Version 0.1.2

This commit is contained in:
louis 2014-05-09 01:05:21 +02:00
parent 30008b3000
commit ca71c83e5d
24 changed files with 3061 additions and 2305 deletions

View File

@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Version 0.1.0
- fixed bug that scraped events are not displayed randomly
Version 0.1.1
- update of db api
- prepare statements only once
- added statement statistic
- minor changes
- changed mail loop timing
- added path detection for libmysql
- fixed epgd state detection
- added cppcheck to Makefile
Version 0.1.2

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ TMPDIR ?= /tmp
### The compiler options:
export CFLAGS = $(call PKGCFG,cflags)
export CXXFLAGS = $(call PKGCFG,cxxflags)
export CXXFLAGS = $(call PKGCFG,cxxflags) -Wno-unused-result -Wunused-value -Wunused-variable -Wreturn-type -Wuninitialized -Wsign-compare
### The version number of VDR's plugin API:
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ APIVERSION = $(call PKGCFG,apiversion)
-include $(PLGCFG)
LIBS = -lmysqlclient_r -luuid
LIBS = $(shell mysql_config --libs_r) -luuid
### The name of the distribution archive:
@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ SOFILE = libvdr-$(PLUGIN).so
### Includes and Defines (add further entries here):
INCLUDES += $(shell mysql_config --include)
ifeq ($(IMAGELIB), imagemagick)
@ -129,4 +129,7 @@ dist: $(I18Npo) clean
@-rm -f $(PODIR)/*.mo $(PODIR)/*.pot
@-rm -f $(OBJS) $(DEPFILE) *.so *.tgz core* *~
@-rm -f $(OBJS) $(DEPFILE) *.so *.tgz core* *~ lib/*~
cppcheck --template="{file}:{line}:{severity}:{message}" --quiet --force *.c *.h lib/*.c lib/*.h

View File

@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
BASELIBS = -lrt -lz -lmysqlclient -lcurl -luuid
BASELIBS += $(shell mysql_config --libs)
CFLAGS += $(shell mysql_config --include)
g++ -ggdb -DPLGDIR='"."' test.c common.c config.c db.c tabledef.c -lrt -lz -lmysqlclient -o t
g++ -ggdb -DPLGDIR='"."' $(CFLAGS) test.c dbdict.c common.c config.c db.c tabledef.c $(BASELIBS) -o t
demo: demo.c
g++ -ggdb -DUSEUUID -DPLGDIR='"."' $(CFLAGS) demo.c common.c db.c tabledef.c config.c $(BASELIBS) -o demo
rm -f *.o *.a *~ core
rm -f *.o *.a *~ core demo

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef USEUUID
# include <uuid/uuid.h>
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
#include <syslog.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
# include <archive.h>
@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ void tell(int eloquence, const char* format, ...)
va_start(ap, format);
snprintf(t, sizeBuffer, "scraper2vdr: ");
snprintf(t, sizeBuffer, LOG_PREFIX);
vsnprintf(t+strlen(t), sizeBuffer-strlen(t), format, ap);
@ -62,10 +64,18 @@ void tell(int eloquence, const char* format, ...)
if (EPG2VDRConfig.logstdout)
char buf[50+TB];
time_t now;
strftime(buf, 50, "%y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now));
timeval tp;
gettimeofday(&tp, 0);
tm* tm = localtime(&tp.tv_sec);
sprintf(buf,"%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d,%3.3ld ",
tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec,
tp.tv_usec / 1000);
printf("%s %s\n", buf, t);
syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s", t);
@ -73,6 +83,36 @@ void tell(int eloquence, const char* format, ...)
// Save Realloc
char* srealloc(void* ptr, size_t size)
void* n = realloc(ptr, size);
if (!n)
ptr = 0;
return (char*)n;
// us now
double usNow()
struct timeval tp;
gettimeofday(&tp, 0);
return tp.tv_sec * 1000000.0 + tp.tv_usec;
// Host ID
@ -121,6 +161,38 @@ void toUpper(std::string& str)
// To Case (UTF-8 save)
const char* toCase(Case cs, char* str)
char* s = str;
int lenSrc = strlen(str);
int csSrc; // size of character
for (int ps = 0; ps < lenSrc; ps += csSrc)
csSrc = max(mblen(&s[ps], lenSrc-ps), 1);
if (csSrc == 1)
s[ps] = cs == cUpper ? toupper(s[ps]) : tolower(s[ps]);
else if (csSrc == 2 && s[ps] == (char)0xc3 && s[ps+1] >= (char)0xa0)
s[ps] = s[ps];
s[ps+1] = cs == cUpper ? toupper(s[ps+1]) : tolower(s[ps+1]);
for (int i = 0; i < csSrc; i++)
s[ps+i] = s[ps+i];
return str;
void removeChars(std::string& str, const char* ignore)
const char* s = str.c_str();
@ -329,6 +401,86 @@ const char* c2s(char c, char* buf)
return buf;
// Store To File
int storeToFile(const char* filename, const char* data, int size)
FILE* fout;
if ((fout = fopen(filename, "w+")))
fwrite(data, sizeof(char), size, fout);
tell(0, "Error, can't store '%s' to filesystem '%s'", filename, strerror(errno));
return fail;
return success;
// Load From File
int loadFromFile(const char* infile, MemoryStruct* data)
FILE* fin;
struct stat sb;
if (!fileExists(infile))
tell(0, "File '%s' not found'", infile);
return fail;
if (stat(infile, &sb) < 0)
tell(0, "Can't get info of '%s', error was '%s'", infile, strerror(errno));
return fail;
if ((fin = fopen(infile, "r")))
const char* sfx = suffixOf(infile);
data->size = sb.st_size;
data->modTime = sb.st_mtime;
data->memory = (char*)malloc(data->size);
fread(data->memory, sizeof(char), data->size, fin);
sprintf(data->tag, "%ld", data->size);
if (strcmp(sfx, "gz") == 0)
sprintf(data->contentEncoding, "gzip");
if (strcmp(sfx, "js") == 0)
sprintf(data->contentType, "application/javascript");
else if (strcmp(sfx, "png") == 0 || strcmp(sfx, "jpg") == 0 || strcmp(sfx, "gif") == 0)
sprintf(data->contentType, "image/%s", sfx);
else if (strcmp(sfx, "ico") == 0)
strcpy(data->contentType, "image/x-icon");
sprintf(data->contentType, "text/%s", sfx);
tell(0, "Error, can't open '%s' for reading, error was '%s'", infile, strerror(errno));
return fail;
return success;
@ -338,6 +490,33 @@ int isEmpty(const char* str)
return !str || !*str;
const char* notNull(const char* str)
if (!str)
return "<null>";
return str;
int isZero(const char* str)
const char* p = str;
while (p && *p)
if (*p != '0')
return no;
return yes;
char* sstrcpy(char* dest, const char* src, int max)
if (!dest || !src)
@ -356,11 +535,21 @@ int isLink(const char* path)
if (lstat(path, &sb) == 0)
return S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode);
tell(0, "Error: Detecting state for '%s' failed, error was '%m'", path);
tell(0, "Error: Detecting state for '%s' failed, error was '%s'", path, strerror(errno));
return false;
const char* suffixOf(const char* path)
const char* p;
if (path && (p = strrchr(path, '.')))
return p+1;
return "";
int fileSize(const char* path)
struct stat sb;
@ -368,9 +557,21 @@ int fileSize(const char* path)
if (lstat(path, &sb) == 0)
return sb.st_size;
tell(0, "Error: Detecting state for '%s' failed, error was '%m'", path);
tell(0, "Error: Detecting state for '%s' failed, error was '%s'", path, strerror(errno));
return false;
return 0;
time_t fileModTime(const char* path)
struct stat sb;
if (lstat(path, &sb) == 0)
return sb.st_mtime;
tell(0, "Error: Detecting state for '%s' failed, error was '%s'", path, strerror(errno));
return 0;
@ -390,7 +591,7 @@ int createLink(const char* link, const char* dest, int force)
if (symlink(dest, link) != 0)
tell(0, "Failed to create symlink '%s', error was '%m'", link);
tell(0, "Failed to create symlink '%s', error was '%s'", link, strerror(errno));
return fail;
@ -408,7 +609,7 @@ int removeFile(const char* filename)
if (unlink(filename) != 0)
tell(0, "Can't remove file '%s', '%m'", filename);
tell(0, "Can't remove file '%s', '%s'", filename, strerror(errno));
return 1;
@ -432,7 +633,7 @@ int chkDir(const char* path)
if (mkdir(path, ACCESSPERMS) == -1)
tell(0, "Can't create directory '%m'");
tell(0, "Can't create directory '%s'", strerror(errno));
return fail;
@ -541,6 +742,63 @@ int gunzip(MemoryStruct* zippedData, MemoryStruct* unzippedData)
return success;
// gzip
int _gzip(Bytef* dest, uLongf* destLen, const Bytef* source, uLong sourceLen)
z_stream stream;
int res;
stream.next_in = (Bytef *)source;
stream.avail_in = (uInt)sourceLen;
stream.next_out = dest;
stream.avail_out = (uInt)*destLen;
if ((uLong)stream.avail_out != *destLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
if ((res = deflateInit2(&stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, 15 + 16, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY)) != Z_OK)
return res;
res = deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
if (res != Z_STREAM_END)
return res == Z_OK ? Z_BUF_ERROR : res;
*destLen = stream.total_out;
res = deflateEnd(&stream);
return res;
int gzip(MemoryStruct* data, MemoryStruct* zippedData)
int res;
uLong sizeMax = compressBound(data->size) + 512;
zippedData->memory = (char*)malloc(sizeMax);
if ((res = _gzip((Bytef*)zippedData->memory, &sizeMax, (Bytef*)data->memory, data->size)) != Z_OK)
tellZipError(res, " during compression", "");
return fail;
zippedData->size = sizeMax;
sprintf(zippedData->contentEncoding, "gzip");
return success;
// tellZipError
@ -554,11 +812,11 @@ void tellZipError(int errorCode, const char* op, const char* msg)
case Z_OK: return;
case Z_STREAM_END: return;
case Z_MEM_ERROR: tell(0, "Error: Not enough memory to unzip file%s!\n", op); return;
case Z_BUF_ERROR: tell(0, "Error: Couldn't unzip data due to output buffer size problem%s!\n", op); return;
case Z_MEM_ERROR: tell(0, "Error: Not enough memory to zip/unzip file%s!\n", op); return;
case Z_BUF_ERROR: tell(0, "Error: Couldn't zip/unzip data due to output buffer size problem%s!\n", op); return;
case Z_DATA_ERROR: tell(0, "Error: Zipped input data corrupted%s! Details: %s\n", op, msg); return;
case Z_STREAM_ERROR: tell(0, "Error: Invalid stream structure%s. Details: %s\n", op, msg); return;
default: tell(0, "Error: Couldn't unzip data for unknown reason (%6d)%s!\n", errorCode, op); return;
default: tell(0, "Error: Couldn't zip/unzip data for unknown reason (%6d)%s!\n", errorCode, op); return;
@ -659,7 +917,7 @@ int unzip(const char* file, const char* filter, char*& buffer, int& size, char*
if (r != ARCHIVE_OK)
tell(0, "Error: Open '%s' failed - %m", file);
tell(0, "Error: Open '%s' failed - %s", file, strerror(errno));
return 1;
@ -720,13 +978,13 @@ LogDuration::LogDuration(const char* aMessage, int aLogLevel)
tell(logLevel, "duration '%s' was (%dms)",
tell(logLevel, "duration '%s' was (%ldms)",
message, cTimeMs::Now() - durationStart);
void LogDuration::show(const char* label)
tell(logLevel, "elapsed '%s' at '%s' was (%dms)",
tell(logLevel, "elapsed '%s' at '%s' was (%ldms)",
message, label, cTimeMs::Now() - durationStart);
@ -785,7 +1043,7 @@ int createMd5OfFile(const char* path, const char* name, md5* md5)
if (!(f = fopen(file, "r")))
tell(0, "Fatal: Can't access '%s'; %m", file);
tell(0, "Fatal: Can't access '%s'; %s", file, strerror(errno));
return fail;
@ -810,3 +1068,137 @@ int createMd5OfFile(const char* path, const char* name, md5* md5)
#endif // USEMD5
// Url Unescape
* The buffer pointed to by @dst must be at least strlen(@src) bytes.
* Decoding stops at the first character from @src that decodes to null.
* Path normalization will remove redundant slashes and slash+dot sequences,
* as well as removing path components when slash+dot+dot is found. It will
* keep the root slash (if one was present) and will stop normalization
* at the first questionmark found (so query parameters won't be normalized).
* @param dst destination buffer
* @param src source buffer
* @param normalize perform path normalization if nonzero
* @return number of valid characters in @dst
int urlUnescape(char* dst, const char* src, int normalize)
// CURL* curl;
// int resultSize;
// if (curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL) != 0)
// {
// tell(0, "Error, something went wrong with curl_global_init()");
// return fail;
// }
// curl = curl_easy_init();
// if (!curl)
// {
// tell(0, "Error, unable to get handle from curl_easy_init()");
// return fail;
// }
// dst = curl_easy_unescape(curl, src, strlen(src), &resultSize);
// tell(0, " [%.40s]", src);
// tell(0, "res size %d [%.40s]", resultSize, dst);
// return resultSize;
char* org_dst = dst;
int slash_dot_dot = 0;
char ch, a, b;
a = 0;
do {
ch = *src++;
if (ch == '%' && isxdigit(a = src[0]) && isxdigit(b = src[1]))
if (a < 'A')
a -= '0';
else if
(a < 'a') a -= 'A' - 10;
a -= 'a' - 10;
if (b < 'A')
b -= '0';
else if (b < 'a')
b -= 'A' - 10;
b -= 'a' - 10;
ch = 16 * a + b;
src += 2;
if (normalize)
switch (ch)
case '/': // compress consecutive slashes and remove slash-dot
if (slash_dot_dot < 3)
dst -= slash_dot_dot;
slash_dot_dot = 1;
// fall-through
case '?': // at start of query, stop normalizing
if (ch == '?')
normalize = 0;
// fall-through
case '\0': // remove trailing slash-dot-(dot)
if (slash_dot_dot > 1)
dst -= slash_dot_dot;
// remove parent directory if it was two dots
if (slash_dot_dot == 3)
while (dst > org_dst && *--dst != '/')
; // empty body
slash_dot_dot = (ch == '/') ? 1 : 0;
// keep the root slash if any
if (!slash_dot_dot && dst == org_dst && *dst == '/')
case '.':
if (slash_dot_dot == 1 || slash_dot_dot == 2)
// fall-through
slash_dot_dot = 0;
*dst++ = ch;
} while(ch);
return (dst - org_dst) - 1;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <stdint.h> // uint_64_t
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <openssl/md5.h> // MD5_*
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
// Misc
#ifndef VDR_PLUGIN
@ -56,49 +57,106 @@ enum Misc
tmeSecondsPerDay = 24 * tmeSecondsPerHour
enum Case
const char* toCase(Case cs, char* str);
// Tell
void tell(int eloquence, const char* format, ...);
void __attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3))) tell(int eloquence, const char* format, ...);
// MemoryStruct for curl callbacks
char* srealloc(void* ptr, size_t size);
// MemoryStruct
struct MemoryStruct
MemoryStruct() { memory = 0; clear(); }
~MemoryStruct() { clear(); }
// data
MemoryStruct() { expireAt = time(0); memory = 0; clear(); }
MemoryStruct(const MemoryStruct* o)
size = o->size;
memory = (char*)malloc(size);
memcpy(memory, o->memory, size);
char* memory;
size_t size;
void copyAttributes(const MemoryStruct* o)
strcpy(tag, o->tag);
strcpy(name, o->name);
strcpy(contentType, o->contentType);
strcpy(contentEncoding, o->contentEncoding);
strcpy(mimeType, o->mimeType);
headerOnly = o->headerOnly;
modTime = o->modTime;
expireAt = o->expireAt;
~MemoryStruct() { clear(); }
int append(const char* buf, int len)
memory = srealloc(memory, size+len);
memcpy(memory+size, buf, len);
size += len;
// tag attribute
return success;
char tag[100]; // the tag to be compared
char name[100]; // content name (filename)
int headerOnly;
int isEmpty() { return memory == 0; }
void clear()
memory = 0;
size = 0;
*tag = 0;
*name = 0;
headerOnly = no;
// data
char* memory;
size_t size;
// tag attribute
char tag[100]; // the tag to be compared
char name[100]; // content name (filename)
char contentType[100]; // e.g. text/html
char mimeType[100]; //
char contentEncoding[100]; //
int headerOnly;
time_t modTime;
time_t expireAt;
int isEmpty() { return memory == 0; }
void clear()
memory = 0;
size = 0;
*tag = 0;
*name = 0;
*contentType = 0;
*contentEncoding = 0;
*mimeType = 0;
modTime = time(0);
// !!!! expireAt = time(0);
headerOnly = no;
// Tools
double usNow();
unsigned int getHostId();
const char* getHostName();
const char* getFirstIp();
@ -120,14 +178,23 @@ std::string num2Str(int num);
std::string l2pTime(time_t t);
std::string ms2Dur(uint64_t t);
const char* c2s(char c, char* buf);
int urlUnescape(char* dst, const char* src, int normalize = yes);
int storeToFile(const char* filename, const char* data, int size);
int loadFromFile(const char* infile, MemoryStruct* data);
int fileExists(const char* path);
int fileSize(const char* path);
time_t fileModTime(const char* path);
int createLink(const char* link, const char* dest, int force);
int isLink(const char* path);
const char* suffixOf(const char* path);
int isEmpty(const char* str);
const char* notNull(const char* str);
int isZero(const char* str);
int removeFile(const char* filename);
int chkDir(const char* path);
int downloadFile(const char* url, int& size, MemoryStruct* data, int timeout = 30, const char* userAgent = "libcurl-agent/1.0");
xsltStylesheetPtr loadXSLT(const char* name, const char* path, int utf8);
@ -145,6 +212,7 @@ int chkDir(const char* path);
int gunzip(MemoryStruct* zippedData, MemoryStruct* unzippedData);
int gzip(MemoryStruct* data, MemoryStruct* zippedData);
void tellZipError(int errorCode, const char* op, const char* msg);

