/* * tuner.c: SAT>IP plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include #include "common.h" #include "config.h" #include "discover.h" #include "tuner.h" cSatipTuner::cSatipTuner(cSatipDeviceIf &deviceP, unsigned int packetLenP) : cThread("SAT>IP tuner"), sleepM(), deviceM(&deviceP), deviceIdM(deviceM ? deviceM->GetId() : -1), packetBufferLenM(packetLenP), rtspM(new cSatipRtsp(*this)), rtpSocketM(new cSatipSocket()), rtcpSocketM(new cSatipSocket()), streamAddrM(""), streamParamM(""), currentServerM(NULL), nextServerM(NULL), mutexM(), keepAliveM(), statusUpdateM(), pidUpdateCacheM(), sessionM(""), fdM(epoll_create(eMaxFileDescriptors)), timeoutM(eMinKeepAliveIntervalMs), openedM(false), tunedM(false), hasLockM(false), signalStrengthM(-1), signalQualityM(-1), streamIdM(-1), addPidsM(), delPidsM(), pidsM() { debug("cSatipTuner::%s(%d) [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, packetBufferLenM, deviceIdM); // Allocate packet buffer packetBufferM = MALLOC(unsigned char, packetBufferLenM); if (packetBufferM) memset(packetBufferM, 0, packetBufferLenM); else error("MALLOC() failed for packet buffer [device %d]", deviceIdM); // Open sockets int i = 100; while (i-- > 0) { if (rtpSocketM->Open(0) && rtcpSocketM->Open(rtpSocketM->Port() + 1)) break; rtpSocketM->Close(); rtcpSocketM->Close(); } if ((rtpSocketM->Port() <= 0) || (rtcpSocketM->Port() <= 0)) { error("Cannot open required RTP/RTCP ports [device %d]", deviceIdM); } // Setup epoll if (fdM >= 0) { if (rtpSocketM->Fd() >= 0) { struct epoll_event ev; ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; ev.data.fd = rtpSocketM->Fd(); if (epoll_ctl(fdM, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, rtpSocketM->Fd(), &ev) == -1) { error("Cannot add RTP socket into epoll [device %d]", deviceIdM); } } if (rtcpSocketM->Fd() >= 0) { struct epoll_event ev; ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; ev.data.fd = rtcpSocketM->Fd(); if (epoll_ctl(fdM, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, rtcpSocketM->Fd(), &ev) == -1) { error("Cannot add RTP socket into epoll [device %d]", deviceIdM); } } } // Start thread Start(); } cSatipTuner::~cSatipTuner() { debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); // Stop thread sleepM.Signal(); if (Running()) Cancel(3); Close(); // Cleanup epoll if (fdM >= 0) { if ((rtpSocketM->Fd() >= 0) && (epoll_ctl(fdM, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, rtpSocketM->Fd(), NULL) == -1)) { error("Cannot remove RTP socket from epoll [device %d]", deviceIdM); } if ((rtcpSocketM->Fd() >= 0) && (epoll_ctl(fdM, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, rtcpSocketM->Fd(), NULL) == -1)) { error("Cannot remove RTP socket from epoll [device %d]", deviceIdM); } close(fdM); } // Close the listening sockets rtpSocketM->Close(); rtcpSocketM->Close(); // Free allocated memory free(packetBufferM); DELETENULL(rtcpSocketM); DELETENULL(rtpSocketM); } void cSatipTuner::Action(void) { debug("cSatipTuner::%s(): entering [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); cTimeMs timeout(eReConnectTimeoutMs); // Increase priority SetPriority(-1); // Do the thread loop while (packetBufferM && rtpSocketM && rtcpSocketM && Running()) { struct epoll_event events[eMaxFileDescriptors]; int nfds = epoll_wait(fdM, events, eMaxFileDescriptors, eReadTimeoutMs); switch (nfds) { default: for (int i = 0; i < nfds; ++i) { timeout.Set(eReConnectTimeoutMs); if (events[i].data.fd == rtpSocketM->Fd()) { // Read data int length = rtpSocketM->ReadVideo(packetBufferM, min(deviceM->CheckData(), packetBufferLenM)); if (length > 0) { AddTunerStatistic(length); deviceM->WriteData(packetBufferM, length); } } else if (events[i].data.fd == rtcpSocketM->Fd()) { unsigned char buf[1450]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if (rtcpSocketM->ReadApplication(buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) ParseReceptionParameters((const char *)buf); } } // fall through! case 0: // Update pids UpdatePids(); // Remember the heart beat KeepAlive(); // Read reception statistics via DESCRIBE and RTCP if (ReadReceptionStatus()) { // Quirk for devices without valid reception data if (currentServerM && currentServerM->Quirk(cSatipServer::eSatipQuirkForceLock)) { hasLockM = true; signalStrengthM = eDefaultSignalStrength; signalQualityM = eDefaultSignalQuality; } } // Reconnect if necessary if (openedM && timeout.TimedOut()) { Disconnect(); Connect(); timeout.Set(eReConnectTimeoutMs); } break; case -1: error("epoll_wait() failed"); break; } } debug("cSatipTuner::%s(): exiting [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); } bool cSatipTuner::Open(void) { debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); return Connect(); } bool cSatipTuner::Close(void) { debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); return Disconnect(); } bool cSatipTuner::Connect(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); if (!isempty(*streamAddrM)) { cString connectionUri = cString::sprintf("rtsp://%s", *streamAddrM); cString uri = cString::sprintf("%s/?%s", *connectionUri, *streamParamM); // Just retune if (tunedM && (streamIdM >= 0)) { debug("cSatipTuner::%s(): retune [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); keepAliveM.Set(0); KeepAlive(); // Flush any old content if (rtpSocketM) rtpSocketM->Flush(); openedM = rtspM->Setup(*uri, rtpSocketM->Port(), rtcpSocketM->Port()); return openedM; } keepAliveM.Set(timeoutM); openedM = rtspM->Options(*connectionUri); if (openedM) { if (nextServerM && nextServerM->Quirk(cSatipServer::eSatipQuirkSessionId)) rtspM->SetSession(SkipZeroes(*sessionM)); if (rtspM->Setup(*uri, rtpSocketM->Port(), rtcpSocketM->Port())) { tunedM = true; UpdatePids(true); if (nextServerM) { cSatipDiscover::GetInstance()->UseServer(nextServerM, true); currentServerM = nextServerM; nextServerM = NULL; } } else openedM = false; } return openedM; } openedM = false; return openedM; } bool cSatipTuner::Disconnect(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); openedM = false; if (!isempty(*streamAddrM)) { cString uri = cString::sprintf("rtsp://%s/stream=%d", *streamAddrM, streamIdM); rtspM->Teardown(*uri); } // Reset signal parameters hasLockM = false; signalStrengthM = -1; signalQualityM = -1; if (currentServerM) cSatipDiscover::GetInstance()->UseServer(currentServerM, false); tunedM = false; statusUpdateM.Set(0); timeoutM = eMinKeepAliveIntervalMs; addPidsM.Clear(); delPidsM.Clear(); // return always true return true; } void cSatipTuner::ParseReceptionParameters(const char *paramP) { //debug("cSatipTuner::%s(%s) [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, paramP, deviceIdM); // DVB-S2: // ver=.;src=;tuner=,,,,,,,,,,,;pids=,..., // DVB-T2: // ver=1.1;tuner=,,,,,,,,,,,,,;pids=,..., if (!isempty(paramP)) { char *s = strdup(paramP); char *c = strstr(s, ";tuner="); if (c) { int value; // level: // Numerical value between 0 and 255 // An incoming L-band satellite signal of // -25dBm corresponds to 224 // -65dBm corresponds to 32 // No signal corresponds to 0 c = strstr(c, ","); value = atoi(++c); // Scale value to 0-100 signalStrengthM = (value >= 0) ? (value * 100 / 255) : -1; // lock: // lock Set to one of the following values: // "0" the frontend is not locked // "1" the frontend is locked c = strstr(c, ","); hasLockM = atoi(++c); // quality: // Numerical value between 0 and 15 // Lowest value corresponds to highest error rate // The value 15 shall correspond to // -a BER lower than 2x10-4 after Viterbi for DVB-S // -a PER lower than 10-7 for DVB-S2 c = strstr(c, ","); value = atoi(++c); // Scale value to 0-100 signalQualityM = (hasLockM && (value >= 0)) ? (value * 100 / 15) : 0; } free(s); } } void cSatipTuner::SetStreamId(int streamIdP) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); debug("cSatipTuner::%s(%d) [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, streamIdP, deviceIdM); streamIdM = streamIdP; } void cSatipTuner::SetSessionTimeout(const char *sessionP, int timeoutP) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); debug("cSatipTuner::%s(%s, %d) [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, sessionP, timeoutP, deviceIdM); sessionM = sessionP; timeoutM = (timeoutP > eMinKeepAliveIntervalMs) ? timeoutP : eMinKeepAliveIntervalMs; } int cSatipTuner::GetId(void) { //debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); return deviceIdM; } bool cSatipTuner::SetSource(cSatipServer *serverP, const char *parameterP, const int indexP) { debug("cSatipTuner::%s(%s, %d) [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, parameterP, indexP, deviceIdM); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); if (serverP) { nextServerM = cSatipDiscover::GetInstance()->GetServer(serverP); if (rtspM && nextServerM && !isempty(nextServerM->Address()) && !isempty(parameterP)) { // Update stream address and parameter streamAddrM = rtspM->RtspUnescapeString(nextServerM->Address()); streamParamM = rtspM->RtspUnescapeString(parameterP); // Reconnect Connect(); } } else Disconnect(); return true; } bool cSatipTuner::SetPid(int pidP, int typeP, bool onP) { //debug("cSatipTuner::%s(%d, %d, %d) [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, pidP, typeP, onP, deviceIdM); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); if (onP) { pidsM.AddPid(pidP); addPidsM.AddPid(pidP); delPidsM.RemovePid(pidP); } else { pidsM.RemovePid(pidP); delPidsM.AddPid(pidP); addPidsM.RemovePid(pidP); } pidUpdateCacheM.Set(ePidUpdateIntervalMs); return true; } bool cSatipTuner::UpdatePids(bool forceP) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); if (((forceP && pidsM.Size()) || (pidUpdateCacheM.TimedOut() && (addPidsM.Size() || delPidsM.Size()))) && tunedM && !isempty(*streamAddrM) && (streamIdM > 0)) { cString uri = cString::sprintf("rtsp://%s/stream=%d", *streamAddrM, streamIdM); bool usedummy = !!(currentServerM && currentServerM->Quirk(cSatipServer::eSatipQuirkPlayPids)); if (forceP || usedummy) { if (pidsM.Size()) { uri = cString::sprintf("%s?pids=", *uri); for (int i = 0; i < pidsM.Size(); ++i) uri = cString::sprintf("%s%d%s", *uri, pidsM[i], (i == (pidsM.Size() - 1)) ? "" : ","); } if (usedummy && (pidsM.Size() == 1) && (pidsM[0] < 0x20)) uri = cString::sprintf("%s,%d", *uri, eDummyPid); } else { if (addPidsM.Size()) { uri = cString::sprintf("%s?addpids=", *uri); for (int i = 0; i < addPidsM.Size(); ++i) uri = cString::sprintf("%s%d%s", *uri, addPidsM[i], (i == (addPidsM.Size() - 1)) ? "" : ","); } if (delPidsM.Size()) { uri = cString::sprintf("%s%sdelpids=", *uri, addPidsM.Size() ? "&" : "?"); for (int i = 0; i < delPidsM.Size(); ++i) uri = cString::sprintf("%s%d%s", *uri, delPidsM[i], (i == (delPidsM.Size() - 1)) ? "" : ","); } } if (rtspM->Play(*uri)) { addPidsM.Clear(); delPidsM.Clear(); return true; } Disconnect(); } return false; } bool cSatipTuner::KeepAlive(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); if (tunedM && keepAliveM.TimedOut()) { cString uri = cString::sprintf("rtsp://%s/stream=%d", *streamAddrM, streamIdM); keepAliveM.Set(timeoutM); if (rtspM->Options(*uri)) return true; Disconnect(); } return false; } bool cSatipTuner::ReadReceptionStatus(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexM); if (tunedM && !pidsM.Size() && statusUpdateM.TimedOut() ) { cString uri = cString::sprintf("rtsp://%s/stream=%d", *streamAddrM, streamIdM); if (rtspM->Describe(*uri)) { statusUpdateM.Set(eStatusUpdateTimeoutMs); return true; } Disconnect(); } return false; } int cSatipTuner::SignalStrength(void) { //debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); return signalStrengthM; } int cSatipTuner::SignalQuality(void) { //debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); return signalQualityM; } bool cSatipTuner::HasLock(void) { //debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); return tunedM && hasLockM; } cString cSatipTuner::GetSignalStatus(void) { //debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); return cString::sprintf("lock=%d strength=%d quality=%d", HasLock(), SignalStrength(), SignalQuality()); } cString cSatipTuner::GetInformation(void) { //debug("cSatipTuner::%s() [device %d]", __FUNCTION__, deviceIdM); return tunedM ? cString::sprintf("rtsp://%s/?%s [stream=%d]", *streamAddrM, *streamParamM, streamIdM) : "connection failed"; }