mirror of
synced 2023-10-10 11:36:53 +00:00
Refactored bitstream code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -417,6 +417,7 @@ VDR Plugin 'femon' Revision History
2011-xx-xx: Version 1.7.11
- Updated for vdr-1.7.19: New API functions for signal strength
- Updated for vdr-1.7.22: New API functions for signal strength
and quality used to provide information for the OSD.
- Added cppcheck target into Makefile.
- Refactored bitstream code.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ cFemonAAC::~cFemonAAC()
bool cFemonAAC::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
cBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
cFemonBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
if (!m_AudioHandler)
return false;
@ -48,23 +48,23 @@ bool cFemonAAC::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
// skip PES header
if (!PesLongEnough(len))
return false;
bs.skipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
bs.SkipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
// HE-AAC audio detection
if (bs.getBits(12) != 0xFFF) // syncword
if (bs.GetBits(12) != 0xFFF) // syncword
return false;
bs.skipBit(); // id
bs.SkipBit(); // id
// layer must be 0
if (bs.getBits(2)) // layer
if (bs.GetBits(2)) // layer
return false;
bs.skipBit(); // protection_absent
bs.skipBits(2); // profile
int sampling_frequency_index = bs.getBits(4); // sampling_frequency_index
bs.skipBit(); // private pid
int channel_configuration = bs.getBits(3); // channel_configuration
bs.SkipBit(); // protection_absent
bs.SkipBits(2); // profile
int sampling_frequency_index = bs.GetBits(4); // sampling_frequency_index
bs.SkipBit(); // private pid
int channel_configuration = bs.GetBits(3); // channel_configuration
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ bool cFemonAC3::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
int centermixlevel = AUDIO_CENTER_MIX_LEVEL_INVALID;
int surroundmixlevel = AUDIO_SURROUND_MIX_LEVEL_INVALID;
int dolbysurroundmode = AUDIO_DOLBY_SURROUND_MODE_INVALID;
cBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
cFemonBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
if (!m_AudioHandler)
return false;
@ -49,34 +49,34 @@ bool cFemonAC3::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
// skip PES header
if (!PesLongEnough(len))
return false;
bs.skipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
bs.SkipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
// http://rmworkshop.com/dvd_info/related_info/ac3hdr.htm
// AC3 audio detection
if (bs.getU16() != 0x0B77) // syncword
if (bs.GetBits(16) != 0x0B77) // syncword
return false;
bs.skipBits(16); // CRC1
bs.SkipBits(16); // CRC1
fscod = bs.getBits(2); // sampling rate values
frmsizcod = bs.getBits(6); // frame size code
fscod = bs.GetBits(2); // sampling rate values
frmsizcod = bs.GetBits(6); // frame size code
bs.skipBits(5); // bitstream id
bsmod = bs.getBits(3); // bitstream mode
acmod = bs.getBits(3); // audio coding mode
bs.SkipBits(5); // bitstream id
bsmod = bs.GetBits(3); // bitstream mode
acmod = bs.GetBits(3); // audio coding mode
// 3 front channels
if ((acmod & 0x01) && (acmod != 0x01))
centermixlevel = bs.getBits(2);
centermixlevel = bs.GetBits(2);
// if a surround channel exists
if (acmod & 0x04)
surroundmixlevel = bs.getBits(2);
surroundmixlevel = bs.GetBits(2);
// if in 2/0 mode
if (acmod == 0x02)
dolbysurroundmode = bs.getBits(2);
dolbysurroundmode = bs.GetBits(2);
m_AudioHandler->SetAC3Bitrate(1000 * s_Bitrates[frmsizcod >> 1]);
m_AudioHandler->SetAC3SamplingFrequency(100 * s_Frequencies[fscod]);
@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ bool cFemonAC3::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
m_AudioHandler->SetAC3LFE(bs.getBit()); // low frequency effects on
m_AudioHandler->SetAC3Dialog(bs.getBits(5)); // dialog normalization
m_AudioHandler->SetAC3LFE(bs.GetBit()); // low frequency effects on
m_AudioHandler->SetAC3Dialog(bs.GetBits(5)); // dialog normalization
return true;
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ int cFemonH264::nalUnescape(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, int len)
