/* * db.c * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include #include #include "db.h" // #define DEB_HANDLER //*************************************************************************** // DB Statement //*************************************************************************** cDbStatement::cDbStatement(cDbTable* aTable) { table = aTable; connection = table->getConnection(); stmtTxt = ""; stmt = 0; inCount = 0; outCount = 0; inBind = 0; outBind = 0; affected = 0; metaResult = 0; bindPrefix = 0; } cDbStatement::cDbStatement(cDbConnection* aConnection, const char* stmt) { table = 0; connection = aConnection; stmtTxt = stmt; stmt = 0; inCount = 0; outCount = 0; inBind = 0; outBind = 0; affected = 0; metaResult = 0; bindPrefix = 0; } //*************************************************************************** // Execute //*************************************************************************** int cDbStatement::execute(int noResult) { affected = 0; if (!connection || !connection->getMySql()) return fail; if (!stmt) return connection->errorSql(connection, "execute(missing statement)"); // tell(0, "execute %d [%s]", stmt, stmtTxt.c_str()); if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)) return connection->errorSql(connection, "execute(stmt_execute)", stmt, stmtTxt.c_str()); // out binding - if needed if (outCount && !noResult) { if (mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt)) return connection->errorSql(connection, "execute(store_result)", stmt, stmtTxt.c_str()); // fetch the first result - if any if (mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) > 0) mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt); } else if (outCount) { mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt); } // result was stored (above) only if output (outCound) is expected, // therefore we don't need to call freeResult() after insert() or update() affected = mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt); return success; } int cDbStatement::getResultCount() { mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt); return mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt); } int cDbStatement::find() { if (execute() != success) return fail; return getAffected() > 0 ? yes : no; } int cDbStatement::fetch() { if (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt)) return yes; return no; } int cDbStatement::freeResult() { if (metaResult) mysql_free_result(metaResult); if (stmt) mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Build Statements - new Interface //*************************************************************************** int cDbStatement::build(const char* format, ...) { if (format) { char* tmp; va_list more; va_start(more, format); vasprintf(&tmp, format, more); stmtTxt += tmp; free(tmp); } return success; } int cDbStatement::bind(int field, int mode, const char* delim) { return bind(table->getRow()->getValue(field), mode, delim); } int cDbStatement::bind(cDbValue* value, int mode, const char* delim) { if (!value || !value->getField()) return fail; if (delim) stmtTxt += delim; if (bindPrefix) stmtTxt += bindPrefix; if (mode & bndIn) { if (mode & bndSet) stmtTxt += value->getName() + string(" ="); stmtTxt += " ?"; appendBinding(value, bndIn); } else if (mode & bndOut) { stmtTxt += value->getName(); appendBinding(value, bndOut); } return success; } int cDbStatement::bindCmp(const char* ctable, cDbValue* value, const char* comp, const char* delim) { if (ctable) build("%s.", ctable); build("%s%s %s ?", delim ? delim : "", value->getName(), comp); appendBinding(value, bndIn); return success; } int cDbStatement::bindCmp(const char* ctable, int field, cDbValue* value, const char* comp, const char* delim) { cDbValue* vf = table->getRow()->getValue(field); cDbValue* vv = value ? value : vf; if (ctable) build("%s.", ctable); build("%s%s %s ?", delim ? delim : "", vf->getName(), comp); appendBinding(vv, bndIn); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Clear //*************************************************************************** void cDbStatement::clear() { stmtTxt = ""; affected = 0; if (inCount) { free(inBind); inCount = 0; inBind = 0; } if (outCount) { free(outBind); outCount = 0; outBind = 0; } if (stmt) { mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt); mysql_stmt_close(stmt); stmt = 