#include #include "libcore/curlfuncs.h" #include "setup.h" // --- cInstallManager ----------------------------------------------------------- cInstallManager::cInstallManager(void) { installing = false; updating = false; runningInst = NULL; installationStart = 0; lastInstallDuration = -1; timeout = 120; //2 Minutes timeout currentSkin = ""; } cInstallManager::~cInstallManager(void) { } bool cInstallManager::StartInstallation(string skin) { runningInst = config.GetSkinRepo(skin); if (!runningInst) { return false; } installing = true; installationStart = cTimeMs::Now(); runningInst->Install(*config.installerSkinPath, config.vdrThemesPath); return true; } bool cInstallManager::StartUpdate(string skin) { runningInst = config.GetSkinRepo(skin); if (!runningInst || runningInst->Type() != rtGit) { return false; } updating = true; installationStart = cTimeMs::Now(); runningInst->Update(*config.installerSkinPath); return true; } bool cInstallManager::Finished(void) { if (!runningInst) return true; if (runningInst->InstallationFinished()) { installing = false; updating = false; return true; } return false; } bool cInstallManager::SuccessfullyInstalled(void) { if (!runningInst) return false; bool ok = runningInst->SuccessfullyInstalled(); runningInst = NULL; return ok; } bool cInstallManager::SuccessfullyUpdated(void) { if (!runningInst) return false; bool ok = runningInst->SuccessfullyUpdated(); runningInst = NULL; return ok; } int cInstallManager::Duration(void) { return (cTimeMs::Now() - installationStart) / 1000; } eOSState cInstallManager::ProcessInstallationStatus(void) { if (Installing()) { if (Finished()) { if (SuccessfullyInstalled()) { config.AddNewSkinRef(currentSkin); Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("Skin successfully installed")); } else { Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Skin NOT successfully installed")); } cCondWait::SleepMs(1000); return osEnd; } else { int duration = Duration(); if (duration > timeout) { Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Timeout")); cCondWait::SleepMs(1000); return osEnd; } else if (duration != lastInstallDuration) { Skins.Message(mtStatus, *cString::sprintf("%s (%d %s)...", tr("Installing Skin"), duration, tr("sec"))); lastInstallDuration = duration; } } } else if (Updating()) { if (Finished()) { if (SuccessfullyUpdated()) { Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("Skin successfully updated")); } else { Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("Skin already up to date")); } cCondWait::SleepMs(1000); return osEnd; } else { int duration = Duration(); if (duration > timeout) { Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Timeout")); cCondWait::SleepMs(1000); return osEnd; } else if (duration != lastInstallDuration) { Skins.Message(mtStatus, *cString::sprintf("%s (%d %s)...", tr("Updating Skin from Git"), duration, tr("sec"))); lastInstallDuration = duration; } } } return osContinue; } // --- cSkinDesignerSetup ----------------------------------------------------------- cSkinDesignerSetup::cSkinDesignerSetup() { numLogosPerSizeInitial = config.numLogosPerSizeInitial; limitLogoCache = config.limitLogoCache; numLogosMax = config.numLogosMax; debugImageLoading = config.debugImageLoading; rerunAmount = config.rerunAmount; rerunDistance = config.rerunDistance; rerunMaxChannel = config.rerunMaxChannel; blockFlush = config.blockFlush; framesPerSecond = config.framesPerSecond; menuDisplayStyle[0] = tr("after one another"); menuDisplayStyle[1] = tr("at one go"); Setup(); } cSkinDesignerSetup::~cSkinDesignerSetup(void) { config.setupCloseDoReload = true; } void cSkinDesignerSetup::Setup(void) { int current = Current(); Clear(); SkinSetup(); InstallSkins(); PluginSetup(); ImageCacheStatistics(); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); } eOSState cSkinDesignerSetup::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = ProcessInstallationStatus(); if (state == osEnd) return osEnd; bool hadSubMenu = HasSubMenu(); state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(Key); if (hadSubMenu && Key == kOk) { Store(); } if (!hadSubMenu && (Key == kOk || Key == kUp || Key == kDown || Key == kLeft || Key == kRight || Key == kRed || Key == kYellow)) { SetHelp(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); cOsdItem *current = Get(Current()); cSkinMenuItem *skinMenuItem = dynamic_cast(current); if (!skinMenuItem) return state; eItemType type = skinMenuItem->Type(); currentSkin = skinMenuItem->GetSkinName(); // KEY OK if ((Key == kOk)) { if (type == itSkinSetup) { state = AddSubMenu(new cSkindesignerSkinSetup(currentSkin, "")); } else if (type == itNoSkinSetup) { state = osContinue; } else if (type == itSkinRepo) { Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("Downloading Skin Screenshots...")); cSkindesignerSkinPreview *prev = new cSkindesignerSkinPreview(currentSkin); Skins.Message(mtStatus, NULL); state = AddSubMenu(prev); } } // Menu Moves if (Key == kUp || Key == kDown || Key == kLeft || Key == kRight) { if (type == itSkinRepo) { SetHelp(tr("Install Skin"), NULL, NULL, NULL); } else if (type == itSkinSetup || type == itNoSkinSetup) { cSkinRepo *repo = config.GetSkinRepo(currentSkin); if (repo) { if (repo->Type() == rtGit) SetHelp(tr("Update from Git"), NULL, tr("Delete Skin"), NULL); else SetHelp(NULL, NULL, tr("Delete Skin"), NULL); } } } // KEY RED if (Key == kRed) { if (type == itSkinRepo) { Skins.Message(mtStatus, *cString::sprintf("%s ...", tr("Installing Skin"))); StartInstallation(currentSkin); } else if (type == itSkinSetup || type == itNoSkinSetup) { bool gitAvailable = StartUpdate(currentSkin); if (gitAvailable) { Skins.Message(mtStatus, *cString::sprintf("%s ...", tr("Updating Skin from Git"))); } else { Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("No Git Repsoitory available")); } } } // KEY YELLOW if (Key == kYellow) { if (type == itSkinSetup || type == itNoSkinSetup) { if (config.SkinActive(currentSkin)) { Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Skin is running and can't be deleted")); } else if (Interface->Confirm(*cString::sprintf("%s?", tr("Really delete skin")))) { config.DeleteSkin(currentSkin); Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("Skin deleted")); cCondWait::SleepMs(1000); return osEnd; } state = osContinue; } } } return state; } void cSkinDesignerSetup::Store(void) { config.numLogosPerSizeInitial = numLogosPerSizeInitial; config.limitLogoCache = limitLogoCache; config.numLogosMax = numLogosMax; config.debugImageLoading = debugImageLoading; config.rerunAmount = rerunAmount; config.rerunDistance = rerunDistance; config.rerunMaxChannel = rerunMaxChannel; config.blockFlush = blockFlush; config.framesPerSecond = framesPerSecond; config.InitSetupIterator(); cSkinSetup *skinSetup = NULL; while (skinSetup = config.GetNextSkinSetup()) { string skin = skinSetup->GetSkin(); skinSetup->InitParameterIterator(); cSkinSetupParameter *param = NULL; while (param = skinSetup->GetNextParameter()) { cString paramName = cString::sprintf("%s.%s", skin.c_str(), param->name.c_str()); SetupStore(*paramName, param->value); config.UpdateSkinSetupParameter(*paramName, param->value); } } config.UpdateGlobals(); SetupStore("DebugImageLoading", debugImageLoading); SetupStore("LimitChannelLogoCache", limitLogoCache); SetupStore("NumberLogosInitially", numLogosPerSizeInitial); SetupStore("NumberLogosMax", numLogosMax); SetupStore("RerunAmount", rerunAmount); SetupStore("RerunDistance", rerunDistance); SetupStore("RerunMaxChannel", rerunMaxChannel); SetupStore("BlockFlush", blockFlush); SetupStore("FramesPerSecond", framesPerSecond); } cOsdItem *cSkinDesignerSetup::InfoItem(const char *label) { cOsdItem *item; item = new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("---------------- %s ----------------", tr(label))); item->SetSelectable(false); return item; } void cSkinDesignerSetup::PluginSetup(void) { Add(InfoItem(tr("Plugin Setup"))); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Menu Item display method"), &blockFlush, 2, menuDisplayStyle)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Frames per Second (fading and shifting)"), &framesPerSecond, 10, 100)); Add(InfoItem(tr("Reruns"))); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Maximum number of reruns to display"), &rerunAmount, 1, 100)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Minimum timely distance of rerun (in hours)"), &rerunDistance, 0, 1000)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Limit Channel Numbers"), &rerunMaxChannel, 0, 1000, tr("no limit"))); Add(InfoItem(tr("Image