278 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
<menumain x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0">
static content of main menu, is only drawn once at main menu startup
<!-- main menu background -->
<area x="0" y="0" width="71%" height="70%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<!-- datetime background -->
<area x="75%" y="0" width="25%" height="10%" layer="2">
<drawrectangle x="0" y="0" width="53%" height="100%" color="{clrTransBlueLight}" />
<drawrectangle x="53%" y="0" width="47%" height="100%" color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<!-- Available Variables header:
{title} title of current menu
{vdrversion} running VDR Version
<area x="0" y="0" width="70%" height="7%" layer="2">
<drawtext x="10" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="100%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{title} {vdrversion}" />
<!-- Available Variables datetime:
{time} time in hh:mm
{day} day in digits
{dayleadingzero} day in digits with leading 0
{dayname} Full name of the day
{daynameshort} Short 3 char name of the day
{month} month in digits with leading 0
{monthname} Full name of the month
{monthnameshort} 3 letter abbrivation of month name
{year} year in yyyy
<area x="75%" y="0" width="13%" height="10%" layer="3">
<drawtext align="right" y="0%" font="{light}" fontsize="55%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{dayname}" />
<drawtext align="right" y="45%" font="{light}" fontsize="55%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{day}. {monthnameshort}" />
<area x="88%" y="0" width="12%" height="10%" layer="3">
<drawtext align="center" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="100%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{time}" />
<!-- Available Variables colorbuttons:
{red1} true if red button is button 1
{red2} true if red button is button 2
{red3} true if red button is button 3
{red4} true if red button is button 4
{green1} true if green button is button 1
{green2} true if green button is button 2
{green3} true if green button is button 3
{green4} true if green button is button 4
{yellow1} true if yellow button is button 1
{yellow2} true if yellow button is button 2
{yellow3} true if yellow button is button 3
{yellow4} true if yellow button is button 4
{blue1} true if blue button is button 1
{blue2} true if blue button is button 2
{blue3} true if blue button is button 3
{blue4} true if blue button is button 4
{red} label of red button
{green} label of green button
{yellow} label of yellow button
{blue} label of blue button
<area x="0" y="63%" width="18%" height="7%" layer="2">
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<drawrectangle condition="{blue4}" x="0" y="0" width="10" height="100%" color="{clrBlue}" />
<!-- Available Variables timers:
{numtimers} number of active timers (max. 15 timers will be displayed)
{numtimerconflicts} number of current timer conflicts
{timers[]} array with active timers (local and remote if remotetimers plugin is in use)
{timers[title]} title of timer
{timers[datetime]} date and time of timer
{timers[recording]} true if timer is recording currently
{timers[channelname]} name of channel for which timer is created
{timers[channelnumber]} number of channel
{timers[channelid]} ChannelID of channel
{timers[channellogoexists]} true if channel logo exists
<area x="0" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}" />
<area condition="not{numtimerconflicts}" x="0" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="center" y="15%" font="{light}" fontsize="50%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{numtimers}" />
<drawtext condition="eq({numtimers}, 0)||gt({numtimers}, 1)" name="timersheader" align="center" y="60%" font="{light}" fontsize="20%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(activetimers)}" />
<drawtext condition="eq({numtimers}, 1)" name="timersheader" align="center" y="60%" font="{light}" fontsize="20%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(activetimer)}" />
<area condition="{numtimerconflicts}" x="0" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="2">
<drawtext align="center" y="0" font="{light}" fontsize="50%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{numtimers}" />
<drawtext name="timersheader" align="center" y="45%" font="{light}" fontsize="20%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(activetimers)}" />
<drawtext align="center" y="65%" font="{semibold}" fontsize="20%" color="{clrRed}" text="{numtimerconflicts} {tr(conflicts)}!" />
<area condition="gt({numtimers}, 0)" x="{areawidth}/8" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<area condition="gt({numtimers}, 1)" x="2*{areawidth}/8" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<area condition="gt({numtimers}, 2)" x="3*{areawidth}/8" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<area condition="gt({numtimers}, 3)" x="4*{areawidth}/8" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<area condition="gt({numtimers}, 4)" x="5*{areawidth}/8" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<area condition="gt({numtimers}, 5)" x="6*{areawidth}/8" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<area condition="gt({numtimers}, 6)" x="7*{areawidth}/8" y="75%" width="{areawidth}/8 - 5" height="25%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<area x="{areawidth}/8" y="75%" width="{areawidth}*0.875" height="25%" layer="2">
<loop name="timers" x="0" y="0" orientation="horizontal" columnwidth="{areawidth}/7" rowheight="{areaheight}" overflow="cut">
<drawrectangle condition="{timers[recording]}" x="0" y="0" width="{columnwidth}-5" height="{rowheight}" color="{clrRed}" />
<drawimage cache="true" name="logo" imagetype="channellogo" path="{timers[channelid]}" width="{columnwidth}-15" height="40%" align="center" y="10" />
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
<drawtextbox x="5" y="{height(logo)} + 10" width="{columnwidth}-10" align="center" maxlines="2" font="{light}" fontsize="15%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{timers[title]}" />
<drawtext align="center" y="75%" font="{light}" fontsize="20%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{timers[datetime]}" />
<!-- Available Variables discusage:
{freetime} available disc capacity in hh:mm
{freepercent} available disc capacity in percent
{usedpercent} used disc capacity in percent
{freegb} available disc capacity in gigabytes
{discalert} true if disc usage is > 95%
{vdrusagestring} localized VDR internal usage string
<area x="75%" y="15%" width="25%" height="10%" layer="1">
<fill condition="not{discalert}" color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<fill condition="{discalert}" color="{clrRed}"/>
<area x="75%" y="15%" width="25%" height="10%" layer="2">
<drawimage imagetype="icon" path="ico_discusage" x="1%" valign="center" width="{areaheight}*0.9" height="{areaheight}*0.9"/>
<drawtext x="{areaheight}+10" y="0" font="{light}" fontsize="55%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{tr(disc)}: {freepercent}% {tr(free)}" />
<drawtext x="{areaheight}+10" y="45%" font="{light}" fontsize="55%" color="{clrWhite}" text="{freetime} {tr(hours)}" />
<!-- Available Variables devices:
{numdevices} number of available devices
{devices[]} array with available devices
{devices[num]} number of current device
{devices[type]} type of device (DVB-S, DVB-C, ...)