0; } } //*************************************************************************** // Append Binding //*************************************************************************** int cDbStatement::appendBinding(cDbValue* value, BindType bt) { int count = 0; MYSQL_BIND** bindings = 0; MYSQL_BIND* newBinding; if (bt & bndIn) { count = ++inCount; bindings = &inBind; } else if (bt & bndOut) { count = ++outCount; bindings = &outBind; } else return 0; if (!bindings) *bindings = (MYSQL_BIND*)malloc(count * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)); else *bindings = (MYSQL_BIND*)realloc(*bindings, count * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)); newBinding = &((*bindings)[count-1]); if (value->getField()->format == ffAscii || value->getField()->format == ffText) { newBinding->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; newBinding->buffer = value->getStrValueRef(); newBinding->buffer_length = value->getField()->size; newBinding->length = value->getStrValueSizeRef(); newBinding->is_null = value->getNullRef(); newBinding->error = 0; // #TODO } else if (value->getField()->format == ffMlob) { newBinding->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB; newBinding->buffer = value->getStrValueRef(); newBinding->buffer_length = value->getField()->size; newBinding->length = value->getStrValueSizeRef(); newBinding->is_null = value->getNullRef(); newBinding->error = 0; // #TODO } else if (value->getField()->format == ffFloat) { newBinding->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT; newBinding->buffer = value->getFloatValueRef(); newBinding->length = 0; // #TODO newBinding->is_null = value->getNullRef(); newBinding->error = 0; // #TODO } else if (value->getField()->format == ffDateTime) { newBinding->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME; newBinding->buffer = value->getTimeValueRef(); newBinding->length = 0; // #TODO newBinding->is_null = value->getNullRef(); newBinding->error = 0; // #TODO } else { newBinding->buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG; newBinding->buffer = value->getIntValueRef(); newBinding->is_unsigned = (value->getField()->format == ffUInt); newBinding->length = 0; newBinding->is_null = value->getNullRef(); newBinding->error = 0; // #TODO } return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Prepare Statement //*************************************************************************** int cDbStatement::prepare() { if (!stmtTxt.length() || !connection->getMySql()) return fail; stmt = mysql_stmt_init(connection->getMySql()); // prepare statement if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, stmtTxt.c_str(), stmtTxt.length())) return connection->errorSql(connection, "prepare(stmt_prepare)", stmt, stmtTxt.c_str()); if (outBind) { if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, outBind)) return connection->errorSql(connection, "execute(bind_result)", stmt); } if (inBind) { if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, inBind)) return connection->errorSql(connection, "buildPrimarySelect(bind_param)", stmt); } tell(2, "Statement '%s' with (%d) in parameters and (%d) out bindings prepared", stmtTxt.c_str(), mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt), outCount); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // cDbService //*************************************************************************** const char* cDbService::formats[] = { "INT", "INT", "VARCHAR", "TEXT", "MEDIUMBLOB", "FLOAT", "DATETIME", 0 }; const char* cDbService::toString(FieldFormat t) { return formats[t]; } //*************************************************************************** // Class cDbTable //*************************************************************************** char* cDbTable::confPath = 0; char* cDbConnection::encoding = 0; char* cDbConnection::dbHost = strdup("localhost"); int cDbConnection::dbPort = 3306; char* cDbConnection::dbUser = 0; char* cDbConnection::dbPass = 0; char* cDbConnection::dbName = 0; //*************************************************************************** // Object //*************************************************************************** cDbTable::cDbTable(cDbConnection* aConnection, FieldDef* f, IndexDef* i) { connection = aConnection; row = new cDbRow(f); holdInMemory = no; stmtSelect = 0; stmtInsert = 0; stmtUpdate = 0; indices = i; } cDbTable::~cDbTable() { close(); delete