Hörbehindert (HI)", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Kuulorajoitteinen (HI)", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Dialogue (D)", // English
"Dialog (D)", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Vuoropuhelu (D)", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Commentary (C)", // English
"Kommentar (C)", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Kommentointi (C)", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Emergency (E)", // English
"Notfall (E)", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Hätätiedote (E)", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Voice Over (VO)", // English
"überlagerte Stimme (VO)", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Päälle puhuttu (VO)", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Karaoke", // English
"Karaoke", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"Karaoke", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Ch1", // English "Channel 1"
"Kan1", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"kan. 1", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "Ch2", // English "Channel 2"
"Kan2", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"kan. 2", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "C", // English "Center"
"C", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"K", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "L", // English "Left"
"L", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"V", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "R", // English "Right"
"R", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"O", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "S", // English "Surround"
"S", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"T", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "SL", // English "Surround Left"
"SL", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"TV", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ "SR", // English "Surround Right"
"SR", // Deutsch
"", // Slovenski
"", // Italiano
"", // Nederlands
"", // Português
"", // Français
"", // Norsk
"TO", // suomi
"", // Polski
"", // Español
"", // ÅëëçíéêÜ (Greek)
"", // Svenska
"", // Romaneste
"", // Magyar
"", // Català
"", // ÀãááÚØÙ (Russian)
"", // Hrvatski (Croatian)
{ NULL }

View File

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
#include "symbols/ar43.xpm"
#include "symbols/ntsc.xpm"
#include "symbols/pal.xpm"
#include "symbols/dolbydigital.xpm"
#include "symbols/dolbydigital20.xpm"
#include "symbols/dolbydigital51.xpm"
#define FRONTEND_DEVICE "/dev/dvb/adapter%d/frontend%d"
@ -45,6 +48,9 @@ cBitmap cFemonOsd::bmAspectRatio_2_21_1(ar2211_xpm);
cBitmap cFemonOsd::bmAspectRatio_4_3(ar43_xpm);
cBitmap cFemonOsd::bmPAL(pal_xpm);
cBitmap cFemonOsd::bmNTSC(ntsc_xpm);
cBitmap cFemonOsd::bmDD(dolbydigital_xpm);
cBitmap cFemonOsd::bmDD20(dolbydigital20_xpm);
cBitmap cFemonOsd::bmDD51(dolbydigital51_xpm);
:cOsdObject(true), cThread("femon osd")
@ -135,6 +141,26 @@ void cFemonOsd::DrawStatusWindow(void)
if (y < 0) y = 0;
m_Osd->DrawBitmap(x, OSDSTATUSWIN_Y(offset+y), bmAspectRatio_2_21_1, clrBlack, clrWhite);
if (m_Receiver && m_Receiver->AC3Valid()) {
if (m_Receiver->AC3_5_1()) {
x -= bmDD51.Width() + SPACING;
y = (m_Font->Height() - bmDD51.Height()) / 2;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
m_Osd->DrawBitmap(x, OSDSTATUSWIN_Y(offset+y), bmDD51, clrBlack, clrWhite);
else if (m_Receiver->AC3_2_0()) {
x -= bmDD20.Width() + SPACING;
