/* * discover.c: SAT>IP plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include #ifdef USE_TINYXML #include #else #include #endif #include "common.h" #include "config.h" #include "socket.h" #include "discover.h" cSatipDiscover *cSatipDiscover::instanceS = NULL; const char *cSatipDiscover::bcastAddressS = ""; const char *cSatipDiscover::bcastMessageS = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" \ "HOST:\r\n" \ "MAN: \"ssdp:discover\"\r\n" \ "ST: urn:ses-com:device:SatIPServer:1\r\n" \ "MX: 2\r\n\r\n"; cSatipDiscover *cSatipDiscover::GetInstance(void) { if (!instanceS) instanceS = new cSatipDiscover(); return instanceS; } bool cSatipDiscover::Initialize(cSatipDiscoverServers *serversP) { debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); if (instanceS) { if (serversP) { for (cSatipDiscoverServer *s = serversP->First(); s; s = serversP->Next(s)) instanceS->AddServer(s->IpAddress(), s->Description(), s->Model()); } else instanceS->Activate(); } return true; } void cSatipDiscover::Destroy(void) { debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); if (instanceS) instanceS->Deactivate(); } size_t cSatipDiscover::WriteCallback(char *ptrP, size_t sizeP, size_t nmembP, void *dataP) { cSatipDiscover *obj = reinterpret_cast(dataP); size_t len = sizeP * nmembP; //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(%zu)", __FUNCTION__, len); if (obj) { CURLcode res = CURLE_OK; const char *desc = NULL, *model = NULL, *addr = NULL; #ifdef USE_TINYXML TiXmlDocument doc; char *xml = MALLOC(char, len + 1); memcpy(xml, ptrP, len); *(xml + len + 1) = 0; doc.Parse((const char *)xml); TiXmlHandle docHandle(&doc); TiXmlElement *descElement = docHandle.FirstChild("root").FirstChild("device").FirstChild("friendlyName").ToElement(); if (descElement) desc = descElement->GetText() ? descElement->GetText() : "MyBrokenHardware"; TiXmlElement *modelElement = docHandle.FirstChild("root").FirstChild("device").FirstChild("satip:X_SATIPCAP").ToElement(); if (modelElement) model = modelElement->GetText() ? modelElement->GetText() : "DVBS2-1"; #else pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_buffer(ptrP, len); if (result) { pugi::xml_node descNode = doc.first_element_by_path("root/device/friendlyName"); if (descNode) desc = descNode.text().as_string("MyBrokenHardware"); pugi::xml_node modelNode = doc.first_element_by_path("root/device/satip:X_SATIPCAP"); if (modelNode) model = modelNode.text().as_string("DVBS2-1"); } #endif SATIP_CURL_EASY_GETINFO(obj->handleM, CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP, &addr); obj->AddServer(addr, desc, model); } return len; } int cSatipDiscover::DebugCallback(CURL *handleP, curl_infotype typeP, char *dataP, size_t sizeP, void *userPtrP) { cSatipDiscover *obj = reinterpret_cast(userPtrP); if (obj) { switch (typeP) { case CURLINFO_TEXT: debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): HTTP INFO %.*s", __FUNCTION__, (int)sizeP, dataP); break; case CURLINFO_HEADER_IN: debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): HTTP HEAD <<< %.*s", __FUNCTION__, (int)sizeP, dataP); break; case CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT: debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): HTTP HEAD >>>\n%.*s", __FUNCTION__, (int)sizeP, dataP); break; case CURLINFO_DATA_IN: debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): HTTP DATA <<< %.*s", __FUNCTION__, (int)sizeP, dataP); break; case CURLINFO_DATA_OUT: debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): HTTP DATA >>>\n%.*s", __FUNCTION__, (int)sizeP, dataP); break; default: break; } } return 0; } cSatipDiscover::cSatipDiscover() : cThread("SAT>IP discover"), mutexM(), handleM(curl_easy_init()), socketM(new cSatipSocket()), sleepM(), probeIntervalM(0), serversM(new cSatipServers()) { debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); } cSatipDiscover::~cSatipDiscover() { debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); Deactivate(); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); // Free allocated memory DELETENULL(socketM); DELETENULL(serversM); if (handleM) curl_easy_cleanup(handleM); handleM = NULL; } void cSatipDiscover::Activate(void) { // Start the thread Start(); } void cSatipDiscover::Deactivate(void) { debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); sleepM.Signal(); if (Running()) Cancel(3); } void cSatipDiscover::Action(void) { debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): entering", __FUNCTION__); // Do the thread loop while (Running()) { if (probeIntervalM.TimedOut()) { probeIntervalM.Set(eProbeIntervalMs); Probe(); Janitor(); } // to avoid busy loop and reduce cpu load sleepM.Wait(10); } debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): exiting", __FUNCTION__); } void cSatipDiscover::Janitor(void) { debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); if (serversM) serversM->Cleanup(eProbeIntervalMs * 2); } void cSatipDiscover::Probe(void) { debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); if (socketM && socketM->Open(eDiscoveryPort)) { cTimeMs