int cFemonH264::parseSPS(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
int profile_idc, level_idc, constraint_set3_flag, pic_order_cnt_type, i, j;
cBitStream bs(buf, len);
cFemonBitStream bs(buf, len);
uint32_t width = m_Width;
uint32_t height = m_Height;
@ -236,14 +236,14 @@ int cFemonH264::parseSPS(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
bool mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag = m_MbAdaptiveFrameFieldFlag;
uint32_t time_offset_length = m_TimeOffsetLength;
profile_idc = bs.getU8(); // profile_idc
bs.skipBit(); // constraint_set0_flag
bs.skipBit(); // constraint_set1_flag
bs.skipBit(); // constraint_set2_flag
constraint_set3_flag = bs.getBit(); // constraint_set3_flag
bs.skipBits(4); // reserved_zero_4bits
level_idc = bs.getU8(); // level_idc
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // seq_parameter_set_id
profile_idc = bs.GetBits(8); // profile_idc
bs.SkipBit(); // constraint_set0_flag
bs.SkipBit(); // constraint_set1_flag
bs.SkipBit(); // constraint_set2_flag
constraint_set3_flag = bs.GetBit(); // constraint_set3_flag
bs.SkipBits(4); // reserved_zero_4bits
level_idc = bs.GetBits(8); // level_idc
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // seq_parameter_set_id
//debug("H.264 SPS: profile_idc %d level_idc %d\n", profile_idc, level_idc);
switch (profile_idc) {
case 66: // baseline profile
@ -457,55 +457,55 @@ int cFemonH264::parseSPS(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
if ((profile_idc == 100) || (profile_idc == 110) || (profile_idc == 122) || (profile_idc == 144)) {
if (bs.getUeGolomb() == 3) // chroma_format_idc
bs.skipBit(); // residual_colour_transform_flag
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // bit_depth_luma_minus8
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // bit_depth_chroma_minus8
bs.skipBit(); // qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag
if (bs.getBit()) { // seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag
if (bs.GetUeGolomb() == 3) // chroma_format_idc
bs.SkipBit(); // residual_colour_transform_flag
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // bit_depth_luma_minus8
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // bit_depth_chroma_minus8
bs.SkipBit(); // qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag
if (bs.GetBit()) { // seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (bs.getBit()) { // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[i]
if (bs.GetBit()) { // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[i]
int last = 8, next = 8, size = (i < 6) ? 16 : 64;
for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
if (next)
next = (last + bs.getSeGolomb()) & 0xff;
next = (last + bs.GetSeGolomb()) & 0xff;
last = next ?: last;
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // log2_max_frame_num_minus4
pic_order_cnt_type = bs.getUeGolomb(); // pic_order_cnt_type
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // log2_max_frame_num_minus4
pic_order_cnt_type = bs.GetUeGolomb(); // pic_order_cnt_type
if (pic_order_cnt_type == 0)
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4
else if (pic_order_cnt_type == 1) {
bs.skipBit(); // delta_pic_order_always_zero
bs.skipSeGolomb(); // offset_for_non_ref_pic
bs.skipSeGolomb(); // offset_for_top_to_bottom_field
j = bs.getUeGolomb(); // num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle
bs.SkipBit(); // delta_pic_order_always_zero
bs.SkipSeGolomb(); // offset_for_non_ref_pic
bs.SkipSeGolomb(); // offset_for_top_to_bottom_field
j = bs.GetUeGolomb(); // num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle
for (i = 0; i < j; ++i)
bs.skipSeGolomb(); // offset_for_ref_frame[i]
bs.SkipSeGolomb(); // offset_for_ref_frame[i]
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // num_ref_frames
bs.skipBit(); // gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag
width = bs.getUeGolomb() + 1; // pic_width_in_mbs_minus1
height = bs.getUeGolomb() + 1; // pic_height_in_mbs_minus1
frame_mbs_only_flag = bs.getBit(); // frame_mbs_only_flag
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // num_ref_frames
bs.SkipBit(); // gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag
width = bs.GetUeGolomb() + 1; // pic_width_in_mbs_minus1
height = bs.GetUeGolomb() + 1; // pic_height_in_mbs_minus1
frame_mbs_only_flag = bs.GetBit(); // frame_mbs_only_flag
//debug("H.264 SPS: pic_width: %u mbs\n", width);
//debug("H.264 SPS: pic_height: %u mbs\n", height);
//debug("H.264 SPS: frame only flag: %d\n", frame_mbs_only_flag);
width *= 16;
height *= 16 * (frame_mbs_only_flag ? 1 : 2);
if (!frame_mbs_only_flag)
mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag = bs.getBit(); // mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag
bs.skipBit(); // direct_8x8_inference_flag
if (bs.getBit()) { // frame_cropping_flag
mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag = bs.GetBit(); // mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag
bs.SkipBit(); // direct_8x8_inference_flag
if (bs.GetBit()) { // frame_cropping_flag
uint32_t crop_left, crop_right, crop_top, crop_bottom;
crop_left = bs.getUeGolomb(); // frame_crop_left_offset
crop_right = bs.getUeGolomb(); // frame_crop_rigth_offset
crop_top = bs.getUeGolomb(); // frame_crop_top_offset
crop_bottom = bs.getUeGolomb(); // frame_crop_bottom_offset
crop_left = bs.GetUeGolomb(); // frame_crop_left_offset
crop_right = bs.GetUeGolomb(); // frame_crop_rigth_offset
crop_top = bs.GetUeGolomb(); // frame_crop_top_offset
crop_bottom = bs.GetUeGolomb(); // frame_crop_bottom_offset
//debug("H.264 SPS: cropping %d %d %d %d\n", crop_left, crop_top, crop_right, crop_bottom);
width -= 2 * (crop_left + crop_right);
if (frame_mbs_only_flag)
@ -514,14 +514,14 @@ int cFemonH264::parseSPS(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
height -= 4 * (crop_top + crop_bottom);
// VUI parameters
if (bs.getBit()) { // vui_parameters_present_flag
if (bs.getBit()) { // aspect_ratio_info_present
if (bs.GetBit()) { // vui_parameters_present_flag
if (bs.GetBit()) { // aspect_ratio_info_present
uint32_t aspect_ratio_idc, sar_width = 0, sar_height = 0;
aspect_ratio_idc = bs.getU8(); // aspect_ratio_idc
aspect_ratio_idc = bs.GetBits(8); // aspect_ratio_idc
//debug("H.264 SPS: aspect_ratio_idc %d\n", aspect_ratio_idc);
if (aspect_ratio_idc == 255) { // extended sar
sar_width = bs.getU16(); // sar_width
sar_height = bs.getU16(); // sar_height
sar_width = bs.GetBits(16); // sar_width
sar_height = bs.GetBits(16); // sar_height
else if (aspect_ratio_idc < ELEMENTS(s_SAR)) {
sar_width = s_SAR[aspect_ratio_idc].w;
@ -546,78 +546,78 @@ int cFemonH264::parseSPS(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
//debug("H.264 SPS: DAR %dx%d (%d)\n", sar_width, sar_height, aspect_ratio);
if (bs.getBit()) // overscan_info_present_flag
bs.skipBit(); // overscan_approriate_flag
if (bs.getBit()) { // video_signal_type_present_flag
if (bs.GetBit()) // overscan_info_present_flag
bs.SkipBit(); // overscan_approriate_flag
if (bs.GetBit()) { // video_signal_type_present_flag
uint32_t video_format;
video_format = bs.getBits(3); // video_format
video_format = bs.GetBits(3); // video_format
if (video_format < sizeof(s_VideoFormats) / sizeof(s_VideoFormats[0])) {
format = s_VideoFormats[video_format];
//debug("H.264 SPS: video format %d\n", format);
bs.skipBit(); // video_full_range_flag
if (bs.getBit()) { // colour_description_present_flag
bs.skipBits(8); // colour_primaries
bs.skipBits(8); // transfer_characteristics
bs.skipBits(8); // matrix_coefficients
bs.SkipBit(); // video_full_range_flag
if (bs.GetBit()) { // colour_description_present_flag
bs.SkipBits(8); // colour_primaries
bs.SkipBits(8); // transfer_characteristics
bs.SkipBits(8); // matrix_coefficients
if (bs.getBit()) { // chroma_loc_info_present_flag
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field
if (bs.GetBit()) { // chroma_loc_info_present_flag
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field
if (bs.getBit()) { // timing_info_present_flag
if (bs.GetBit()) { // timing_info_present_flag
uint32_t num_units_in_tick, time_scale;
num_units_in_tick = bs.getU32(); // num_units_in_tick
time_scale = bs.getU32(); // time_scale
num_units_in_tick = bs.GetBits(32); // num_units_in_tick
time_scale = bs.GetBits(32); // time_scale
if (num_units_in_tick > 0)
