/* * device.c: IPTV plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include "config.h" #include "source.h" #include "device.h" #define IPTV_MAX_DEVICES MAXDEVICES static cIptvDevice * IptvDevicesS[IPTV_MAX_DEVICES] = { NULL }; cIptvDevice::cIptvDevice(unsigned int indexP) : deviceIndexM(indexP), dvrFdM(-1), isPacketDeliveredM(false), isOpenDvrM(false), sidScanEnabledM(false), pidScanEnabledM(false), channelIdM(tChannelID::InvalidID) { unsigned int bufsize = (unsigned int)MEGABYTE(IptvConfig.GetTsBufferSize()); bufsize -= (bufsize % TS_SIZE); isyslog("creating IPTV device %d (CardIndex=%d)", deviceIndexM, CardIndex()); tsBufferM = new cRingBufferLinear(bufsize + 1, TS_SIZE, false, *cString::sprintf("IPTV %d", deviceIndexM)); tsBufferM->SetTimeouts(10, 10); ResetBuffering(); pUdpProtocolM = new cIptvProtocolUdp(); pCurlProtocolM = new cIptvProtocolCurl(); pHttpProtocolM = new cIptvProtocolHttp(); pFileProtocolM = new cIptvProtocolFile(); pExtProtocolM = new cIptvProtocolExt(); pIptvStreamerM = new cIptvStreamer(tsBufferM, (100 * TS_SIZE)); pPidScannerM = new cPidScanner(); // Initialize filter pointers memset(secFiltersM, 0, sizeof(secFiltersM)); // Start section handler for iptv device StartSectionHandler(); // Sid scanner must be created after the section handler pSidScannerM = new cSidScanner(); if (pSidScannerM) AttachFilter(pSidScannerM); // Check if dvr fifo exists struct stat sb; cString filename = cString::sprintf(IPTV_DVR_FILENAME, deviceIndexM); stat(filename, &sb); if (S_ISFIFO(sb.st_mode)) { dvrFdM = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (dvrFdM >= 0) dsyslog("IPTV device %d redirecting input stream to '%s'", deviceIndexM, *filename); } } cIptvDevice::~cIptvDevice() { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); // Stop section handler of iptv device StopSectionHandler(); DELETE_POINTER(pIptvStreamerM); DELETE_POINTER(pUdpProtocolM); DELETE_POINTER(pCurlProtocolM); DELETE_POINTER(pHttpProtocolM); DELETE_POINTER(pFileProtocolM); DELETE_POINTER(pExtProtocolM); DELETE_POINTER(tsBufferM); DELETE_POINTER(pPidScannerM); // Detach and destroy sid filter if (pSidScannerM) { Detach(pSidScannerM); DELETE_POINTER(pSidScannerM); } // Destroy all filters cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); for (int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) DeleteFilter(i); // Close dvr fifo if (dvrFdM >= 0) { int fd = dvrFdM; dvrFdM = -1; close(fd); } } bool cIptvDevice::Initialize(unsigned int deviceCountP) { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceCountP); new cIptvSourceParam(IPTV_SOURCE_CHARACTER, "IPTV"); if (deviceCountP > IPTV_MAX_DEVICES) deviceCountP = IPTV_MAX_DEVICES; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deviceCountP; ++i) IptvDevicesS[i] = new cIptvDevice(i); for (unsigned int i = deviceCountP; i < IPTV_MAX_DEVICES; ++i) IptvDevicesS[i] = NULL; return true; } unsigned int cIptvDevice::Count(void) { unsigned int count = 0; debug("cIptvDevice::%s()", __FUNCTION__); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < IPTV_MAX_DEVICES; ++i) { if (IptvDevicesS[i] != NULL) count++; } return count; } cIptvDevice *cIptvDevice::GetIptvDevice(int cardIndexP) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, cardIndexP); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < IPTV_MAX_DEVICES; ++i) { if ((IptvDevicesS[i] != NULL) && (IptvDevicesS[i]->CardIndex() == cardIndexP)) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d): found!", __FUNCTION__, cardIndexP); return IptvDevicesS[i]; } } return NULL; } cString cIptvDevice::GetGeneralInformation(void) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); return cString::sprintf("IPTV device: %d\nCardIndex: %d\nStream: %s\nStream bitrate: %s\n%sChannel: %s", deviceIndexM, CardIndex(), pIptvStreamerM ? *pIptvStreamerM->GetInformation() : "", pIptvStreamerM ? *pIptvStreamerM->GetStreamerStatistic() : "", *GetBufferStatistic(), *Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel())->ToText()); } cString cIptvDevice::GetPidsInformation(void) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); return GetPidStatistic(); } cString cIptvDevice::GetFiltersInformation(void) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); unsigned int count = 0; cString s("Active section filters:\n"); // loop through active section filters cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) { if (secFiltersM[i]) { s = cString::sprintf("%sFilter %d: %s Pid=0x%02X (%s)\n", *s, i, *secFiltersM[i]->GetSectionStatistic(), secFiltersM[i]->GetPid(), id_pid(secFiltersM[i]->GetPid())); if (++count > IPTV_STATS_ACTIVE_FILTERS_COUNT) break; } } return s; } cString cIptvDevice::GetInformation(unsigned int pageP) { // generate information string cString s; switch (pageP) { case IPTV_DEVICE_INFO_GENERAL: s = GetGeneralInformation(); break; case IPTV_DEVICE_INFO_PIDS: s = GetPidsInformation(); break; case IPTV_DEVICE_INFO_FILTERS: s = GetFiltersInformation(); break; case IPTV_DEVICE_INFO_PROTOCOL: s = pIptvStreamerM ? *pIptvStreamerM->GetInformation() : ""; break; case IPTV_DEVICE_INFO_BITRATE: s = pIptvStreamerM ? *pIptvStreamerM->GetStreamerStatistic() : ""; break; default: s = cString::sprintf("%s%s%s", *GetGeneralInformation(), *GetPidsInformation(), *GetFiltersInformation()); break; } return s; } cString cIptvDevice::DeviceType(void) const { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); return "IPTV"; } cString cIptvDevice::DeviceName(void) const { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); return cString::sprintf("IPTV %d", deviceIndexM); } int cIptvDevice::SignalStrength(void) const { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); return (100); } int cIptvDevice::SignalQuality(void) const { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); return (100); } bool cIptvDevice::ProvidesSource(int sourceP) const { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); return (cSource::IsType(sourceP, IPTV_SOURCE_CHARACTER)); } bool cIptvDevice::ProvidesTransponder(const cChannel *channelP) const { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); return (ProvidesSource(channelP->Source())); } bool cIptvDevice::ProvidesChannel(const cChannel *channelP, int priorityP, bool *needsDetachReceiversP) const { bool result = false; bool hasPriority = (priorityP == IDLEPRIORITY) || (priorityP > this->Priority()); bool needsDetachReceivers = false; debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); if (channelP && ProvidesTransponder(channelP)) { result = hasPriority; if (Receiving()) { if (channelP->GetChannelID() == channelIdM) result = true; else needsDetachReceivers = Receiving(); } } if (needsDetachReceiversP) *needsDetachReceiversP = needsDetachReceivers; return result; } bool cIptvDevice::ProvidesEIT(void) const { return false; } int cIptvDevice::NumProvidedSystems(void) const { return 1; } bool cIptvDevice::SetChannelDevice(const cChannel *channelP, bool liveViewP) { cIptvProtocolIf *protocol; cIptvTransponderParameters itp(channelP->Parameters()); debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); if (isempty(itp.Address())) { error("Unrecognized IPTV address: %s", channelP->Parameters()); return false; } switch (itp.Protocol()) { case cIptvTransponderParameters::eProtocolUDP: protocol = pUdpProtocolM; break; case cIptvTransponderParameters::eProtocolCURL: protocol = pCurlProtocolM; break; case cIptvTransponderParameters::eProtocolHTTP: protocol = pHttpProtocolM; break; case cIptvTransponderParameters::eProtocolFILE: protocol = pFileProtocolM; break; case cIptvTransponderParameters::eProtocolEXT: protocol = pExtProtocolM; break; default: error("Unrecognized IPTV protocol: %s", channelP->Parameters()); return false; break; } sidScanEnabledM = itp.SidScan() ? true : false; pidScanEnabledM = itp.PidScan() ? true : false; if (pIptvStreamerM->Set(itp.Address(), itp.Parameter(), deviceIndexM, protocol)) { channelIdM = channelP->GetChannelID(); if (sidScanEnabledM && pSidScannerM && IptvConfig.GetSectionFiltering()) pSidScannerM->SetChannel(channelIdM); if (pidScanEnabledM && pPidScannerM) pPidScannerM->SetChannel(channelIdM); } return true; } bool cIptvDevice::SetPid(cPidHandle *handleP, int typeP, bool onP) { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d): pid=%d type=%d on=%d", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, handleP->pid, typeP, onP); return true; } bool cIptvDevice::DeleteFilter(unsigned int indexP) { if ((indexP < eMaxSecFilterCount) && secFiltersM[indexP]) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d): index=%d", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, indexP); cIptvSectionFilter *tmp = secFiltersM[indexP]; secFiltersM[indexP] = NULL; delete tmp; return true; } return false; } bool cIptvDevice::IsBlackListed(u_short pidP, u_char tidP, u_char maskP) const { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d): pid=%d tid=%02X mask=%02X", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, pidP, tidP, maskP); // loop through section filter table for (int i = 0; i < SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { int index = IptvConfig.GetDisabledFilters(i); // Check