#include "designer.h" #include "libcore/helpers.h" cSkinDesigner::cSkinDesigner(string skin) : cSkin(skin.c_str(), &::Theme) { init = true; this->skin = skin; backupSkin = NULL; useBackupSkin = false; globals = NULL; channelTemplate = NULL; menuTemplate = NULL; messageTemplate = NULL; replayTemplate = NULL; volumeTemplate = NULL; audiotracksTemplate = NULL; currentMenu = NULL; dsyslog("skindesigner: skin %s started", skin.c_str()); } cSkinDesigner::~cSkinDesigner(void) { if (globals) delete globals; DeleteTemplates(); if (backupSkin) delete backupSkin; } const char *cSkinDesigner::Description(void) { return skin.c_str(); } cSkinDisplayChannel *cSkinDesigner::DisplayChannel(bool WithInfo) { currentMenu = NULL; cSkinDisplayChannel *displayChannel = NULL; if (!useBackupSkin) { Init(); displayChannel = new cSDDisplayChannel(channelTemplate, WithInfo); } else { displayChannel = backupSkin->DisplayChannel(WithInfo); } return displayChannel; } cSkinDisplayMenu *cSkinDesigner::DisplayMenu(void) { if (!useBackupSkin) { cSDDisplayMenu *displayMenu = NULL; Init(); displayMenu = new cSDDisplayMenu(menuTemplate); currentMenu = displayMenu; return displayMenu; } else { cSkinDisplayMenu *displayMenu = backupSkin->DisplayMenu(); currentMenu = NULL; return displayMenu; } } cSkinDisplayReplay *cSkinDesigner::DisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly) { currentMenu = NULL; cSkinDisplayReplay *displayReplay = NULL; if (!useBackupSkin) { Init(); displayReplay = new cSDDisplayReplay(replayTemplate, ModeOnly); } else { displayReplay = backupSkin->DisplayReplay(ModeOnly); } return displayReplay; } cSkinDisplayVolume *cSkinDesigner::DisplayVolume(void) { currentMenu = NULL; cSkinDisplayVolume *displayVolume = NULL; if (!useBackupSkin) { Init(); displayVolume = new cSDDisplayVolume(volumeTemplate); } else { displayVolume = backupSkin->DisplayVolume(); } return displayVolume; } cSkinDisplayTracks *cSkinDesigner::DisplayTracks(const char *Title, int NumTracks, const char * const *Tracks) { currentMenu = NULL; cSkinDisplayTracks *displayTracks = NULL; if (!useBackupSkin) { Init(); displayTracks = new cSDDisplayTracks(audiotracksTemplate, Title, NumTracks, Tracks); } else { displayTracks = backupSkin->DisplayTracks(Title, NumTracks, Tracks); } return displayTracks; } cSkinDisplayMessage *cSkinDesigner::DisplayMessage(void) { currentMenu = NULL; cSkinDisplayMessage *displayMessage = NULL; if (!useBackupSkin) { Init(); displayMessage = new cSDDisplayMessage(messageTemplate); } else { displayMessage = backupSkin->DisplayMessage(); } return displayMessage; } cSkinDisplayPlugin *cSkinDesigner::DisplayPlugin(string pluginName, int viewID, int subViewID) { currentMenu = NULL; if (useBackupSkin) return NULL; Init(); cSkinDisplayPlugin *displayPlugin = NULL; map< string, map >::iterator hit = pluginTemplates.find(pluginName); if (hit == pluginTemplates.end()) return NULL; map ::iterator hit2 = (hit->second).find(viewID); if (hit2 == (hit->second).end()) return NULL; return new cSkinDisplayPlugin(hit2->second, subViewID); } void cSkinDesigner::Reload(void) { dsyslog("skindesigner: forcing full reload of templates"); if (cOsd::IsOpen()) { esyslog("skindesigner: OSD is open, close first!"); return; } DeleteTemplates(); cStopWatch watch; bool ok = LoadTemplates(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error during loading of templates - using LCARS as backup"); if (!backupSkin) backupSkin = new cSkinLCARS(); useBackupSkin = true; } else { CacheTemplates(); useBackupSkin = false; watch.Stop("templates reloaded and cache created"); } } void cSkinDesigner::ListAvailableFonts(void) { fontManager->ListAvailableFonts(); } bool