#include #include #include #include #include #include "imagecache.h" #include "../config.h" #include "helpers.h" cMutex cImageCache::mutex; string cImageCache::items[16] = { "Schedule", "Channels", "Timers", "Recordings", "Setup", "Commands", "OSD", "EPG", "DVB", "LNB", "CAM", "Recording", "Replay", "Miscellaneous", "Plugins", "Restart"}; cImageCache::cImageCache() { tempStaticLogo = NULL; } cImageCache::~cImageCache() { Clear(); if (tempStaticLogo) { delete tempStaticLogo; tempStaticLogo = NULL; } } void cImageCache::SetPathes(void) { string logoPathSkin = *cString::sprintf("%s%s/themes/%s/logos/", *config.skinPath, Setup.OSDSkin, Setup.OSDTheme); if (FolderExists(logoPathSkin)) { logoPath = logoPathSkin; } else { logoPath = *config.logoPath; } iconPath = *cString::sprintf("%s%s/themes/%s/", *config.skinPath, Setup.OSDSkin, Setup.OSDTheme); skinPartsPath = *cString::sprintf("%s%s/themes/%s/skinparts/", *config.skinPath, Setup.OSDSkin, Setup.OSDTheme); dsyslog("skindesigner: using channel logo path %s", logoPath.c_str()); dsyslog("skindesigner: using icon path %s", iconPath.c_str()); dsyslog("skindesigner: using skinparts path %s", skinPartsPath.c_str()); } void cImageCache::CacheLogo(int width, int height) { if (config.numLogosPerSizeInitial == 0) return; if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; int channelsCached = 0; for (const cChannel *channel = Channels.First(); channel; channel = Channels.Next(channel)) { if (channelsCached >= config.numLogosPerSizeInitial) break; if (channel->GroupSep()) { continue; } bool success = LoadLogo(channel); if (success) { channelsCached++; cImage *image = CreateImage(width, height); stringstream logoName; logoName << *channel->GetChannelID().ToString() << "_" << width << "x" << height; std::map::iterator hit = channelLogoCache.find(logoName.str()); if (hit != channelLogoCache.end()) { delete image; return; } channelLogoCache.insert(pair(logoName.str(), image)); } } } cImage *cImageCache::GetLogo(string channelID, int width, int height) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); stringstream logoName; logoName << channelID << "_" << width << "x" << height; std::map::iterator hit = channelLogoCache.find(logoName.str()); if (hit != channelLogoCache.end()) { return (cImage*)hit->second; } else { tChannelID chanID = tChannelID::FromString(channelID.c_str()); const cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(chanID); if (!channel) return NULL; bool success = LoadLogo(channel); if (success) { if (config.limitLogoCache && (channelLogoCache.size() >= config.numLogosMax)) { //logo cache is full, don't cache anymore if (tempStaticLogo) { delete tempStaticLogo; tempStaticLogo = NULL; } tempStaticLogo = CreateImage(width, height); return tempStaticLogo; } else { //add requested logo to cache cImage *image = CreateImage(width, height); channelLogoCache.insert(pair(logoName.str(), image)); hit = channelLogoCache.find(logoName.str()); if (hit != channelLogoCache.end()) { return (cImage*)hit->second; } } } } return NULL; } cImage *cImageCache::GetSeparatorLogo(string name, int width, int height) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); stringstream logoName; logoName << name << "_" << width << "x" << height; std::map::iterator hit = channelLogoCache.find(logoName.str()); if (hit != channelLogoCache.end()) { return (cImage*)hit->second; } else { bool success = LoadSeparatorLogo(name); if (success) { //add requested logo to cache cImage *image = CreateImage(width, height); channelLogoCache.insert(pair(logoName.str(), image)); hit = channelLogoCache.find(logoName.str()); if (hit != channelLogoCache.end()) { return (cImage*)hit->second; } } } return NULL; } bool cImageCache::LogoExists(string channelID) { tChannelID chanID = tChannelID::FromString(channelID.c_str()); const cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(chanID); if (!channel) return false; string logoLower = StrToLowerCase(channel->Name()); return (FileExists(logoPath.c_str(), logoLower, "svg") || FileExists(logoPath.c_str(), logoLower, "png") || FileExists(logoPath.c_str(), channelID, "svg") || FileExists(logoPath.c_str(), channelID, "png")); } bool cImageCache::SeparatorLogoExists(string name) { string