/* * Frontend Status Monitor plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * $Id$ */ #include #include "femoncfg.h" #include "femoni18n.h" #include "femonreceiver.h" #include "femonosd.h" #include "femonservice.h" #include "femontools.h" #include "femon.h" #if defined(APIVERSNUM) && APIVERSNUM < 10400 #error "VDR-1.4.0 API version or greater is required!" #endif cPluginFemon::cPluginFemon() { // Initialize any member variables here. // DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE THAT MAY HAVE SIDE EFFECTS, REQUIRE GLOBAL // VDR OBJECTS TO EXIST OR PRODUCE ANY OUTPUT! Dprintf("%s()\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } cPluginFemon::~cPluginFemon() { // Clean up after yourself! Dprintf("%s()\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } const char *cPluginFemon::CommandLineHelp(void) { // Return a string that describes all known command line options. return NULL; } bool cPluginFemon::ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Implement command line argument processing here if applicable. return true; } bool cPluginFemon::Initialize(void) { // Initialize any background activities the plugin shall perform. return true; } bool cPluginFemon::Start(void) { // Start any background activities the plugin shall perform. RegisterI18n(Phrases); return true; } void cPluginFemon::Stop(void) { // Stop the background activities. } void cPluginFemon::Housekeeping(void) { // Perform any cleanup or other regular tasks. } cOsdObject *cPluginFemon::MainMenuAction(void) { // Perform the action when selected from the main VDR menu. Dprintf("%s()\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return cFemonOsd::Instance(true); } bool cPluginFemon::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) { // Parse your own setup parameters and store their values. if (!strcasecmp(Name, "HideMenu")) femonConfig.hidemenu = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SyslogOutput")) femonConfig.syslogoutput = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DisplayMode")) femonConfig.displaymode = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Position")) femonConfig.position = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDHeight")) femonConfig.osdheight = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "OSDOffset")) femonConfig.osdoffset = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Skin")) femonConfig.skin = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Theme")) femonConfig.theme = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ShowCASystem")) femonConfig.showcasystem = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "RedLimit")) femonConfig.redlimit = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "GreenLimit")) femonConfig.greenlimit = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "UpdateInterval")) femonConfig.updateinterval = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "AnalStream")) femonConfig.analyzestream = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "CalcInterval")) femonConfig.calcinterval = atoi(Value); else return false; if (femonConfig.displaymode < 0 || femonConfig.displaymode >= eFemonModeMaxNumber) femonConfig.displaymode = 0; return true; } bool cPluginFemon::Service(const char *Id, void *Data) { if ((strcmp(Id,"FemonService-v1.0") == 0) && Data) { FemonService_v1_0 *data = (FemonService_v1_0*)Data; int ndx = cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex(); data->fe_name = getFrontendName(ndx); data->fe_status = getFrontendStatus(ndx); data->fe_snr = getSNR(ndx); data->fe_signal = getSignal(ndx); data->fe_ber = getBER(ndx); data->fe_unc = getUNC(ndx); data->video_bitrate = cFemonOsd::Instance() ? cFemonOsd::Instance()->GetVideoBitrate() : 0.0; data->audio_bitrate = cFemonOsd::Instance() ? cFemonOsd::Instance()->GetAudioBitrate() : 0.0; data->dolby_bitrate = cFemonOsd::Instance() ? cFemonOsd::Instance()->GetDolbyBitrate() : 0.0; return true; } return false; } const char **cPluginFemon::SVDRPHelpPages(void) { static const char *HelpPages[] = { "OPEN\n" " Open femon plugin.", "QUIT\n" " Close femon plugin.", "NEXT\n" " Switch to next possible device.", "PREV\n" " Switch to previous possible device.", "NAME\n" " Print the current frontend name.", "STAT\n" " Print the current frontend status.", "SGNL\n" " Print the current signal strength.", "SNRA\n" " Print the current signal-to-noise ratio.", "BERA\n" " Print the current bit error rate.", "UNCB\n" " Print the current uncorrcted blocks rate.", "VIBR\n" " Print the actual device and current video bitrate [Mbit/s].", "AUBR\n" " Print the actual device and current audio bitrate [kbit/s].", "DDBR\n" " Print the actual device and current dolby bitrate [kbit/s].", NULL }; return HelpPages; } cString cPluginFemon::SVDRPCommand(const char *Command, const char *Option, int &ReplyCode) { if (strcasecmp(Command, "OPEN") == 0) { if (!cFemonOsd::Instance()) cRemote::CallPlugin("femon"); return cString("Opening femon plugin"); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "QUIT") == 0) { if (cFemonOsd::Instance()) cRemote::Put(kBack); return cString("Closing femon plugin"); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "NEXT") == 0) { if (cFemonOsd::Instance()) return cString::sprintf("Switching to next device: %s", cFemonOsd::Instance()->DeviceSwitch(1) ? "ok" : "failed"); else return cString("Cannot switch device"); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "PREV") == 0) { if (cFemonOsd::Instance()) return cString::sprintf("Switching to previous device: %s", cFemonOsd::Instance()->DeviceSwitch(-1) ? "ok" : "failed"); else return cString("Cannot switch device"); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "NAME") == 