View File

@ -44,10 +44,13 @@ cEPG2VDRConfig::cEPG2VDRConfig(void)
scheduleBoot = no;
sstrcpy(cachePath, "/var/cache/epgd", sizeof(cachePath));
sstrcpy(httpPath, "/var/epgd/www", sizeof(httpPath));
sstrcpy(pluginPath, PLGDIR, sizeof(pluginPath));
sstrcpy(epgView, "eventsview.sql", sizeof(epgView));
sstrcpy(theTvDBView, "thetvdbview.sql", sizeof(epgView));
updateThreshold = 200;
maintanance = no;
httpPort = 9999;
sstrcpy(dbHost, "localhost", sizeof(dbHost));
@ -60,4 +63,7 @@ cEPG2VDRConfig::cEPG2VDRConfig(void)
loglevel = 1;
uuid[0] = 0;
scrapEpg = yes;
scrapRecordings = yes;

View File

@ -47,10 +47,13 @@ struct cEPG2VDRConfig
int scheduleBoot;
char cachePath[256+TB];
char httpPath[256+TB];
char pluginPath[256+TB];
char epgView[100+TB];
char theTvDBView[100+TB];
int updateThreshold;
int maintanance;
int httpPort;
char dbHost[100+TB];
@ -66,6 +69,10 @@ struct cEPG2VDRConfig
int mainmenuFullupdate;
int masterMode;
char uuid[sizeUuid+TB];
int scrapEpg;
int scrapRecordings;
extern cEPG2VDRConfig EPG2VDRConfig;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mysql/errmsg.h>
#include <errmsg.h>
#include "db.h"
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
// DB Statement
int cDbStatement::explain = no;
cDbStatement::cDbStatement(cDbTable* aTable)
table = aTable;
@ -30,6 +32,14 @@ cDbStatement::cDbStatement(cDbTable* aTable)
affected = 0;
metaResult = 0;
bindPrefix = 0;
firstExec = yes;
callsPeriod = 0;
callsTotal = 0;
duration = 0;
if (connection)
cDbStatement::cDbStatement(cDbConnection* aConnection, const char* stmt)
@ -45,6 +55,22 @@ cDbStatement::cDbStatement(cDbConnection* aConnection, const char* stmt)
affected = 0;
metaResult = 0;
bindPrefix = 0;
firstExec = yes;
callsPeriod = 0;
callsTotal = 0;
duration = 0;
if (connection)
if (connection)
@ -61,11 +87,43 @@ int cDbStatement::execute(int noResult)
if (!stmt)
return connection->errorSql(connection, "execute(missing statement)");
// if (explain && firstExec)
// {
// firstExec = no;
// if (strstr(stmtTxt.c_str(), "select "))
// {
// MYSQL_RES* result;
// MYSQL_ROW row;
// string q = "explain " + stmtTxt;
// if (connection->query(q.c_str()) != success)
// connection->errorSql(connection, "explain ", 0);
// else if ((result = mysql_store_result(connection->getMySql())))
// {
// while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
// {
// tell(0, "EXPLAIN: %s) %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
// row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3],
// row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9]);
// }
// mysql_free_result(result);
// }
// }
// }
// tell(0, "execute %d [%s]", stmt, stmtTxt.c_str());
long start = usNow();
if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
return connection->errorSql(connection, "execute(stmt_execute)", stmt, stmtTxt.c_str());
duration += usNow() - start;
// out binding - if needed
if (outCount && !noResult)
@ -270,7 +328,7 @@ int cDbStatement::appendBinding(cDbValue* value, BindType bt)
if (!bindings)
*bindings = (MYSQL_BIND*)malloc(count * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
*bindings = (MYSQL_BIND*)realloc(*bindings, count * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
*bindings = (MYSQL_BIND*)srealloc(*bindings, count * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
newBinding = &((*bindings)[count-1]);
@ -360,6 +418,22 @@ int cDbStatement::prepare()
return success;
// Show Statistic
void cDbStatement::showStat()
if (callsPeriod)
tell(0, "calls %4ld in %6.2fms; total %4ld [%s]",
callsPeriod, duration/1000, callsTotal, stmtTxt.c_str());
callsPeriod = 0;
duration = 0;
// cDbService
@ -382,6 +456,50 @@ const char* cDbService::toString(FieldFormat t)
return formats[t];
const char* cDbService::dictFormats[] =
cDbService::FieldFormat cDbService::toDictFormat(const char* format)
for (int i = 0; i < ffCount; i++)
if (strcasecmp(dictFormats[i], format) == 0)
return (FieldFormat)i;
return ffUnknown;
const char* cDbService::types[] =
cDbService::FieldType cDbService::toType(const char* type)
// #TODO !!!
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (strcasecmp(types[i], type) == 0)
return (FieldType)i;
return ftUnknown;
// Class cDbTable

View File

@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
#include "common.h"
class cDbTable;
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ class cDbService
enum FieldFormat
ffUnknown = na,
ffAscii, // -> VARCHAR
@ -52,6 +54,8 @@ class cDbService
enum FieldType
ftUnknown = na,
ftData = 1,
ftPrimary = 2,
ftMeta = 4,
@ -90,7 +94,12 @@ class cDbService
static const char* toString(FieldFormat t);
static FieldFormat toDictFormat(const char* format);
static const char* formats[];
static const char* dictFormats[];
static FieldType toType(const char* type);
static const char* types[];
typedef cDbService cDBS;
@ -374,8 +383,7 @@ class cDbStatement : public cDbService
cDbStatement(cDbTable* aTable);
cDbStatement(cDbConnection* aConnection, const char* stmt = "");
virtual ~cDbStatement() { clear(); }
virtual ~cDbStatement();
int execute(int noResult = no);
int find();
@ -404,6 +412,12 @@ class cDbStatement : public cDbService
int getResultCount();
const char* asText() { return stmtTxt.c_str(); }
void showStat();
// data
static int explain; // debug explain
void clear();
@ -415,11 +429,49 @@ class cDbStatement : public cDbService
cDbConnection* connection;
cDbTable* table;
int inCount;
MYSQL_BIND* inBind; // to db
MYSQL_BIND* inBind; // to db
int outCount;
MYSQL_BIND* outBind; // from db (result)
MYSQL_BIND* outBind; // from db (result)
MYSQL_RES* metaResult;
const char* bindPrefix;
int firstExec; // debug explain
unsigned long callsPeriod;
unsigned long callsTotal;
double duration;
// cDbStatements
class cDbStatements
cDbStatements() { statisticPeriod = time(0); }
~cDbStatements() {};
void append(cDbStatement* s) { statements.push_back(s); }
void remove(cDbStatement* s) { statements.remove(s); }
void showStat()
tell(0, "Statement statistic of last %ld seconds:", statisticPeriod);
for (std::list<cDbStatement*>::iterator it = statements.begin() ; it != statements.end(); ++it)
if (*it)
statisticPeriod = time(0);
time_t statisticPeriod;
std::list<cDbStatement*> statements;
@ -628,7 +680,7 @@ class cDbConnection
nread += res;
size += 1000;
buffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, size+1);
buffer = srealloc(buffer, size+1);
@ -704,6 +756,8 @@ class cDbConnection
int errorSql(cDbConnection* mysql, const char* prefix, MYSQL_STMT* stmt = 0, const char* stmtTxt = 0);
void showStat() { statements.showStat(); }
static int init()
if (mysql_library_init(0, 0, 0))
@ -729,6 +783,8 @@ class cDbConnection
MYSQL* mysql;
cDbStatements statements; // all statements of this connection
int initialized;

View File

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ const char* cEpgdState::states[] =
"busy (events)",
"busy (match)",
"busy (images)",
"busy (scraping)",
"busy (images)",

View File

@ -26,14 +26,17 @@ class cEpgdState
// handler pause on this states!
esBusyEvents = esBusy,
// handler don't pause on this states!
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ class cUpdateState
static const char* getDeletable() { return "'A','L','P','R','I'"; }
static const char* getNeeded() { return "'A','L','P','C','D','R'"; }
static const char* getVisible() { return "'A','L','P'"; }
// checks fpr c++ code

View File

@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
#define __STL_CONFIG_H
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "moviedbmovie.h"
using namespace std;
cMovieDbMovie::cMovieDbMovie(void) {
title = "";
originalTitle = "";
tagline = "";
overview = "";
adult = false;
collectionID = 0;
collectionName = "";
budget = 0;
revenue = 0;
genres = "";
homepage = "";
imdbid = "";
releaseDate = "";
runtime = 0;
popularity = 0.0;
voteAverage = 0.0;
cMovieDbMovie::~cMovieDbMovie() {
for (map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cMovieActor *a = (cMovieActor*)it->second;
delete a;
for (map<int, cMovieMedia*>::iterator it = medias.begin(); it != medias.end(); it++) {
cMovieMedia *m = (cMovieMedia*)it->second;
delete m;
void cMovieDbMovie::InsertMedia(cMovieMedia *media) {
medias.insert(pair<int, cMovieMedia*>(media->mediaType, media));
void cMovieDbMovie::InsertActor(cMovieActor *actor) {
cMovieMedia *m = new cMovieMedia();
actor->actorThumb = m;
actors.insert(pair<int, cMovieActor*>(actor->id, actor));
vector<int> cMovieDbMovie::GetActorIDs(void) {
vector<int> IDs;
for (map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cMovieActor *a = it->second;
return IDs;
void cMovieDbMovie::SetActorThumbSize(int actorId, int imgWidth, int imgHeight) {
map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator hit = actors.find(actorId);
if (hit != actors.end()) {
cMovieActor *a = hit->second;
if (!a->actorThumb)
cMovieMedia *thumb = a->actorThumb;
thumb->width = imgWidth;
thumb->height = imgHeight;
thumb->mediaType = mmActorThumb;
void cMovieDbMovie::SetActorPath(int actorId, string path) {
map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator hit = actors.find(actorId);
if (hit != actors.end()) {
cMovieActor *a = hit->second;
if (!a->actorThumb)
a->actorThumb->path = path;
bool cMovieDbMovie::GetMedia(mediaMovies mediatype, cTvMedia *p) {
map<int, cMovieMedia*>::iterator hit = medias.find(mediatype);
if (hit == medias.end())
return false;
cMovieMedia *pStored = hit->second;
p->path = pStored->path;
p->width = pStored->width;
p->height = pStored->height;
return true;
void cMovieDbMovie::GetActors(vector<cActor> *a) {
for (map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cMovieActor *aStored = it->second;
cActor act; = aStored->name;
act.role = aStored->role;
if (aStored->actorThumb) {
act.actorThumb.width = aStored->actorThumb->width;
act.actorThumb.height = aStored->actorThumb->height;
act.actorThumb.path = aStored->actorThumb->path;
void cMovieDbMovie::Dump(void) {
tell(0, "--------------------------- Movie Info ----------------------------------");
tell(0, "title %s, ID: %d", title.c_str(), id);
tell(0, "Orig. Title: %s", originalTitle.c_str());
tell(0, "Tagline: %s", tagline.c_str());
tell(0, "Overview: %s", overview.c_str());
tell(0, "Collection: %s", collectionName.c_str());
tell(0, "Genre: %s", genres.c_str());
tell(0, "Popularity: %f", popularity);
tell(0, "--------------------------- Actors ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cMovieActor *a = it->second;
tell(0, "Actor %d, Name: %s, Role %s", a->id, a->name.c_str(), a->role.c_str());
if (a->actorThumb) {
tell(0, "thmbWidth %d, thmbHeight %d", a->actorThumb->width, a->actorThumb->height);
tell(0, "Path %s", a->actorThumb->path.c_str());
tell(0, "--------------------------- Media ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cMovieMedia*>::iterator it = medias.begin(); it != medias.end(); it++) {
cMovieMedia *m = it->second;
tell(0, "Media %d", m->mediaType);
tell(0, "width %d, height %d", m->width, m->height);
tell(0, "Path %s", m->path.c_str());
#define __STL_CONFIG_H
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "moviedbmovie.h"
using namespace std;
cMovieDbMovie::cMovieDbMovie(void) {
title = "";
originalTitle = "";
tagline = "";
overview = "";
adult = false;
collectionID = 0;
collectionName = "";
budget = 0;
revenue = 0;
genres = "";
homepage = "";
imdbid = "";
releaseDate = "";
runtime = 0;
popularity = 0.0;
voteAverage = 0.0;
cMovieDbMovie::~cMovieDbMovie() {
for (map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cMovieActor *a = (cMovieActor*)it->second;
delete a;
for (map<int, cMovieMedia*>::iterator it = medias.begin(); it != medias.end(); it++) {
cMovieMedia *m = (cMovieMedia*)it->second;
delete m;
void cMovieDbMovie::InsertMedia(cMovieMedia *media) {
medias.insert(pair<int, cMovieMedia*>(media->mediaType, media));
void cMovieDbMovie::InsertActor(cMovieActor *actor) {
cMovieMedia *m = new cMovieMedia();
actor->actorThumb = m;
actors.insert(pair<int, cMovieActor*>(actor->id, actor));
vector<int> cMovieDbMovie::GetActorIDs(void) {
vector<int> IDs;
for (map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cMovieActor *a = it->second;
return IDs;
void cMovieDbMovie::SetActorThumbSize(int actorId, int imgWidth, int imgHeight) {
map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator hit = actors.find(actorId);
if (hit != actors.end()) {
cMovieActor *a = hit->second;
if (!a->actorThumb)
cMovieMedia *thumb = a->actorThumb;
thumb->width = imgWidth;
thumb->height = imgHeight;
thumb->mediaType = mmActorThumb;
void cMovieDbMovie::SetActorPath(int actorId, string path) {
map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator hit = actors.find(actorId);
if (hit != actors.end()) {
cMovieActor *a = hit->second;
if (!a->actorThumb)
a->actorThumb->path = path;
bool cMovieDbMovie::GetMedia(mediaMovies mediatype, cTvMedia *p) {
map<int, cMovieMedia*>::iterator hit = medias.find(mediatype);
if (hit == medias.end())
return false;
cMovieMedia *pStored = hit->second;
p->path = pStored->path;
p->width = pStored->width;
p->height = pStored->height;
return true;
void cMovieDbMovie::GetActors(vector<cActor> *a) {
for (map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cMovieActor *aStored = it->second;
cActor act; = aStored->name;
act.role = aStored->role;
if (aStored->actorThumb) {
act.actorThumb.width = aStored->actorThumb->width;
act.actorThumb.height = aStored->actorThumb->height;
act.actorThumb.path = aStored->actorThumb->path;
void cMovieDbMovie::Dump(void) {
tell(0, "--------------------------- Movie Info ----------------------------------");
tell(0, "title %s, ID: %d", title.c_str(), id);
tell(0, "Orig. Title: %s", originalTitle.c_str());
tell(0, "Tagline: %s", tagline.c_str());
tell(0, "Overview: %s", overview.c_str());
tell(0, "Collection: %s", collectionName.c_str());
tell(0, "Genre: %s", genres.c_str());
tell(0, "Popularity: %f", popularity);
tell(0, "--------------------------- Actors ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cMovieActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cMovieActor *a = it->second;
tell(0, "Actor %d, Name: %s, Role %s", a->id, a->name.c_str(), a->role.c_str());
if (a->actorThumb) {
tell(0, "thmbWidth %d, thmbHeight %d", a->actorThumb->width, a->actorThumb->height);
tell(0, "Path %s", a->actorThumb->path.c_str());
tell(0, "--------------------------- Media ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cMovieMedia*>::iterator it = medias.begin(); it != medias.end(); it++) {
cMovieMedia *m = it->second;
tell(0, "Media %d", m->mediaType);
tell(0, "width %d, height %d", m->width, m->height);
tell(0, "Path %s", m->path.c_str());

