/* * sectionfilter.c: SAT>IP plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include "config.h" #include "sectionfilter.h" cSatipSectionFilter::cSatipSectionFilter(int deviceIndexP, uint16_t pidP, uint8_t tidP, uint8_t maskP) : pusiSeenM(0), feedCcM(0), doneqM(0), secBufM(NULL), secBufpM(0), secLenM(0), tsFeedpM(0), pidM(pidP), deviceIndexM(deviceIndexP) { //debug("cSatipSectionFilter::%s(%d, %d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, pidM); int i; memset(secBufBaseM, 0, sizeof(secBufBaseM)); memset(filterValueM, 0, sizeof(filterValueM)); memset(filterMaskM, 0, sizeof(filterMaskM)); memset(filterModeM, 0, sizeof(filterModeM)); memset(maskAndModeM, 0, sizeof(maskAndModeM)); memset(maskAndNotModeM, 0, sizeof(maskAndNotModeM)); filterValueM[0] = tidP; filterMaskM[0] = maskP; // Invert the filter for (i = 0; i < eDmxMaxFilterSize; ++i) filterValueM[i] ^= 0xFF; uint8_t mask, mode, doneq = 0; for (i = 0; i < eDmxMaxFilterSize; ++i) { mode = filterModeM[i]; mask = filterMaskM[i]; maskAndModeM[i] = (uint8_t)(mask & mode); maskAndNotModeM[i] = (uint8_t)(mask & ~mode); doneq |= maskAndNotModeM[i]; } doneqM = doneq ? 1 : 0; // Create sockets socketM[0] = socketM[1] = -1; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, socketM) != 0) { char tmp[64]; error("Opening section filter sockets failed (device=%d pid=%d): %s", deviceIndexM, pidM, strerror_r(errno, tmp, sizeof(tmp))); } else if ((fcntl(socketM[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0) || (fcntl(socketM[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0)) { char tmp[64]; error("Setting section filter socket to non-blocking mode failed (device=%d pid=%d): %s", deviceIndexM, pidM, strerror_r(errno, tmp, sizeof(tmp))); } } cSatipSectionFilter::~cSatipSectionFilter() { //debug("cSatipSectionFilter::%s(%d, %d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, pidM); int tmp = socketM[1]; socketM[1] = -1; if (tmp >= 0) close(tmp); tmp = socketM[0]; socketM[0] = -1; if (tmp >= 0) close(tmp); secBufM = NULL; } inline uint16_t cSatipSectionFilter::GetLength(const uint8_t *dataP) { return (uint16_t)(3 + ((dataP[1] & 0x0f) << 8) + dataP[2]); } void cSatipSectionFilter::New(void) { tsFeedpM = secBufpM = secLenM = 0; secBufM = secBufBaseM; } int cSatipSectionFilter::Filter(void) { if (secBufM) { int i; uint8_t neq = 0; for (i = 0; i < eDmxMaxFilterSize; ++i) { uint8_t calcxor = (uint8_t)(filterValueM[i] ^ secBufM[i]); if (maskAndModeM[i] & calcxor) return 0; neq |= (maskAndNotModeM[i] & calcxor); } if (doneqM && !neq) return 0; // There is no data in the read socket, more can be written if ((secLenM > 0) && (socketM[1] >= 0) && (socketM[0] >= 0)) { for (i = 0; i < eWriteMaxRetries; ++i) { if (select_single_desc(socketM[0], 10, false)) continue; ssize_t len = write(socketM[1], secBufM, secLenM); ERROR_IF(len < 0, "write()"); // Update statistics if (len >= 0) AddSectionStatistic(len, 1); break; } if (i >= eWriteMaxRetries) debug("Skipped section write (%d bytes)", secLenM); } } return 0; } inline int cSatipSectionFilter::Feed(void) { if (Filter() < 0) return -1; secLenM = 0; return 0; } int cSatipSectionFilter::CopyDump(const uint8_t *bufP, uint8_t lenP) { uint16_t limit, seclen, n; if (tsFeedpM >= eDmxMaxSectionFeedSize) return 0; if (tsFeedpM + lenP > eDmxMaxSectionFeedSize) lenP = (uint8_t)(eDmxMaxSectionFeedSize - tsFeedpM); if (lenP <= 0) return 0; memcpy(secBufBaseM + tsFeedpM, bufP, lenP); tsFeedpM = uint16_t(tsFeedpM + lenP); limit = tsFeedpM; if (limit > eDmxMaxSectionFeedSize) return -1; // internal error should never happen // Always set secbuf secBufM = secBufBaseM + secBufpM; for (n = 0; secBufpM + 2 < limit; ++n) { seclen = GetLength(secBufM); if ((seclen <= 0) || (seclen > eDmxMaxSectionSize) || ((seclen + secBufpM) > limit)) return 0; secLenM = seclen; if (pusiSeenM) Feed(); secBufpM = uint16_t(secBufpM + seclen); secBufM += seclen; } return 0; } void cSatipSectionFilter::Process(const uint8_t* dataP) { if (dataP[0] != TS_SYNC_BYTE) return; // Stop if not the PID this filter is looking for if (ts_pid(dataP) != pidM) return; uint8_t count = payload(dataP); // Check if no payload or out of range if (count == 0) return; // Payload start uint8_t p = (uint8_t)(TS_SIZE - count); uint8_t cc = (uint8_t)(dataP[3] & 0x0f); int ccok = ((feedCcM + 1) & 0x0f) == cc; feedCcM = cc; int dc_i = 0; if (dataP[3] & 0x20) { // Adaption field present, check for discontinuity_indicator if ((dataP[4] > 0) && (dataP[5] & 0x80)) dc_i = 1; } if (!ccok || dc_i) { // Discontinuity detected. Reset pusiSeenM = 0 to // stop feeding of suspicious data until next PUSI=1 arrives pusiSeenM = 0; New(); } if (dataP[1] & 0x40) { // PUSI=1 (is set), section boundary is here if (count > 1 && dataP[p] < count) { const uint8_t *before = &dataP[p + 1]; uint8_t before_len = dataP[p]; const uint8_t *after = &before[before_len]; uint8_t after_len = (uint8_t)(count - 1 - before_len); CopyDump(before, before_len); // Before start of new section, set pusiSeenM = 1 pusiSeenM = 1; New(); CopyDump(after, after_len); } } else { // PUSI=0 (is not set), no section boundary CopyDump(&dataP[p], count); } } cSatipSectionFilterHandler::cSatipSectionFilterHandler(int deviceIndexP, unsigned int bufferLenP) : #ifdef USE_THREADED_SECTIONFILTER cThread("SAT>IP section handler", true), ringBufferM(new cRingBufferLinear(bufferLenP, TS_SIZE, false, *cString::sprintf("SAT>IP SECTION HANDLER %d", deviceIndexP))), #endif mutexM(), deviceIndexM(deviceIndexP) { debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); // Initialize filter pointers memset(filtersM, 0, sizeof(filtersM)); #ifdef USE_THREADED_SECTIONFILTER // Create input buffer if (ringBufferM) { ringBufferM->SetTimeouts(100, 100); ringBufferM->SetIoThrottle(); } else error("Failed to allocate buffer for section filter handler (device=%d): ", deviceIndexM); Start(); #endif } cSatipSectionFilterHandler::~cSatipSectionFilterHandler() { debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); #ifdef USE_THREADED_SECTIONFILTER // Stop thread if (Running()) Cancel(3); DELETE_POINTER(ringBufferM); #endif // Destroy all filters cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); for (int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) Delete(i); } #ifdef USE_THREADED_SECTIONFILTER void cSatipSectionFilterHandler::Action(void) { debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): entering", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); bool processed = false; // Do the thread loop while (Running()) { // Read one TS packet if (ringBufferM) { int len = 0; if (processed) { ringBufferM->Del(TS_SIZE); processed = false; } uchar *p = ringBufferM->Get(len); if (p && (len >= TS_SIZE)) { if (*p != TS_SYNC_BYTE) { for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) { if (p[i] == TS_SYNC_BYTE) { len = i; break; } } ringBufferM->Del(len); debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): Skipped %d bytes to sync on TS packet", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, len); continue; } // Process TS packet through all filters mutexM.Lock(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) { if (filtersM[i]) filtersM[i]->Process(p); } mutexM.Unlock(); processed = true; continue; } } cCondWait::SleepMs(10); // to avoid busy loop and reduce cpu load } debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): exiting", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); } #endif cString cSatipSectionFilterHandler::GetInformation(void) { //debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM); // loop through active section filters cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); cString s = ""; unsigned int count = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) { if (filtersM[i]) { s = cString::sprintf("%sFilter %d: %s Pid=0x%02X (%s)\n", *s, i, *filtersM[i]->GetSectionStatistic(), filtersM[i]->GetPid(), id_pid(filtersM[i]->GetPid())); if (++count > SATIP_STATS_ACTIVE_FILTERS_COUNT) break; } } return s; } bool cSatipSectionFilterHandler::Delete(unsigned int indexP) { //debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): index=%d", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, indexP); if ((indexP < eMaxSecFilterCount) && filtersM[indexP]) { //debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): found %d", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, indexP); cSatipSectionFilter *tmp = filtersM[indexP]; filtersM[indexP] = NULL; delete tmp; return true; } return false; } bool cSatipSectionFilterHandler::IsBlackListed(u_short pidP, u_char tidP, u_char maskP) const { //debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): pid=%d tid=%02X mask=%02X", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, pidP, tidP, maskP); // loop through section filter table for (int i = 0; i < SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) { int index = SatipConfig.GetDisabledFilters(i); // Check if matches if ((index >= 0) && (index < SECTION_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE) && (section_filter_table[index].pid == pidP) && (section_filter_table[index].tid == tidP) && (section_filter_table[index].mask == maskP)) { //debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): found %s", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, section_filter_table[index].description); return true; } } return false; } int cSatipSectionFilterHandler::Open(u_short pidP, u_char tidP, u_char maskP) { // Lock cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); // Blacklist check, refuse certain filters if (IsBlackListed(pidP, tidP, maskP)) return -1; // Search the next free filter slot for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) { if (!filtersM[i]) { filtersM[i] = new cSatipSectionFilter(deviceIndexM, pidP, tidP, maskP); //debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): pid=%d tid=%02X mask=%02X handle=%d index=%u", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, pidP, tidP, maskP, filtersM[i]->GetFd(), i); return filtersM[i]->GetFd(); } } // No free filter slot found return -1; } void cSatipSectionFilterHandler::Close(int handleP) { // Lock cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); // Search the filter for deletion for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) { if (filtersM[i] && (handleP == filtersM[i]->GetFd())) { //debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): pid=%d handle=%d index=%u", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, filtersM[i]->GetPid(), filtersM[i]->GetFd(), i); Delete(i); break; } } } int cSatipSectionFilterHandler::GetPid(int handleP) { // Lock cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); // Search the filter for data for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) { if (filtersM[i] && (handleP == filtersM[i]->GetFd())) { //debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): pid=%d handle=%d index=%u", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, filtersM[i]->GetPid(), filtersM[i]->GetFd(), i); return filtersM[i]->GetPid(); } } return -1; } void cSatipSectionFilterHandler::Write(uchar *bufferP, int lengthP) { //debug("cSatipSectionFilterHandler::%s(%d): length=%d", __FUNCTION__, deviceIndexM, lengthP); #ifdef USE_THREADED_SECTIONFILTER // Fill up the buffer if (ringBufferM) { int len = ringBufferM->Put(bufferP, lengthP); if (len != lengthP) ringBufferM->ReportOverflow(lengthP - len); } #else // Lock cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); uchar *p = bufferP; int len = lengthP; // Process TS packets through all filters while (p && (len >= TS_SIZE)) { if (*p != TS_SYNC_BYTE) { for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) { if (p[i] == TS_SYNC_BYTE) { p += i; len -= i; break; } } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eMaxSecFilterCount; ++i) { if (filtersM[i]) filtersM[i]->Process(p); } p += TS_SIZE; len -= TS_SIZE; } #endif }