cSkinDesigner::SetCustomToken(string option) { splitstring s(option.c_str()); vector flds = s.split('=', 0); if (flds.size() != 2) return false; string key = trim(flds[0]); string val = trim(flds[1]); if (!globals) return true; if (isNumber(val)) { globals->AddCustomInt(key, atoi(val.c_str())); } else { globals->AddCustomString(key, val); } return true; } void cSkinDesigner::ListCustomTokens(void) { if (!globals) return; globals->ListCustomTokens(); } /********************************************************************************* * PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *********************************************************************************/ void cSkinDesigner::Init(void) { if (init || config.OsdSizeChanged() || config.SkinChanged() || config.OsdLanguageChanged() || config.setupCloseDoReload) { config.setupCloseDoReload = false; if (init) { config.SetSkin(); config.SetOSDSize(); config.SetOSDFonts(); } dsyslog("skindesigner: initializing skin %s", skin.c_str()); config.CheckDecimalPoint(); if (fontManager) delete fontManager; fontManager = new cFontManager(); if (imgCache) delete imgCache; imgCache = new cImageCache(); imgCache->SetPathes(); cStopWatch watch; bool ok = LoadTemplates(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error during loading of templates - using LCARS as backup"); backupSkin = new cSkinLCARS(); useBackupSkin = true; } else { CacheTemplates(); watch.Stop("templates loaded and cache created"); } init = false; } else if (config.OsdFontsChanged()) { dsyslog("skindesigner: reloading fonts"); if (fontManager) delete fontManager; fontManager = new cFontManager(); cStopWatch watch; bool ok = LoadTemplates(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error during loading of templates - using LCARS as backup"); backupSkin = new cSkinLCARS(); useBackupSkin = true; } else { CacheTemplates(); watch.Stop("templates loaded and cache created"); } } } void cSkinDesigner::DeleteTemplates(void) { if (channelTemplate) { delete channelTemplate; channelTemplate = NULL; } if (menuTemplate) { delete menuTemplate; menuTemplate = NULL; } if (messageTemplate) { delete messageTemplate; messageTemplate = NULL; } if (replayTemplate) { delete replayTemplate; replayTemplate = NULL; } if (volumeTemplate) { delete volumeTemplate; volumeTemplate = NULL; } if (audiotracksTemplate) { delete audiotracksTemplate; audiotracksTemplate = NULL; } for (map< string, map >::iterator plugs = pluginTemplates.begin(); plugs !=pluginTemplates.end(); plugs++) { map plugTpls = plugs->second; for (map ::iterator tpl = plugTpls.begin(); tpl != plugTpls.end(); tpl++) { delete tpl->second; } } pluginTemplates.clear(); } bool cSkinDesigner::LoadTemplates(void) { if (globals) delete globals; globals = new cGlobals(); bool ok = globals->ReadFromXML(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error parsing globals, aborting"); return false; } config.SetGlobals(globals); cSkinSetup *skinSetup = config.GetSkinSetup(skin); if (skinSetup) { skinSetup->AddToGlobals(globals); } DeleteTemplates(); channelTemplate = new cTemplate(vtDisplayChannel); channelTemplate->SetGlobals(globals); ok = channelTemplate->ReadFromXML(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error reading displaychannel template, aborting"); DeleteTemplates(); return false; } channelTemplate->Translate(); menuTemplate = new cTemplate(vtDisplayMenu); menuTemplate->SetGlobals(globals); ok = menuTemplate->ReadFromXML(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error reading displaymenu template, aborting"); DeleteTemplates(); return false; } menuTemplate->Translate(); messageTemplate = new