/* * setup.c: SAT>IP plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include #include #include "common.h" #include "config.h" #include "device.h" #include "discover.h" #include "setup.h" // --- cSatipServerInfo ------------------------------------------------------- class cSatipServerInfo : public cOsdMenu { private: cString addressM; cString modelM; cString descriptionM; uint64_t createdM; void Setup(void); public: cSatipServerInfo(cSatipServer *serverP); virtual ~cSatipServerInfo(); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys keyP); }; cSatipServerInfo::cSatipServerInfo(cSatipServer *serverP) : cOsdMenu(tr("SAT>IP Device"), 20), addressM(serverP ? serverP->Address() : "---"), modelM(serverP ? serverP->Model() : "---"), descriptionM(serverP ? serverP->Description() : "---"), createdM(serverP ? serverP->Created() : 0) { SetMenuCategory(mcSetupPlugins); Setup(); SetHelp(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } cSatipServerInfo::~cSatipServerInfo() { } void cSatipServerInfo::Setup(void) { Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("%s:\t%s", tr("Address"), *addressM), osUnknown, false)); Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("%s:\t%s", tr("Model"), *modelM), osUnknown, false)); Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("%s:\t%s", tr("Description"), *descriptionM), osUnknown, false)); Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("%s:\t%s", tr("Creation date"), *DayDateTime(createdM)), osUnknown, false)); } eOSState cSatipServerInfo::ProcessKey(eKeys keyP) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(keyP); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (keyP) { case kOk: state = osBack; break; default: state = osContinue; break; } } return state; } // --- cSatipServerItem ------------------------------------------------------- class cSatipServerItem : public cOsdItem { private: cSatipServer *serverM; public: cSatipServerItem(cSatipServer *serverP); cSatipServer *Server(void) { return serverM; } virtual void SetMenuItem(cSkinDisplayMenu *displayMenuP, int indexP, bool currentP, bool selectableP); }; cSatipServerItem::cSatipServerItem(cSatipServer *serverP) : serverM(serverP) { SetSelectable(true); // Must begin with a '#' character! SetText(*cString::sprintf("# %s (%s)\t%s", serverM->Address(), serverM->Model(), serverM->Description())); } void cSatipServerItem::SetMenuItem(cSkinDisplayMenu *displayMenuP, int indexP, bool currentP, bool selectableP) { if (displayMenuP) displayMenuP->SetItem(Text(), indexP, currentP, selectableP); } // --- cSatipMenuInfo --------------------------------------------------------- class cSatipMenuInfo : public cOsdMenu { private: enum { eInfoTimeoutMs = 2000 }; cString textM; cTimeMs timeoutM; unsigned int pageM; void UpdateInfo(); public: cSatipMenuInfo(); virtual ~cSatipMenuInfo(); virtual void Display(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys keyP); }; cSatipMenuInfo::cSatipMenuInfo() : cOsdMenu(tr("SAT>IP Information")), textM(""), timeoutM(), pageM(SATIP_DEVICE_INFO_GENERAL) { SetMenuCategory(mcText); timeoutM.Set(eInfoTimeoutMs); UpdateInfo(); SetHelp(tr("General"), tr("Pids"), tr("Filters"), tr("Bits/bytes")); } cSatipMenuInfo::~cSatipMenuInfo() { } void cSatipMenuInfo::UpdateInfo() { cSatipDevice *device = cSatipDevice::GetSatipDevice(cDevice::ActualDevice()->CardIndex()); if (device) textM = device->GetInformation(pageM); else textM = cString(tr("SAT>IP information not available!")); Display(); timeoutM.Set(eInfoTimeoutMs); } void cSatipMenuInfo::Display(void) { cOsdMenu::Display(); DisplayMenu()->SetText(textM, true); if (*textM) cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(textM); } eOSState cSatipMenuInfo::ProcessKey(eKeys keyP) { switch (int(keyP)) { case kUp|k_Repeat: case kUp: case kDown|k_Repeat: case kDown: case kLeft|k_Repeat: case kLeft: case kRight|k_Repeat: case kRight: DisplayMenu()->Scroll(NORMALKEY(keyP) == kUp || NORMALKEY(keyP) == kLeft, NORMALKEY(keyP) == kLeft || NORMALKEY(keyP) == kRight); cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(NULL, NORMALKEY(keyP) == kUp || NORMALKEY(keyP) == kLeft); return osContinue; default: break; } eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(keyP); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (keyP) { case kOk: return osBack; case kRed: pageM = SATIP_DEVICE_INFO_GENERAL; UpdateInfo(); break; case kGreen: pageM = SATIP_DEVICE_INFO_PIDS; UpdateInfo(); break; case kYellow: pageM = SATIP_DEVICE_INFO_FILTERS; UpdateInfo(); break; case kBlue: SatipConfig.SetUseBytes(SatipConfig.GetUseBytes() ? 