/* * tuner.h: SAT>IP plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #ifndef __SATIP_TUNER_H #define __SATIP_TUNER_H #include #include #ifndef CURLOPT_RTSPHEADER #error "libcurl is missing required RTSP support" #endif #include #include #include "deviceif.h" #include "server.h" #include "statistics.h" #include "socket.h" class cSatipTuner : public cThread, public cSatipTunerStatistics { private: enum { eConnectTimeoutMs = 1500, // in milliseconds ePidUpdateIntervalMs = 250, // in milliseconds eReConnectTimeoutMs = 5000, // in milliseconds eMinKeepAliveIntervalMs = 30000 // in milliseconds }; static size_t HeaderCallback(void *ptrP, size_t sizeP, size_t nmembP, void *dataP); cCondWait sleepM; cSatipDeviceIf* deviceM; unsigned char* packetBufferM; unsigned int packetBufferLenM; cSatipSocket *rtpSocketM; cSatipSocket *rtcpSocketM; cString streamAddrM; cString streamParamM; cSatipServer *currentServerM; cSatipServer *nextServerM; cMutex mutexM; CURL *handleM; struct curl_slist *headerListM; cTimeMs keepAliveM; cTimeMs signalInfoCacheM; cTimeMs pidUpdateCacheM; cString sessionM; int timeoutM; bool openedM; bool tunedM; bool hasLockM; int signalStrengthM; int signalQualityM; int streamIdM; bool pidUpdatedM; cVector pidsM; bool Connect(void); bool Disconnect(void); bool ValidateLatestResponse(void); void ParseReceptionParameters(const char *paramP); void SetStreamId(int streamIdP); void SetSessionTimeout(const char *sessionP, int timeoutP = 0); bool KeepAlive(void); bool UpdateSignalInfoCache(void); bool UpdatePids(void); protected: virtual void Action(void); public: cSatipTuner(cSatipDeviceIf &deviceP, unsigned int packetLenP); virtual ~cSatipTuner(); bool IsTuned(void) const { return tunedM; } bool SetSource(cSatipServer *serverP, const char *parameterP, const int indexP); bool SetPid(int pidP, int typeP, bool onP); bool Open(void); bool Close(void); int SignalStrength(void); int SignalQuality(void); bool HasLock(void); cString GetSignalStatus(void); cString GetInformation(void); }; #endif // __SATIP_TUNER_H