View File

@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include "services.h"
using namespace std;
enum mediaMovies {
// --- cMovieMedia -------------------------------------------------------------
class cMovieMedia {
cMovieMedia(void) {
path = "";
mediaType = mmPoster;
width = 0;
height = 0;
~cMovieMedia(void) {
string path;
int mediaType;
int width;
int height;
// --- cMovieActor -------------------------------------------------------------
class cMovieActor {
cMovieActor(void) {
id = 0;
name = "";
role = "";
actorThumb = NULL;
~cMovieActor(void) {
if (actorThumb)
delete actorThumb;
int id;
string name;
string role;
cMovieMedia *actorThumb;
// --- cMovieDbMovie -------------------------------------------------------------
class cMovieDbMovie {
map<int, cMovieActor*> actors;
map<int, cMovieMedia*> medias;
virtual ~cMovieDbMovie(void);
int id;
string title;
string originalTitle;
string tagline;
string overview;
bool adult;
int collectionID;
string collectionName;
int budget;
int revenue;
string genres;
string homepage;
string imdbid;
string releaseDate;
int runtime;
float popularity;
float voteAverage;
void InsertActor(cMovieActor *actor);
void InsertMedia(cMovieMedia *media);
vector<int> GetActorIDs(void);
void SetActorThumbSize(int actorId, int imgWidth, int imgHeight);
void SetActorPath(int actorId, string path);
//Getter for Serivice Calls
bool GetMedia(mediaMovies mediatype, cTvMedia *p);
void GetActors(vector<cActor> *a);
void Dump();
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include "services.h"
using namespace std;
enum mediaMovies {
// --- cMovieMedia -------------------------------------------------------------
class cMovieMedia {
cMovieMedia(void) {
path = "";
mediaType = mmPoster;
width = 0;
height = 0;
~cMovieMedia(void) {
string path;
int mediaType;
int width;
int height;
// --- cMovieActor -------------------------------------------------------------
class cMovieActor {
cMovieActor(void) {
id = 0;
name = "";
role = "";
actorThumb = NULL;
~cMovieActor(void) {
if (actorThumb)
delete actorThumb;
int id;
string name;
string role;
cMovieMedia *actorThumb;
// --- cMovieDbMovie -------------------------------------------------------------
class cMovieDbMovie {
map<int, cMovieActor*> actors;
map<int, cMovieMedia*> medias;
virtual ~cMovieDbMovie(void);
int id;
string title;
string originalTitle;
string tagline;
string overview;
bool adult;
int collectionID;
string collectionName;
int budget;
int revenue;
string genres;
string homepage;
string imdbid;
string releaseDate;
int runtime;
float popularity;
float voteAverage;
void InsertActor(cMovieActor *actor);
void InsertMedia(cMovieMedia *media);
vector<int> GetActorIDs(void);
void SetActorThumbSize(int actorId, int imgWidth, int imgHeight);
void SetActorPath(int actorId, string path);
//Getter for Serivice Calls
bool GetMedia(mediaMovies mediatype, cTvMedia *p);
void GetActors(vector<cActor> *a);
void Dump();

View File

@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
#ifndef __SCRAPER2VDR_H
#define __SCRAPER2VDR_H
#include <getopt.h>
#include <vdr/plugin.h>
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "setup.h"
#include "scrapmanager.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "services.h"
// Constants
static const char *VERSION = "0.1.1";
static const char *DESCRIPTION = "'scraper2vdr' plugin";
static const char *MAINMENUENTRY = "Scraper2Vdr";
// Globals
cScraper2VdrConfig config;
// cPluginScraper2vdr
class cPluginScraper2vdr : public cPlugin {
cScrapManager *scrapManager;
cUpdate *update;
virtual ~cPluginScraper2vdr();
virtual const char *Version(void) { return VERSION; }
virtual const char *Description(void) { return DESCRIPTION; }
virtual const char *CommandLineHelp(void);
virtual bool ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[]);
virtual bool Initialize(void);
virtual bool Start(void);
virtual void Stop(void);
virtual void Housekeeping(void);
virtual void MainThreadHook(void);
virtual cString Active(void);
virtual time_t WakeupTime(void);
virtual const char *MainMenuEntry(void) { return (config.mainMenuEntry)?MAINMENUENTRY:NULL; }
virtual cOsdObject *MainMenuAction(void);
virtual cMenuSetupPage *SetupMenu(void);
virtual bool SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value);
virtual bool Service(const char *Id, void *Data = NULL);
virtual const char **SVDRPHelpPages(void);
virtual cString SVDRPCommand(const char *Command, const char *Option, int &ReplyCode);
#endif // __SCRAPER2VDR_H
#ifndef __SCRAPER2VDR_H
#define __SCRAPER2VDR_H
#include <getopt.h>
#include <vdr/plugin.h>
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "setup.h"
#include "scrapmanager.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "services.h"
// Constants
static const char *VERSION = "0.1.2";
static const char *DESCRIPTION = "'scraper2vdr' plugin";
static const char *MAINMENUENTRY = "Scraper2Vdr";
// Globals
cScraper2VdrConfig config;
// cPluginScraper2vdr
class cPluginScraper2vdr : public cPlugin {
cScrapManager *scrapManager;
cUpdate *update;
virtual ~cPluginScraper2vdr();
virtual const char *Version(void) { return VERSION; }
virtual const char *Description(void) { return DESCRIPTION; }
virtual const char *CommandLineHelp(void);
virtual bool ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[]);
virtual bool Initialize(void);
virtual bool Start(void);
virtual void Stop(void);
virtual void Housekeeping(void);
virtual void MainThreadHook(void);
virtual cString Active(void);
virtual time_t WakeupTime(void);
virtual const char *MainMenuEntry(void) { return (config.mainMenuEntry)?MAINMENUENTRY:NULL; }
virtual cOsdObject *MainMenuAction(void);
virtual cMenuSetupPage *SetupMenu(void);
virtual bool SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value);
virtual bool Service(const char *Id, void *Data = NULL);
virtual const char **SVDRPHelpPages(void);
virtual cString SVDRPCommand(const char *Command, const char *Option, int &ReplyCode);
#endif // __SCRAPER2VDR_H