frame_rate = time_scale / num_units_in_tick;
bs.skipBit(); // fixed_frame_rate_flag
bs.SkipBit(); // fixed_frame_rate_flag
int nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag = bs.getBit(); // nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag
int nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag = bs.GetBit(); // nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag
if (nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag) {
int cpb_cnt_minus1;
cpb_cnt_minus1 = bs.getUeGolomb(); // cpb_cnt_minus1
bs.skipBits(4); // bit_rate_scale
bs.skipBits(4); // cpb_size_scale
cpb_cnt_minus1 = bs.GetUeGolomb(); // cpb_cnt_minus1
bs.SkipBits(4); // bit_rate_scale
bs.SkipBits(4); // cpb_size_scale
for (int i = 0; i < cpb_cnt_minus1; ++i) {
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // bit_rate_value_minus1[i]
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // cpb_size_value_minus1[i]
bs.skipBit(); // cbr_flag[i]
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // bit_rate_value_minus1[i]
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // cpb_size_value_minus1[i]
bs.SkipBit(); // cbr_flag[i]
bs.skipBits(5); // initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1
bs.skipBits(5); // cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1
bs.skipBits(5); // dpb_output_delay_length_minus1
time_offset_length = bs.getBits(5); // time_offset_length
bs.SkipBits(5); // initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1
bs.SkipBits(5); // cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1
bs.SkipBits(5); // dpb_output_delay_length_minus1
time_offset_length = bs.GetBits(5); // time_offset_length
int vlc_hrd_parameters_present_flag = bs.getBit(); // vlc_hrd_parameters_present_flag
int vlc_hrd_parameters_present_flag = bs.GetBit(); // vlc_hrd_parameters_present_flag
if (vlc_hrd_parameters_present_flag) {
int cpb_cnt_minus1;
cpb_cnt_minus1 = bs.getUeGolomb(); // cpb_cnt_minus1
bs.skipBits(4); // bit_rate_scale
bs.skipBits(4); // cpb_size_scale
cpb_cnt_minus1 = bs.GetUeGolomb(); // cpb_cnt_minus1
bs.SkipBits(4); // bit_rate_scale
bs.SkipBits(4); // cpb_size_scale
for (int i = 0; i < cpb_cnt_minus1; ++i) {
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // bit_rate_value_minus1[i]
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // cpb_size_value_minus1[i]
bs.skipBit(); // cbr_flag[i]
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // bit_rate_value_minus1[i]
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // cpb_size_value_minus1[i]
bs.SkipBit(); // cbr_flag[i]
bs.skipBits(5); // initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1
bs.skipBits(5); // cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1
bs.skipBits(5); // dpb_output_delay_length_minus1
time_offset_length = bs.getBits(5);// time_offset_length
bs.SkipBits(5); // initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1
bs.SkipBits(5); // cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1
bs.SkipBits(5); // dpb_output_delay_length_minus1
time_offset_length = bs.GetBits(5);// time_offset_length
cpb_dpb_delays_present_flag = (nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag | vlc_hrd_parameters_present_flag);
if (cpb_dpb_delays_present_flag)
bs.skipBit(); // low_delay_hrd_flag
pic_struct_present_flag = bs.getBit(); // pic_struct_present_flag
if (bs.getBit()) { // bitstream_restriction_flag
bs.skipBit(); // motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // max_bytes_per_pic_denom
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // max_bits_per_mb_denom
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // log2_max_mv_length_horizontal
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // log2_max_mv_length_vertical
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // num_reorder_frames
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // max_dec_frame_buffering
bs.SkipBit(); // low_delay_hrd_flag
pic_struct_present_flag = bs.GetBit(); // pic_struct_present_flag
if (bs.GetBit()) { // bitstream_restriction_flag
bs.SkipBit(); // motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // max_bytes_per_pic_denom