timeout(eProbeTimeoutMs); socketM->Write(bcastAddressS, reinterpret_cast(bcastMessageS), strlen(bcastMessageS)); while (Running() && !timeout.TimedOut()) { Read(); // to avoid busy loop and reduce cpu load sleepM.Wait(100); } socketM->Close(); } } void cSatipDiscover::Read(void) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); if (socketM) { unsigned char *buf = MALLOC(unsigned char, eProbeBufferSize + 1); if (buf) { memset(buf, 0, eProbeBufferSize + 1); int len = socketM->Read(buf, eProbeBufferSize); if (len > 0) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): len=%d", __FUNCTION__, len); bool status = false, valid = false; char *s, *p = reinterpret_cast(buf), *location = NULL; char *r = strtok_r(p, "\r\n", &s); while (r) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): %s", __FUNCTION__, r); // Check the status code // HTTP/1.1 200 OK if (!status && startswith(r, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")) { status = true; } if (status) { // Check the location data // LOCATION: if (startswith(r, "LOCATION:")) { location = compactspace(r + 9); debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): location='%s'", __FUNCTION__, location); } // Check the source type // ST: urn:ses-com:device:SatIPServer:1 else if (startswith(r, "ST:")) { char *st = compactspace(r + 3); if (strstr(st, "urn:ses-com:device:SatIPServer:1")) valid = true; debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(): st='%s'", __FUNCTION__, st); } // Check whether all the required data is found if (valid && !isempty(location)) break; } r = strtok_r(NULL, "\r\n", &s); } if (handleM && valid && !isempty(location)) { long rc = 0; CURLcode res = CURLE_OK; #ifdef DEBUG // Verbose output SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L); SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION, cSatipDiscover::DebugCallback); SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA, this); #endif // Set callback SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, cSatipDiscover::WriteCallback); SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this); // No progress meter and no signaling SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L); SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L); // Set timeouts SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, (long)eConnectTimeoutMs); SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, (long)eConnectTimeoutMs); // Set user-agent SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, *cString::sprintf("vdr-%s/%s", PLUGIN_NAME_I18N, VERSION)); // Set URL SATIP_CURL_EASY_SETOPT(handleM, CURLOPT_URL, location); // Fetch the data SATIP_CURL_EASY_PERFORM(handleM); SATIP_CURL_EASY_GETINFO(handleM, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &rc); if (rc != 200) error("Discovery detected invalid status code: %ld", rc); } } free(buf); } } } void cSatipDiscover::AddServer(const char *addrP, const char *descP, const char * modelP) { debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(%s, %s, %s)", __FUNCTION__, addrP, descP, modelP); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); if (serversM) { cSatipServer *tmp = new cSatipServer(addrP, descP, modelP); // Validate against existing servers if (!serversM->Update(tmp)) { info("Adding device %s (%s %s)", tmp->Description(), tmp->Address(), tmp->Model()); serversM->Add(tmp); } else DELETENULL(tmp); } } int cSatipDiscover::GetServerCount(void) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); return serversM ? serversM->Count() : -1; } cSatipServer *cSatipDiscover::GetServer(int sourceP, int transponderP, int systemP) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(%d, %d, %d)", __FUNCTION__, sourceP, transponderP, systemP); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); return serversM ? serversM->Find(sourceP, transponderP, systemP) : NULL; } cSatipServer *cSatipDiscover::GetServer(cSatipServer *serverP) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); return serversM ? serversM->Find(serverP) : NULL; } cSatipServers *cSatipDiscover::GetServers(void) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); return serversM; } cString cSatipDiscover::GetServerString(cSatipServer *serverP) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); return serversM ? serversM->GetString(serverP) : ""; } cString cSatipDiscover::GetServerList(void) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); return serversM ? serversM->List() : ""; } void cSatipDiscover::SetTransponder(cSatipServer *serverP, int transponderP) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, transponderP); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); if (serversM) serversM->SetTransponder(serverP, transponderP); } void cSatipDiscover::UseServer(cSatipServer *serverP, bool onOffP) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, onOffP); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); if (serversM) serversM->Use(serverP, onOffP); } int cSatipDiscover::NumProvidedSystems(void) { //debug("cSatipDiscover::%s()", __FUNCTION__); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); return serversM ? serversM->NumProvidedSystems() : 0; }