separatorPath = *cString::sprintf("%sseparatorlogos/", logoPath.c_str()); string nameLower = StrToLowerCase(name.c_str()); return (FileExists(separatorPath, nameLower, "svg") || FileExists(separatorPath, nameLower, "png")); } void cImageCache::CacheIcon(eImageType type, string name, int width, int height) { if (width < 1 || width > 1920 || height < 1 || height > 1080) return; bool success = LoadIcon(type, name); if (!success) return; stringstream iconName; iconName << name << "_" << width << "x" << height; cImage *image = CreateImage(width, height, true); iconCache.insert(pair(iconName.str(), image)); } cImage *cImageCache::GetIcon(eImageType type, string name, int width, int height) { if (width < 1 || width > 1920 || height < 1 || height > 1080) return NULL; cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); stringstream iconName; iconName << name << "_" << width << "x" << height; map::iterator hit = iconCache.find(iconName.str()); if (hit != iconCache.end()) { return (cImage*)hit->second; } else { bool success = LoadIcon(type, name); if (!success) return NULL; cImage *image = CreateImage(width, height, true); iconCache.insert(pair(iconName.str(), image)); hit = iconCache.find(iconName.str()); if (hit != iconCache.end()) { return (cImage*)hit->second; } } return NULL; } string cImageCache::GetIconName(string label, eMenuCategory cat) { //if cat is set, use standard menu entries switch (cat) { case mcSchedule: case mcScheduleNow: case mcScheduleNext: case mcEvent: return "standardicons/Schedule"; case mcChannel: case mcChannelEdit: return "standardicons/Channels"; case mcTimer: case mcTimerEdit: return "standardicons/Timers"; case mcRecording: case mcRecordingInfo: case mcSetupRecord: case mcSetupReplay: return "standardicons/Recordings"; case mcPlugin: case mcPluginSetup: case mcSetupPlugins: return "standardicons/Plugins"; case mcSetup: return "standardicons/Setup"; case mcSetupOsd: return "standardicons/OSD"; case mcSetupEpg: return "standardicons/EPG"; case mcSetupDvb: return "standardicons/DVB"; case mcSetupLnb: return "standardicons/LNB"; case mcSetupCam: return "standardicons/CAM"; case mcSetupMisc: return "standardicons/Miscellaneous"; case mcCommand: return "standardicons/Commands"; } //check for standard menu entries for (int i=0; i<16; i++) { string s = trVDR(items[i].c_str()); if (s == label) { return *cString::sprintf("standardicons/%s", items[i].c_str()); } } //check for special main menu entries "stop recording", "stop replay" string stopRecording = skipspace(trVDR(" Stop recording ")); string stopReplay = skipspace(trVDR(" Stop replaying")); try { if (label.substr(0, stopRecording.size()) == stopRecording) { return "standardicons/StopRecording"; } if (label.substr(0, stopReplay.size()) == stopReplay) { return "standardicons/StopReplay"; } } catch (...) {} //check for Plugins for (int i = 0; ; i++) { cPlugin *p = cPluginManager::GetPlugin(i); if (p) { const char *mainMenuEntry = p->MainMenuEntry(); if (mainMenuEntry) { string plugMainEntry = mainMenuEntry; try { if (label.substr(0, plugMainEntry.size()) == plugMainEntry) { return *cString::sprintf("pluginicons/%s", p->Name()); } } catch (...) {} } } else break; } return *cString::sprintf("customicons/%s", label.c_str()); } void cImageCache::CacheSkinpart(string name, int width, int height) { if (width < 1 || width > 1920 || height < 1 || height > 1080) return; bool success = LoadSkinpart(name); if (!success) return; stringstream iconName; iconName << name << "_" << width << "x" << height; cImage *image = CreateImage(width, height, false); skinPartsCache.insert(pair(iconName.str(), image)); } cImage *cImageCache::GetSkinpart(string name, int width, int height) { if (width < 1 || width > 1920 || height < 1 || height > 1080) return NULL; cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); stringstream iconName; iconName << name << "_" << width << "x" << height; map::iterator hit = skinPartsCache.find(iconName.str()); if (hit != skinPartsCache.end()) { return (cImage*)hit->second; } else { bool success = LoadSkinpart(name); if (!success) return NULL; cImage *image = CreateImage(width, height, false); skinPartsCache.insert(pair(iconName.str(), image)); hit = skinPartsCache.find(iconName.str()); if (hit != skinPartsCache.end()) { return (cImage*)hit->second; } } return NULL; } bool cImageCache::LoadIcon(eImageType type, string name) { cString subdir(""); if (type == itMenuIcon) subdir = "menuicons"; else if (type == itIcon) subdir = "icons"; cString subIconPath = cString::sprintf("%s%s/", iconPath.c_str(), *subdir); if (FileExists(*subIconPath, name, "svg")) return LoadImage(*subIconPath, name, "svg"); else return LoadImage(*subIconPath, name, "png"); } bool cImageCache::LoadLogo(const cChannel *channel) { if (!channel) return false; string channelID = StrToLowerCase(*(channel->GetChannelID().ToString())); string logoLower = StrToLowerCase(channel->Name()); if (FileExists(logoPath.c_str(), channelID.c_str(), "svg")) return LoadImage(logoPath.c_str(), channelID.c_str(), "svg"); if (FileExists(logoPath.c_str(), channelID.c_str(), "png")) return LoadImage(logoPath.c_str(), channelID.c_str(), "png"); if (FileExists(logoPath.c_str(), logoLower.c_str(), "svg")) return LoadImage(logoPath.c_str(), logoLower.c_str(), "svg"); if (FileExists(logoPath.c_str(), logoLower.c_str(), "png")) return LoadImage(logoPath.c_str(), logoLower.c_str(), "png"); return false; } bool cImageCache::LoadSeparatorLogo(string name) { string separatorPath = *cString::sprintf("%sseparatorlogos/", logoPath.c_str()); string nameLower = StrToLowerCase(name.c_str()); if (FileExists(separatorPath, nameLower.c_str(), "svg")) return LoadImage(separatorPath, nameLower.c_str(), "svg"); else return LoadImage(separatorPath, nameLower.c_str(), "png"); } bool cImageCache::LoadSkinpart(string name) { if (FileExists(skinPartsPath.c_str(), name, "svg")) return LoadImage(skinPartsPath.c_str(), name, "svg"); else return LoadImage(skinPartsPath.c_str(), name, "png"); } void cImageCache::Clear(void) { for(map::const_iterator it = iconCache.begin(); it != iconCache.end(); it++) { cImage *img = (cImage*)it->second; delete img; } iconCache.clear(); for(map::const_iterator it = channelLogoCache.begin(); it != channelLogoCache.end(); it++) { cImage *img = (cImage*)it->second; delete img; } channelLogoCache.clear(); for(map::const_iterator it = skinPartsCache.begin(); it != skinPartsCache.end(); it++) { cImage *img = (cImage*)it->second; delete img; } skinPartsCache.clear(); } void cImageCache::Debug(bool full) { int sizeIconCache = 0; int numIcons = 0; GetIconCacheSize(numIcons, sizeIconCache); dsyslog("skindesigner: cached %d icons - size %d byte", numIcons, sizeIconCache); if (full) { for(std::map::const_iterator it = iconCache.begin(); it != iconCache.end(); it++) { string name = it->first; dsyslog("skindesigner: cached icon %s", name.c_str()); } } int sizeLogoCache = 0; int numLogos = 0; GetLogoCacheSize(numLogos, sizeLogoCache); dsyslog("skindesigner: cached %d logos - size %d byte", numLogos, sizeLogoCache); if (full) { for(std::map::const_iterator it = channelLogoCache.begin(); it != channelLogoCache.end(); it++) { string name = it->first; dsyslog("skindesigner: cached logo %s", name.c_str()); } } int sizeSkinpartCache = 0; int numSkinparts = 0; GetSkinpartsCacheSize(numSkinparts, sizeSkinpartCache); dsyslog("skindesigner: cached %d skinparts - size %d byte", numSkinparts, sizeSkinpartCache); if (full) { for(std::map::const_iterator it = skinPartsCache.begin(); it != skinPartsCache.end(); it++) { string name = it->first; dsyslog("skindesigner: cached skinpart %s", name.c_str()); } } } void cImageCache::GetIconCacheSize(int &num, int &size) { num = iconCache.size(); for (map::iterator icon = iconCache.begin(); icon != iconCache.end(); icon++) { cImage* img = icon->second; size += img->Width() * img->Height() * sizeof(tColor); } } void cImageCache::GetLogoCacheSize(int &num, int &size) { num = channelLogoCache.size(); for (map::iterator logo = channelLogoCache.begin(); logo != channelLogoCache.end(); logo++) { cImage* img = logo->second; size += img->Width() * img->Height() * sizeof(tColor); } } void cImageCache::GetSkinpartsCacheSize(int &num, int &size) { num = skinPartsCache.size(); for (map::iterator skinpart = skinPartsCache.begin(); skinpart != skinPartsCache.end(); skinpart++) { cImage* img = skinpart->second; size += img->Width() * img->Height() * sizeof(tColor); } }