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* tuner.h: SAT>IP plugin for the Video Disk Recorder
* See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
#ifndef __SATIP_TUNER_H
#define __SATIP_TUNER_H
#include <vdr/thread.h>
#include <vdr/tools.h>
#include "deviceif.h"
#include "rtp.h"
#include "rtcp.h"
#include "rtsp.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "statistics.h"
class cSatipPid : public cVector<int> {
int PidIndex(const int &pidP)
for (int i = 0; i < this->Size(); ++i) {
if (pidP == this->At(i))
return i;
return -1;
void RemovePid(const int &pidP)
int i = PidIndex(pidP);
if (i >= 0)
void AddPid(int pidP)
if (PidIndex(pidP) < 0)
class cSatipTuner : public cThread, public cSatipTunerStatistics, public cSatipTunerIf
enum {
eDummyPid = 100,
eDefaultSignalStrength = 15,
eDefaultSignalQuality = 224,
eApplicationMaxSizeB = 1500,
eSleepTimeoutMs = 500, // in milliseconds
eStatusUpdateTimeoutMs = 1000, // in milliseconds
ePidUpdateIntervalMs = 250, // in milliseconds
eConnectTimeoutMs = 5000, // in milliseconds
eMinKeepAliveIntervalMs = 30000 // in milliseconds
enum eTunerState { tsIdle, tsRelease, tsSet, tsTuned, tsLocked };
enum eStateMode { smInternal, smExternal };
cCondWait sleepM;
cSatipDeviceIf* deviceM;
int deviceIdM;
cSatipRtsp rtspM;
cSatipRtp rtpM;
cSatipRtcp rtcpM;
cString streamAddrM;
cString streamParamM;
cSatipServer *currentServerM;
cSatipServer *nextServerM;
cMutex mutexM;
cTimeMs reConnectM;
cTimeMs keepAliveM;
cTimeMs statusUpdateM;
cTimeMs pidUpdateCacheM;
cString sessionM;
eTunerState currentStateM;
cVector<eTunerState> internalStateM;
cVector<eTunerState> externalStateM;
int timeoutM;
bool hasLockM;
int signalStrengthM;
int signalQualityM;
int streamIdM;
cSatipPid addPidsM;
cSatipPid delPidsM;
cSatipPid pidsM;
bool Connect(void);
bool Disconnect(void);
bool KeepAlive(bool forceP = false);
bool ReadReceptionStatus(bool forceP = false);
bool UpdatePids(bool forceP = false);
void UpdateCurrentState(void);
bool StateRequested(void);
bool RequestState(eTunerState stateP, eStateMode modeP);
const char *StateModeString(eStateMode modeP);
const char *TunerStateString(eTunerState stateP);
virtual void Action(void);
cSatipTuner(cSatipDeviceIf &deviceP, unsigned int packetLenP);
virtual ~cSatipTuner();
bool IsTuned(void) const { return currentStateM > tsIdle; }
bool SetSource(cSatipServer *serverP, const char *parameterP, const int indexP);
bool SetPid(int pidP, int typeP, bool onP);
bool Open(void);
bool Close(void);
int SignalStrength(void);
int SignalQuality(void);
bool HasLock(void);
cString GetSignalStatus(void);
cString GetInformation(void);
// for internal tuner interface
virtual void ProcessVideoData(u_char *bufferP, int lengthP);
virtual void ProcessApplicationData(u_char *bufferP, int lengthP);
virtual void SetStreamId(int streamIdP);
virtual void SetSessionTimeout(const char *sessionP, int timeoutP);
virtual int GetId(void);
#endif // __SATIP_TUNER_H