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2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
<menurecordings x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0">
<menuitems x="0" y="0" orientation="vertical" width="100%" height="100%" align="center" numlistelements="16">
<!-- Available Variables recordings menu listelement:
{nummenuitem} number of item in list, starts with 1
{name} Real Name of recording (Name of Recording Folder)
{epgname} Name of recording (Name from EPG)
{shorttext} Short Text of recording
{description} Descrption of recording
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{date} Date of recording
{time} Time of recording
{daynumeric} day as number
{month} month as number
{year} year as number
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{duration} real duration of recording in minutes
{durationhours} real duration, full hours
{durationminutes} real duration, rest of minutes
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{durationevent} duration of corresponding event in minutes
{durationeventhours} event duration, full hours
{durationeventminutes} event duration, rest of minutes
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{current} true if item is currently selected
{new} true if recording is new
{percentseen} percent already watched, -1 for VDR < 2.1.8
{watched} true if percentseen > 85% including MarginStop of not cutted recording
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{cutted} true if recording is cutted
{folder} true if item is a folder
{numrecordingsfolder} if item is a folder, number of recordings in this folder
{newrecordingsfolder} if item is a folder, number of new recordings in this folder
{hasposterthumbnail} true if a scraped poster thumbnail is available for recording
{thumbnailbwidth} width of scraped poster thumbnail
{thumbnailheight} height of scraped poster thumbnail
{thumbnailpath} absolute path of scraped poster thumbnail
{hasposter} true if a scraped poster is available for recording
{posterwidth} width of scraped poster
{posterheight} height of scraped poster
{posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
<!-- additional element which is drawn for current element -->
<!-- Available Variables channels menu currentelement:
{menuitemx} x position of according menu item
{menuitemy} y position of according menu item
{menuitemwidth} width of according menu item
{menuitemheight} height of according menu item
{name} Real Name of recording (Name of Recording Folder)
{epgname} Name of recording (Name from EPG)
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{shorttext} Short Text of recording
{description} Descrption of recording
{date} Date of recording
{time} Time of recording
{daynumeric} day as number
{month} month as number
{year} year as number
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{duration} real duration of recording in minutes
{durationhours} real duration, full hours
{durationminutes} real duration, rest of minutes
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{durationevent} duration of corresponding event in minutes
{durationeventhours} event duration, full hours
{durationeventminutes} event duration, rest of minutes
{new} true if recording is new
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{cutted} true if recording is cutted
{folder} true if item is a folder
{numrecordingsfolder} if item is a folder, number of recordings in this folder
{newrecordingsfolder} if item is a folder, number of new recordings in this folder
{hasposter} true if a scraped poster is available for recording
{posterwidth} width of scraped poster
{posterheight} height of scraped poster
{posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster
{hasbanner} true if a scraped banner is available for this element
{bannerwidth} width of scraped banner
{bannerheight} height of scraped banner
{bannerpath} absolute path of scraped banner
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
<currentelement delay="500" fadetime="0">