/* * scraper2vdr.c: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * $Id$ */ #include "scraper2vdr.h" #if defined (APIVERSNUM) && (APIVERSNUM < 10600) # error VDR API versions < 1.6.0 are not supported ! #endif //*************************************************************************** // Plugin Main Menu //*************************************************************************** class cScraper2VdrPluginMenu : public cOsdMenu { public: cScraper2VdrPluginMenu(const char* title, cUpdate *update); virtual ~cScraper2VdrPluginMenu() { }; virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys key); protected: cUpdate *update; }; cScraper2VdrPluginMenu::cScraper2VdrPluginMenu(const char* title, cUpdate *update) : cOsdMenu(title) { this->update = update; Clear(); cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Update Scraper Information from Database"))); cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Update Scraper Recordings Information from Database"))); cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Scan for new recordings in video directory"))); cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Scan for new or updated scrapinfo files"))); cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Cleanup Recordings in Database"))); SetHelp(0, 0, 0,0); Display(); } //*************************************************************************** // Process Key //*************************************************************************** eOSState cScraper2VdrPluginMenu::ProcessKey(eKeys key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(key); if (state != osUnknown) return state; switch (key) { case kOk: { if (Current() == 0) { Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Updating Scraper EPG Information from Database")); update->ForceUpdate(); } else if (Current() == 1) { Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Updating Scraper Recordings Information from Database")); update->ForceRecordingUpdate(); } else if (Current() == 2) { Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Scanning for new recordings in video directory")); update->ForceVideoDirUpdate(); } else if (Current() == 3) { Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Scanning for new or updated scrapinfo files")); update->ForceScrapInfoUpdate(); } else if (Current() == 4) { Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Cleaning up Recordings in Database")); update->TriggerCleanRecordingsDB(); } return osEnd; } default: break; } return state; } //*************************************************************************** // cPluginScraper2vdr //*************************************************************************** cPluginScraper2vdr::cPluginScraper2vdr(void) { cDbConnection::init(); } cPluginScraper2vdr::~cPluginScraper2vdr() { delete update; delete scrapManager; cDbConnection::exit(); } const char *cPluginScraper2vdr::CommandLineHelp(void) { return " -i , --imagedir= Set directory where images are stored\n" " -m , --mode= mode can be client or headless, see README\n"; } bool cPluginScraper2vdr::ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) { static const struct option long_options[] = { { "imagedir", required_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "mode", required_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int c; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "i:m:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'i': config.SetImageDir(optarg); break; case 'm': config.SetMode(optarg); break; default: return false; } } return true; } bool cPluginScraper2vdr::Initialize(void) { config.SetUuid(this); config.SetDefaultImageDir(); scrapManager = new cScrapManager(); update = new cUpdate(scrapManager); return true; } bool cPluginScraper2vdr::Start(void) { update->Start(); return true; } void cPluginScraper2vdr::Stop(void) { update->Stop(); } void cPluginScraper2vdr::Housekeeping(void) { } void cPluginScraper2vdr::MainThreadHook(void) { } cString cPluginScraper2vdr::Active(void) { return NULL; } time_t cPluginScraper2vdr::WakeupTime(void) { return 0; } cOsdObject *cPluginScraper2vdr::MainMenuAction(void) { return new cScraper2VdrPluginMenu("Scraper2Vdr", update); } cMenuSetupPage *cPluginScraper2vdr::SetupMenu(void) { return new cScraper2VdrSetup(update); } bool cPluginScraper2vdr::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) { return config.SetupParse(Name, Value); } bool cPluginScraper2vdr::Service(const char *Id, void *Data) { if (Data == NULL) return false; if (strcmp(Id, "GetEventType") == 0) { ScraperGetEventType* call = (ScraperGetEventType*) Data; if (!call->event && !call->recording) return false; return scrapManager->GetEventType(call); } if (strcmp(Id, "GetSeries") == 0) { cSeries* call = (cSeries*) Data; if (call->seriesId == 0) return false; return scrapManager->GetSeries(call); } if (strcmp(Id, "GetMovie") == 0) { cMovie* call = (cMovie*) Data; if (call->movieId == 0) return false; return scrapManager->GetMovie(call); } if (strcmp(Id, "GetPosterBanner") == 0) { ScraperGetPosterBanner* call = (ScraperGetPosterBanner*) Data; if (!call->event) return false; return scrapManager->GetPosterBanner(call); } if (strcmp(Id, "GetPoster") == 0) { ScraperGetPoster* call = (ScraperGetPoster*) Data; if (!call->event && !call->recording) return false; return scrapManager->GetPoster(call); } if (strcmp(Id, "GetPosterThumb") == 0) { ScraperGetPosterThumb* call = (ScraperGetPosterThumb*) Data; if (!call->event && !call->recording) return false; return scrapManager->GetPosterThumb(call); } return false; } const char **cPluginScraper2vdr::SVDRPHelpPages(void) { static const char *HelpPages[] = { "UPDT\n" " Load all series and movies for events from database.", "UPDR\n" " Load recordings from database.", "SCVD\n" " Trigger scan fornew recordings in video directory.", "SCSI\n" " Trigger scan for scrapinfo files in video directory.", "CRDB\n" " Trigger cleanup of recordings database.", 0 }; return HelpPages; } cString cPluginScraper2vdr::SVDRPCommand(const char *Command, const char *Option, int &ReplyCode) { if (strcasecmp(Command, "UPDT") == 0) { update->ForceUpdate(); return "SCRAPER2VDR full update from database forced."; } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "UPDR") == 0) { update->ForceRecordingUpdate(); return "SCRAPER2VDR scanning of recordings in database triggered."; } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "SCVD") == 0) { update->ForceVideoDirUpdate(); return "SCRAPER2VDR scan for new recordings in video dir triggered."; } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "SCSI") == 0) { update->ForceScrapInfoUpdate(); return "SCRAPER2VDR scan for new or updated scrapinfo files triggered."; } else if (strcasecmp(Command, "CRDB") == 0) { update->TriggerCleanRecordingsDB(); return "SCRAPER2VDR cleanup of recording DB triggered."; } return NULL; } VDRPLUGINCREATOR(cPluginScraper2vdr); // Don't touch this!