row; } //*************************************************************************** // Open / Close //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::open() { if (connection->attachConnection() != success) { tell(0, "Could not access database '%s:%d' (tried to open %s)", connection->getHost(), connection->getPort(), TableName()); return fail; } return init(); } int cDbTable::close() { if (stmtSelect) { delete stmtSelect; stmtSelect = 0; } if (stmtInsert) { delete stmtInsert; stmtInsert = 0; } if (stmtUpdate) { delete stmtUpdate; stmtUpdate = 0; } connection->detachConnection(); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Init //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::init() { string str; if (!isConnected()) return fail; // check/create table ... if (createTable() != success) return fail; // ------------------------------ // prepare BASIC statements // ------------------------------ // select by primary key ... stmtSelect = new cDbStatement(this); stmtSelect->build("select "); for (int i = 0, n = 0; row->getField(i)->name; i++) { if (row->getField(i)->type & ftCalc) continue; stmtSelect->bind(i, bndOut, n++ ? ", " : ""); } stmtSelect->build(" from %s where ", TableName()); for (int i = 0, n = 0; row->getField(i)->name; i++) { if (!(row->getField(i)->type & ftPrimary)) continue; stmtSelect->bind(i, bndIn | bndSet, n++ ? " and " : ""); } stmtSelect->build(";"); if (stmtSelect->prepare() != success) return fail; // ----------------------------------------- // insert stmtInsert = new cDbStatement(this); stmtInsert->build("insert into %s set ", TableName()); for (int i = 0, n = 0; row->getField(i)->name; i++) { // don't insert autoinc and calculated fields if (row->getField(i)->type & ftCalc || row->getField(i)->type & ftAutoinc) continue; stmtInsert->bind(i, bndIn | bndSet, n++ ? ", " : ""); } stmtInsert->build(";"); if (stmtInsert->prepare() != success) return fail; // ----------------------------------------- // update via primary key ... stmtUpdate = new cDbStatement(this); stmtUpdate->build("update %s set ", TableName()); for (int i = 0, n = 0; row->getField(i)->name; i++) { // don't update PKey, autoinc and calculated fields if (row->getField(i)->type & ftPrimary || row->getField(i)->type & ftCalc || row->getField(i)->type & ftAutoinc) continue; if (strcmp(row->getField(i)->name, "inssp") == 0) // don't update the insert stamp continue; stmtUpdate->bind(i, bndIn | bndSet, n++ ? ", " : ""); } stmtUpdate->build(" where "); for (int i = 0, n = 0; row->getField(i)->name; i++) { if (!(row->getField(i)->type & ftPrimary)) continue; stmtUpdate->bind(i, bndIn | bndSet, n++ ? " and " : ""); } stmtUpdate->build(";"); if (stmtUpdate->prepare() != success) return fail; return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Check Table //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::exist(const char* name) { if (!name) name = TableName(); MYSQL_RES* result = mysql_list_tables(connection->getMySql(), name); MYSQL_ROW tabRow = mysql_fetch_row(result); mysql_free_result(result); return tabRow ? yes : no; } //*************************************************************************** // Create Table //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::createTable() { string statement; string aKey; if (!isConnected()) { if (connection->attachConnection() != success) { tell(0, "Could not access database '%s:%d' (tried to create %s)", connection->getHost(), connection->getPort(), TableName()); return fail; } } // table exists -> nothing to do if (exist()) return done; tell(0, "Initialy creating table '%s'", TableName()); // build 'create' statement ... statement = string("create table ") + TableName() + string("("); for (int i = 0; getField(i)->name; i++) { int size = getField(i)->size; char num[10]; if (getField(i)->type & ftCalc) continue; if (i) statement += string(", "); statement += string(getField(i)->name) + " " + string(toString(getField(i)->format)); if (getField(i)->format != ffMlob) { if (!size) size = getField(i)->format == ffAscii || getField(i)->format == ffText ? 