{devices[istuned]} true if device is currently tuned to a transponder
{devices[livetv]} true if device is currently playing livetv
{devices[recording]} true if device is currently recording
{devices[hascam]} true if device has a CAM
{devices[cam]} number of CAM
{devices[signalstrength]} signalstrength of devcie
{devices[signalquality]} signalstrength of devcie
{devices[channelnumber]} number of the currently tuned channel
{devices[channelname]} name of the currently tuned channel
{devices[channelid]} ID of the currently tuned channel
{devices[source]} source of the currently tuned channel
<area x="75%" y="40%" width="25%" height="{areaheight}/12 * {numdevices}" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<area x="75%" y="40%" width="25%" height="{areaheight}/12 * {numdevices}" layer="2">
<loop name="devices" x="0" y="0" orientation="vertical" columnwidth="{areawidth}" rowheight="{areaheight} / {numdevices}" overflow="cut">
<drawtext name="label" x="5" y="0" font="{light}" fontsize="{rowheight}*0.4" color="{clrWhite}" text="{devices[num]}: {devices[type]}" />
<drawtext condition="{devices[hascam]}" x="{width(label)} + 15" y="0" font="{light}" fontsize="{rowheight}*0.40" color="{clrWhite}" text="(CAM {devices[cam]})" />
<drawtext condition="{devices[recording]} ++ {devices[livetv]}" align="right" y="0" font="{light}" fontsize="{rowheight}*0.40" color="{clrRed}" text="LiveTV, Recording ({devices[channelname]}) " />
<drawtext condition="{devices[recording]} ++ not{devices[livetv]}" align="right" y="0" font="{light}" fontsize="{rowheight}*0.40" color="{clrRed}" text="Recording ({devices[channelname]}) " />
<drawtext condition="not{devices[recording]} ++ {devices[livetv]}" align="right" y="0" font="{light}" fontsize="{rowheight}*0.40" color="{clrWhite}" text="LiveTV ({devices[channelname]}) " />
<drawrectangle condition="{devices[istuned]}" x="5" y="{rowheight}/3 + 5" width="{areawidth} * {devices[signalstrength]} / 100 - 10 * {devices[signalstrength]} / 100" height="{rowheight}/3 - 10" color="{clrTransWhite}" />
<drawrectangle condition="{devices[istuned]}" x="5" y="2*{rowheight}/3 + 5" width="{areawidth} * {devices[signalquality]} / 100 - 10 * {devices[signalquality]} / 100" height="{rowheight}/3 - 10" color="{clrTransWhite}" />
<drawtext condition="not{devices[istuned]}" align="center" y="{rowheight}/2" font="{light}" fontsize="{rowheight}*0.40" color="{clrWhite}" text="not tuned" />
<!-- Available Variables systemload:
{load} current system load
<area x="75%" y="30%" width="25%" height="5%" layer="1">
<fill color="{clrTransBlack}"/>
<area x="75%" y="30%" width="25%" height="5%" layer="2">
<drawtext x="5" valign="center" font="{light}" fontsize="100%" color="{clrWhite}" text="System Load: {load}" />
<menuitems x="0" y="7%" orientation="vertical" width="70%" height="56%" align="center" numlistelements="8">
<!-- Available Variables main menu listelement:
{nummenuitem} number of item in list, starts with 1
2014-09-27 09:25:14 +02:00
{label} label of menu item
{number} number of menu item (or empty string if not set)
{icon} path of appropriate icon
{current} true if item is currently selected
{separator} true if item is a list separator
<area x="0" width="60%" layer="2">
<fill condition="not{current}" color="{clrTransparent}" />
<fill condition="{current}" color="{clrTransBlueLight}" />
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<!-- additional element which is drawn for current element -->
<!-- Available Variables main menu currentelement:
{label} label of menu item
{number} number of menu item (or empty string if not set)
{icon} path of appropriate icon
<currentelement delay="50" fadetime="0">
<area x="61%" y="22%" width="36%" height="52%" layer="2">
<fill color="{clrTransBlueLight}" />
<area x="61%" y="23%" width="36%" height="50%" layer="3">
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