Loading"))); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Debug Image Loading"), &debugImageLoading)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Limit Channel Logo Cache"), &limitLogoCache)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Number to cache initially (per size)"), &numLogosPerSizeInitial, 0, 1000)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Number to cache in maximum"), &numLogosMax, 0, 1000)); } void cSkinDesignerSetup::ImageCacheStatistics(void) { if (!imgCache) { return; } Add(InfoItem(tr("Cache Statistics"))); int sizeIconCache = 0; int numIcons = 0; imgCache->GetIconCacheSize(numIcons, sizeIconCache); cString iconCacheInfo = cString::sprintf("%s %d %s - %s %d %s", tr("cached"), numIcons, tr("icons"), tr("size"), sizeIconCache, tr("byte")); Add(new cOsdItem(*iconCacheInfo)); cList::Last()->SetSelectable(false); int sizeLogoCache = 0; int numLogos = 0; imgCache->GetLogoCacheSize(numLogos, sizeLogoCache); cString logoCacheInfo = cString::sprintf("%s %d %s - %s %d %s", tr("cached"), numLogos, tr("logos"), tr("size"), sizeLogoCache, tr("byte")); Add(new cOsdItem(*logoCacheInfo)); cList::Last()->SetSelectable(false); int sizeSkinpartCache = 0; int numSkinparts = 0; imgCache->GetSkinpartsCacheSize(numSkinparts, sizeSkinpartCache); cString skinpartCacheInfo = cString::sprintf("%s %d %s - %s %d %s", tr("cached"), numSkinparts, tr("skinparts"), tr("size"), sizeSkinpartCache, tr("byte")); Add(new cOsdItem(*skinpartCacheInfo)); cList::Last()->SetSelectable(false); } void cSkinDesignerSetup::SkinSetup(void) { Add(InfoItem(tr("Skin Setup"))); config.InitSkinIterator(); string skin = ""; while (config.GetSkin(skin)) { cSkinSetup *skinSetup = config.GetSkinSetup(skin); if (!skinSetup) { Add(new cSkinMenuItem(skin.c_str(), *cString::sprintf("%s %s\t(%s)", tr("Skin"), skin.c_str(), tr("has no setup")), itNoSkinSetup)); } else { Add(new cSkinMenuItem(skin.c_str(), *cString::sprintf("%s %s", tr("Skin"), skin.c_str()), itSkinSetup)); } } } void cSkinDesignerSetup::InstallSkins(void) { Add(InfoItem(tr("Install new skins"))); config.InitSkinRepoIterator(); cSkinRepo *repo = NULL; while (repo = config.GetNextSkinRepo()) { if (config.SkinInstalled(repo->Name())) continue; Add(new cSkinMenuItem(repo->Name(), *cString::sprintf("%s %s", tr("Preview Skin"), repo->Name().c_str()), itSkinRepo)); } } // --- cSkinMenuItem ----------------------------------------------------------- cSkinMenuItem::cSkinMenuItem(string skinName, string displayText, eItemType type) : cOsdItem(displayText.c_str()) { this->skinName = skinName; this->type = type; } // --- cSkinSetupSubMenu ----------------------------------------------------------- cSkinSetupSubMenu::cSkinSetupSubMenu(string name, string displayText) : cOsdItem(displayText.c_str()) { this->name = name; } // --- cSkindesignerSkinSetup ----------------------------------------------------------- cSkindesignerSkinSetup::cSkindesignerSkinSetup(string skin, string name) : cOsdMenu(*cString::sprintf("%s: %s \"%s\" %s", trVDR("Setup"), tr("Skin"), skin.c_str(), name.c_str()), 30) { SetMenuCategory(mcPluginSetup); this->skin = skin; this->name = name; Set(); } cSkindesignerSkinSetup::~cSkindesignerSkinSetup() { } eOSState cSkindesignerSkinSetup::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = ProcessInstallationStatus(); if (state == osEnd) return osEnd; state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kOk: { cOsdItem *current = Get(Current()); cSkinSetupSubMenu *subMenuItem = dynamic_cast(current); if (subMenuItem) { state = AddSubMenu(new cSkindesignerSkinSetup(skin, subMenuItem->GetName())); break; } else { return osBack; } } case kRed: { bool gitAvailable = StartUpdate(skin); if (gitAvailable) { Skins.Message(mtStatus, *cString::sprintf("%s ...", tr("Updating Skin from Git"))); } else { Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("No Git Repsoitory available")); } break; } // KEY YELLOW case kYellow: { if (config.SkinActive(skin)) { Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Skin is running and can't be deleted")); } else if (Interface->Confirm(*cString::sprintf("%s?", tr("Really delete skin")))) { config.DeleteSkin(skin); Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("Skin deleted")); cCondWait::SleepMs(1000); return osEnd; } state = osContinue; break; } default: break; } } return