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // max_bits_per_mb_denom
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // log2_max_mv_length_horizontal
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // log2_max_mv_length_vertical
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // num_reorder_frames
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // max_dec_frame_buffering
@ -633,38 +633,38 @@ int cFemonH264::parseSPS(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
m_MbAdaptiveFrameFieldFlag = mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag;
m_TimeOffsetLength = time_offset_length;
return (bs.getIndex() / 8);
return (bs.Index() / 8);
int cFemonH264::parseSEI(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
int num_referenced_subseqs, i;
cBitStream bs(buf, len);
cFemonBitStream bs(buf, len);
eVideoScan scan = m_Scan;
while ((bs.getIndex() * 8 + 16) < len) { // sei_message
while ((bs.Index() * 8 + 16) < len) { // sei_message
int lastByte, payloadSize = 0, payloadType = 0;
do {
lastByte = bs.getU8() & 0xFF;
lastByte = bs.GetBits(8) & 0xFF;
payloadType += lastByte;
} while (lastByte == 0xFF); // last_payload_type_byte
do {
lastByte = bs.getU8() & 0xFF;
lastByte = bs.GetBits(8) & 0xFF;
payloadSize += lastByte;
} while (lastByte == 0xFF); // last_payload_size_byte
switch (payloadType) { // sei_payload
case 1: // pic_timing
if (m_CpbDpbDelaysPresentFlag) { // cpb_dpb_delays_present_flag
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // cpb_removal_delay
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // dpb_output_delay
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // cpb_removal_delay
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // dpb_output_delay
if (m_PicStructPresentFlag) { // pic_struct_present_flag
uint32_t pic_struct;
pic_struct = bs.getBits(4); // pic_struct
pic_struct = bs.GetBits(4); // pic_struct
if (pic_struct >= (sizeof(s_SeiNumClockTsTable)) / sizeof(s_SeiNumClockTsTable[0]))
return 0;
if (m_FrameMbsOnlyFlag && !m_MbAdaptiveFrameFieldFlag)
@ -691,9 +691,9 @@ int cFemonH264::parseSEI(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
//debug("H.264 SEI: pic struct %d scan type %d\n", pic_struct, scan);
for (int i = 0; i < s_SeiNumClockTsTable[pic_struct]; ++i) {
if (bs.getBit()) { // clock_timestamp_flag[i]
if (bs.GetBit()) { // clock_timestamp_flag[i]
int full_timestamp_flag;
switch (bs.getBits(2)) { // ct_type
switch (bs.GetBits(2)) { // ct_type
case 0:
@ -708,62 +708,62 @@ int cFemonH264::parseSEI(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
//debug("H.264 SEI: scan type %d\n", scan);
bs.skipBit(); // nuit_field_based_flag
bs.skipBits(5); // counting_type
full_timestamp_flag = bs.getBit(); // full_timestamp_flag
bs.skipBit(); // discontinuity_flag
bs.skipBit(); // cnt_dropped_flag
bs.skipBits(8); // n_frames
bs.SkipBit(); // nuit_field_based_flag
bs.SkipBits(5); // counting_type
full_timestamp_flag = bs.GetBit(); // full_timestamp_flag
bs.SkipBit(); // discontinuity_flag
bs.SkipBit(); // cnt_dropped_flag
bs.SkipBits(8); // n_frames
if (full_timestamp_flag) {
bs.skipBits(6); // seconds_value
bs.skipBits(6); // minutes_value
bs.skipBits(5); // hours_value
bs.SkipBits(6); // seconds_value
bs.SkipBits(6); // minutes_value
bs.SkipBits(5); // hours_value
else {
if (bs.getBit()) { // seconds_flag
bs.skipBits(6); // seconds_value
if (bs.getBit()) { // minutes_flag
bs.skipBits(6); // minutes_value
if (bs.getBit()) // hours_flag
bs.skipBits(5); // hours_value
if (bs.GetBit()) { // seconds_flag
bs.SkipBits(6); // seconds_value
if (bs.GetBit()) { // minutes_flag
bs.SkipBits(6); // minutes_value
if (bs.GetBit()) // hours_flag
bs.SkipBits(5); // hours_value
if (m_TimeOffsetLength > 0)
bs.skipBits(m_TimeOffsetLength); // time_offset
bs.SkipBits(m_TimeOffsetLength); // time_offset
case 12: // sub_seq_characteristics
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // sub_seq_layer_num
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // sub_seq_id
if (bs.getBit()) // duration_flag
bs.skipBits(32); // sub_seq_duration
if (bs.getBit()) { // average_rate_flag
bs.skipBit(); // accurate_statistics_flag