100 : 11; if (getField(i)->format != ffFloat) sprintf(num, "%d", size); else sprintf(num, "%d,%d", size/10, size%10); statement += "(" + string(num) + ")"; if (getField(i)->format == ffUInt) statement += " unsigned"; if (getField(i)->type & ftAutoinc) statement += " not null auto_increment"; else if (getField(i)->type & ftDef0) statement += " default '0'"; } } aKey = ""; for (int i = 0, n = 0; getField(i)->name; i++) { if (getField(i)->type & ftPrimary) { if (n++) aKey += string(", "); aKey += string(getField(i)->name) + " DESC"; } } if (aKey.length()) { statement += string(", PRIMARY KEY("); statement += aKey; statement += ")"; } aKey = ""; for (int i = 0, n = 0; getField(i)->name; i++) { if (getField(i)->type & ftAutoinc && !(getField(i)->type & ftPrimary)) { if (n++) aKey += string(", "); aKey += string(getField(i)->name) + " DESC"; } } if (aKey.length()) { statement += string(", KEY("); statement += aKey; statement += ")"; } // statement += string(") ENGINE MYISAM;"); statement += string(") ENGINE InnoDB;"); tell(1, "%s", statement.c_str()); if (connection->query(statement.c_str())) return connection->errorSql(getConnection(), "createTable()", 0, statement.c_str()); // create indices createIndices(); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Create Indices //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::createIndices() { string statement; tell(5, "Initialy checking indices for '%s'", TableName()); // check/create indexes if (!indices) return done; for (int i = 0; getIndex(i)->name; i++) { IndexDef* index = getIndex(i); int fCount; string idxName; int expectCount = 0; for (; index->fields[expectCount] != na; expectCount++) ; if (!expectCount) continue; // check idxName = "idx" + string(index->name); checkIndex(idxName.c_str(), fCount); if (fCount != expectCount) { // create index statement = "create index " + idxName; statement += " on " + string(TableName()) + "("; int n = 0; for (int f = 0; index->fields[f] != na; f++) { FieldDef* fld = getField(index->fields[f]); if (fld && !(fld->type & ftCalc)) { if (n++) statement += string(", "); statement += fld->name; } } if (!n) continue; statement += ");"; tell(1, "%s", statement.c_str()); if (connection->query(statement.c_str())) return connection->errorSql(getConnection(), "createIndices()", 0, statement.c_str()); } } return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Check Index //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::checkIndex(const char* idxName, int& fieldCount) { enum IndexQueryFields { idTable, idNonUnique, idKeyName, idSeqInIndex, idColumnName, idCollation, idCardinality, idSubPart, idPacked, idNull, idIndexType, idComment, idIndexComment, idCount }; MYSQL_RES* result; MYSQL_ROW row; fieldCount = 0; if (connection->query("show index from %s", TableName()) != success) { connection->errorSql(getConnection(), "checkIndex()", 0); return fail; } if ((result = mysql_store_result(connection->getMySql()))) { while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { tell(5, "%s: %-20s %s %s", row[idTable], row[idKeyName], row[idSeqInIndex], row[idColumnName]); if (strcasecmp(row[idKeyName], idxName) == 0) fieldCount++; } mysql_free_result(result); return success; } connection->errorSql(getConnection(), "checkIndex()"); return fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Copy Values //*************************************************************************** void cDbTable::copyValues(cDbRow* r) { for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount(); i++) { if (getField(i)->format == ffAscii || getField(i)->format == ffText) row->setValue(i, r->getStrValue(i)); else row->setValue(i, r->getIntValue(i)); } } //*************************************************************************** // SQL Error //*************************************************************************** int cDbConnection::errorSql(cDbConnection* connection, const char* prefix, MYSQL_STMT* stmt, const char* stmtTxt) { if (!connection || !connection->mysql) { tell(0, "SQL-Error in '%s'", prefix); return fail; } int error = mysql_errno(connection->mysql); char* conErr = 0; char* stmtErr = 0; if (error == CR_SERVER_LOST || error == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR || error == CR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE || error == CR_SERVER_LOST_EXTENDED) connectDropped = yes; if (error) asprintf(&conErr, "%s (%d) ", mysql_error(connection->mysql), error); if (stmt || stmtTxt) asprintf(&stmtErr, "'%s' [%s]", stmt ? mysql_stmt_error(stmt) : "", stmtTxt ? stmtTxt : ""); tell(0, "SQL-Error in '%s' - %s%s", prefix, conErr ? conErr : "", stmtErr ? stmtErr : ""); free(conErr); free(stmtErr); if (connectDropped) tell(0, "Fatal, lost