<menutimers x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fadetime="0"> <menuitems x="0" y="0" orientation="vertical" width="100%" height="100%" align="center" numlistelements="16"> <!-- Available Variables channels menu listelement: {nummenuitem} number of item in list, starts with 1 {title} Title of Timer {timerstart} Start Time of Timer in hh::mm {timerstop} End Time of Timer in hh::mm {day} Day (numerical) {dayname} Day, for repeating timers days where timer is active {month} Month (two digits) {monthname} Month, three letter abbrevation {year} Year (4 digits) {channelname} Name of channel which is set for the timer {channelid} ID of channel which is set for the timer (for dispalying channel logo) {channelnumber} Number of channel which is set for the timer {eventtitle} Title of corresponding event {eventstart} Start Time of corresponding event in hh::mm {eventstop} Stop Time of corresponding event in hh::mm {current} true if item is currently selected {flagactive} true if timer is active {flaginstant} true if timer is an instant timer {flagvps} true if timer uses VPS {flagrecording} true if is recording currently {flagpending} true if timer is pending --> <listelement> </listelement> <!-- additional element which is drawn for current element --> <!-- Available Variables channels menu currentelement: {menuitemx} x position of according menu item {menuitemy} y position of according menu item {menuitemwidth} width of according menu item {menuitemheight} height of according menu item {title} Title of Timer {timerstart} Start Time of Timer in hh::mm {timerstop} End Time of Timer in hh::mm {day} Day (numerical) {dayname} Day, for repeating timers days where timer is active {month} Month (two digits) {monthname} Month, three letter abbrevation {year} Year (4 digits)# {channelname} Name of channel which is set for the timer {channelid} ID of channel which is set for the timer (for dispalying channel logo) {channelnumber} Number of channel which is set for the timer {eventtitle} Title of corresponding event {eventstart} Start Time of corresponding event in hh::mm {eventstop} Stop Time of corresponding event in hh::mm {eventshorttext} Short Text corresponding event {eventdescription} Description corresponding event {hasposter} true if a scraped poster is available for event {posterwidth} width of scraped poster {posterheight} height of scraped poster {posterpath} absolute path of scraped poster {flagactive} true if timer is active {flaginstant} true if timer is an instant timer {flagvps} true if timer uses VPS {flagrecording} true if is recording currently {flagpending} true if timer is pending --> <currentelement delay="500" fadetime="0"> </currentelement> </menuitems> </menutimers>