/* * config.c: * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include #include "common.h" #include "config.h" cEPG2VDRConfig EPG2VDRConfig; cEPG2VDRConfig::cEPG2VDRConfig(void) { mainmenuVisible = yes; mainmenuFullupdate = 0; useproxy = no; sstrcpy(httpproxy, "", sizeof(httpproxy)); sstrcpy(username, "", sizeof(username)); sstrcpy(password, "", sizeof(password)); checkInitial = yes; updatetime = 6; // hours days = 8; upddays = 2; storeXmlToFs = no; blacklist = no; masterMode = 0; getepgimages = yes; maximagesperevent = 1; epgImageSize = 2; seriesEnabled = yes; sstrcpy(seriesUrl, "eplists.constabel.net", sizeof(seriesUrl)); seriesPort = 2006; storeSeriesToFs = no; #ifdef VDR_PLUGIN activeOnEpgd = no; scheduleBoot = no; #else sstrcpy(cachePath, "/var/cache/epgd", sizeof(cachePath)); sstrcpy(pluginPath, PLGDIR, sizeof(pluginPath)); sstrcpy(epgView, "eventsview.sql", sizeof(epgView)); updateThreshold = 200; maintanance = no; #endif sstrcpy(dbHost, "localhost", sizeof(dbHost)); dbPort = 3306; sstrcpy(dbName, "epg2vdr", sizeof(dbName)); sstrcpy(dbUser, "epg2vdr", sizeof(dbUser)); sstrcpy(dbPass, "epg", sizeof(dbPass)); logstdout = no; loglevel = 1; uuid[0] = 0; }