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "lib/db.h"
#include "lib/tabledef.h"
#include "services.h"
#include "tvdbseries.h"
#include "moviedbmovie.h"
using namespace std;
struct sEventsKey {
int eventId;
string channelId;
struct sEventsValue {
int seriesId;
int episodeId;
int movieId;
bool isNew;
struct sRecordingsKey {
int recStart;
string recPath;
class cScrapManager {
map<sEventsKey, sEventsValue> events;
map<sEventsKey, sEventsValue>::iterator eventsIterator;
map<sRecordingsKey, sEventsValue> recordings;
map<sRecordingsKey, sEventsValue>::iterator recIterator;
map<int, cTVDBSeries*> series;
map<int, cMovieDbMovie*> movies;
virtual ~cScrapManager(void);
//Series and Movies Handling
void AddEvent(int eventId, string channelId, int seriesId, int episodeId, int movieId);
void InitIterator(bool isRec);
int GetNumSeries(void) { return series.size(); };
int GetNumMovies(void) { return movies.size(); };
sEventsValue GetEventInformation(int eventId, string channelId);
bool GetNextSeries(bool isRec, int &seriesId, int &episodeId);
bool GetNextMovie(bool isRec, int &movieId);
cTVDBSeries *GetSeries(int seriesId);
cMovieDbMovie *GetMovie(int movieId);
cTVDBSeries *AddSeries(cTableSeries* tSeries);
cMovieDbMovie *AddMovie(cTableMovies* tMovies);
void AddSeriesEpisode(cTVDBSeries *series, cTableSeriesEpisode* tEpisodes);
void AddSeriesActor(cTVDBSeries *series, cTableSeriesActor* tActors);
void AddMovieActor(cMovieDbMovie *movie, cTableMovieActor* tActor, string role);
void AddMovieMedia(cMovieDbMovie *movie, cTableMovieMedia* tMovieMedia, string path);
//Recording Handling
bool AddRecording(int recStart, string recPath, int seriesId, int episodeId, int movieId);
bool RecordingExists(int recStart, string recPath);
bool SeriesInUse(int seriesId);
bool MovieInUse(int movieId);
void DumpSeries(void);
void DumpMovies(void);
void DumpRecordings(void);
//Service Calls
bool GetEventType(ScraperGetEventType *call);
bool GetSeries(cSeries *series);
bool GetMovie(cMovie *movie);
bool GetPosterBanner(ScraperGetPosterBanner *call);
bool GetPoster(ScraperGetPoster *call);
bool GetPosterThumb(ScraperGetPosterThumb *call);
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "lib/db.h"
#include "lib/tabledef.h"
#include "services.h"
#include "tvdbseries.h"
#include "moviedbmovie.h"
using namespace std;
struct sEventsKey {
int eventId;
string channelId;
struct sEventsValue {
int seriesId;
int episodeId;
int movieId;
bool isNew;
struct sRecordingsKey {
int recStart;
string recPath;
class cScrapManager {
map<sEventsKey, sEventsValue> events;
map<sEventsKey, sEventsValue>::iterator eventsIterator;
map<sRecordingsKey, sEventsValue> recordings;
map<sRecordingsKey, sEventsValue>::iterator recIterator;
map<int, cTVDBSeries*> series;
map<int, cMovieDbMovie*> movies;
virtual ~cScrapManager(void);
//Series and Movies Handling
void AddEvent(int eventId, string channelId, int seriesId, int episodeId, int movieId);
void InitIterator(bool isRec);
int GetNumSeries(void) { return series.size(); };
int GetNumMovies(void) { return movies.size(); };
sEventsValue GetEventInformation(int eventId, string channelId);
bool GetNextSeries(bool isRec, int &seriesId, int &episodeId);
bool GetNextMovie(bool isRec, int &movieId);
cTVDBSeries *GetSeries(int seriesId);
cMovieDbMovie *GetMovie(int movieId);
cTVDBSeries *AddSeries(cTableSeries* tSeries);
cMovieDbMovie *AddMovie(cTableMovies* tMovies);
void AddSeriesEpisode(cTVDBSeries *series, cTableSeriesEpisode* tEpisodes);
void AddSeriesActor(cTVDBSeries *series, cTableSeriesActor* tActors);
void AddMovieActor(cMovieDbMovie *movie, cTableMovieActor* tActor, string role);
void AddMovieMedia(cMovieDbMovie *movie, cTableMovieMedia* tMovieMedia, string path);
//Recording Handling
bool AddRecording(int recStart, string recPath, int seriesId, int episodeId, int movieId);
bool RecordingExists(int recStart, string recPath);
bool SeriesInUse(int seriesId);
bool MovieInUse(int movieId);
void DumpSeries(void);
void DumpMovies(void);
void DumpRecordings(void);
//Service Calls
bool GetEventType(ScraperGetEventType *call);
bool GetSeries(cSeries *series);
bool GetMovie(cMovie *movie);
bool GetPosterBanner(ScraperGetPosterBanner *call);
bool GetPoster(ScraperGetPoster *call);
bool GetPosterThumb(ScraperGetPosterThumb *call);

View File

@ -1,194 +1,194 @@
#include <vdr/epg.h>
#include <vdr/recording.h>
enum tvType {
* Helper Structures
class cTvMedia {
cTvMedia(void) {
path = "";
width = height = 0;
std::string path;
int width;
int height;
class cEpisode {
cEpisode(void) {
number = 0;
season = 0;
name = "";
firstAired = "";
guestStars = "";
overview = "";
rating = 0.0;
int number;
int season;
std::string name;
std::string firstAired;
std::string guestStars;
std::string overview;
float rating;
cTvMedia episodeImage;
class cActor {
cActor(void) {
name = "";
role = "";
std::string name;
std::string role;
cTvMedia actorThumb;
* Data Structures for Service Calls
// Data structure for service "GetEventType"
class ScraperGetEventType {
ScraperGetEventType(void) {
event = NULL;
recording = NULL;
type = tNone;
movieId = 0;
seriesId = 0;
episodeId = 0;
// in
const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
const cRecording *recording; // or for this recording
tvType type; //typeSeries or typeMovie
int movieId;
int seriesId;
int episodeId;
//Data structure for full series and episode information
class cMovie {
cMovie(void) {
title = "";
originalTitle = "";
tagline = "";
overview = "";
adult = false;
collectionName = "";
budget = 0;
revenue = 0;
genres = "";
homepage = "";
releaseDate = "";
runtime = 0;
popularity = 0.0;
voteAverage = 0.0;
int movieId; // movieId fetched from ScraperGetEventType
std::string title;
std::string originalTitle;
std::string tagline;
std::string overview;
bool adult;
std::string collectionName;
int budget;
int revenue;
std::string genres;
std::string homepage;
std::string releaseDate;
int runtime;
float popularity;
float voteAverage;
cTvMedia poster;
cTvMedia fanart;
cTvMedia collectionPoster;
cTvMedia collectionFanart;
std::vector<cActor> actors;
//Data structure for full series and episode information
class cSeries {
cSeries(void) {
seriesId = 0;
episodeId = 0;
name = "";
overview = "";
firstAired = "";
network = "";
genre = "";
rating = 0.0;
status = "";
int seriesId; // seriesId fetched from ScraperGetEventType
int episodeId; // episodeId fetched from ScraperGetEventType
std::string name;
std::string overview;
std::string firstAired;
std::string network;
std::string genre;
float rating;
std::string status;
cEpisode episode;
std::vector<cActor> actors;
std::vector<cTvMedia> posters;
std::vector<cTvMedia> banners;
std::vector<cTvMedia> fanarts;
cTvMedia seasonPoster;
// Data structure for service "GetPosterBanner"
class ScraperGetPosterBanner {
ScraperGetPosterBanner(void) {
type = tNone;
// in
const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
tvType type; //typeSeries or typeMovie
cTvMedia poster;
cTvMedia banner;
// Data structure for service "GetPoster"
class ScraperGetPoster {
// in
const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
const cRecording *recording; // or for this recording
cTvMedia poster;
// Data structure for service "GetPosterThumb"
class ScraperGetPosterThumb {
// in
const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
const cRecording *recording; // or for this recording
cTvMedia poster;
#include <vdr/epg.h>
#include <vdr/recording.h>
enum tvType {
* Helper Structures
class cTvMedia {
cTvMedia(void) {
path = "";
width = height = 0;
std::string path;
int width;
int height;
class cEpisode {
cEpisode(void) {
number = 0;
season = 0;
name = "";
firstAired = "";
guestStars = "";
overview = "";
rating = 0.0;
int number;
int season;
std::string name;
std::string firstAired;
std::string guestStars;
std::string overview;
float rating;
cTvMedia episodeImage;
class cActor {
cActor(void) {
name = "";
role = "";
std::string name;
std::string role;
cTvMedia actorThumb;
* Data Structures for Service Calls
// Data structure for service "GetEventType"
class ScraperGetEventType {
ScraperGetEventType(void) {
event = NULL;
recording = NULL;
type = tNone;
movieId = 0;
seriesId = 0;
episodeId = 0;
// in
const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
const cRecording *recording; // or for this recording
tvType type; //typeSeries or typeMovie
int movieId;
int seriesId;
int episodeId;
//Data structure for full series and episode information
class cMovie {
cMovie(void) {
title = "";
originalTitle = "";
tagline = "";
overview = "";
adult = false;
collectionName = "";
budget = 0;
revenue = 0;
genres = "";
homepage = "";
releaseDate = "";
runtime = 0;
popularity = 0.0;
voteAverage = 0.0;
int movieId; // movieId fetched from ScraperGetEventType
std::string title;
std::string originalTitle;
std::string tagline;
std::string overview;
bool adult;
std::string collectionName;
int budget;
int revenue;
std::string genres;
std::string homepage;
std::string releaseDate;
int runtime;
float popularity;
float voteAverage;
cTvMedia poster;
cTvMedia fanart;
cTvMedia collectionPoster;
cTvMedia collectionFanart;
std::vector<cActor> actors;
//Data structure for full series and episode information
class cSeries {
cSeries(void) {
seriesId = 0;
episodeId = 0;
name = "";
overview = "";
firstAired = "";
network = "";
genre = "";
rating = 0.0;
status = "";
int seriesId; // seriesId fetched from ScraperGetEventType
int episodeId; // episodeId fetched from ScraperGetEventType
std::string name;
std::string overview;
std::string firstAired;
std::string network;
std::string genre;
float rating;
std::string status;
cEpisode episode;
std::vector<cActor> actors;
std::vector<cTvMedia> posters;
std::vector<cTvMedia> banners;
std::vector<cTvMedia> fanarts;
cTvMedia seasonPoster;
// Data structure for service "GetPosterBanner"
class ScraperGetPosterBanner {
ScraperGetPosterBanner(void) {
type = tNone;
// in
const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
tvType type; //typeSeries or typeMovie
cTvMedia poster;
cTvMedia banner;
// Data structure for service "GetPoster"
class ScraperGetPoster {
// in
const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
const cRecording *recording; // or for this recording
cTvMedia poster;
// Data structure for service "GetPosterThumb"
class ScraperGetPosterThumb {
// in
const cEvent *event; // check type for this event
const cRecording *recording; // or for this recording
cTvMedia poster;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
#include "lib/config.h"
#include "setup.h"
extern cScraper2VdrConfig config;
@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ void cScraper2VdrSetup::Setup(void) {
eOSState cScraper2VdrSetup::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) {
bool hadSubMenu = HasSubMenu();
// bool hadSubMenu = HasSubMenu();
eOSState state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(Key);
if (Key == kOk) {
tmpConfig.mysqlHost = host;
@ -77,4 +80,6 @@ void cScraper2VdrSetup::Store(void) {
SetupStore("mysqlDBUser", tmpConfig.mysqlDBUser.c_str());
SetupStore("mysqlDBPass", tmpConfig.mysqlDBPass.c_str());
SetupStore("debug", tmpConfig.debug);
EPG2VDRConfig.loglevel = tmpConfig.debug ? 2 : 1;