cTemplate(vtDisplayMessage); messageTemplate->SetGlobals(globals); ok = messageTemplate->ReadFromXML(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error reading displaymessage template, aborting"); DeleteTemplates(); return false; } messageTemplate->Translate(); replayTemplate = new cTemplate(vtDisplayReplay); replayTemplate->SetGlobals(globals); ok = replayTemplate->ReadFromXML(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error reading displayreplay template, aborting"); DeleteTemplates(); return false; } replayTemplate->Translate(); volumeTemplate = new cTemplate(vtDisplayVolume); volumeTemplate->SetGlobals(globals); ok = volumeTemplate->ReadFromXML(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error reading displayvolume template, aborting"); DeleteTemplates(); return false; } volumeTemplate->Translate(); audiotracksTemplate = new cTemplate(vtDisplayAudioTracks); audiotracksTemplate->SetGlobals(globals); ok = audiotracksTemplate->ReadFromXML(); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error reading displayaudiotracks template, aborting"); DeleteTemplates(); return false; } audiotracksTemplate->Translate(); config.InitPluginViewIterator(); map *plugViews = NULL; string plugName; while ( plugViews = config.GetPluginViews(plugName) ) { for (map ::iterator v = plugViews->begin(); v != plugViews->end(); v++) { int viewID = v->first; stringstream templateName; templateName << "plug-" << plugName << "-" << v->second.c_str(); cTemplate *plgTemplate = new cTemplate(vtDisplayPlugin, plugName, viewID); plgTemplate->SetGlobals(globals); ok = plgTemplate->ReadFromXML(templateName.str()); if (!ok) { esyslog("skindesigner: error reading plugin %s template", plugName.c_str()); delete plgTemplate; pluginTemplates.erase(plugName); break; } ok = plgTemplate->SetSubViews(plugName, viewID); if (!ok) { delete plgTemplate; pluginTemplates.erase(plugName); break; } plgTemplate->Translate(); map< string, map >::iterator hit = pluginTemplates.find(plugName); if (hit == pluginTemplates.end()) { map plugTemplates; plugTemplates.insert(pair(v->first, plgTemplate)); pluginTemplates.insert(pair >(plugName, plugTemplates)); } else { (hit->second).insert(pair(v->first, plgTemplate)); } } } dsyslog("skindesigner: templates successfully validated and parsed"); return true; } void cSkinDesigner::CacheTemplates(void) { channelTemplate->PreCache(); menuTemplate->PreCache(); messageTemplate->PreCache(); replayTemplate->PreCache(); volumeTemplate->PreCache(); audiotracksTemplate->PreCache(); for (map< string, map >::iterator plugs = pluginTemplates.begin(); plugs != pluginTemplates.end(); plugs++) { for (map ::iterator plugTplts = plugs->second.begin(); plugTplts != plugs->second.end(); plugTplts++) { (plugTplts->second)->PreCache(); } } dsyslog("skindesigner: templates cached"); fontManager->CacheFonts(channelTemplate); fontManager->CacheFonts(menuTemplate); fontManager->CacheFonts(messageTemplate); fontManager->CacheFonts(replayTemplate); fontManager->CacheFonts(volumeTemplate); fontManager->CacheFonts(audiotracksTemplate); dsyslog("skindesigner: fonts cached"); dsyslog("skindesigner: caching images..."); imgCache->Clear(); imgCache->SetPathes(); channelTemplate->CacheImages(); menuTemplate->CacheImages(); messageTemplate->CacheImages(); replayTemplate->CacheImages(); volumeTemplate->CacheImages(); audiotracksTemplate->CacheImages(); for (map< string, map >::iterator plugs = pluginTemplates.begin(); plugs != pluginTemplates.end(); plugs++) { for (map ::iterator plugTplts = plugs->second.begin(); plugTplts != plugs->second.end(); plugTplts++) { (plugTplts->second)->CacheImages(); } } imgCache->Debug(false); }