y = (m_Font->Height() - bmDD20.Height()) / 2;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
m_Osd->DrawBitmap(x, OSDSTATUSWIN_Y(offset+y), bmDD20, clrBlack, clrWhite);
else {
x -= bmDD.Width() + SPACING;
y = (m_Font->Height() - bmDD.Height()) / 2;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
m_Osd->DrawBitmap(x, OSDSTATUSWIN_Y(offset+y), bmDD, clrBlack, clrWhite);
offset += m_Font->Height();
if (signal > 0) {
@ -181,9 +207,9 @@ void cFemonOsd::DrawStatusWindow(void)
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDSTATUSWIN_X(4), OSDSTATUSWIN_Y(offset), "UNC:", clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%08x", m_UNC);
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDSTATUSWIN_X(5), OSDSTATUSWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:", tr("Audio"));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:", (m_Receiver && m_Receiver->AC3Valid()) ? tr("AC-3") : tr("Audio"));
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDSTATUSWIN_X(6), OSDSTATUSWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
if (m_Receiver) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.0f %s", m_Receiver->AudioBitrate(), tr("kbit/s"));
if (m_Receiver) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.0f %s", m_Receiver->AC3Valid() ? m_Receiver->AC3Bitrate() : m_Receiver->AudioBitrate(), tr("kbit/s"));
else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "--- %s", tr("kbit/s"));
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDSTATUSWIN_X(7), OSDSTATUSWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
@ -500,6 +526,99 @@ void cFemonOsd::DrawInfoWindow(void)
else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "---");
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
else if (m_DisplayMode == modeAC3) {
m_Osd->DrawRectangle(0, OSDINFOWIN_Y(0), OSDWIDTH, OSDINFOWIN_Y(OSDINFOHEIGHT), clrBackground);
m_Osd->DrawRectangle(0, OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), OSDWIDTH, OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset+m_Font->Height()-1), clrWhite);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s - %s #%d", tr("Stream Information"), tr("AC-3 Stream"), channel->Dpid1());
m_Osd->DrawText( OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrBackground, clrWhite, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
if (m_Receiver && m_Receiver->AC3Valid()) {
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Bitrate"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.0f %s (%0.f %s)", m_Receiver->AC3StreamBitrate(), tr("kbit/s"), m_Receiver->AC3Bitrate(), tr("kbit/s"));
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Sampling Frequency"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f %s", m_Receiver->AC3SamplingFreq() / 1000., tr("kHz"));
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Frame Size"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", m_Receiver->AC3FrameSize());
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Bit Stream Mode"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
switch (m_Receiver->AC3BitStreamMode()) {
case 0: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), tr("Complete Main (CM)")); break;
case 1: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), tr("Music and Effects (ME)")); break;
case 2: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), tr("Visually Impaired (VI)")); break;
case 3: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), tr("Hearing Impaired (HI)")); break;
case 4: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), tr("Dialogue (D)")); break;