View File

@ -1,179 +1,179 @@
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/vfs.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <cctype>
#include <locale>
#include <Magick++.h>
#include <vdr/plugin.h>
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "tools.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Magick;
bool CreateDirectory(string dir) {
mkdir(dir.c_str(), 0775);
//check if successfull
DIR *pDir;
bool exists = false;
pDir = opendir(dir.c_str());
if (pDir != NULL) {
exists = true;
return exists;
bool FileExists(string filename, bool isImage) {
ifstream ifile(filename.c_str());
if (ifile) {
//a valid image should be larger then 500 bytes
ifile.seekg (0, ifile.end);
int length = ifile.tellg();
int minimumLength = isImage ? 500 : 1;
if (length > minimumLength)
return true;
return false;
bool CheckDirExists(const char* dirName) {
struct statfs statfsbuf;
if (statfs(dirName,&statfsbuf)==-1) return false;
if ((statfsbuf.f_type!=0x01021994) && (statfsbuf.f_type!=0x28cd3d45)) return false;
if (access(dirName,R_OK|W_OK)==-1) return false;
return true;
void DeleteFile(string filename) {
void DeleteDirectory(string dirname) {
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *entry;
if ((dir = opendir (dirname.c_str())) != NULL) {
while ((entry = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
string file = entry->d_name;
if (!"."))
if (!".."))
string delFile = dirname + "/" + file;
closedir (dir);
string TwoFoldersHigher(string folder) {
unsigned found = folder.find_last_of("/");
if (found != string::npos) {
string firstDirRemoved = folder.substr(0,found);
unsigned found2 = firstDirRemoved.find_last_of("/");
if (found2 != string::npos) {
return firstDirRemoved.substr(0,found2);
return "";
// trim from start
string &ltrim(string &s) {
s.erase(s.begin(), find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))));
return s;
// trim from end
string &rtrim(string &s) {
s.erase(find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))).base(), s.end());
return s;
// trim from both ends
string &trim(string &s) {
return ltrim(rtrim(s));
void toLower(string &s) {
transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower);
bool isNumber(const string& s) {
string::const_iterator it = s.begin();
while (it != s.end() && isdigit(*it)) ++it;
return !s.empty() && it == s.end();
string replaceString(string content, string search, string repl) {
size_t pos = 0;
while((pos = content.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
if (pos > 3 && pos < content.size() - 2) {
content.replace(pos, search.length(), repl);
} else {
content.replace(pos, search.length(), "");
pos += repl.length();
return content;
string getRecPath(const cRecording *rec) {
if (!rec)
return "";
string recPath = rec->FileName();
if (recPath.size() > 200)
recPath = recPath.substr(0, 199);
return recPath;
// split: receives a char delimiter; returns a vector of strings
// By default ignores repeated delimiters, unless argument rep == 1.
vector<string>& splitstring::split(char delim, int rep) {
if (!flds.empty()) flds.clear(); // empty vector if necessary
string work = data();
string buf = "";
int i = 0;
while (i < work.length()) {
if (work[i] != delim)
buf += work[i];
else if (rep == 1) {
buf = "";
} else if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf = "";
if (!buf.empty())
return flds;
void CreateThumbnail(string sourcePath, string destPath, int origWidth, int origHeight, int shrinkFactor) {
if (sourcePath.size() < 5 || destPath.size() < 5 || shrinkFactor < 2)
int thumbWidth = origWidth / shrinkFactor;
int thumbHeight = origHeight / shrinkFactor;
Image buffer;
try {;
buffer.sample(Geometry(thumbWidth, thumbHeight));
} catch( ... ) {}
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/vfs.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <cctype>
#include <locale>
#include <Magick++.h>
#include <vdr/plugin.h>
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "tools.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Magick;
bool CreateDirectory(string dir) {
mkdir(dir.c_str(), 0775);
//check if successfull
DIR *pDir;
bool exists = false;
pDir = opendir(dir.c_str());
if (pDir != NULL) {
exists = true;
return exists;
bool FileExists(string filename, bool isImage) {
ifstream ifile(filename.c_str());
if (ifile) {
//a valid image should be larger then 500 bytes
ifile.seekg (0, ifile.end);
int length = ifile.tellg();
int minimumLength = isImage ? 500 : 1;
if (length > minimumLength)
return true;
return false;
bool CheckDirExists(const char* dirName) {
struct statfs statfsbuf;
if (statfs(dirName,&statfsbuf)==-1) return false;
if ((statfsbuf.f_type!=0x01021994) && (statfsbuf.f_type!=0x28cd3d45)) return false;
if (access(dirName,R_OK|W_OK)==-1) return false;
return true;
void DeleteFile(string filename) {
void DeleteDirectory(string dirname) {
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *entry;
if ((dir = opendir (dirname.c_str())) != NULL) {
while ((entry = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
string file = entry->d_name;
if (!"."))
if (!".."))
string delFile = dirname + "/" + file;
closedir (dir);
string TwoFoldersHigher(string folder) {
unsigned found = folder.find_last_of("/");
if (found != string::npos) {
string firstDirRemoved = folder.substr(0,found);
unsigned found2 = firstDirRemoved.find_last_of("/");
if (found2 != string::npos) {
return firstDirRemoved.substr(0,found2);
return "";
// trim from start
string &ltrim(string &s) {
s.erase(s.begin(), find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))));
return s;
// trim from end
string &rtrim(string &s) {
s.erase(find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))).base(), s.end());
return s;
// trim from both ends
string &trim(string &s) {
return ltrim(rtrim(s));
void toLower(string &s) {
transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower);
bool isNumber(const string& s) {
string::const_iterator it = s.begin();
while (it != s.end() && isdigit(*it)) ++it;
return !s.empty() && it == s.end();
string replaceString(string content, string search, string repl) {
size_t pos = 0;
while((pos = content.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
if (pos > 3 && pos < content.size() - 2) {
content.replace(pos, search.length(), repl);
} else {
content.replace(pos, search.length(), "");
pos += repl.length();
return content;
string getRecPath(const cRecording *rec) {
if (!rec)
return "";
string recPath = rec->FileName();
if (recPath.size() > 200)
recPath = recPath.substr(0, 199);
return recPath;
// split: receives a char delimiter; returns a vector of strings
// By default ignores repeated delimiters, unless argument rep == 1.
vector<string>& splitstring::split(char delim, int rep) {
if (!flds.empty()) flds.clear(); // empty vector if necessary
string work = data();
string buf = "";
unsigned int i = 0;
while (i < work.length()) {
if (work[i] != delim)
buf += work[i];
else if (rep == 1) {
buf = "";
} else if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf = "";
if (!buf.empty())
return flds;
void CreateThumbnail(string sourcePath, string destPath, int origWidth, int origHeight, int shrinkFactor) {
if (sourcePath.size() < 5 || destPath.size() < 5 || shrinkFactor < 2)
int thumbWidth = origWidth / shrinkFactor;
int thumbHeight = origHeight / shrinkFactor;
Image buffer;
try {;
buffer.sample(Geometry(thumbWidth, thumbHeight));
} catch( ... ) {}

View File

@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Filesystem Functions
bool CreateDirectory(string dir);
bool FileExists(string filename, bool isImage = true);
bool CheckDirExists(const char* dirName);
void DeleteFile(string filename);
void DeleteDirectory(string dirname);
string TwoFoldersHigher(string folder);
//String Functions
string &ltrim(string &s);
string &rtrim(string &s);
string &trim(string &s);
void toLower(string &s);
bool isNumber(const string& s);
string replaceString(string content, string search, string repl);
string getRecPath(const cRecording *rec);
class splitstring : public string {
vector<string> flds;
splitstring(const char *s) : string(s) { };
vector<string>& split(char delim, int rep=0);
//Image Functions
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Filesystem Functions
bool CreateDirectory(string dir);
bool FileExists(string filename, bool isImage = true);
bool CheckDirExists(const char* dirName);
void DeleteFile(string filename);
void DeleteDirectory(string dirname);
string TwoFoldersHigher(string folder);
//String Functions
string &ltrim(string &s);
string &rtrim(string &s);
string &trim(string &s);
void toLower(string &s);
bool isNumber(const string& s);
string replaceString(string content, string search, string repl);
string getRecPath(const cRecording *rec);
class splitstring : public string {
vector<string> flds;
splitstring(const char *s) : string(s) { };
vector<string>& split(char delim, int rep=0);
//Image Functions
void CreateThumbnail(string sourcePath, string destPath, int origWidth, int origHeight, int shrinkFactor);

