318 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-03-12 17:28:35 +01:00
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<!-- Tokens available in Header
{isdummy} true if active element is a dummy element
{title} title of event of active grid
{shorttext} shorttext of event of active grid
{description} detailed description of event of active grid
{start} event start time in hh::mm
{stop} event stop time
{day} day of event of active grid
{date} date of event of active grid in dd.mm.yy
{daynumeric} day as number
{month} month as number
{year} year as number
{running} true if event is currently running
{elapsed} elapsed time of event, if not running 0
{duration} duration of event
{durationhours} duration, full hours
{durationminutes} duration, rest of minutes
{channelname} Channel Name
{channelnumber} Channel Number
{channelid} ChannelID as path to display channel logo
{channellogoexists} true if channel logo exists
{hasposter} true if a scraped poster is available for this element
{posterwidth} width of scraped poster
{posterheight} height of scraped poster
{posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster
<viewelement name="header">
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<!-- Available Variables Footer:
{red1} true if red button is button 1
{red2} true if red button is button 2
{red3} true if red button is button 3
{red4} true if red button is button 4
{green1} true if green button is button 1
{green2} true if green button is button 2
{green3} true if green button is button 3
{green4} true if green button is button 4
{yellow1} true if yellow button is button 1
{yellow2} true if yellow button is button 2
{yellow3} true if yellow button is button 3
{yellow4} true if yellow button is button 4
{blue1} true if blue button is button 1
{blue2} true if blue button is button 2
{blue3} true if blue button is button 3
{blue4} true if blue button is button 4
{red} label of red button
{green} label of green button
{yellow} label of yellow button
{blue} label of blue button
<viewelement name="footer">
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<!-- Available Variables time:
{time} timestring in hh:mm
{sec} current seconds
{min} current minutes
{hour} current hours
{hmins} current "hourminutes" to display an hour hand
{day} day in digits
{dayleadingzero} day in digits with leading 0
{dayname} Full name of the day
{daynameshort} Short 3 char name of the day
{month} month in digits with leading 0
{monthname} Full name of the month
{monthnameshort} 3 letter abbrivation of month name
{year} year in yyyy
<viewelement name="time">
<area x="70%" y="0" width="{areawidth}*0.145" height="12%" layer="2">
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<drawtext align="right" y="45%" font="{light}" fontsize="45%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{day}. {monthnameshort}" />
<area x="85%" y="0" width="15%" height="12%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="center" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="75%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{time}" />
<!-- Tokens available in datetimeline
{weekday} weekday of current display
{date} date of current display
<viewelement name="datetimeline_hor">
<area x="0" y="20%" width="15%" height="5%" layer="3">
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<viewelement name="datetimeline_ver">
<area x="0" y="20%" width="8%" height="15%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="center" y="10%" font="{light}" fontsize="40%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{weekday}" />
<drawtext align="center" y="50%" font="{light}" fontsize="40%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{date}" />
<!-- Tokens available in timeindicator
{percenttotal} position of current time indicator in tenth of a percent of complete time shown
<viewelement name="timeindicator_hor">
<area x="15%" y="20%" width="85%" height="72%" layer="4">
<drawrectangle x="{percenttotal}*{areawidth}/1000" y="0" width="1" height="100%" color="{clrRed}" />
<viewelement name="timeindicator_ver">
<area x="0" y="35%" width="100%" height="57%" layer="3">
<drawrectangle x="0" y="{percenttotal}*{areaheight}/1000" width="100%" height="1" color="{clrRed}" />
<!-- Tokens available in timeline
{timestring} time of grid in hh:mm
<grid name="timeline_hor" x="15%" y="20%" width="85%" height="5%">
<area layer="2">
<drawrectangle condition="{fullhour}" x="1" y="1" width="{areawidth}-2" height="{areaheight}-2" color="{clrTransWhite}"/>
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<area layer="2">
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<drawtext condition="not{fullhour}" x="5%" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="80%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{timestring}" />
<grid name="timeline_ver" x="0" y="35%" width="8%" height="57%">
<area layer="2">
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<area layer="2">
<drawtext condition="{fullhour}" align="center" y="5%" font="{light}" fontsize="70%" color="{clrBlack}" text="{timestring}" />
<drawtext condition="not{fullhour}" align="center" y="5%" font="{light}" fontsize="70%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{timestring}" />
<!-- Tokens available in channels
