/* * statistics.c: IPTV plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * $Id: statistics.c,v 1.8 2007/10/07 19:29:09 ajhseppa Exp $ */ #include #include "common.h" #include "statistics.h" #include "config.h" // Section statistic class cIptvSectionStatistics::cIptvSectionStatistics() : filteredData(0), numberOfCalls(0), timer() { //debug("cIptvSectionStatistics::cIptvSectionStatistics()\n"); } cIptvSectionStatistics::~cIptvSectionStatistics() { //debug("cIptvSectionStatistics::~cIptvSectionStatistics()\n"); } cString cIptvSectionStatistics::GetStatistic() { debug("cIptvSectionStatistics::GetStatistic()\n"); uint64_t elapsed = timer.Elapsed(); timer.Set(); // Prevent a divide-by-zero error elapsed ? : elapsed = 1; float divider = elapsed / 1000; char unit[] = { ' ', 'B', '/', 's', '\0' }; if (IptvConfig.GetStatsInKilos()) { divider *= KILOBYTE(1); unit[0] = 'k'; } if (!IptvConfig.GetStatsInBytes()) { divider /= sizeof(unsigned short) * 8; unit[1] = 'b'; } long tmpFilteredData = filteredData; long tmpNumberOfCalls = numberOfCalls; filteredData = numberOfCalls = 0; return cString::sprintf("Filtered data: %ld %s\nData packets passed: %ld\n", (long)(tmpFilteredData / divider), unit, tmpNumberOfCalls); } // --- cIptvDeviceStatistics ------------------------------------------------- // Device statistic class cIptvDeviceStatistics::cIptvDeviceStatistics() : dataBytes(0), timer() { debug("cIptvDeviceStatistics::cIptvDeviceStatistics()\n"); memset(mostActivePids, '\0', sizeof(mostActivePids)); } cIptvDeviceStatistics::~cIptvDeviceStatistics() { debug("cIptvDeviceStatistics::~cIptvDeviceStatistics()\n"); } cString cIptvDeviceStatistics::GetStatistic() { debug("cIptvDeviceStatistics::GetStatistic()\n"); pidStruct tmpMostActivePids[10]; long tmpDataBytes = dataBytes; uint64_t elapsed = timer.Elapsed(); timer.Set(); // Prevent a divide-by-zero error elapsed ? : elapsed = 1; float divider = elapsed / 1000; char unit[] = { ' ', 'B', '/', 's', '\0' }; if (IptvConfig.GetStatsInKilos()) { divider *= KILOBYTE(1); unit[0] = 'k'; } if (!IptvConfig.GetStatsInBytes()) { divider /= sizeof(unsigned short) * 8; unit[1] = 'b'; } dataBytes = 0; memcpy(&tmpMostActivePids, &mostActivePids, sizeof(tmpMostActivePids)); memset(&mostActivePids, '\0', sizeof(mostActivePids)); return cString::sprintf("Stream data bytes: %ld %s\n" " 1. Active Pid: %d %ld %s\n" " 2. Active Pid: %d %ld %s\n" " 3. Active Pid: %d %ld %s\n" " 4. Active Pid: %d %ld %s\n" " 5. Active Pid: %d %ld %s\n", (long)(tmpDataBytes / divider), unit, tmpMostActivePids[0].pid, (long)(tmpMostActivePids[0].DataAmount / divider), unit, tmpMostActivePids[1].pid, (long)(tmpMostActivePids[1].DataAmount / divider), unit, tmpMostActivePids[2].pid, (long)(tmpMostActivePids[2].DataAmount / divider), unit, tmpMostActivePids[3].pid, (long)(tmpMostActivePids[3].DataAmount / divider), unit, tmpMostActivePids[4].pid, (long)(tmpMostActivePids[4].DataAmount / divider), unit); } int SortFunc(const void* data1, const void* data2) { //debug("cIptvDeviceStatistics::SortFunc()\n"); pidStruct *comp1 = (pidStruct*)data1; pidStruct *comp2 = (pidStruct*)data2; if (comp1->DataAmount > comp2->DataAmount) return -1; if (comp1->DataAmount < comp2->DataAmount) return 1; return 0; } void cIptvDeviceStatistics::UpdateActivePids(u_short pid, long payload) { //debug("cIptvDeviceStatistics::UpdateActivePids()\n"); const int numberOfElements = sizeof(mostActivePids) / sizeof(pidStruct); // If our statistic already is in the array, update it and quit for (int i = 0; i < numberOfElements; ++i) { if (mostActivePids[i].pid == pid) { mostActivePids[i].DataAmount += payload; // Now re-sort the array and quit qsort(&mostActivePids, numberOfElements, sizeof(pidStruct), SortFunc); return; } } // Apparently our pid isn't in the array. Replace the last element with this // one if new payload is greater if (mostActivePids[numberOfElements - 1].DataAmount < payload) { mostActivePids[numberOfElements - 1].pid = pid; mostActivePids[numberOfElements - 1].DataAmount = payload; // Re-sort qsort(&mostActivePids, numberOfElements, sizeof(pidStruct), SortFunc); } } // --- cIptvStreamerStatistics ----------------------------------------------- // Streamer statistic class cIptvStreamerStatistics::cIptvStreamerStatistics() : dataBytes(0), timer() { debug("cIptvStreamerStatistics::cIptvStreamerStatistics()\n"); } cIptvStreamerStatistics::~cIptvStreamerStatistics() { debug("cIptvStreamerStatistics::~cIptvStreamerStatistics()\n"); } cString cIptvStreamerStatistics::GetStatistic() { debug("cIptvStreamerStatistics::GetStatistic()\n"); uint64_t elapsed = timer.Elapsed(); timer.Set(); // Prevent a divide-by-zero error elapsed ? : elapsed = 1; float divider = elapsed / 1000; char unit[] = { ' ', 'B', '/', 's', '\0' }; if (IptvConfig.GetStatsInKilos()) { divider *= KILOBYTE(1); unit[0] = 'k'; } if (!IptvConfig.GetStatsInBytes()) { divider /= sizeof(unsigned short) * 8; unit[1] = 'b'; } long tmpDataBytes = (long)(dataBytes / divider); dataBytes = 0; return cString::sprintf("Stream data bytes: %ld %s\n", tmpDataBytes, unit); }