0 : 1); UpdateInfo(); break; default: if (timeoutM.TimedOut()) UpdateInfo(); state = osContinue; break; } } return state; } // --- cSatipPluginSetup ------------------------------------------------------ cSatipPluginSetup::cSatipPluginSetup() : deviceCountM(0), operatingModeM(SatipConfig.GetOperatingMode()), eitScanM(SatipConfig.GetEITScan()), numDisabledFiltersM(SatipConfig.GetDisabledFiltersCount()) { debug("cSatipPluginSetup::%s()", __FUNCTION__); operatingModeTextsM[cSatipConfig::eOperatingModeOff] = tr("off"); operatingModeTextsM[cSatipConfig::eOperatingModeLow] = tr("low"); operatingModeTextsM[cSatipConfig::eOperatingModeNormal] = tr("normal"); operatingModeTextsM[cSatipConfig::eOperatingModeHigh] = tr("high"); if (numDisabledFiltersM > SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE) numDisabledFiltersM = SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { disabledFilterIndexesM[i] = SatipConfig.GetDisabledFilters(i); disabledFilterNamesM[i] = tr(section_filter_table[i].description); } SetMenuCategory(mcSetupPlugins); Setup(); SetHelp(trVDR("Button$Scan"), NULL, NULL, trVDR("Button$Info")); } void cSatipPluginSetup::Setup(void) { int current = Current(); Clear(); helpM.Clear(); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Operating mode"), &operatingModeM, ELEMENTS(operatingModeTextsM), operatingModeTextsM)); helpM.Append(tr("Define the used operating mode for all SAT>IP devices:\n\noff - devices are disabled\nlow - devices are working at the lowest priority\nnormal - devices are working within normal parameters\nhigh - devices are working at the highest priority")); if (operatingModeM) { Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Enable EPG scanning"), &eitScanM)); helpM.Append(tr("Define whether the EPG background scanning shall be used.\n\nThis setting disables the automatic EIT scanning functionality for all SAT>IP devices.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Disabled filters"), &numDisabledFiltersM, 0, SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE, tr("none"))); helpM.Append(tr("Define number of section filters to be disabled.\n\nCertain section filters might cause some unwanted behaviour to VDR such as time being falsely synchronized. By black-listing the filters here useful section data can be left intact for VDR to process.")); for (int i = 0; i < numDisabledFiltersM; ++i) { Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(*cString::sprintf(" %s %d", tr("Filter"), i + 1), &disabledFilterIndexesM[i], SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE, disabledFilterNamesM)); helpM.Append(tr("Define an ill-behaving filter to be blacklisted.")); } } Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Active SAT>IP devices:"), osUnknown, false)); helpM.Append(""); cSatipServers *servers = cSatipDiscover::GetInstance()->GetServers(); deviceCountM = servers->Count(); for (cSatipServer *s = servers->First(); s; s = servers->Next(s)) { Add(new cSatipServerItem(s)); helpM.Append(""); } SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); } eOSState cSatipPluginSetup::DeviceScan(void) { debug("cSatipPluginSetup::%s()", __FUNCTION__); cSatipDiscover::GetInstance()->TriggerScan(); return osContinue; } eOSState cSatipPluginSetup::DeviceInfo(void) { debug("cSatipPluginSetup::%s()", __FUNCTION__); if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0) return osContinue; cSatipServerItem *item = reinterpret_cast(Get(Current())); if (item && !!cSatipDiscover::GetInstance()->GetServer(item->Server())) return AddSubMenu(new cSatipServerInfo(item->Server())); return osContinue; } eOSState cSatipPluginSetup::ShowInfo(void) { debug("cSatipPluginSetup::%s()", __FUNCTION__); if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0) return osContinue; return AddSubMenu(new cSatipMenuInfo()); } eOSState cSatipPluginSetup::ProcessKey(eKeys keyP) { bool hadSubMenu = HasSubMenu(); int oldOperatingMode = operatingModeM; int oldNumDisabledFilters = numDisabledFiltersM; eOSState state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(keyP); // Ugly hack with hardcoded '#' character :( const char *p = Get(Current())->Text(); if (!hadSubMenu && !HasSubMenu() && (*p == '#') && (keyP == kOk)) return DeviceInfo(); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (keyP) { case kRed: return DeviceScan(); case kBlue: return ShowInfo(); case kInfo: if (Current() < helpM.Size()) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuText(cString::sprintf("%s - %s '%s'", tr("Help"), trVDR("Plugin"), PLUGIN_NAME_I18N), helpM[Current()])); default: state = osContinue; break; } } if ((keyP == kNone) && (cSatipDiscover::GetInstance()->GetServers()->Count() != deviceCountM)) Setup(); if ((keyP != kNone) && ((numDisabledFiltersM != oldNumDisabledFilters) || (operatingModeM != oldOperatingMode))) { while ((numDisabledFiltersM < oldNumDisabledFilters) && (oldNumDisabledFilters > 0)) disabledFilterIndexesM[--oldNumDisabledFilters] = -1; Setup(); } return state; } void cSatipPluginSetup::StoreFilters(const char *nameP, int *valuesP) { char buffer[SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE * 4]; char *q = buffer; for (int i = 0; i < SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { char s[3]; if (valuesP[i] < 0) break; if (q > buffer) *q++ = ' '; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%d", valuesP[i]); strncpy(q, s, strlen(s)); q += strlen(s); } *q = 0; debug("cSatipPluginSetup::%s(%s, %s)", __FUNCTION__, nameP, buffer); SetupStore(nameP, buffer); } void cSatipPluginSetup::Store(void) { // Store values into setup.conf SetupStore("OperatingMode", operatingModeM); SetupStore("EnableEITScan", eitScanM); StoreFilters("DisabledFilters", disabledFilterIndexesM); // Update global config SatipConfig.SetOperatingMode(operatingModeM); SatipConfig.SetEITScan(eitScanM); for (int i = 0; i < SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) SatipConfig.SetDisabledFilters(i, disabledFilterIndexesM[i]); }