0) { return getFrontendName(cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "STAT") == 0) { return getFrontendStatus(cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "SGNL") == 0) { int value = getSignal(cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); return cString::sprintf("%04X (%02d%%) on device #%d", value, value / 655, cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "SNRA") == 0) { int value = getSNR(cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); return cString::sprintf("%04X (%02d%%) on device #%d", value, value / 655, cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "BERA") == 0) { return cString::sprintf("%08X on device #%d", getBER(cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()), cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "UNCB") == 0) { return cString::sprintf("%08X on device #%d", getUNC(cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()), cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "VIBR") == 0) { if (cFemonOsd::Instance()) return cString::sprintf("%.2f Mbit/s on device #%d", cFemonOsd::Instance()->GetVideoBitrate(), cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); else return cString::sprintf("--- Mbit/s on device #%d", cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "AUBR") == 0) { if (cFemonOsd::Instance()) return cString::sprintf("%.0f kbit/s on device #%d", cFemonOsd::Instance()->GetAudioBitrate(), cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); else return cString::sprintf("--- kbit/s on device #%d", cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "DDBR") == 0) { if (cFemonOsd::Instance()) return cString::sprintf("%.0f kbit/s on device #%d", cFemonOsd::Instance()->GetDolbyBitrate(), cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); else return cString::sprintf("--- kbit/s on device #%d", cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); } return NULL; } cMenuFemonSetup::cMenuFemonSetup(void) { Dprintf("%s()\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); dispmodes[eFemonModeBasic] = tr("basic"); dispmodes[eFemonModeTransponder] = tr("transponder"); dispmodes[eFemonModeStream] = tr("stream"); dispmodes[eFemonModeAC3] = tr("AC-3"); skins[eFemonSkinClassic] = tr("Classic"); skins[eFemonSkinElchi] = tr("Elchi"); themes[eFemonThemeClassic] = tr("Classic"); themes[eFemonThemeElchi] = tr("Elchi"); themes[eFemonThemeDeepBlue] = tr("DeepBlue"); themes[eFemonThemeMoronimo] = tr("Moronimo"); themes[eFemonThemeEnigma] = tr("Enigma"); themes[eFemonThemeEgalsTry] = tr("EgalsTry"); themes[eFemonThemeDuotone] = tr("Duotone"); themes[eFemonThemeSilverGreen] = tr("SilverGreen"); data = femonConfig; Setup(); } void cMenuFemonSetup::Setup(void) { int current = Current(); Clear(); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Hide main menu entry"), &data.hidemenu, tr("no"), tr("yes"))); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Use syslog output"), &data.syslogoutput, tr("no"), tr("yes"))); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem( tr("Default display mode"), &data.displaymode, eFemonModeMaxNumber, dispmodes)); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem( tr("Skin"), &data.skin, eFemonSkinMaxNumber, skins)); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem( tr("Theme"), &data.theme, eFemonThemeMaxNumber,themes)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Position"), &data.position, tr("bottom"), tr("top"))); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Height"), &data.osdheight, 400, 500)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Horizontal offset"), &data.osdoffset, -50, 50)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Show CA system"), &data.showcasystem, tr("no"), tr("yes"))); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Red limit [%]"), &data.redlimit, 1, 50)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Green limit [%]"), &data.greenlimit, 51, 100)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("OSD update interval [0.1s]"), &data.updateinterval, 1, 100)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Analyze stream"), &data.analyzestream, tr("no"), tr("yes"))); if (femonConfig.analyzestream) Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Calculation interval [0.1s]"), &data.calcinterval, 1, 100)); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); } void cMenuFemonSetup::Store(void) { Dprintf("%s()\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); femonConfig = data; SetupStore("HideMenu", femonConfig.hidemenu); SetupStore("SyslogOutput", femonConfig.syslogoutput); SetupStore("DisplayMode", femonConfig.displaymode); SetupStore("Skin", femonConfig.skin); SetupStore("Theme", femonConfig.theme); SetupStore("Position", femonConfig.position); SetupStore("OSDHeight", femonConfig.osdheight); SetupStore("OSDOffset", femonConfig.osdoffset); SetupStore("ShowCASystem", femonConfig.showcasystem); SetupStore("RedLimit", femonConfig.redlimit); SetupStore("GreenLimit", femonConfig.greenlimit); SetupStore("UpdateInterval", femonConfig.updateinterval); SetupStore("AnalStream", femonConfig.analyzestream); SetupStore("CalcInterval", femonConfig.calcinterval); } eOSState cMenuFemonSetup::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { int oldAnalyzestream = data.analyzestream; eOSState state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(Key); if (Key != kNone && (data.analyzestream != oldAnalyzestream)) { Setup(); } return state; } cMenuSetupPage *cPluginFemon::SetupMenu(void) { // Return a setup menu in case the plugin supports one. return new cMenuFemonSetup; } VDRPLUGINCREATOR(cPluginFemon); // Don't touch this!