View File

@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
#define __STL_CONFIG_H
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "tvdbseries.h"
using namespace std;
cTVDBSeries::cTVDBSeries(void) {
id = 0;
name = "";
overview = "";
firstAired = "";
network = "";
genre = "";
rating = 0.0;
status = "";
posterThumb = NULL;
cTVDBSeries::~cTVDBSeries() {
for (map<int, cTVDBActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cTVDBActor *a = (cTVDBActor*)it->second;
delete a;
for (map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator it = episodes.begin(); it != episodes.end(); it++) {
cTVDBEpisode *e = (cTVDBEpisode*)it->second;
delete e;
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = posters.begin(); it != posters.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *p = *it;
delete p;
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = banners.begin(); it != banners.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *b = *it;
delete b;
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = fanart.begin(); it != fanart.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *f = *it;
delete f;
for (map<int, cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = seasonPosters.begin(); it != seasonPosters.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *s = (cTVDBMedia*)it->second;
delete s;
for (map<int, cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = seasonPosterThumbs.begin(); it != seasonPosterThumbs.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *s = (cTVDBMedia*)it->second;
delete s;
if (posterThumb)
delete posterThumb;
void cTVDBSeries::InsertEpisode(cTVDBEpisode *episode) {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator hit = episodes.find(episode->id);
if (hit != episodes.end())
delete episode;
episodes.insert(pair<int, cTVDBEpisode*>(episode->id, episode));
void cTVDBSeries::InsertEpisodeImage(int episodeId, int width, int height, string path) {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator hit = episodes.find(episodeId);
if (hit != episodes.end()) {
cTVDBEpisode *e = hit->second;
cTVDBMedia *m = new cTVDBMedia();
m->width = width;
m->height = height;
m->path = path;
m->mediaType = msEpisodePic;
e->episodeImage = m;
void cTVDBSeries::InsertActor(cTVDBActor *actor) {
actors.insert(pair<int, cTVDBActor*>(actor->id, actor));
void cTVDBSeries::InsertActorThumb(int actorId, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, string path) {
map<int, cTVDBActor*>::iterator hit = actors.find(actorId);
if (hit != actors.end()) {
cTVDBActor *a = hit->second;
cTVDBMedia *m = new cTVDBMedia();
m->width = imgWidth;
m->height = imgHeight;
m->path = path;
m->mediaType = msActorThumb;
a->actorThumb = m;
void cTVDBSeries::InsertMedia(int mediaType, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, string path, int season) {
cTVDBMedia *media = new cTVDBMedia();
media->width = imgWidth;
media->height = imgHeight;
media->path = path;
media->mediaType = mediaType;
switch (mediaType) {
case msPoster1:
case msPoster2:
case msPoster3:
case msFanart1:
case msFanart2:
case msFanart3:
case msBanner1:
case msBanner2:
case msBanner3:
case msSeasonPoster:
seasonPosters.insert(pair<int, cTVDBMedia*>(season, media));
case msPosterThumb:
posterThumb = media;
case msSeasonPosterThumb:
seasonPosterThumbs.insert(pair<int, cTVDBMedia*>(season, media));
void cTVDBSeries::GetEpisode(int episodeId, cEpisode *e) {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator hit = episodes.find(episodeId);
if (hit == episodes.end())
cTVDBEpisode *eStored = hit->second;
e->number = eStored->number;
e->season = eStored->season;
e->name = eStored->name;
e->firstAired = eStored->firstAired;
e->guestStars = eStored->guestStars;
e->overview = eStored->overview;
e->rating = eStored->rating;
if (eStored->episodeImage) {
e->episodeImage.path = eStored->episodeImage->path;
e->episodeImage.width = eStored->episodeImage->width;
e->episodeImage.height = eStored->episodeImage->height;
void cTVDBSeries::GetPosters(vector<cTvMedia> *p) {
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = posters.begin(); it != posters.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *mStored = *it;
cTvMedia m;
m.path = mStored->path;
m.width = mStored->width;
m.height = mStored->height;
bool cTVDBSeries::GetPoster(cTvMedia *p) {
if (posters.size() > 0) {
p->path = posters[0]->path;
p->width = posters[0]->width;
p->height = posters[0]->height;
return true;
return false;
bool cTVDBSeries::GetPosterThumb(cTvMedia *p) {
if (posterThumb) {
p->path = posterThumb->path;
p->width = posterThumb->width;
p->height = posterThumb->height;
return true;
return false;
void cTVDBSeries::GetBanners(vector<cTvMedia> *b) {
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = banners.begin(); it != banners.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *bStored = *it;
cTvMedia m;
m.path = bStored->path;
m.width = bStored->width;
m.height = bStored->height;
bool cTVDBSeries::GetRandomBanner(cTvMedia *b) {
int numBanners = banners.size();
if (numBanners == 0)
return false;
int banner = rand()%numBanners;
cTVDBMedia *bStored = banners[banner];
b->path = bStored->path;
b->width = bStored->width;
b->height = bStored->height;
return true;
void cTVDBSeries::GetFanart(vector<cTvMedia> *f) {
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = fanart.begin(); it != fanart.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *fStored = *it;
cTvMedia m;
m.path = fStored->path;
m.width = fStored->width;
m.height = fStored->height;
void cTVDBSeries::GetSeasonPoster(int episodeId, cTvMedia *sp) {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator hit = episodes.find(episodeId);
if (hit == episodes.end())
cTVDBEpisode *e = hit->second;
map<int, cTVDBMedia*>::iterator hit2 = seasonPosters.find(e->season);
if (hit2 == seasonPosters.end())
cTVDBMedia *spStored = hit2->second;
sp->width = spStored->width;
sp->height = spStored->height;
sp->path = spStored->path;
void cTVDBSeries::GetActors(vector<cActor> *a) {
for (map<int, cTVDBActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cTVDBActor *aStored = it->second;
cActor act; = aStored->name;
act.role = aStored->role;
if (aStored->actorThumb) {
act.actorThumb.width = aStored->actorThumb->width;
act.actorThumb.height = aStored->actorThumb->height;
act.actorThumb.path = aStored->actorThumb->path;
void cTVDBSeries::Dump(void) {
tell(0, "--------------------------- Series Info ----------------------------------");
tell(0, "series %s, ID: %d", name.c_str(), id);
tell(0, "Overview: %s", overview.c_str());
tell(0, "FirstAired: %s", firstAired.c_str());
tell(0, "Network: %s", network.c_str());
tell(0, "Status: %s", status.c_str());
tell(0, "Genre: %s", genre.c_str());
tell(0, "Rating: %f", rating);
tell(0, "--------------------------- Media ----------------------------------");
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = posters.begin(); it != posters.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *m = *it;
tell(0, "Poster %d, Path: %s", m->mediaType, m->path.c_str());
tell(0, "width %d, height %d", m->width, m->height);
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = banners.begin(); it != banners.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *m = *it;
tell(0, "Banner %d, Path: %s", m->mediaType, m->path.c_str());
tell(0, "width %d, height %d", m->width, m->height);
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = fanart.begin(); it != fanart.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *m = *it;
tell(0, "Fanart %d, Path: %s", m->mediaType, m->path.c_str());
tell(0, "width %d, height %d", m->width, m->height);
tell(0, "--------------------------- Episodes ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator it = episodes.begin(); it != episodes.end(); it++) {
cTVDBEpisode *e = it->second;
tell(0, "Episode %d, Name: %s", e->id, e->name.c_str());
if (e->episodeImage) {
tell(0, "Episode Image: %d x %d, Path: %s", e->episodeImage->width, e->episodeImage->height, e->episodeImage->path.c_str());
tell(0, "--------------------------- Season Posters ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = seasonPosters.begin(); it != seasonPosters.end(); it++) {
int season = it->first;
cTVDBMedia *m = it->second;
tell(0, "Season %d, %d x %d, Path: %s", season, m->width, m->height, m->path.c_str());
tell(0, "--------------------------- Actors ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cTVDBActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cTVDBActor *a = it->second;
tell(0, "Actor %d, Name: %s, Role %s", a->id, a->name.c_str(), a->role.c_str());
if (a->actorThumb) {
tell(0, "Thumb: %d x %d, Path: %s", a->actorThumb->width, a->actorThumb->height, a->actorThumb->path.c_str());
if (posterThumb) {
tell(0, "posterThumb path %s, width %d, height %d", posterThumb->path.c_str(), posterThumb->width, posterThumb->height);
#define __STL_CONFIG_H
#include "lib/common.h"
#include "tvdbseries.h"
using namespace std;
cTVDBSeries::cTVDBSeries(void) {
id = 0;
name = "";
overview = "";
firstAired = "";
network = "";
genre = "";
rating = 0.0;
status = "";
posterThumb = NULL;
cTVDBSeries::~cTVDBSeries() {
for (map<int, cTVDBActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cTVDBActor *a = (cTVDBActor*)it->second;
delete a;
for (map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator it = episodes.begin(); it != episodes.end(); it++) {
cTVDBEpisode *e = (cTVDBEpisode*)it->second;
delete e;
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = posters.begin(); it != posters.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *p = *it;
delete p;
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = banners.begin(); it != banners.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *b = *it;
delete b;
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = fanart.begin(); it != fanart.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *f = *it;
delete f;
for (map<int, cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = seasonPosters.begin(); it != seasonPosters.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *s = (cTVDBMedia*)it->second;
delete s;
for (map<int, cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = seasonPosterThumbs.begin(); it != seasonPosterThumbs.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *s = (cTVDBMedia*)it->second;
delete s;
if (posterThumb)
delete posterThumb;
void cTVDBSeries::InsertEpisode(cTVDBEpisode *episode) {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator hit = episodes.find(episode->id);
if (hit != episodes.end())
delete episode;
episodes.insert(pair<int, cTVDBEpisode*>(episode->id, episode));
void cTVDBSeries::InsertEpisodeImage(int episodeId, int width, int height, string path) {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator hit = episodes.find(episodeId);
if (hit != episodes.end()) {
cTVDBEpisode *e = hit->second;
cTVDBMedia *m = new cTVDBMedia();
m->width = width;
m->height = height;
m->path = path;
m->mediaType = msEpisodePic;
e->episodeImage = m;
void cTVDBSeries::InsertActor(cTVDBActor *actor) {
actors.insert(pair<int, cTVDBActor*>(actor->id, actor));
void cTVDBSeries::InsertActorThumb(int actorId, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, string path) {
map<int, cTVDBActor*>::iterator hit = actors.find(actorId);
if (hit != actors.end()) {
cTVDBActor *a = hit->second;
cTVDBMedia *m = new cTVDBMedia();
m->width = imgWidth;
m->height = imgHeight;
m->path = path;
m->mediaType = msActorThumb;
a->actorThumb = m;
void cTVDBSeries::InsertMedia(int mediaType, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, string path, int season) {
cTVDBMedia *media = new cTVDBMedia();
media->width = imgWidth;
media->height = imgHeight;
media->path = path;
media->mediaType = mediaType;
switch (mediaType) {
case msPoster1:
case msPoster2:
case msPoster3:
case msFanart1:
case msFanart2:
case msFanart3:
case msBanner1:
case msBanner2:
case msBanner3:
case msSeasonPoster:
seasonPosters.insert(pair<int, cTVDBMedia*>(season, media));
case msPosterThumb:
posterThumb = media;
case msSeasonPosterThumb:
seasonPosterThumbs.insert(pair<int, cTVDBMedia*>(season, media));
void cTVDBSeries::GetEpisode(int episodeId, cEpisode *e) {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator hit = episodes.find(episodeId);
if (hit == episodes.end())
cTVDBEpisode *eStored = hit->second;
e->number = eStored->number;
e->season = eStored->season;
e->name = eStored->name;
e->firstAired = eStored->firstAired;
e->guestStars = eStored->guestStars;
e->overview = eStored->overview;
e->rating = eStored->rating;
if (eStored->episodeImage) {
e->episodeImage.path = eStored->episodeImage->path;
e->episodeImage.width = eStored->episodeImage->width;
e->episodeImage.height = eStored->episodeImage->height;
void cTVDBSeries::GetPosters(vector<cTvMedia> *p) {
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = posters.begin(); it != posters.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *mStored = *it;
cTvMedia m;
m.path = mStored->path;
m.width = mStored->width;
m.height = mStored->height;
bool cTVDBSeries::GetPoster(cTvMedia *p) {
if (posters.size() > 0) {
p->path = posters[0]->path;
p->width = posters[0]->width;
p->height = posters[0]->height;
return true;
return false;
bool cTVDBSeries::GetPosterThumb(cTvMedia *p) {
if (posterThumb) {
p->path = posterThumb->path;
p->width = posterThumb->width;
p->height = posterThumb->height;
return true;
return false;
void cTVDBSeries::GetBanners(vector<cTvMedia> *b) {
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = banners.begin(); it != banners.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *bStored = *it;
cTvMedia m;
m.path = bStored->path;
m.width = bStored->width;
m.height = bStored->height;
bool cTVDBSeries::GetRandomBanner(cTvMedia *b) {
int numBanners = banners.size();
if (numBanners == 0)
return false;
int banner = rand()%numBanners;
cTVDBMedia *bStored = banners[banner];
b->path = bStored->path;
b->width = bStored->width;
b->height = bStored->height;
return true;
void cTVDBSeries::GetFanart(vector<cTvMedia> *f) {
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = fanart.begin(); it != fanart.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *fStored = *it;
cTvMedia m;
m.path = fStored->path;
m.width = fStored->width;
m.height = fStored->height;
void cTVDBSeries::GetSeasonPoster(int episodeId, cTvMedia *sp) {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator hit = episodes.find(episodeId);
if (hit == episodes.end())
cTVDBEpisode *e = hit->second;
map<int, cTVDBMedia*>::iterator hit2 = seasonPosters.find(e->season);
if (hit2 == seasonPosters.end())
cTVDBMedia *spStored = hit2->second;
sp->width = spStored->width;
sp->height = spStored->height;
sp->path = spStored->path;
void cTVDBSeries::GetActors(vector<cActor> *a) {
for (map<int, cTVDBActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cTVDBActor *aStored = it->second;
cActor act; = aStored->name;
act.role = aStored->role;
if (aStored->actorThumb) {
act.actorThumb.width = aStored->actorThumb->width;
act.actorThumb.height = aStored->actorThumb->height;
act.actorThumb.path = aStored->actorThumb->path;
void cTVDBSeries::Dump(void) {
tell(0, "--------------------------- Series Info ----------------------------------");
tell(0, "series %s, ID: %d", name.c_str(), id);
tell(0, "Overview: %s", overview.c_str());
tell(0, "FirstAired: %s", firstAired.c_str());
tell(0, "Network: %s", network.c_str());
tell(0, "Status: %s", status.c_str());
tell(0, "Genre: %s", genre.c_str());
tell(0, "Rating: %f", rating);
tell(0, "--------------------------- Media ----------------------------------");
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = posters.begin(); it != posters.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *m = *it;
tell(0, "Poster %d, Path: %s", m->mediaType, m->path.c_str());
tell(0, "width %d, height %d", m->width, m->height);
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = banners.begin(); it != banners.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *m = *it;
tell(0, "Banner %d, Path: %s", m->mediaType, m->path.c_str());
tell(0, "width %d, height %d", m->width, m->height);
for (vector<cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = fanart.begin(); it != fanart.end(); it++) {
cTVDBMedia *m = *it;
tell(0, "Fanart %d, Path: %s", m->mediaType, m->path.c_str());
tell(0, "width %d, height %d", m->width, m->height);
tell(0, "--------------------------- Episodes ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cTVDBEpisode*>::iterator it = episodes.begin(); it != episodes.end(); it++) {
cTVDBEpisode *e = it->second;
tell(0, "Episode %d, Name: %s", e->id, e->name.c_str());
if (e->episodeImage) {
tell(0, "Episode Image: %d x %d, Path: %s", e->episodeImage->width, e->episodeImage->height, e->episodeImage->path.c_str());
tell(0, "--------------------------- Season Posters ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cTVDBMedia*>::iterator it = seasonPosters.begin(); it != seasonPosters.end(); it++) {
int season = it->first;
cTVDBMedia *m = it->second;
tell(0, "Season %d, %d x %d, Path: %s", season, m->width, m->height, m->path.c_str());
tell(0, "--------------------------- Actors ----------------------------------");
for (map<int, cTVDBActor*>::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
cTVDBActor *a = it->second;
tell(0, "Actor %d, Name: %s, Role %s", a->id, a->name.c_str(), a->role.c_str());
if (a->actorThumb) {
tell(0, "Thumb: %d x %d, Path: %s", a->actorThumb->width, a->actorThumb->height, a->actorThumb->path.c_str());
if (posterThumb) {
tell(0, "posterThumb path %s, width %d, height %d", posterThumb->path.c_str(), posterThumb->width, posterThumb->height);

