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2014-03-08 12:07:47 +01:00
* discover.h: SAT>IP plugin for the Video Disk Recorder
* See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <curl/easy.h>
#include <vdr/thread.h>
#include <vdr/tools.h>
#include "socket.h"
class cSatipServer : public cListObject {
enum eSatipServer {
eSatipServerDVBS2 = 0,
cString addressM;
cString descriptionM;
cString modelM;
int modelCountM[eSatipServerCount];
int modelTypeM;
cTimeMs lastSeenM;
enum eSatipModelType {
eSatipModelTypeDVBS2 = 0x01,
eSatipModelTypeDVBT = 0x02,
eSatipModelTypeDVBT2 = 0x04,
eSatipModelTypeMask = 0x0F
cSatipServer(const char *addressP, const char *descriptionP, const char *modelP) : addressM(addressP), descriptionM(descriptionP), modelM(modelP), modelTypeM(eSatipModelTypeMask), lastSeenM(0)
memset(modelCountM, 0, sizeof(modelCountM));
if (isempty(*modelM))
modelM = "DVBS-1,DVBT2-1";
char *s, *p = strdup(*modelM);
char *r = strtok_r(p, ",", &s);
while (r) {
if (strstr(r, "DVBS2")) {
modelTypeM |= cSatipServer::eSatipModelTypeDVBS2;
if (char *c = strstr(r, "-"))
modelCountM[eSatipServerDVBS2] = atoi(++c);
if (strstr(r, "DVBT2")) {
modelTypeM |= cSatipServer::eSatipModelTypeDVBT | cSatipServer::eSatipModelTypeDVBT2;
if (char *c = strstr(r, "-"))
modelCountM[eSatipServerDVBT2] = atoi(++c);
if (strstr(r, "DVBT")) {
modelTypeM |= cSatipServer::eSatipModelTypeDVBT;
if (char *c = strstr(r, "-"))
modelCountM[eSatipServerDVBT] = atoi(++c);
r = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &s);
virtual int Compare(const cListObject &listObjectP) const { const cSatipServer *s = (const cSatipServer *)&listObjectP; return strcasecmp(*addressM, *s->addressM); }
const char *Description() { return *descriptionM; }
const char *Address() { return *addressM; }
const char *Model(void) { return modelM; }
int ModelType(void) { return modelTypeM; }
bool Match(int modelP) { return ((modelP & eSatipModelTypeMask) & modelTypeM); }
int Satellite() { return (modelTypeM & eSatipModelTypeDVBS2) ? modelCountM[eSatipServerDVBS2] : 0; }
int Terrestrial() { return (modelTypeM & eSatipModelTypeDVBT) ? modelCountM[eSatipServerDVBT] : 0; }
int Terrestrial2() { return (modelTypeM & eSatipModelTypeDVBT2) ? modelCountM[eSatipServerDVBT2] : 0; }
int LastSeen(void) { return lastSeenM.Elapsed(); }
void Update(void) { lastSeenM.Set(); }
class cSatipServers : public cList<cSatipServer> {
class cSatipDiscover : public cThread {
enum {
eConnectTimeoutMs = 1500, // in milliseconds
eDiscoveryPort = 1900,
eProbeBufferSize = 1024, // in bytes
eProbeTimeoutMs = 2000, // in milliseconds
eProbeIntervalMs = 60000 // in milliseconds
static cSatipDiscover *instanceS;
static const char *bcastAddressS;
static const char *bcastMessageS;
static size_t WriteCallback(void *ptrP, size_t sizeP, size_t nmembP, void *dataP);
cMutex mutexM;
CURL *handleM;
cSatipSocket *socketM;
cCondWait sleepM;
cTimeMs probeIntervalM;
cSatipServers *serversM;
void Janitor(void);
void Probe(void);
void Read(void);
void AddServer(const char *addrP, const char *descP, const char *modelP);
// constructor
// to prevent copy constructor and assignment
cSatipDiscover(const cSatipDiscover&);
cSatipDiscover& operator=(const cSatipDiscover&);
virtual void Action(void);
static cSatipDiscover *GetInstance(void);
static bool Initialize(void);
static void Destroy(void);
virtual ~cSatipDiscover();
bool IsValidServer(cSatipServer *serverP);
cSatipServer *GetServer(int modelP);
cSatipServers *GetServers(void);
cString GetServerList(void);
int NumProvidedSystems(void);
#endif // __SATIP_DISCOVER_H