2014-04-12 17:10:43 +02:00

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* db.h
* See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
#ifndef __DB_H
#define __DB_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
#include "common.h"
class cDbTable;
class cDbConnection;
using namespace std;
// cDbService
class cDbService
enum Misc
maxIndexFields = 20
enum FieldFormat
ffAscii, // -> VARCHAR
ffMlob, // -> MEDIUMBLOB
enum FieldType
ftData = 1,
ftPrimary = 2,
ftMeta = 4,
ftCalc = 8,
ftAutoinc = 16,
ftDef0 = 32
struct FieldDef
const char* name;
FieldFormat format;
int size;
int index;
int type;
enum BindType
bndIn = 0x001,
bndOut = 0x002,
bndSet = 0x004
enum ProcType
struct IndexDef
const char* name;
int fields[maxIndexFields+1];
int order; // not implemented yet
static const char* toString(FieldFormat t);
static const char* formats[];
typedef cDbService cDBS;
// cDbValue
class cDbValue : public cDbService
cDbValue(FieldDef* f = 0)
field = 0;
strValue = 0;
ownField = 0;
if (f) setField(f);
cDbValue(const char* name, FieldFormat format, int size)
strValue = 0;
ownField = new FieldDef;
ownField->name = strdup(name);
ownField->format = format;
ownField->size = size;
ownField->type = ftData;
field = ownField;
virtual ~cDbValue()
void free()
strValue = 0;
if (ownField)
::free((char*)ownField->name); // b<>ser cast ;)
delete ownField;
ownField = 0;
field = 0;
void clear()
if (strValue)
*strValue = 0;
strValueSize = 0;
numValue = 0;
floatValue = 0;
memset(&timeValue, 0, sizeof(timeValue));
nullValue = 1;
initialized = no;
virtual void setField(FieldDef* f)
field = f;
if (field)
strValue = (char*)calloc(field->size+TB, sizeof(char));
virtual FieldDef* getField() { return field; }
virtual const char* getName() { return field->name; }
void setValue(const char* value, int size = 0)
if (field->format != ffAscii && field->format != ffText && field->format != ffMlob)
tell(0, "Setting invalid field format for '%s', expected ASCII or MLOB", field->name);
if (field->format == ffMlob && !size)
tell(0, "Missing size for MLOB field '%s'", field->name);
if (value && size)
if (size > field->size)
tell(0, "Warning, size of %d for '%s' exeeded, got %d bytes!",
field->size, field->name, size);
size = field->size;
memcpy(strValue, value, size);
strValue[size] = 0;
strValueSize = size;
nullValue = 0;
else if (value)
if (strlen(value) > (size_t)field->size)
tell(0, "Warning, size of %d for '%s' exeeded [%s]",
field->size, field->name, value);
sprintf(strValue, "%.*s", field->size, value);
strValueSize = strlen(strValue);
nullValue = 0;
void setCharValue(char value)
char tmp[2];
tmp[0] = value;
tmp[1] = 0;
void setValue(int value)
void setValue(long value)
if (field->format == ffInt || field->format == ffUInt)
numValue = value;
nullValue = 0;
else if (field->format == ffDateTime)
struct tm tm;
time_t v = value;
memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
localtime_r(&v, &tm);
timeValue.year = tm.tm_year + 1900;
timeValue.month = tm.tm_mon + 1;
timeValue.day = tm.tm_mday;
timeValue.hour = tm.tm_hour;
timeValue.minute = tm.tm_min;
timeValue.second = tm.tm_sec;
nullValue = 0;
tell(0, "Setting invalid field format for '%s'", field->name);
void setValue(double value)
if (field->format == ffInt || field->format == ffUInt)
numValue = value;
nullValue = 0;
else if (field->format == ffFloat)
floatValue = value;
nullValue = 0;
tell(0, "Setting invalid field format for '%s'", field->name);
int hasValue(long value)
if (field->format == ffInt || field->format == ffUInt)
return numValue == value;
if (field->format == ffDateTime)
return no; // to be implemented!