case 5: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), tr("Commentary (C)")); break;
case 6: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), tr("Emergency (E)")); break;
case 7: (m_Receiver->AC3AudioCodingMode() == 1) ? snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), tr("Voice Over (VO)")) : snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), tr("Karaoke")); break;
default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "---");
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Audio Coding Mode"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
if (m_Receiver->AC3BitStreamMode() != 7) {
switch (m_Receiver->AC3AudioCodingMode()) {
case 0: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "1+1 - %s, %s", tr("Ch1"), tr("Ch2")); break;
case 1: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "1/0 - %s", tr("C")); break;
case 2: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "2/0 - %s, %s", tr("L"), tr("R")); break;
case 3: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "3/0 - %s, %s, %s", tr("L"), tr("C"), tr("R")); break;
case 4: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "2/1 - %s, %s, %s", tr("L"), tr("R"), tr("S")); break;
case 5: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "3/1 - %s, %s, %s, %s", tr("L"), tr("C"), tr("R"), tr("S")); break;
case 6: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "2/2 - %s, %s, %s, %s", tr("L"), tr("R"), tr("SL"), tr("SR")); break;
case 7: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "3/2 - %s, %s, %s, %s, %s", tr("L"), tr("C"), tr("R"), tr("SL"), tr("SR")); break;
default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "---");
else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "---");
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Center Mix Level"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
switch (m_Receiver->AC3CenterMixLevel()) {
case CML_MINUS_3dB: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-3.0 %s", tr("dB")); break;
case CML_MINUS_4_5dB: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-4.5 %s", tr("dB")); break;
case CML_MINUS_6dB: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-6.0 %s", tr("dB")); break;
case CML_RESERVED: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", tr("reserved")); break;
default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "---");
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Surround Mix Level"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
switch (m_Receiver->AC3SurroundMixLevel()) {
case SML_MINUS_3dB: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-3 %s", tr("dB")); break;
case SML_MINUS_6dB: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-6 %s", tr("dB")); break;
case SML_0_dB: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "0 %s", tr("dB")); break;
case SML_RESERVED: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", tr("reserved")); break;
default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "---");
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Dolby Surround Mode"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
switch (m_Receiver->AC3DolbySurroundMode()) {
case DSM_NOT_INDICATED: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", tr("not indicated")); break;
case DSM_NOT_DOLBYSURROUND: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", tr("no")); break;
case DSM_DOLBYSURROUND: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", tr("yes")); break;
case DSM_RESERVED: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", tr("reserved")); break;