bs.skipBits(16); // average_bit_rate (1000 bit/s)
bs.skipBits(16); // average_frame_rate (frames per 256s)
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // sub_seq_layer_num
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // sub_seq_id
if (bs.GetBit()) // duration_flag
bs.SkipBits(32); // sub_seq_duration
if (bs.GetBit()) { // average_rate_flag
bs.SkipBit(); // accurate_statistics_flag
bs.SkipBits(16); // average_bit_rate (1000 bit/s)
bs.SkipBits(16); // average_frame_rate (frames per 256s)
num_referenced_subseqs = bs.getUeGolomb(); // num_referenced_subseqs
num_referenced_subseqs = bs.GetUeGolomb(); // num_referenced_subseqs
for (i = 0; i < num_referenced_subseqs; ++i) {
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // ref_sub_seq_layer_num
bs.skipUeGolomb(); // ref_sub_seq_id
bs.getBit(); // ref_sub_seq_direction
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // ref_sub_seq_layer_num
bs.SkipUeGolomb(); // ref_sub_seq_id
bs.GetBit(); // ref_sub_seq_direction
bs.skipBits(payloadSize * 8);
bs.SkipBits(payloadSize * 8);
// force byte align
m_Scan = scan;
return (bs.getIndex() / 8);
return (bs.Index() / 8);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ cFemonLATM::~cFemonLATM()
bool cFemonLATM::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
cBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
cFemonBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
if (!m_AudioHandler)
return false;
@ -39,23 +39,23 @@ bool cFemonLATM::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
// skip PES header
if (!PesLongEnough(len))
return false;
bs.skipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
bs.SkipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
// MPEG audio detection
if (bs.getBits(12) != 0x56E) // syncword
if (bs.GetBits(12) != 0x56E) // syncword
return false;
if (bs.getBit() == 0) // id: MPEG-1=1, extension to lower sampling frequencies=0
if (bs.GetBit() == 0) // id: MPEG-1=1, extension to lower sampling frequencies=0
return true; // @todo: lower sampling frequencies support
int layer = 3 - bs.getBits(2); // layer: I=11, II=10, III=01
bs.skipBit(); // protection bit
int bit_rate_index = bs.getBits(4); // bitrate index
int sampling_frequency = bs.getBits(2); // sampling frequency
bs.skipBit(); // padding bit
bs.skipBit(); // private pid
int mode = bs.getBits(2); // mode
int layer = 3 - bs.GetBits(2); // layer: I=11, II=10, III=01
bs.SkipBit(); // protection bit
int bit_rate_index = bs.GetBits(4); // bitrate index
int sampling_frequency = bs.GetBits(2); // sampling frequency
bs.SkipBit(); // padding bit
bs.SkipBit(); // private pid
int mode = bs.GetBits(2); // mode
switch (mode) {
case 0:
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ cFemonMPEG::~cFemonMPEG()
bool cFemonMPEG::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
cBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
cFemonBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
if (!m_AudioHandler)
return false;
@ -56,20 +56,20 @@ bool cFemonMPEG::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
// skip PES header
if (!PesLongEnough(len))
return false;
bs.skipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
bs.SkipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
// MPEG audio detection
if (bs.getBits(12) != 0xFFF) // syncword
if (bs.GetBits(12) != 0xFFF) // syncword
return false;
int id = bs.getBit(); // id: MPEG-2=0, MPEG-1=1
int layer = 3 - bs.getBits(2); // layer: I=11, II=10, III=01
bs.skipBit(); // protection bit
int bit_rate_index = bs.getBits(4); // bitrate index
int sampling_frequency = bs.getBits(2); // sampling frequency
bs.skipBit(); // padding bit
bs.skipBit(); // private pid
int mode = bs.getBits(2); // mode
int id = bs.GetBit(); // id: MPEG-2=0, MPEG-1=1
int layer = 3 - bs.GetBits(2); // layer: I=11, II=10, III=01
bs.SkipBit(); // protection bit
int bit_rate_index = bs.GetBits(4); // bitrate index
int sampling_frequency = bs.GetBits(2); // sampling frequency
bs.SkipBit(); // padding bit
bs.SkipBit(); // private pid
int mode = bs.GetBits(2); // mode
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ bool cFemonMPEG::processAudio(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