tell(0, "Setting invalid field format for '%s'", field->name);
return no;
int hasValue(double value)
if (field->format == ffInt || field->format == ffUInt)
return numValue == value;
if (field->format == ffFloat)
return floatValue == value;
tell(0, "Setting invalid field format for '%s'", field->name);
return no;
// int hasValue(float value)
// {
// if (field->format != ffFloat)
// {
// tell(0, "Checking invalid field format for '%s', expected FLOAT", field->name);
// return no;
// }
// return floatValue == value;
// }
// int hasValue(long value)
// {
// if (field->format != ffInt && field->format != ffUInt)
// {
// tell(0, "Checking invalid field format for '%s', expected INT", field->name);
// return no;
// }
// return numValue == value;
// }
int hasValue(const char* value)
if (!value)
value = "";
if (field->format != ffAscii && field->format != ffText)
tell(0, "Checking invalid field format for '%s', expected ASCII or MLOB", field->name);
return no;
return strcmp(getStrValue(), value) == 0;
time_t getTimeValue()
struct tm tm;
memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
tm.tm_year = timeValue.year - 1900;
tm.tm_mon = timeValue.month - 1;
tm.tm_mday = timeValue.day;
tm.tm_hour = timeValue.hour;
tm.tm_min = timeValue.minute;
tm.tm_sec = timeValue.second;
return mktime(&tm);
unsigned long* getStrValueSizeRef() { return &strValueSize; }
unsigned long getStrValueSize() { return strValueSize; }
const char* getStrValue() { return !isNull() && strValue ? strValue : ""; }
long getIntValue() { return !isNull() ? numValue : 0; }
float getFloatValue() { return !isNull() ? floatValue : 0; }
int isNull() { return nullValue; }
char* getStrValueRef() { return strValue; }
long* getIntValueRef() { return &numValue; }
MYSQL_TIME* getTimeValueRef() { return &timeValue; }
float* getFloatValueRef() { return &floatValue; }
my_bool* getNullRef() { return &nullValue; }
FieldDef* ownField;
FieldDef* field;
long numValue;
float floatValue;
MYSQL_TIME timeValue;
char* strValue;
unsigned long strValueSize;
my_bool nullValue;
int initialized;
// cDbStatement
class cDbStatement : public cDbService
cDbStatement(cDbTable* aTable);
cDbStatement(cDbConnection* aConnection, const char* stmt = "");
virtual ~cDbStatement() { clear(); }
int execute(int noResult = no);
int find();
int fetch();
int freeResult();
// interface
int build(const char* format, ...);
void setBindPrefix(const char* p) { bindPrefix = p; }
void clrBindPrefix() { bindPrefix = 0; }
int bind(cDbValue* value, int mode, const char* delim = 0);
int bind(int field, int mode, const char* delim = 0);
int bindCmp(const char* table, cDbValue* value,
const char* comp, const char* delim = 0);
int bindCmp(const char* table, int field, cDbValue* value,
const char* comp, const char* delim = 0);
// ..
int prepare();
int getAffected() { return affected; }
int getResultCount();
const char* asText() { return stmtTxt.c_str(); }
void clear();
int appendBinding(cDbValue* value, BindType bt);
string stmtTxt;
int affected;
cDbConnection* connection;
cDbTable* table;
int inCount;
MYSQL_BIND* inBind; // to db
int outCount;
MYSQL_BIND* outBind; // from db (result)
MYSQL_RES* metaResult;
const char* bindPrefix;
// Class Database Row
class cDbRow : public cDbService
cDbRow(FieldDef* f)
count = 0;
fieldDef = 0;
dbValues = new cDbValue[count];
for (int f = 0; f < count; f++)
virtual ~cDbRow() { delete[] dbValues; }
void clear()
for (int f = 0; f < count; f++)
virtual FieldDef* getField(int f) { return f < 0 ? 0 : fieldDef+f; }
virtual int fieldCount() { return count; }
void setValue(int f, const char* value,
int size = 0) { dbValues[f].setValue(value, size); }
void setValue(int f, int value) { dbValues[f].setValue(value); }
void setValue(int f, long value) { dbValues[f].setValue(value); }
void setValue(int f, double value) { dbValues[f].setValue(value); }
void setCharValue(int f, char value) { dbValues[f].setCharValue(value); }
int hasValue(int f, const char* value) const { return dbValues[f].hasValue(value); }
int hasValue(int f, long value) const { return dbValues[f].hasValue(value); }
int hasValue(int f, double value) const { return dbValues[f].hasValue(value); }
cDbValue* getValue(int f) { return &dbValues[f]; }
const char* getStrValue(int f) const { return dbValues[f].getStrValue(); }
long getIntValue(int f) const { return dbValues[f].getIntValue(); }
float getFloatValue(int f) const { return dbValues[f].getFloatValue(); }
int isNull(int f) const { return dbValues[f].isNull(); }
virtual void useFields(FieldDef* f) { fieldDef = f; for (count = 0; (fieldDef+count)->name; count++); }
int count; // field count
FieldDef* fieldDef;
cDbValue* dbValues;
// Connection
class cDbConnection
mysql = 0;
attached = 0;
inTact = no;
connectDropped = yes;
virtual ~cDbConnection()
if (mysql)
int attachConnection()
static int first = yes;
if (!mysql)
connectDropped = yes;
if (!(mysql = mysql_init(0)))
return errorSql(this, "attachConnection(init)");
if (!mysql_real_connect(mysql, dbHost,
dbUser, dbPass, dbName, dbPort, 0, 0))
mysql = 0;
tell(0, "Error, connecting to database at '%s' on port (%d) failed",
dbHost, dbPort);
return fail;
connectDropped = no;
// init encoding
if (encoding && *encoding)
if (mysql_set_character_set(mysql, encoding))
errorSql(this, "init(character_set)");
if (first)
tell(0, "SQL client character now '%s'", mysql_character_set_name(mysql));
first = no;
return success;
void detachConnection()
if (!attached)
mysql = 0;
int isConnected() { return getMySql() > 0; }
int check()
if (!isConnected())
return fail;
query("SELECT SYSDATE();");
return isConnected() ? success : fail;
virtual int query(const char* format, ...)