default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "---");
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Low Frequency Effects"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", m_Receiver->AC3LfeOn() ? tr("On") : tr("Off"));
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(1), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), tr("Dialogue Normalization"), clrWhite, clrBackground, m_Font);
value = m_Receiver->AC3DialogLevel();
if (value > 0) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%d %s", value, tr("dB"));
else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "---");
m_Osd->DrawText(OSDINFOWIN_X(3), OSDINFOWIN_Y(offset), buf, clrYellow, clrBackground, m_Font);
offset += m_Font->Height();
else /* modeBasic */ {
m_Osd->DrawRectangle(0, OSDINFOWIN_Y(0), OSDWIDTH, OSDINFOWIN_Y(OSDINFOHEIGHT), clrTransparent);
@ -564,8 +683,8 @@ void cFemonOsd::Show(void)
if (m_Receiver)
delete m_Receiver;
if (femonConfig.analyzestream) {
int channelNumber = cDevice::CurrentChannel();
m_Receiver = new cFemonReceiver(Channels.GetByNumber(channelNumber)->Ca(), Channels.GetByNumber(channelNumber)->Vpid(), Channels.GetByNumber(channelNumber)->Apid1());
cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
m_Receiver = new cFemonReceiver(channel->Ca(), channel->Vpid(), channel->Apid1(), channel->Dpid1());
@ -596,8 +715,8 @@ void cFemonOsd::ChannelSwitch(const cDevice * device, int channelNumber)
if (m_Receiver)
delete m_Receiver;
if (femonConfig.analyzestream) {
channelNumber = cDevice::CurrentChannel();
m_Receiver = new cFemonReceiver(Channels.GetByNumber(channelNumber)->Ca(), Channels.GetByNumber(channelNumber)->Vpid(), Channels.GetByNumber(channelNumber)->Apid1());
cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
m_Receiver = new cFemonReceiver(channel->Ca(), channel->Vpid(), channel->Apid1(), channel->Dpid1());
@ -668,7 +787,9 @@ eOSState cFemonOsd::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
case kOk:
if (++m_DisplayMode >= modeMaxNumber) m_DisplayMode = 0; // toggle between display modes
// toggle between display modes
if (++m_DisplayMode == modeAC3 && !Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel())->Dpid1()) m_DisplayMode++;
if (m_DisplayMode >= modeMaxNumber) m_DisplayMode = 0;

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ private:
int m_DisplayMode;
const cFont *m_Font;
cMutex* m_Mutex;
static cBitmap bmPAL, bmNTSC, bmAspectRatio_1_1, bmAspectRatio_16_9, bmAspectRatio_2_21_1, bmAspectRatio_4_3;
static cBitmap bmDD, bmDD20, bmDD51, bmPAL, bmNTSC, bmAspectRatio_1_1, bmAspectRatio_16_9, bmAspectRatio_2_21_1, bmAspectRatio_4_3;
void DrawStatusWindow(void);
void DrawInfoWindow(void);

View File

@ -16,13 +16,15 @@
#define PAYLOAD 0x10
#define PTS_DTS_FLAGS 0xC0
cFemonReceiver::cFemonReceiver(int Ca, int Vpid, int Apid)
:cReceiver(Ca, -1, 2, Vpid, Apid), cThread("femon receiver")
cFemonReceiver::cFemonReceiver(int Ca, int Vpid, int Apid, int Dpid)
:cReceiver(Ca, -1, 3, Vpid, Apid, Dpid), cThread("femon receiver")
m_Active = false;
m_VideoPid = Vpid;
m_AudioPid = Apid;
m_AC3Pid = Dpid;
m_VideoValid = false;
m_VideoPacketCount = 0;
m_VideoHorizontalSize = 0;
m_VideoVerticalSize = 0;
@ -31,13 +33,26 @@ cFemonReceiver::cFemonReceiver(int Ca, int Vpid, int Apid)
m_VideoFrameRate = 0.0;
m_VideoStreamBitrate = 0.0;
m_VideoBitrate = 0.0;
m_AudioValid = false;
m_AudioPacketCount = 0;
m_AudioStreamBitrate = -2.0;
m_AudioBitrate = 0.0;
m_AudioSamplingFreq = -1;
m_AudioMPEGLayer = 0;
m_AudioBitrate = 0.0;