bool cFemonMPEG::processVideo(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
cBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
cFemonBitStream bs(buf, len * 8);
if (!m_VideoHandler)
return false;
@ -132,20 +132,20 @@ bool cFemonMPEG::processVideo(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
// skip PES header
if (!PesLongEnough(len))
return false;
bs.skipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
bs.SkipBits(8 * PesPayloadOffset(buf));
// MPEG-2 video detection, search for start code
if (bs.getU32() != 0x000001B3) // sequence header
if (bs.GetBits(32) != 0x000001B3) // sequence header
return false;
int horizontal_size = bs.getBits(12); // horizontal size value
int vertical_size = bs.getBits(12); // vertical size value
int horizontal_size = bs.GetBits(12); // horizontal size value
int vertical_size = bs.GetBits(12); // vertical size value
switch (bs.getBits(4)) { // aspect ratio information
switch (bs.GetBits(4)) { // aspect ratio information
case 1:
aspect = VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO_1_1;
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ bool cFemonMPEG::processVideo(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
double frame_rate = 0;
switch (bs.getBits(4)) { // frame rate code
switch (bs.GetBits(4)) { // frame rate code
case 1:
frame_rate = 24000 / 1001.0;
@ -217,34 +217,34 @@ bool cFemonMPEG::processVideo(const uint8_t *buf, int len)
int bit_rate = bs.getBits(18); // bit rate value
int bit_rate = bs.GetBits(18); // bit rate value
bs.skipBit(); // marker bit
bs.skipBits(10); // vbv buffer size value
bs.skipBit(); // constrained parameters value
if (bs.getBit()) // load intra quantizer matrix
bs.skipBits(8 * 64); // intra quantizer matrix
if (bs.getBit()) // load non-intra quantizer matrix
bs.skipBits(8 * 64); // non-intra quantizer matrix
bs.SkipBit(); // marker bit
bs.SkipBits(10); // vbv buffer size value
bs.SkipBit(); // constrained parameters value
if (bs.GetBit()) // load intra quantizer matrix
bs.SkipBits(8 * 64); // intra quantizer matrix
if (bs.GetBit()) // load non-intra quantizer matrix
bs.SkipBits(8 * 64); // non-intra quantizer matrix
if (bs.getU32() != 0x000001B5) { // extension start
bs.skipBits(4); // extension start code identifier
bs.skipBits(8); // profile and level indicator
scan = bs.getBit() ? VIDEO_SCAN_PROGRESSIVE :
if (bs.GetBits(32) != 0x000001B5) { // extension start
bs.SkipBits(4); // extension start code identifier
bs.SkipBits(8); // profile and level indicator
scan = bs.GetBit() ? VIDEO_SCAN_PROGRESSIVE :
VIDEO_SCAN_INTERLACED; // progressive sequence
bs.skipBits(2); // chroma format
horizontal_size |= (bs.getBits(2) << 12); // horizontal size extension
vertical_size |= (bs.getBits(2) << 12); // vertical size extension
bit_rate |= (bs.getBits(12) << 18); // bit rate extension
bs.skipBit(); // marker bit
bs.skipBits(8); // vpv buffer size extension
bs.skipBit(); // low delay
bs.skipBits(2); // frame rate extension n
bs.skipBits(5); // frame rate extension d
bs.SkipBits(2); // chroma format
horizontal_size |= (bs.GetBits(2) << 12); // horizontal size extension
vertical_size |= (bs.GetBits(2) << 12); // vertical size extension
bit_rate |= (bs.GetBits(12) << 18); // bit rate extension
bs.SkipBit(); // marker bit
bs.SkipBits(8); // vpv buffer size extension
bs.SkipBit(); // low delay
bs.SkipBits(2); // frame rate extension n
bs.SkipBits(5); // frame rate extension d
if ((bs.getU32() != 0x000001B5) && // extension start code
(bs.getBits(4) == 0x0010)) { // sequence display extension id
switch (bs.getBits(3)) { // video format
if ((bs.GetBits(32) != 0x000001B5) && // extension start code
(bs.GetBits(4) == 0x0010)) { // sequence display extension id
switch (bs.GetBits(3)) { // video format
case 0x000:
@ -542,84 +542,70 @@ cString getBitrateKbits(double value)
return cString::sprintf("---");
cBitStream::cBitStream(const uint8_t *buf, const int len)
: data(buf),
// --- cFemonBitStream -------------------------------------------------------
int cFemonBitStream::GetBit(void)
int cBitStream::getBit()
if (index >= count)
return (1); // -> no infinite colomb's ...