int status = 1;
MYSQL* h = getMySql();
if (h && format)
char* stmt;
va_list more;
va_start(more, format);
vasprintf(&stmt, format, more);
if ((status = mysql_query(h, stmt)))
errorSql(this, stmt);
return status ? fail : success;
virtual void queryReset()
if (getMySql())
MYSQL_RES* result = mysql_use_result(getMySql());
virtual int executeSqlFile(const char* file)
FILE* f;
int res;
char* buffer;
int size = 1000;
int nread = 0;
if (!getMySql())
return fail;
if (!(f = fopen(file, "r")))
tell(0, "Fatal: Can't access '%s'; %m", file);
return fail;
buffer = (char*)malloc(size+1);
while (res = fread(buffer+nread, 1, 1000, f))
nread += res;
size += 1000;
buffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, size+1);
buffer[nread] = 0;
// execute statement
tell(2, "Executing '%s'", buffer);
if (query("%s", buffer))
return errorSql(this, "executeSqlFile()");
return success;
virtual int startTransaction()
inTact = yes;
return query("START TRANSACTION");
virtual int commit()
inTact = no;
return query("COMMIT");
virtual int rollback()
inTact = no;
return query("ROLLBACK");
virtual int inTransaction() { return inTact; }
MYSQL* getMySql()
if (connectDropped && mysql)
mysql = 0;
attached = 0;
return mysql;
int getAttachedCount() { return attached; }
// --------------
// static stuff
// set/get connecting data
static void setHost(const char* s) { free(dbHost); dbHost = strdup(s); }
static const char* getHost() { return dbHost; }
static void setName(const char* s) { free(dbName); dbName = strdup(s); }
static const char* getName() { return dbName; }
static void setUser(const char* s) { free(dbUser); dbUser = strdup(s); }
static const char* getUser() { return dbUser; }
static void setPass(const char* s) { free(dbPass); dbPass = strdup(s); }
static const char* getPass() { return dbPass; }
static void setPort(int port) { dbPort = port; }
static int getPort() { return dbPort; }
static void setEncoding(const char* enc) { free(encoding); encoding = strdup(enc); }
static const char* getEncoding() { return encoding; }
int errorSql(cDbConnection* mysql, const char* prefix, MYSQL_STMT* stmt = 0, const char* stmtTxt = 0);
static int init()
if (mysql_library_init(0, 0, 0))
tell(0, "Error: mysql_library_init failed");
return fail; // return errorSql(0, "init(library_init)");
return success;
static int exit()
return done;
MYSQL* mysql;
int initialized;
int attached;
int inTact;
int connectDropped;
static char* encoding;
// connecting data
static char* dbHost;
static int dbPort;
static char* dbName; // database name
static char* dbUser;
static char* dbPass;
// cDbTable
class cDbTable : public cDbService
cDbTable(cDbConnection* aConnection, FieldDef* f, IndexDef* i = 0);
virtual ~cDbTable();
virtual const char* TableName() = 0;
virtual int open();
virtual int close();
virtual int find();
virtual void reset() { reset(stmtSelect); }
virtual int find(cDbStatement* stmt);
virtual int fetch(cDbStatement* stmt);
virtual void reset(cDbStatement* stmt);
virtual int insert();
virtual int update();
virtual int store();
virtual int deleteWhere(const char* where);
virtual int countWhere(const char* where, int& count, const char* what = 0);
virtual int truncate();
// interface to cDbRow
void clear() { row->clear(); }
void setValue(int f, const char* value, int size = 0) { row->setValue(f, value, size); }
void setValue(int f, int value) { row->setValue(f, value); }
void setValue(int f, long value) { row->setValue(f, value); }
void setValue(int f, double value) { row->setValue(f, value); }
void setCharValue(int f, char value) { row->setCharValue(f, value); }
int hasValue(int f, const char* value) { return row->hasValue(f, value); }