m_AC3Valid = false;
m_AC3PacketCount = 0;
m_AC3StreamBitrate = 0;
m_AC3SamplingFreq = 0;
m_AC3Bitrate = 0;
m_AC3FrameSize = 0;
m_AC3BitStreamMode = FR_NOTVALID;
m_AC3AudioCodingMode = FR_NOTVALID;
m_AC3CenterMixLevel = FR_NOTVALID;
m_AC3SurroundMixLevel = FR_NOTVALID;
m_AC3DolbySurroundMode = FR_NOTVALID;
m_AC3LfeOn = false;
m_AC3DialogLevel = FR_NOTVALID;
@ -49,29 +64,29 @@ cFemonReceiver::~cFemonReceiver(void)
/* the following function originates from libdvbmpeg: */
/* The following function originates from libdvbmpeg: */
void cFemonReceiver::GetVideoInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count)
uint8_t *headr;
int found = 0;
int c = 0;
while (found < 4 && c + 4 < count) {
m_VideoValid = false;
while ((found < 4) && ((c + 4) < count)) {
uint8_t *b;
b = mbuf + c;
if (b[0] == 0x00 && b[1] == 0x00 && b[2] == 0x01 && b[3] == 0xb3)
if ((b[0] == 0x00) && (b[1] == 0x00) && (b[2] == 0x01) && (b[3] == 0xb3))
found = 4;
if (!found) return;
c += 4;
if (c + 12 >= count) return;
headr = mbuf + c;
m_VideoHorizontalSize = ((headr[1] &0xF0) >> 4) | (headr[0] << 4);
m_VideoVerticalSize = ((headr[1] &0x0F) << 8) | (headr[2]);
if ((!found) || ((c + 16) >= count)) return;
m_VideoValid = true;
headr = mbuf + c + 4;
m_VideoHorizontalSize = ((headr[1] & 0xF0) >> 4) | (headr[0] << 4);
m_VideoVerticalSize = ((headr[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | (headr[2]);
int sw = (int)((headr[3] & 0xF0) >> 4);
switch( sw ){
switch ( sw ){
case 1:
m_VideoAspectRatio = AR_1_1;
@ -85,15 +100,14 @@ void cFemonReceiver::GetVideoInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count)
m_VideoAspectRatio = AR_2_21_1;
case 5 ... 15:
m_VideoAspectRatio = AR_RESERVED;
sw = (int)(headr[3] & 0x0F);
switch ( sw ) {
case 1:
m_VideoFrameRate = 24000/1001.0;
m_VideoFrameRate = 24000 / 1001.0;
m_VideoFormat = VF_UNKNOWN;
case 2:
@ -105,7 +119,7 @@ void cFemonReceiver::GetVideoInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count)
m_VideoFormat = VF_PAL;
case 4:
m_VideoFrameRate = 30000/1001.0;
m_VideoFrameRate = 30000 / 1001.0;
m_VideoFormat = VF_NTSC;
case 5:
@ -120,6 +134,15 @@ void cFemonReceiver::GetVideoInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count)
m_VideoFrameRate = 60.0;
m_VideoFormat = VF_NTSC;
case 8:
m_VideoFrameRate = 60000 / 1001.0;
m_VideoFormat = VF_NTSC;
case 9 ... 15:
m_VideoFrameRate = 0;
m_VideoFormat = VF_UNKNOWN;
m_VideoStreamBitrate = 400 * (((headr[4] << 10) & 0x0003FC00UL) | ((headr[5] << 2) & 0x000003FCUL) | (((headr[6] & 0xC0) >> 6) & 0x00000003UL)) / 1000000.0;
@ -131,9 +154,10 @@ static unsigned int bitrates[3][16] =
{0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 0}
static unsigned int samplerates[4] = {441, 480, 320, 0};
static unsigned int samplerates[4] =
{441, 480, 320, 0};
/* the following function originates from libdvbmpeg: */
/* The following function originates from libdvbmpeg: */
void cFemonReceiver::GetAudioInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count)
@ -141,15 +165,16 @@ void cFemonReceiver::GetAudioInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count)
int found = 0;
int c = 0;
int tmp = 0;
while (!found && c < count) {
m_AudioValid = false;
while (!found && (c < count)) {
uint8_t *b = mbuf + c;
if (b[0] == 0xff && (b[1] & 0xf8) == 0xf8)
if ((b[0] == 0xff) && ((b[1] & 0xf8) == 0xf8))
found = 1;
if (!found) return;
if (c + 3 >= count) return;
if ((!found) || ((c + 3) >= count)) return;
m_AudioValid = true;
headr = mbuf + c;
m_AudioMPEGLayer = 4 - ((headr[1] & 0x06) >> 1);