{name} name of channel
{number} number of channel
{channelid} id of channel to display channel logo
{channellogoexists} true if channel logo exists
<grid name="channels_hor" x="5%" y="25%" width="10%" height="67%">
<area layer="2">
<drawimage condition="{channellogoexists}" imagetype="channellogo" path="{channelid}" align="center" valign="center" width="80%" height="80%" />
<drawtext condition="not{channellogoexists}" x="1%" valign="center" width="98%" font="{light}" fontsize="45%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{name}" />
<grid name="channels_ver" x="8%" y="25%" width="92%" height="10%">
<area layer="2">
<drawimage condition="{channellogoexists}" imagetype="channellogo" path="{channelid}" align="center" valign="center" width="80%" height="80%" />
<drawtext condition="not{channellogoexists}" align="center" valign="center" width="98%" font="{light}" fontsize="45%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{name}" />
<!-- Tokens available in channelgroups
{color} alternates grid by grid from true to false
{group} name of channel group
<grid name="channelgroups_hor" x="0" y="25%" width="5%" height="67%">
<area layer="2">
<drawrectangle condition="{color}" x="1" y="1" width="{areawidth}-2" height="{areaheight}-2" color="{clrTransBlack}" />
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<area layer="3">
<drawtextvertical align="center" valign="center" font="{semibold}" fontsize="50%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{group}" />
<grid name="channelgroups_ver" x="8%" y="20%" width="92%" height="5%">
<area layer="2">
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<area layer="3">
<drawtext align="center" valign="center" font="{semibold}" fontsize="90%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{group}" />
<!-- Tokens available in schedules
{color} alternates grid by grid from true to false
{dummy} true if grid is a dummy grid
{timer} true if a timer is set for the according event
{switchtimer} true if a switchtimer is set for the according event
{title} title of grid
{shorttext} shorttext of grid
{start} start time in hh:mm
{stop} stop time in hh:dd
<grid name="schedules_hor" x="15%" y="25%" width="85%" height="67%">
<area layer="2">
<drawrectangle condition="{color}++not{current}" x="1" y="1" width="{areawidth}-2" height="{areaheight}-2" color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<drawrectangle condition="not{color}++not{current}" x="1" y="1" width="{areawidth}-2" height="{areaheight}-2" color="{clrDarkGray}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{current}" x="1" y="1" width="{areawidth}-2" height="{areaheight}-2" color="{clrTransBlueLight}" />
<area layer="3">
<drawtext condition="not{dummy}" x="3" y="2%" font="{light}" fontsize="45%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{start} - {stop}" />
<drawtext condition="not{dummy}" x="3" y="40%" width="{areawidth}-6" font="{semibold}" fontsize="55%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{title}" />
<drawtext condition="{dummy}" x="3" valign="center" width="98%" font="{semibold}" fontsize="55%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{title}" />
<drawimage condition="{timer}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rec_on" x="{areawidth} - {areaheight}*0.32*45/23" y="68%" width="{areaheight}*0.3*45/23" height="{areaheight}*0.3"/>
<drawimage condition="{switchtimer}++not{timer}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_switchtimer" x="{areawidth} - {areaheight}*0.32*45/23" y="68%" width="{areaheight}*0.3*45/23" height="{areaheight}*0.3"/>
<drawimage condition="{switchtimer}++{timer}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_switchtimer" x="{areawidth} - {areaheight}*0.32*45/23*2 - 5" y="68%" width="{areaheight}*0.3*45/23" height="{areaheight}*0.3" />
<grid name="schedules_ver" x="8%" y="35%" width="92%" height="57%">
<area layer="2">
<drawrectangle condition="{color}++not{current}" x="1" y="1" width="{areawidth}-2" height="{areaheight}-2" color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<drawrectangle condition="not{color}++not{current}" x="1" y="1" width="{areawidth}-2" height="{areaheight}-2" color="{clrDarkGray}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{current}" x="1" y="1" width="{areawidth}-2" height="{areaheight}-2" color="{clrTransBlueLight}" />
<area layer="3">
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<drawtextbox condition="{dummy}" x="2%" y="5%" width="96%" font="{regular}" fontsize="{areawidth}*0.2" color="{clrWhite}" text="{title}" />
<drawimage condition="{timer}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_rec_on" x="{areawidth} - {areaheight}*0.32*45/23" y="68%" width="{areaheight}*0.3*45/23" height="{areaheight}*0.3"/>
<drawimage condition="{switchtimer}++not{timer}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_switchtimer" x="{areawidth} - {areaheight}*0.32*45/23" y="68%" width="{areaheight}*0.3*45/23" height="{areaheight}*0.3"/>
<drawimage condition="{switchtimer}++{timer}" imagetype="icon" path="ico_switchtimer" x="{areawidth} - {areaheight}*0.32*45/23*2 - 5" y="68%" width="{areaheight}*0.3*45/23" height="{areaheight}*0.3" />
<!-- Tokens available in channeljump
{channel} current user input for channel jump
<viewelement name="channeljump">