state; } void cSkindesignerSkinSetup::Set(void) { cSkinSetupMenu *menu = config.GetSkinSetupMenu(skin, name); if (!menu) { return; } cSkinRepo *repo = config.GetSkinRepo(skin); if (repo) { if (repo->Type() == rtGit) SetHelp(tr("Update from Git"), NULL, tr("Delete Skin"), NULL); else SetHelp(NULL, NULL, tr("Delete Skin"), NULL); } menu->InitParameterIterator(); cSkinSetupParameter *param = NULL; while (param = menu->GetNextParameter(false)) { if (param->type == sptInt) { Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(param->displayText.c_str(), ¶m->value, param->min, param->max)); } else if (param->type == sptBool) { Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(param->displayText.c_str(), ¶m->value)); } } menu->InitSubmenuIterator(); cSkinSetupMenu *subMenu = NULL; while (subMenu = menu->GetNextSubMenu(false)) { Add(new cSkinSetupSubMenu(subMenu->GetName(), subMenu->GetDisplayText())); } } // --- cSkindesignerSkinPreview ----------------------------------------------------------- cSkindesignerSkinPreview::cSkindesignerSkinPreview(string skinName) : cSkindesignerOsdMenu(*cString::sprintf("%s: %s \"%s\"", trVDR("Preview"), tr("Skin"), skinName.c_str())) { currentSkin = skinName; SetPluginName("setup"); FirstCallCleared(); Set(); } cSkindesignerSkinPreview::~cSkindesignerSkinPreview() { } eOSState cSkindesignerSkinPreview::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = ProcessInstallationStatus(); if (state == osEnd) return osEnd; state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); switch (Key) { case kOk: case kBack: state = osBack; break; case kLeft: { TextKeyLeft(); state = osContinue; break; } case kRight: { TextKeyRight(); state = osContinue; break; } case kUp: { TextKeyUp(); state = osContinue; break; } case kDown: { TextKeyDown(); state = osContinue; break; } case kRed: { StartInstallation(currentSkin); state = osContinue; break; } default: break; } return state; } void cSkindesignerSkinPreview::Display(void) { SetHelp(tr("Install Skin"), NULL, NULL, NULL); skindesignerapi::cSkindesignerOsdMenu::Display(); } void cSkindesignerSkinPreview::Set(void) { SetPluginMenu(0, skindesignerapi::mtText); ClearTokens(); Clear(); cSkinRepo *skinRepo = config.GetSkinRepo(currentSkin); if (!skinRepo) { esyslog("skindesigner: no valid skin repository found for skin %s", currentSkin.c_str()); return; } AddStringToken("menuheader", *cString::sprintf("%s: %s \"%s\"", trVDR("Preview"), tr("Skin"), currentSkin.c_str())); AddStringToken("skinname", currentSkin); AddStringToken("author", skinRepo->Author()); stringstream plainText; plainText << *cString::sprintf("%s: %s \"%s\"", trVDR("Preview"), tr("Skin"), currentSkin.c_str()) << "\n\n"; plainText << tr("Author") << ": " << skinRepo->Author() << "\n"; plainText << tr("Used Fonts") << ": \n"; vector specialFonts = skinRepo->SpecialFonts(); for (vector::iterator it = specialFonts.begin(); it != specialFonts.end(); it++) { map usedFonts; usedFonts.insert(pair("fonts[name]", *it)); usedFonts.insert(pair("fonts[installed]", CheckFontInstalled(*it))); AddLoopToken("fonts", usedFonts); plainText << *it << "\n"; } plainText << tr("Supported Plugins") << ": \n"; vector supportedPlugins = skinRepo->SupportedPlugins(); for (vector::iterator it = supportedPlugins.begin(); it != supportedPlugins.end(); it++) { map plugins; plugins.insert(pair("plugins[name]", *it)); AddLoopToken("plugins", plugins); plainText << *it << "\n"; } SetText(plainText.str().c_str()); vector< pair < string, string > > screenshots = skinRepo->Screenshots(); int i = 0; for (vector< pair < string, string > >::iterator it = screenshots.begin(); it != screenshots.end(); it++) { string url = it->second; string imgType = ".jpg"; if (url.find(".png") != string::npos) imgType = ".png"; stringstream tempName; tempName << "/tmp/screenshot_" << currentSkin << "_" << i++ << imgType; dsyslog("skindesigner: download screenshot name %s url %s", tempName.str().c_str(), url.c_str()); CurlGetUrlFile(url.c_str(), tempName.str().c_str()); map img; img.insert(pair("screenshots[desc]", it->first)); img.insert(pair("screenshots[path]", tempName.str())); AddLoopToken("screenshots", img); } } string cSkindesignerSkinPreview::CheckFontInstalled(string fontName) { if (fontManager->FontInstalled(fontName)) return "1"; return "0"; }