tmp = bitrates[(3 - ((headr[1] & 0x06) >> 1))][(headr[2] >> 4)] * 1000;
@ -166,6 +191,65 @@ void cFemonReceiver::GetAudioInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count)
m_AudioSamplingFreq = tmp;
static unsigned int ac3_bitrates[32] =
{32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static unsigned int ac3_freq[4] =
{480, 441, 320, 0};
static unsigned int ac3_frames[3][32] =
{64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 640, 768, 896, 1024, 1152, 1280, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{69, 87, 104, 121, 139, 174, 208, 243, 278, 348, 417, 487, 557, 696, 835, 975, 1114, 1253, 1393, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{96, 120, 144, 168, 192, 240, 288, 336, 384, 480, 576, 672, 768, 960, 1152, 1344, 1536, 1728, 1920, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
** AC3 Audio Header: http://www.atsc.org/standards/a_52a.pdf
** The following function originates from libdvbmpeg:
void cFemonReceiver::GetAC3Info(uint8_t *mbuf, int count)
uint8_t *headr;
int found = 0;
int c = 0;
uint8_t frame;
m_AC3Valid = false;
while (!found && (c < count)) {
uint8_t *b = mbuf + c;
if ((b[0] == 0x0b) && (b[1] == 0x77))
found = 1;
if ((!found) || ((c + 5) >= count)) return;
m_AC3Valid = true;
headr = mbuf + c + 2;
frame = (headr[2] & 0x3f);
m_AC3StreamBitrate = ac3_bitrates[frame >> 1];
int fr = (headr[2] & 0xc0 ) >> 6;
m_AC3SamplingFreq = ac3_freq[fr] * 100;
m_AC3FrameSize = ac3_frames[fr][frame >> 1];
if ((frame & 1) && (fr == 1)) m_AC3FrameSize++;
m_AC3FrameSize <<= 1;
m_AC3BitStreamMode = (headr[3] & 7);
m_AC3AudioCodingMode = (headr[4] & 0xE0) >> 5;
if ((m_AC3AudioCodingMode & 0x01) && (m_AC3AudioCodingMode != 0x01)) // if 3 front channels
m_AC3CenterMixLevel = (headr[4] & 0x18) >> 3;
m_AC3CenterMixLevel = FR_NOTVALID;
if (m_AC3AudioCodingMode & 0x04) // if a surround channel exists
m_AC3SurroundMixLevel = (headr[4] & 0x06) >> 1;
m_AC3SurroundMixLevel = FR_NOTVALID;
if (m_AC3AudioCodingMode == 0x02) // if in 2/0 mode
m_AC3DolbySurroundMode = ((headr[4] & 1) << 1) | ((headr[5] & 0x80) >> 7);
m_AC3DolbySurroundMode = FR_NOTVALID;
m_AC3LfeOn = (headr[5] & 0x40) >> 6;
m_AC3DialogLevel = (headr[5] & 0x3e) >> 1;
void cFemonReceiver::Activate(bool On)
@ -184,6 +268,9 @@ void cFemonReceiver::Receive(uchar *Data, int Length)
else if (pid == m_AudioPid) {
else if (pid == m_AC3Pid) {
/* the following originates from libdvbmpeg: */
if (!(Data[3] & PAYLOAD)) {
@ -200,9 +287,12 @@ void cFemonReceiver::Receive(uchar *Data, int Length)
if (pid == m_VideoPid) {
GetVideoInfo(pay, l);
if (pid == m_AudioPid) {
else if (pid == m_AudioPid) {
GetAudioInfo(pay, l);
else if (pid == m_AC3Pid) {
GetAC3Info(pay, l);
/* end */
@ -219,6 +309,8 @@ void cFemonReceiver::Action(void)
m_VideoPacketCount = 0;
m_AudioBitrate = (8.0 * 184.0 * m_AudioPacketCount) / (femonConfig.calcinterval * 100.0);
m_AudioPacketCount = 0;
m_AC3Bitrate = (8.0 * 184.0 * m_AC3PacketCount) / (femonConfig.calcinterval * 100.0);
m_AC3PacketCount = 0;
usleep(100000L * femonConfig.calcinterval);

View File

@ -26,29 +26,68 @@ enum eAspectRatio {
AR_2_21_1 = 233,
#define FR_RESERVED -1
#define FR_FREE -2
enum eCenterMixLevel {
CML_MINUS_3dB = 0,
CML_MINUS_4_5dB = 1,
CML_MINUS_6dB = 2,
enum eSurroundMixLevel {
SML_MINUS_3dB = 0,
SML_MINUS_6dB = 1,
SML_0_dB = 2,
enum eDolbySurroundMode {
#define FR_RESERVED -1
#define FR_FREE -2
#define FR_NOTVALID -3
class cFemonReceiver : public cReceiver, public cThread {
bool m_Active;
int m_VideoPid;
int m_AudioPid;
int m_VideoPacketCount;
int m_VideoHorizontalSize;
int m_VideoVerticalSize;