if (index >= length)
return 1;
int r = (data[index >> 3] >> (7 - (index & 7))) & 1;
return (r);
return r;
uint32_t cBitStream::getBits(uint32_t n)
uint32_t cFemonBitStream::GetBits(int n)
uint32_t r = 0;
while (n--)
r = (r | (getBit() << n));
return (r);
r |= GetBit() << n;
return r;
void cBitStream::skipBits(uint32_t n)
void cFemonBitStream::ByteAlign(void)
index += n;
int n = index % 8;
if (n > 0)
SkipBits(8 - n);
uint32_t cBitStream::getUeGolomb()
void cFemonBitStream::WordAlign(void)
int n = index % 16;
if (n > 0)
SkipBits(16 - n);
bool cFemonBitStream::SetLength(int Length)
if (Length > length)
return false;
length = Length;
return true;
uint32_t cFemonBitStream::GetUeGolomb()
int n = 0;
while (!getBit() && (n < 32))
while (!GetBit() && (n < 32))
return (n ? ((1 << n) - 1) + getBits(n) : 0);
return (n ? ((1 << n) - 1) + GetBits(n) : 0);
int32_t cBitStream::getSeGolomb()
int32_t cFemonBitStream::GetSeGolomb()
uint32_t r = getUeGolomb() + 1;
uint32_t r = GetUeGolomb() + 1;
return ((r & 1) ? -(r >> 1) : (r >> 1));
void cBitStream::skipGolomb()
void cFemonBitStream::SkipGolomb()
int n = 0;
while (!getBit() && (n < 32))
while (!GetBit() && (n < 32))
void cBitStream::skipUeGolomb()
void cBitStream::skipSeGolomb()
void cBitStream::byteAlign()
int n = index % 8;
if (n > 0)
skipBits(8 - n);
@ -71,35 +71,32 @@ cString getVideoBitrate(double value, double stream);
cString getBitrateMbits(double value);
cString getBitrateKbits(double value);
class cBitStream {
class cFemonBitStream {
const uint8_t *data;
int count; // in bits
int index; // in bits
int length; // in bits
int index; // in bits
cBitStream(const uint8_t *buf, const int len);
cFemonBitStream(const uint8_t *Data, int Length) : data(Data), length(Length), index(0) {}
~cFemonBitStream() {}
int GetBit(void);
uint32_t GetBits(int n);
void ByteAlign(void);
void WordAlign(void);
bool SetLength(int Length);
void SkipBits(int n) { index += n; }
void SkipBit(void) { SkipBits(1); }
bool IsEOF(void) const { return index >= length; }
void Reset(void) { index = 0; }
int Length(void) const { return length; }
int Index(void) const { return (IsEOF() ? length : index); }
const uint8_t *GetData(void) const { return (IsEOF() ? NULL : data + (index / 8)); }
int getBit();
uint32_t getBits(uint32_t n);
void skipBits(uint32_t n);
uint32_t getUeGolomb();
int32_t getSeGolomb();
void skipGolomb();
void skipUeGolomb();
void skipSeGolomb();
void byteAlign();
void skipBit() { skipBits(1); }
uint32_t getU8() { return getBits(8); }
uint32_t getU16() { return ((getBits(8) << 8) | getBits(8)); }
uint32_t getU24() { return ((getBits(8) << 16) | (getBits(8) << 8) | getBits(8)); }
uint32_t getU32() { return ((getBits(8) << 24) | (getBits(8) << 16) | (getBits(8) << 8) | getBits(8)); }
bool isEOF() { return (index >= count); }
void reset() { index = 0; }
int getIndex() { return (isEOF() ? count : index); }
const uint8_t *getData() { return (isEOF() ? NULL : data + (index / 8)); }
uint32_t GetUeGolomb();
int32_t GetSeGolomb();
void SkipGolomb();
void SkipUeGolomb() { SkipGolomb(); }
void SkipSeGolomb() { SkipGolomb(); }
#endif // __FEMONTOOLS_H
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