if matches if ((index >= 0) && (index < SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE) && (section_filter_table[index].pid == pidP) && (section_filter_table[index].tid == tidP) && (section_filter_table[index].mask == maskP)) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d): found %s", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, section_filter_table[index].description); return true; } } return false; } int cIptvDevice::OpenFilter(u_short pidP, u_char tidP, u_char maskP) { // Check if disabled by user if (!IptvConfig.GetSectionFiltering()) return -1; // Blacklist check, refuse certain filters if (IsBlackListed(pidP, tidP, maskP)) return -1; // Lock cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); // Search the next free filter slot for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) { if (!secFiltersM[i]) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d): pid=%d tid=%02X mask=%02X index=%d", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, pidP, tidP, maskP, i); secFiltersM[i] = new cIptvSectionFilter(deviceIndexM, pidP, tidP, maskP); if (secFiltersM[i]) return i; break; } } // No free filter slot found return -1; } int cIptvDevice::ReadFilter(int handleP, void *bufferP, size_t lengthP) { // Lock cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); // ... and load if (secFiltersM[handleP]) { return secFiltersM[handleP]->Read(bufferP, lengthP); //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d): handle=%d length=%d", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, handleP, lengthP); } return 0; } void cIptvDevice::CloseFilter(int handleP) { // Lock cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); // ... and load if (secFiltersM[handleP]) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d): handle=%d", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, handleP); DeleteFilter(handleP); } } bool cIptvDevice::OpenDvr(void) { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); isPacketDeliveredM = false; tsBufferM->Clear(); ResetBuffering(); if (pIptvStreamerM) pIptvStreamerM->Open(); if (sidScanEnabledM && pSidScannerM && IptvConfig.GetSectionFiltering()) pSidScannerM->Open(); isOpenDvrM = true; return true; } void cIptvDevice::CloseDvr(void) { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); if (sidScanEnabledM && pSidScannerM && IptvConfig.GetSectionFiltering()) pSidScannerM->Close(); if (pIptvStreamerM) pIptvStreamerM->Close(); isOpenDvrM = false; } bool cIptvDevice::HasLock(int timeoutMsP) const { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d): timeoutMs=%d", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, timeoutMsP); return (!IsBuffering()); } bool cIptvDevice::HasInternalCam(void) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); return true; } void cIptvDevice::ResetBuffering(void) { debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); // Pad prefill to multiple of TS_SIZE tsBufferPrefillM = (unsigned int)MEGABYTE(IptvConfig.GetTsBufferSize()) * IptvConfig.GetTsBufferPrefillRatio() / 100; tsBufferPrefillM -= (tsBufferPrefillM % TS_SIZE); } bool cIptvDevice::IsBuffering(void) const { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); if (tsBufferPrefillM && tsBufferM && tsBufferM->Available() < tsBufferPrefillM) return true; else tsBufferPrefillM = 0; return false; } bool cIptvDevice::GetTSPacket(uchar *&Data) { //debug("cIptvDevice::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); if (tsBufferM && !IsBuffering()) { if (isPacketDeliveredM) { tsBufferM->Del(TS_SIZE); isPacketDeliveredM = false; // Update buffer statistics AddBufferStatistic(TS_SIZE, tsBufferM->Available()); } int Count = 0; uchar *p = tsBufferM->Get(Count); if (p && Count >= TS_SIZE) { if (*p != TS_SYNC_BYTE) { for (int i = 1; i < Count; i++) { if (p[i] == TS_SYNC_BYTE) { Count = i; break; } } tsBufferM->Del(Count); error("Skipped %d bytes to sync on TS packet\n", Count); return false; } isPacketDeliveredM = true; Data = p; // Update pid statistics AddPidStatistic(ts_pid(p), payload(p)); // Send data also to dvr fifo if (dvrFdM >= 0) Count = (int)write(dvrFdM, p, TS_SIZE); // Analyze incomplete streams with built-in pid analyzer if (pidScanEnabledM && pPidScannerM) pPidScannerM->Process(p); // Lock cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); // Run the data through all filters for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) { if (secFiltersM[i]) secFiltersM[i]->Process(p); } return true; } } // Reduce cpu load by preventing busylooping cCondWait::SleepMs(10); Data = NULL; return true; }