int hasValue(int f, long value) { return row->hasValue(f, value); }
int hasValue(int f, double value) { return row->hasValue(f, value); }
const char* getStrValue(int f) const { return row->getStrValue(f); }
long getIntValue(int f) const { return row->getIntValue(f); }
float getFloatValue(int f) const { return row->getFloatValue(f); }
int isNull(int f) const { return row->isNull(f); }
FieldDef* getField(int f) { return row->getField(f); }
int fieldCount() { return row->fieldCount(); }
cDbRow* getRow() { return row; }
cDbConnection* getConnection() { return connection; }
MYSQL* getMySql() { return connection->getMySql(); }
int isConnected() { return connection && connection->getMySql(); }
virtual IndexDef* getIndex(int i) { return indices+i; }
virtual int exist(const char* name = 0);
virtual int createTable();
// static stuff
static void setConfPath(const char* cpath) { free(confPath); confPath = strdup(cpath); }
virtual int init();
virtual int createIndices();
virtual int checkIndex(const char* idxName, int& fieldCount);
virtual void copyValues(cDbRow* r);
// data
cDbRow* row;
int holdInMemory; // hold table additionally in memory (not implemented yet)
IndexDef* indices;
// basic statements
cDbStatement* stmtSelect;
cDbStatement* stmtInsert;
cDbStatement* stmtUpdate;
cDbConnection* connection;
// statics
static char* confPath;
// cDbView
class cDbView : public cDbService
cDbView(cDbConnection* c, const char* aName)
connection = c;
name = strdup(aName);
~cDbView() { free(name); }
int exist()
if (connection->getMySql())
MYSQL_RES* result = mysql_list_tables(connection->getMySql(), name);
MYSQL_ROW tabRow = mysql_fetch_row(result);
return tabRow ? yes : no;
return no;
int create(const char* path, const char* sqlFile)
int status;
char* file = 0;
asprintf(&file, "%s/%s", path, sqlFile);
tell(0, "Creating view '%s' using definition in '%s'",
name, file);
status = connection->executeSqlFile(file);
return status;
int drop()
tell(0, "Drop view '%s'", name);
return connection->query("drop view %s", name);
cDbConnection* connection;
char* name;
// cDbProcedure
class cDbProcedure : public cDbService
cDbProcedure(cDbConnection* c, const char* aName, ProcType pt = ptProcedure)
connection = c;
type = pt;
name = strdup(aName);
~cDbProcedure() { free(name); }
const char* getName() { return name; }
int call(int ll = 1)
if (!connection || !connection->getMySql())
return fail;
cDbStatement stmt(connection);
tell(ll, "Calling '%s'", name);
stmt.build("call %s", name);
if (stmt.prepare() != success || stmt.execute() != success)
return fail;
tell(ll, "'%s' suceeded", name);
return success;
int created()
if (!connection || !connection->getMySql())
return fail;
cDbStatement stmt(connection);
stmt.build("show %s status where name = '%s'",
type == ptProcedure ? "procedure" : "function", name);
if (stmt.prepare() != success || stmt.execute() != success)
tell(0, "%s check of '%s' failed",
type == ptProcedure ? "Procedure" : "Function", name);
return no;
if (stmt.getResultCount() != 1)
return no;
return yes;
int create(const char* path)
int status;
char* file = 0;
asprintf(&file, "%s/%s.sql", path, name);
tell(1, "Creating %s '%s'",
type == ptProcedure ? "procedure" : "function", name);
status = connection->executeSqlFile(file);
return status;
int drop()
tell(1, "Drop %s '%s'", type == ptProcedure ? "procedure" : "function", name);
return connection->query("drop %s %s", type == ptProcedure ? "procedure" : "function", name);
static int existOnFs(const char* path, const char* name)
int state;
char* file = 0;
asprintf(&file, "%s/%s.sql", path, name);
state = fileExists(file);
return state;
cDbConnection* connection;
ProcType type;
char* name;
#endif //__DB_H