int m_VideoAspectRatio;
int m_VideoFormat;
bool m_Active;
int m_VideoPid;
int m_AudioPid;
int m_AC3Pid;
bool m_VideoValid;
int m_VideoPacketCount;
int m_VideoHorizontalSize;
int m_VideoVerticalSize;
int m_VideoAspectRatio;
int m_VideoFormat;
double m_VideoFrameRate;
double m_VideoStreamBitrate;
double m_VideoBitrate;
int m_AudioPacketCount;
bool m_AudioValid;
int m_AudioPacketCount;
double m_AudioStreamBitrate;
double m_AudioBitrate;
int m_AudioSamplingFreq;
int m_AudioMPEGLayer;
void GetVideoInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count);
void GetAudioInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count);
int m_AudioSamplingFreq;
int m_AudioMPEGLayer;
bool m_AC3Valid;
int m_AC3PacketCount;
double m_AC3Bitrate;
int m_AC3FrameSize;
int m_AC3SamplingFreq;
int m_AC3StreamBitrate;
int m_AC3BitStreamMode;
int m_AC3AudioCodingMode;
int m_AC3CenterMixLevel;
int m_AC3SurroundMixLevel;
int m_AC3DolbySurroundMode;
bool m_AC3LfeOn;
int m_AC3DialogLevel;
void GetVideoInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count);
void GetAudioInfo(uint8_t *mbuf, int count);
void GetAC3Info(uint8_t *mbuf, int count);
virtual void Activate(bool On);
@ -56,9 +95,10 @@ protected:
virtual void Action(void);
cFemonReceiver(int Ca, int Vpid, int Apid);
cFemonReceiver(int Ca, int Vpid, int Apid, int Dpid);
virtual ~cFemonReceiver();
bool VideoValid(void) { return m_VideoValid; }; // boolean
int VideoHorizontalSize(void) { return m_VideoHorizontalSize; }; // pixels
int VideoVerticalSize(void) { return m_VideoVerticalSize; }; // pixels
int VideoAspectRatio(void) { return m_VideoAspectRatio; }; // eAspectRatio
@ -67,10 +107,26 @@ public:
double VideoStreamBitrate(void) { return m_VideoStreamBitrate; }; // Mbit/s
double VideoBitrate(void) { return m_VideoBitrate; }; // Mbit/s
bool AudioValid(void) { return m_AudioValid; }; // boolean
int AudioMPEGLayer(void) { return m_AudioMPEGLayer; }; // layer number
int AudioSamplingFreq(void) { return m_AudioSamplingFreq; }; // Hz
double AudioStreamBitrate(void) { return m_AudioStreamBitrate; }; // kbit/s
double AudioBitrate(void) { return m_AudioBitrate; }; // kbit/s
bool AC3Valid(void) { return m_AC3Valid; }; // boolean
int AC3SamplingFreq(void) { return m_AC3SamplingFreq; }; // Hz
double AC3StreamBitrate(void) { return m_AC3StreamBitrate; }; // kbit/s
double AC3Bitrate(void) { return m_AC3Bitrate; }; // kbit/s
int AC3FrameSize(void) { return m_AC3FrameSize; }; // Bytes
int AC3BitStreamMode(void) { return m_AC3BitStreamMode; }; // 0..7
int AC3AudioCodingMode(void) { return m_AC3AudioCodingMode; }; // 0..7
bool AC3_2_0(void) { return m_AC3AudioCodingMode == 2; }; // DD 2.0
bool AC3_5_1(void) { return m_AC3AudioCodingMode == 7; }; // DD 5.1
int AC3CenterMixLevel(void) { return m_AC3CenterMixLevel; }; // eCenterMixLevel
int AC3SurroundMixLevel(void) { return m_AC3SurroundMixLevel; }; // eSurroundMixLevel
int AC3DolbySurroundMode(void) { return m_AC3DolbySurroundMode; }; // eDolbySurroundMode
bool AC3LfeOn(void) { return m_AC3LfeOn; }; // boolean
int AC3DialogLevel(void) { return m_AC3DialogLevel; }; // -dB

symbols/dolbydigital.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/* XPM */
static char * dolbydigital_xpm[] = {
"27 18 2 1",
". c #FFFFFF",
"+ c #000000",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/* XPM */
static char * dolbydigital20_xpm[] = {
"49 18 2 1",
". c #FFFFFF",
"+ c #000000",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/* XPM */
static char * dolbydigital51_xpm[] = {
"44 18 2 1",
". c #FFFFFF",
"+ c #000000",