connection to mysql server, aborting pending actions"); return fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Delete Where //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::deleteWhere(const char* where) { string tmp; if (!connection || !connection->getMySql()) return fail; tmp = "delete from " + string(TableName()) + " where " + string(where); if (connection->query(tmp.c_str())) return connection->errorSql(connection, "deleteWhere()", 0, tmp.c_str()); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Coiunt Where //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::countWhere(const char* where, int& count, const char* what) { string tmp; MYSQL_RES* res; MYSQL_ROW data; count = 0; if (isEmpty(what)) what = "count(1)"; if (!isEmpty(where)) tmp = "select " + string(what) + " from " + string(TableName()) + " where " + string(where); else tmp = "select " + string(what) + " from " + string(TableName()); if (connection->query(tmp.c_str())) return connection->errorSql(connection, "countWhere()", 0, tmp.c_str()); if (res = mysql_store_result(connection->getMySql())) { data = mysql_fetch_row(res); if (data) count = atoi(data[0]); mysql_free_result(res); } return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Truncate //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::truncate() { string tmp; tmp = "delete from " + string(TableName()); if (connection->query(tmp.c_str())) return connection->errorSql(connection, "truncate()", 0, tmp.c_str()); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Store //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::store() { int found; // insert or just update ... if (stmtSelect->execute(/*noResult =*/ yes) != success) { connection->errorSql(connection, "store()"); return no; } found = stmtSelect->getAffected() == 1; stmtSelect->freeResult(); if (found) return update(); else return insert(); } //*************************************************************************** // Insert //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::insert() { if (!stmtInsert) { tell(0, "Fatal missing insert statement\n"); return fail; } for (int i = 0; getField(i)->name; i++) { if (strcmp(getField(i)->name, "updsp") == 0 || strcmp(getField(i)->name, "inssp") == 0) setValue(getField(i)->index, time(0)); } #ifdef DEB_HANDLER if (strcmp(TableName(), "events") == 0) tell(1, "inserting vdr event %d for '%s', starttime = %ld, updflg = '%s'", getIntValue(0), getStrValue(1), getIntValue(15), getStrValue(6)); #endif if (stmtInsert->execute()) return fail; return stmtInsert->getAffected() == 1 ? success : fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Update //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::update() { if (!stmtUpdate) { tell(0, "Fatal missing update statement\n"); return fail; } for (int i = 0; getField(i)->name; i++) { if (strcmp(getField(i)->name, "updsp") == 0) { setValue(getField(i)->index, time(0)); break; } } #ifdef DEB_HANDLER if (strcmp(TableName(), "events") == 0) tell(1, "updating vdr event %d for '%s', starttime = %ld, updflg = '%s'", getIntValue(0), getStrValue(1), getIntValue(15), getStrValue(6)); #endif if (stmtUpdate->execute()) return fail; return stmtUpdate->getAffected() == 1 ? success : fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Find //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::find() { if (!stmtSelect) return no; if (stmtSelect->execute() != success) { connection->errorSql(connection, "find()"); return no; } return stmtSelect->getAffected() == 1 ? yes : no; } //*************************************************************************** // Find via Statement //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::find(cDbStatement* stmt) { if (!stmt) return no; if (stmt->execute() != success) { connection->errorSql(connection, "find(stmt)"); return no; } return stmt->getAffected() > 0 ? yes : no; } //*************************************************************************** // Fetch //*************************************************************************** int cDbTable::fetch(cDbStatement* stmt) { if (!stmt) return no; return stmt->fetch(); } //*************************************************************************** // Reset Fetch //*************************************************************************** void cDbTable::reset(cDbStatement* stmt) { if (stmt) stmt->freeResult(); }