View File

@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include "services.h"
using namespace std;
enum mediaSeries {
// --- cTVDBMedia -------------------------------------------------------------
class cTVDBMedia {
cTVDBMedia(void) {
path = "";
mediaType = msBanner1;
width = 0;
height = 0;
~cTVDBMedia(void) {
string path;
int mediaType;
int width;
int height;
// --- cTVDBEpisode -------------------------------------------------------------
class cTVDBEpisode {
cTVDBEpisode(void) {
id = 0;
number = 0;
season = 0;
name = "";
firstAired = "";
guestStars = "";
overview = "";
rating = 0.0;
episodeImage = NULL;
~cTVDBEpisode(void) {
if (episodeImage)
delete episodeImage;
int id;
int number;
int season;
string name;
string firstAired;
string guestStars;
string overview;
float rating;
cTVDBMedia *episodeImage;
// --- cTVDBActor -------------------------------------------------------------
class cTVDBActor {
cTVDBActor(void) {
id = 0;
name = "";
role = "";
thumbWidth = 0;
thumbHeight = 0;
actorThumb = NULL;
~cTVDBActor(void) {
if (actorThumb)
delete actorThumb;
int id;
string name;
string role;
int thumbWidth;
int thumbHeight;
cTVDBMedia *actorThumb;
// --- cTVDBSeries -------------------------------------------------------------
class cTVDBSeries {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*> episodes;
map<int, cTVDBActor*> actors;
vector<cTVDBMedia*> posters;
vector<cTVDBMedia*> banners;
vector<cTVDBMedia*> fanart;
map<int, cTVDBMedia*> seasonPosters;
map<int, cTVDBMedia*> seasonPosterThumbs;
cTVDBMedia *posterThumb;
virtual ~cTVDBSeries(void);
int id;
string name;
string overview;
string firstAired;
string network;
string genre;
float rating;
string status;
void InsertEpisode(cTVDBEpisode *episode);
void InsertEpisodeImage(int episodeId, int width, int height, string path);
void InsertActor(cTVDBActor *actor);
void InsertActorThumb(int actorId, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, string path);
void InsertMedia(int mediaType, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, string path, int season = 0);
//Getter for Serivice Calls
void GetEpisode(int episodeId, cEpisode *e);
void GetPosters(vector<cTvMedia> *p);
bool GetPoster(cTvMedia *p);
bool GetPosterThumb(cTvMedia *p);
void GetBanners(vector<cTvMedia> *b);
bool GetRandomBanner(cTvMedia *b);
void GetFanart(vector<cTvMedia> *f);
void GetSeasonPoster(int episodeId, cTvMedia *sp);
void GetActors(vector<cActor> *a);
void Dump(void);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include "services.h"
using namespace std;
enum mediaSeries {
// --- cTVDBMedia -------------------------------------------------------------
class cTVDBMedia {
cTVDBMedia(void) {
path = "";
mediaType = msBanner1;
width = 0;
height = 0;
~cTVDBMedia(void) {
string path;
int mediaType;
int width;
int height;
// --- cTVDBEpisode -------------------------------------------------------------
class cTVDBEpisode {
cTVDBEpisode(void) {
id = 0;
number = 0;
season = 0;
name = "";
firstAired = "";
guestStars = "";
overview = "";
rating = 0.0;
episodeImage = NULL;
~cTVDBEpisode(void) {
if (episodeImage)
delete episodeImage;
int id;
int number;
int season;
string name;
string firstAired;
string guestStars;
string overview;
float rating;
cTVDBMedia *episodeImage;
// --- cTVDBActor -------------------------------------------------------------
class cTVDBActor {
cTVDBActor(void) {
id = 0;
name = "";
role = "";
thumbWidth = 0;
thumbHeight = 0;
actorThumb = NULL;
~cTVDBActor(void) {
if (actorThumb)
delete actorThumb;
int id;
string name;
string role;
int thumbWidth;
int thumbHeight;
cTVDBMedia *actorThumb;
// --- cTVDBSeries -------------------------------------------------------------
class cTVDBSeries {
map<int, cTVDBEpisode*> episodes;
map<int, cTVDBActor*> actors;
vector<cTVDBMedia*> posters;
vector<cTVDBMedia*> banners;
vector<cTVDBMedia*> fanart;
map<int, cTVDBMedia*> seasonPosters;
map<int, cTVDBMedia*> seasonPosterThumbs;
cTVDBMedia *posterThumb;
virtual ~cTVDBSeries(void);
int id;
string name;
string overview;
string firstAired;
string network;
string genre;
float rating;
string status;
void InsertEpisode(cTVDBEpisode *episode);
void InsertEpisodeImage(int episodeId, int width, int height, string path);
void InsertActor(cTVDBActor *actor);
void InsertActorThumb(int actorId, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, string path);
void InsertMedia(int mediaType, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, string path, int season = 0);
//Getter for Serivice Calls
void GetEpisode(int episodeId, cEpisode *e);
void GetPosters(vector<cTvMedia> *p);
bool GetPoster(cTvMedia *p);
bool GetPosterThumb(cTvMedia *p);
void GetBanners(vector<cTvMedia> *b);
bool GetRandomBanner(cTvMedia *b);
void GetFanart(vector<cTvMedia> *f);
void GetSeasonPoster(int episodeId, cTvMedia *sp);
void GetActors(vector<cActor> *a);
void Dump(void);


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#ifndef __UPDATE_H
#define __UPDATE_H
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
#include <map>
#include <vdr/thread.h>
@ -71,6 +70,33 @@ class cUpdate : public cThread {
int CleanupSeries(void);
int CleanupMovies(void);
int CleanupRecordings(void);
// statements
cDbStatement* selectReadScrapedEventsInit;
cDbStatement* selectReadScrapedEvents;
cDbStatement* selectImg;
cDbStatement* selectSeasonPoster;
cDbStatement* selectActors;
cDbStatement* selectActorThumbs;
cDbStatement* selectSeriesMedia;
cDbStatement* selectMovieActors;
cDbStatement* selectMovieActorThumbs;
cDbStatement* selectMovieMedia;
cDbStatement* selectMediaMovie;
cDbStatement* selectRecordings;
cDbStatement* selectCleanupRecordings;
cDbValue imageSize;
cDbValue posterSize;
cDbValue series_id;
cDbValue actorImageSize;
cDbValue actorRole;
cDbValue actorMovie;
cDbValue thbWidth;
cDbValue thbHeight;
cUpdate(cScrapManager *manager);
virtual ~cUpdate(void);